I’m Dedicated To You


The wedding hall was filled with laughter and pleasantries as they all went about socializing since the main event had not started yet.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“What’s wrong Man?” Frederick walked towards Bradley seeing that the man was fidgeting and he was not really himself. Bradley looked at Frederick and he wondered if he should tell his friend his worry and he agreed on it.

There was no harm in letting his friend know how scared he was at the moment.

“What if she doesn’t come and decides to bail out?” Bradley asked and Frederick was surprised to hear what he said. “Don’t you trust her?” Frederick asked and Bradley sighed.

“The problem is me, I don’t trust me what if the past few days I have been a nuisance to her and she has a change of mind you know we planned the wedding in a rush,” Bradley says and Frederick nods his head in agreement.

“But I don’t think that’s…” Frederick was saying but cars trooping into the church were able to calm him down. “The Carters are here,” Frederick says and people in different age ranges reeking of money started feeling out of the car, and after some time Georgina’s Aunt also came out.

“Look who is here, it’s the groom,” she says and Bradley smiles awkwardly at her. “Are you nervous? You better be because if you do not take care of my daughter well I am going to come for you,” she threatened and Frederick, who was beside Bradley felt more threatened.

“Don’t worry ma’am you have my words,” Bradley affirmed and the woman smiled. “Hmm that sounds assuring,” she says and she walks towards the door after urging Bradley to go into the church where the bride was around even though Bradley was tempted to have a glimpse.

Inside the bride’s waiting room, Georgina was seen holding onto something, and Victoria, who was all dressed in a purple cocktail dress, walked up to her.

“Get ready Georgina you will be getting called to the hall soon,” Victoria says and Georgina nods her head.

“Are you sure you invited everyone, Tori? Because it feels like some people are supposed to get here but they are not or am I thinking too much?” Georgina says but Victoria doesn’t say anything but only smiles.

Her subconscious still remembers.

After Douglas welcomed the guests to the wedding he went straight into telling them their purpose of being there and after some time he urged the wife to come out.

The door to the door opened and the bride maids were the first to come out and after was the chef’s bridesmaid which was Victoria.

“I envy you bro I was supposed to be here too asking that girl to be my wife but…” Douglas says trailing off. “Then ask her,” Bradley says, shooing him away as he looks forward to his bride, and at the sight of Georgina Bradley loses his senses.

Bradley watched as Georgina walked down the aisle alone dazzling in her bridal gown and he could see why most men were not afraid to swear that it was better or worse.

They must have been sure that they wanted to spend the rest of their lives with the woman.

She looked so gorgeous that he was starting to think that he didn’t deserve her.

Georgina got in front of Bradley but the man was still lost in thought. “Hey, are you having a change of mind now? Did you not want to marry again?” Georgina whispered and that jolted Bradley out of his thoughts..

“Never,” he declared and he took Georgina’s hands gently in his and they both faced the priest. “By the way, you look really breathtaking,” Bradley whispered and Georgina blushed heavily and their interaction got the priest confused.

“You look dashing too,” Georgina returned the compliment but it was really the truth.

The priest clears his throat to let the whispering couple know that he was starting with the wedding officiation.

The priest urged the couple to say their vows.

“From the first time I met you…..,” Georgina was saying but she stopped and she looked directly into Bradley’s eyes. “Scratch that I don’t even remember the first time I met you, and there is also a probability that I might also forget all this in the long run,” Georgina says taking a deep breath and her voice was crystal clear reaching everyone in the room since the people’s attention was only on them at the moment.

“I don’t even remember the past you always talk about because to me the present is all I have but I am choosing that present to be with you so please…. bear with me,” Georgina says with a low voice but Bradley quickly holds her face telling that all is well.

“I don’t care about memories or anything…. all I care about is you,” Bradley assured and the crowd cooed in excitement.

“Are you guys still exchanging vows?” The priest is already getting a red nose because of the couple’s sweetness.

“Even though I am going to go to so many places I would make sure that you are the home that I return to,” Bradley says in assurance cleaning Georgina’s tears and the lady nods her head. “I have seen so many faces but you are the best I have seen,” Georgina says and the people at the church burst into laughter clearing out the awkwardness.

The priest, having had enough of the couple’s chumminess, decided to officiate the wedding. The couple was giving rings to exchange and Georgina could say it fits her perfectly.

“Now let’s humbly invoke God’s blessing upon this bride and groom, that in his kindness he may favor with his help those whom he has bestowed the sacrament of matrimony,” the priest says and he looks at the couple.

“In the sight of God and these witnesses I pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride,” he announced and Bradley dragged Georgina to his body.

“Don’t chug out her lips though!” Douglas yelled from the crowd and the crowd burst into another laughter at the young’s man random joke.

“You are finally my wife, wifey,” Bradley says caressing Georgina’s lips and the lady smiles. “Yes, I’m Dedicated To You,” Georgina says and Bradley crashes his lips on her immediately which earns a cheer from the crowd.

The couple was so entangled in themselves for several minutes that someone had to cover their faces not wanting to witness the scene of the couple doing the bedroom’s activity in front of them.

“That’s enough this is not an X-rated show!” Frederick yelled and that got the couple to disengage from each other and the people joked at their intimate behavior. “Looks like we should be expecting little Hale running around soon,” the people joked and they all shared a laugh.

“And what did you think about us making this happen next month,” Douglas whispered to Victoria’s ear and the lady got shy. “What did you mean? You are useless and have nothing to offer,” Victoria argued, and Douglas snickers.

“Yeah that is more reason you should marry me I am your useless puppet so you can remodel me into what you like,” he whispered softly caressing Victoria’s waist and the lady blushed heavily.

“Is this a proposal?” Victoria asked. “If yes would you accept?” Douglas asked. “Hmm I like remodeling things to my taste so…deal,” Victoria says and kisses Douglas on his lips, making the people beside them coo in excitement for them.

The cheers went for Douglas and Victoria too and Georgina was happy for her friend.

“So, wifey what did you think?” Bradley asked whispering into Georgina’s ear and the lady got ticklish by it. “What did you mean?” Georgina asked.

“Making little Georgina tonight,” Bradley whispered sexily and Georgina’s ear burned to hear that and she slapped the man’s arm in shyness as she faced the crowd with heart in full.

Yes, this was all she wanted. To be with the one she wants and the one who wants her. She does not know if her ending would have been perfect if she had her memory but definitely also likes her current ending. It was peaceful.


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