It Comes In Three's

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

*Charlotte’s POV

I cringed at the sharp stinging pains in my legs which was a result of yesterdays brutal assault…

I glanced at myself one last time in the mirror, seeing my red puffy face moping back at me. My ash blonde hair sat in a loose braid, as I shifted my eyes to glance over my ‘first day back at school’ outfit choice.

For a girl who deep down loved anything and everything pink, all of my clothes were currently black and gothic. The choice was more so a comfort for me as I was convinced that the dull colours would help hide me from the outside world.

“Charlotte hurry it up!” I hear my mother roar from downstairs, informing me that it was now time to head to school…

I don’t know what’s worse, my horrendous summer with the three torturers or another year at the same school with them.

I sigh, throwing my head backwards, as I begin to move my legs towards the hallway to head downstairs – ignoring the fact that my brain was screaming at me to stop.

Each time that my dark oversized jeans would rub against my thighs I would bite back a groan of agony.

They had seriously took their little ‘blade game’ to a whole new level yesterday.

I trudged my way down the steps, seeing my mother – glammed up and seeming ready for the day – as she swings her car keys around her finger carelessly.

“I have a date with a policeman today so hurry it up!” She informs me, opening the door and gesturing for me to get out as I hold back an eye roll with every ounce of control I have left.

She’s going to give herself to a policeman today she means… after foolishly thinking that the guy actually likes her… I mean it’s no secret and the whole town knows that my Mother will sleep with anybody to get what she wants in life.

Another of the many reasons why they belittle me at school…

I walk out and towards our car, warily checking my surroundings outside as I do so.

All clear so far.

I climb in the passenger side, and wait a moment before my mother climbs into the drivers seat beside me – starting the car.

At this proximity I can smell the sweetness of her cheap perfume, as it lingers around in the air – choking me.

“Now I don’t want you home until after six… that’s when Dean starts work.” She snaps out, pointing her long acrylic finger at me before returning her eyes to the road.

“But school finishes at three and I’ll have lots of homework…” I try to lie, not wanting to stay out of the house any longer than necessary today.

“Go to a friends house and do it!” She grits, knowing herself that I don’t exactly have a list of friends to choose from.

The three boys made sure of that… any friend of mine would receive the same treatment that I get…

People avoided me like the plague in school, simply grateful that it wasn’t them being picked on.

“Is that clear?!” She snaps again, taking me out of my daze as I nod slowly.

“Crystal.” I whisper, as the rest of the drive remains silent.

When we finally turn up the road leading into the school grounds, my insides churn at the many familiar faces standing around outside – awaiting the first bell.

My mother pulls up front, and I instantly pale at the sight of Holden, leaning on his car beside two of the ‘popular’ cheerleaders as they both giggle and gush over him.

His gaze meets my car, as he flashes me a false smile when we pull up right beside them.

“Get out, I’m meeting Dean at 9!” She hisses, pulling down the small mirror to check her appearance briefly.

I sigh, not wanting to open the door to be faced with Holden, especially after yesterday, but know that if I don’t then my mother will cause a scene and make things worse for me.

I pull the handle back, climbing out of the vehicle…

“Morning Miss Woods! Looking hot today as always!” Holdens charming voice calls over instantly, causing my mother to giggle and wave him off with her hand.

“Have a good first day back Holden!” She sings out of the car, as I shut the door and cringe at the whole encounter.

It was all so false…

I speedily attempt to walk towards the main entrance of the school, wanting to make a quick escape from Holden.

I prayed that he would be too occupied in wooing the two cheerleaders that he wouldn’t have time for me this morning, but I am quickly mistaken as he rushes to catch up with me moments later.

“What’s the rush babe? I didn’t even think you would be able to walk this quick after what we did to you!” He chuckles, grabbing my shoulder to slow me down as I tense under his hold.

“I just… need to see the principle before nine so I’m kinda in a rush…” I lie, as he smirks down at me seeing right through my act.

“Well lucky for you, I’m more interested in getting my dick hard this morning than I am messing with your ugly ass.” He states, causing a couple of people nearby to giggle at his remark.

He was popular… the three of them were… and for whatever reason I didn’t know. Maybe everyone was just afraid of them like I was? It was the only explanation that made sense.

“O-Ok.” I all but manage to respond, as I turn to take a step away from him.

In that moment, he kicks the only foot I have still on the floor – causing me to fall forward and crash down on my left elbow.

“F**k!” I hiss instantly at the pain, causing Holden and everyone nearby to erupt with laughter.

“Now move and get out of my sight… you’re already ruining my f**king day!” Holden states, as I waste no time in scrambling to my feet and practically running into the school.

The sad thing is, I was thankful that things weren’t worse for me this morning… if the other two would’ve been with him, I don’t think I would’ve been so lucky.

I hurry down the familiar hallways that I hadn’t seen in several weeks, looking for my escape route.

I gratefully manage to avoid any sign of Jason and Tommy, as I make it to one of the quieter hallways – finding my safe space in the same abandoned classroom at the far end of the school.

I enter, locking the door behind me, as I allow myself a moment to catch my breath. This had been my safe space for two years now, ever since it had been used as a storage classroom for teachers.

I pull up my left jumper sleeve, hissing as the grazed skin detaches itself from the fabric. I pull my arm back, glancing over the large cut – seeing the red blood leaking out aggressively.

I move to the corner, pulling a tissue from the small sink before wetting it slightly to wipe at the mark. I grit my teeth, not enjoying the uncomfortable stinging, as I take a moment to look around the chaotic room.

The reason I liked it so much in here was one, because everybody forgot about this room and two, because it always had new things in it that all of the different departments would store in here for the year ahead.

Sometimes it would be art supplies, which I would guiltily borrow and take home with me, and other times it was different drama props and science experiments.

I approach the first box, noticing a large warning label on the outside, as my curiosity gets the better of me and I gravitate towards it.

Deciding that my cut was clean enough, I toss the wet tissue into a waste bin, and pull the box open to check its contents.

I gasp slightly, seeing that the box was filled with a lot of tools – probably needed for a design or woodwork class.

I lift up the heavy objects – admiring them one by one warily. There was some chisels, a small rugged saw, lots of scissors and a small yet sharp knife.

I hold the knife and grip the handle tightly before I mockingly wave it around, pretending to use it like an assassin.

A part of me wished that I could protect myself from the three boys, and I wished I could be as confident as they are with a weapon… but I just didn’t have it in me.


Maybe I could pretend that I’m going to use the knife on them? Maybe they would realise they had gone too far with me? They would think that I was finally willing to fight back! Maybe they would back off and think that I had finally lost my mind?! Exclusive content © by Nô(v)el/Dr/ama.Org.

I sigh, knowing that nothing would ever put them off torturing me. They enjoyed it too much.

Maybe though, I’ll just put the knife in my backpack… as a backup option…

I weigh the pros and cons, before the nine o’clock bell suddenly rings throughout the halls – signalling the start of my first class – Math.

Let’s just wish that the rest of my day goes smoothly…

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