I Rejected You, Alpha

Chapter 110


Since we rescued those kids many years ago, I started a charity event, inviting every pack’s alpha and luna, even their beta’s and we’d all come together, bringing something exquisite to donate and then the rest bid on it to make money. I don’t bring anything since Aiden and I donate the money to put it all together.

We pay for the venue, the food and drinks, the staff that serves us, the music and I do the invitations with the help of a designer so that it matches each year’s theme.

It’s not the same theme each year, this year, we are doing nightclub theme and everyone could dress how they like, but the men mostly show up in suits, because they claim the gambling life is also nightclub and it is true.

Nightclub isn’t just drinking and dancing, it’s everything you could think off.

Gambling, card playing, dares, drinks, dancing, raving. Hell, I don’t even know what to expect from these people. I on the other hand am wearing a sparkling silver gown as the hostess. I don’t party like the rest of them, I will only be having one or two drinks and the rest is juice or water.

I get too fun when I’m drunk, also loud and I don’t want that.

We get there at seven thirty and the rest shows up at eight, “Goodluck.” Aiden k****s the side of my head before he and Stefan walk over to the bar, ‘making sure it’s set up right’, but in reality they are just going to plop down onto the seats and have a drink while Rosie and I run around and make sure everything arrived for the auction part.

“You do the check list of pieces and I will make sure the staff is ready.” I point both my index fingers at her and she nods.

I giggle in the inside, because every moment with my best friend is something else. It just felt like we’re on a mission that’s life or death, but in reality, we’re hosting a big party.

After making sure the servants are dressed correctly and that the food is already prepped and being cooked, I breathe in relief before making sure every party decoration is perfect and then the tables and centre pieces are good to go.

When I’m done, I find Rosie standing in front of several glass storage boxes, checking off a list as she goes.

“Everything here?” I ask, my eyes glancing over a hundred objects, “Still looking.” she mumbles, her eyes fixed on the paper and on the pieces.

“Well let me know.” I glance at her before walking to find Aiden downing his drink. I silently approach him and Stefan from behind, crossing my arms before clearing my throat. The guilt on my mate’s face when he spins around and stares at me is ridiculous, “We’ve been caught.” Aiden murmurs, chuckling a little. “Yes, you have. Your punishment is to dance with me later.” I keep my chin up as I jokingly demand and he sighs, “Oh, if I have to.” he jokingly sounds upset and I giggle before walking over to him. I stand in between his thighs as his arms snake around me, “Please don’t drink the bar empty and quit it when it’s five minutes before eight because it really would be embarrassing to greet out guests with you smelling like a bar.” I scrunch up my nose, smiling and he rolls his eyes, “Yes, hostess.” he sighs. “You too.” I turn to Stefan and he chokes on his drink, glancing at me with wide eyes, “Why do I have to greet them?” he asks confused, “You don’t have to, but you have to stop drinking too, moral support and all that.” I shrug, giving Aiden a knowing look.

“Enjoy.” I deadpan before they could argue and I head back to Rosie, “Everything is here.” she hands me the clipboard and I nod, “Thanks.”

As people start rolling in, in their limo’s and fancy cars, Aiden and I stand on the inside of the door, greeting each single guest and their partner with a shake of a hand and a smile, making small talk and silently judging the dresses and outfits of luna’s and beta’s coming in.

Rosie and I will be laughing at this much later.

Even though some wear little, every single person still looks beyond gorgeous and elegant, some look slutty, but elegantly.

It’s very overwhelming but the fact that they are taking part in this event means everything.

After nine pm, everyone was already here, the music got a little bit louder, most people were sitting down at their tables while talking, others were grabbing drinks and the line for the bidding boards sign up sheet is almost done.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

I drink a cocktail of my own with Rosie while I sit at our table right in front of the stage, closest to the stairs while we elegantly mind link and laugh while talking about outfits.

Some women, older women, are here in their two piece outfits, but even though they are in their forties, they rock the outfits.

“I want to look that good when I’m that old.” I sigh as my laughing slowly dials down a bit, “You definitely will.” Rosie grins while sipping through her straw.

“You think so?” I ask, feeling a little bit insecure. I have gained a little weight over the years, but nothing too much that I don’t fit or look good in my clothes. I barely buy clothes unless I need it because every dime we have that we don’t need all goes into savings accounts for our children.

“Definitely, we’ll be the elders some day. We’ll be the crazy ladies.” She teases and I laugh along as a joke, but sometimes I do think that.

“It’s time.” Aiden comes over, sitting down and I start to feel really red. I always freak myself out before talking to big groups of people and then when I start, I just calm down because it’s not that scary. I don’t know why I do this to myself.

“Okay.” I blow out a breath and down my drink, which makes me feel even more flushed than what I actually am before walking up the stairs. I stop in front of the mic stand, tapping the mic and it makes a loud noise through the speakers. I giggle, smiling as the room falls silent and looks at me, “It’s good to know this is working.” I joke and everyone laughs, but every time, every year, it feels like they are obligated to laugh. I smile and grab the mic with one hand, my fingers firmly gripping it. “First of all, thank you all for coming.” I take my time to glance over everyone, making eye contact here and there, “Second off all, I want to thank my best friend, Rosie, who helped me plan, like she does every year.” our eyes lock and the glint in her eyes makes my heart swell. “Third off, thank you for the decorators, the staff working tonights, the donations from each and every one of you and the musicians.” I beam, “None of this would be possible without you, so thank you.” I start to clap beside me and everyone joins in.

The clapping settles down, “Now we’re going to start our main meal and then dessert and then why everyone came, the auction before the real party starts.” I beam, “So if everyone could take their seats after getting theirs drinks that would be appreciated since it is a lot of waiters coming out and we don’t want any accidents. Thanks.” I smile and walk off.

My heart is thudding against my chest as it beats faster and faster.

As I sit down in between Aiden and Rosie, Aiden takes my hand, lifting it to his lips and gently k****s my knuckles, “You look beautiful with the spotlight on you.” he whispers as he leans in and I could feel myself blush.

My entire face feels red as I smile at him, “Thank you.” I mutter and he sits closer, draping his arm on the back railing of my chair, “You know…” he inches closer, “If you weren’t my mate, I’d sure steal you. That’s how beautiful you are, I’m obsessed with your beauty.” he whispers, but we’re surrounded by wolves with supernatural hearing and I’m sure it wasn’t just me who heard.

“Psycho.” Stefan snorts, “I think it’s sweet.” Rosie raises a brow at her mate, “Of course you do my love, because you too, are a little psycho.” he leans in, staring at her with loving eyes. “Only for you though.” she leans into his embrace and they k**s, nothing rough, but something soft, sweet and meaningful.

“You two are going to make me gag.” Aiden comments and I slap him, laughing, “Just because he’s your best friend does not mean it’s not sweet.” I giggle and he tilts his head back, chuckling, “Whatever you say.”

We’re interrupted with our meal and we dig into it. The meal is approximately twenty minutes long max before the dessert comes and it’s ice cream, home made chocolate sauce and a piece of apple pie.

After the dessert is done and the waiters collect the plates, everybody starts to mingle again and I give them another ten minutes before Rosie and I head up to the stage.

Every piece we auction off is brought out one by one and it flies fast. All I see is panels going up and the man reading the numbers goes faster and faster. I think the smallest amount was about five thousand dollars and that was for an antique hair pin.

The auction is over and the party begins while the buyers claim their purchases or schedule for delivery.

It’s already midnight when Aiden and I dance on the floor to the first and only slow song that is playing tonight.

Aiden’s hands firmly roam my body while he longingly stares down into my eyes with a lazy, loving grin. His eyes are bright with adoration and I stare back at him while my heart is exploding. We haven’t danced like this in months and I had forgotten how it felt.

“I love you, my Queen.” he mutters, inching closer before nudging his nose against mine. “And I love you, my King.” I beam, feeling silly that we’re calling each other that.

King and Queen is reserved for the rest of the supernatural world, but I guess that includes us. He is my King, my loyal partner and the love of my long life.

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