It Comes In Three's

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Charlottes POV*

“Westerfield County? That’s an eight hour bus drive from here are you sure?” The man behind the bus station desk eyes me curiously.

I had tried my absolute best to clean myself up in the pit stop bathroom before I came here. But by the look on his face, I clearly didn’t do a very good job.

“Yeah I’m sure! My Grandmother is meeting me on the other end.” I flash him a false smile as I lie, causing him to nod slowly.

“Sure! Bus leaves in ten minutes… ten dollars for your ticket.” He concludes, as I fumble with the few notes that I thankfully had in my backpack before handing them over to him.

“Thanks!” I respond, taking the ticket from his hand and moving towards the number 78 bus parked in the bay.

F**k I can’t do this… they will find me!

I begin to sweat at the thought, climbing onto the large coach style bus, handing the driver my ticket as he stamps it. I move down the bus, about half way, before finding residence in a surprisingly comfy seat.

This drive is going to kill me… eight whole hours… but I guess it will be worth it to get away from here.

I had always considered leaving, and Westerfield County had always been an option of mine since it was known to have a great ‘close-knit’ welcoming community.

But where will I live? I’ll have to start over… find a job… maybe there will be a homeless shelter until I can get on my feet…

My mind races with anxious thoughts, as I swipe a falling tear from my face.

I literally stabbed Tommy… I did that…

I gulp at the memory, the one which had only occurred over an hour ago now… and here I was boarding a bus to leave here.

What if I killed him…

I close my eyes tightly, unable to think further on the outcome of my attack. Why the hell did I have to feel this guilty over defending myself! They have done the unspeakable to me over the years and the first time I fight back I’m leaving town on the run petrified!

I watched as an older couple boarded the bus, along with a man and his son. As they found their seats – thankfully keeping a fair distance from mine.

I wasn’t in the mood for chat or questions…

“We are leaving. We will make six stops on the way and should hopefully arrive in Westerfield around 2:30am.” The driver explains, as I gulp realising the time.

What will I do with myself at 2:30am… I doubt anywhere will even be open to take me in… maybe there’s a motel close to the town.

I decide to count out the money I have in my backpack, sighing heavily when the staggering total comes to twenty-three dollars.

“Having trouble missy?” I nearly jump out of my skin, turning to see another lady who had boarded the bus – who was passing me to find herself a seat.

“Oh uh… it’s nothing thanks… I forgot my purse and it’s too late to go home and get it!” I lie again, trying to explain why I seemed so overwhelmed and disheveled.

Nothing to do with my life long bully I just stabbed…

“Oh doll… is someone picking you up on the other end?” She presses on, deciding to take a seat diagonal from me – where I could still see her as she sat down.

“Yeah… my grandmother.” I nod, feeling the sweat build again with how nervous the woman’s basic questions made me.

“Oh good! Well in the meantime… take this.” She fumbles in her expensive looking purse, before fingering out a handful of notes.

“Oh please no, I’m ok! Thank you but I can’t accept your money!” I hold my hands up to flag her off, as the bus finally pulls out of the parking lot and onto the road. NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“I insist! I’m getting off at the stop before Westerfield to visit my sister… I brought far too much for the trip…” She laughs and waves me off, offering me the handful of notes again.

She doesn’t know that I’m not some sweet helpless little girl… I’m actually a brutal attacker as of tonight!

“I feel too bad…” I begin, before she cuts me off-

“Take it! Between me and you, when my husband died, I was left with too much money that I know what to do with! Just accept it and I’ll feel better about my day.” She offers me a genuine smile, reaching out further, as I hesitantly move towards her outstretched hand to take the notes.

Was this lady real… maybe an angel sent to help me out tonight…

“Thank you… you don’t know how much this will help.” I put the money into my backpack, forcing my grateful tears back as I smile over at her.

“Oh honey I can only imagine… I don’t know you’re story… but I could sense your sorrow the second I boarded this bus.” She speaks in a softer tone, as I nod slowly knowing that she already had her suspicions.

“Lola by the way!” Lola reaches her hand back suddenly to introduce herself, as I smile and shake her hand.

I can’t tell her my real name can I? What if the police put out a wanted ad and this woman phones to stick me in!

“Chiara!” I say the first name that comes to mind, as she nods and smiles – seeming to buy it.

“A beautiful name!” Lola compliments, as I shuffle awkwardly in my seat.

“Thank you!” I manage to choke out, as she rummages through her handbag and retrieves a large lunch box.

“Chicken fajita wraps are you hungry? I made loads!” Lola offers me the box, as I smile and nod – taking one instantly.

I hadn’t ate since lunch at school…

“You’re being too kind to me.” I compliment her, as she takes a wrap for herself and tucks in.

“Nonsense, a bus journey with a new friend is less boring right?!” Lola laughs, as I giggle with her, finding an overwhelming deal of comfort from her presence.

She was for sure going to make this trip a lot easier.

We eat the wraps in silence, as the bus driver turns on the high-tech televisions that hung from the ceilings and begins to play the Incredibles movie.

I enjoyed the soothing noise that filled the bus, thankful that it was also a light hearted family movie which I hoped would calm my nerves.

“Aw great! I love when the bus has these televisions! So high tech!” Lola comments with a laugh, as I nod in agreement.

“Yeah they are cool!” I state, as I sit back and attempt to relax – preparing myself for the long and fearful night ahead.

I pray that nobody back home finds me…

They are now just a part of my past…

I don’t regret what I done tonight but I also don’t enjoy it either…

I shake slightly, realising that if I hadn’t found the courage to stab Tommy tonight…

I would have most likely be dead by now.

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