I Claim Your Love

Chapter 25: Make A Wish

Chapter 25: Make A Wish

After the episode in the Alpha's office, Callan was taken to a nearby room to help him ease his anger.

His face was red and all he could think of was rage, animosity and disgust for Einar. He huffed every

now and then before slamming his fist down on a table. The sudden action caught off guard Justus and

Peter. Both of them stared at each other and then looked at the distraught state of Callan. Peter

courageously stepped forward and held Callan's arm to make him sit on a chair.

"Listen here Callan, I know you are angry but you have to calm yourself."

Callan lifted his head to look at the former beta. "Why is it always me? Why does he hate me so much?

I did nothing as such to ire him back in the office. I wished to be a part of the trials because it was my

right. I wish to mate Viola because we chose each other. Where have I gone wrong?"

Peter looked at a distressed Justus and nodded at him when Justus was about to coerce his son,

assuring him that he would handle the upset boy. He sighed and sat near Callan "I know son that in

your mind you feel what you are doing is correct. But a request to demand a chosen mate has to be

done by a wolf. Moreover Viola has not found her mate, that doesn't mean he is not alive."

"But we are two consenting adults. Shouldn't our wish be given consideration." Callan tried to reason.

"Yes it should but only when both the parties have a deceased mate."

Indeed the law stated that only a wolf whose mate had died can put forth his plea to find a chosen

mate. Viola never mentioned about her mate in the past few years because she had visited many a

packs but always returned empty handed. On the other hand people who had visited the blue moon

pack did not strike a chord with the lady. Thus she assumed that either her mate was not a wolf or he

was dead. "No one claimed her. Maybe her mate is no more." He looked at Peter with his eyes full of


"Did she feel that? Did she feel the death of her mate?" Callan was dumbfounded on that question.

"Mark my words Callan; it doesn't end well! Your father did told me about the relationship of you both.

Lets just say that I am disappointed in you."

"But why?"

Peter sighed and kneeled in front of Callan. "We as animals are very possessive of our mates Callan.

For us meeting our other half is the most blessed moment of our life. To cherish this union, both the

wolves gift each other the most sacred thing they posses- their purity. If however one partner was

involved even in the act of kissing someone else, the other partner may go insanely deranged and

loose his senses. It will be the biggest betrayal of his life. He may become unstable and his mentally ill

behaviour may cost the pack greatly."


"I know you haven't thought about any of it when you established a physical relationship with her but

indulging in intimate contacts with other wolves is a crime and the werewolves law clearly states severe

punishments for such acts. So know this much son, Einar was a bit harsh back in the office but he

wasn't wrong and you should apologise to him."

Callan hunched in his position as his head lowered and his eyes filled in the tears.

This meant that Callan had to let go of Viola. Even if her mate was dead she could not choose him

because he himself was not blessed with one, so his mate being dead was out of question which

eventually meant that he could not put forward a request. It also emotionally weakened him because

now his greatest fear was coming alive. He would be left with no one to love; no one to cherish; no one

to spend the rest of his life with. He had lived a lonely life all throughout which was already affecting

him deeply.

He thought that he would have a chance at a mate but that was shattered when his father squashed

any hopes of him having one. He thought that he would live a life with his chosen mate but he was

once again robbed of the privilege. If he choses love from outside than he had to leave the pack and if

he decided to stay than he had to endure the depression for being alone his entire life!

Fate had always prejudiced him and his love life was nothing more but a mockery. None of his previous

relationships sustained. He had always failed in love.

These thoughts broke him down completely as his legs shivered and he kneeled besides the beta to

tightly hug him. "This is my only chance at happiness; my only chance at life! I cannot mate any other

shifter because the pack hardly accepts me how will they accept my mate. Why am I to suffer this

lonely life? Can I never have someone to love me!? Someone who I can love back. Someone to bear

my children."

Callan was a crying mess. His shoulders hunched while his tear drops soaked Peter completely. The

former beta himself was having a hard time witnessing a wretched Callan. Justus was hardly having it

as he could no longer see the state his son was in. He cursed his fate and also the Luna for making his

only son go through so many trials and tribulations in his life. He gulped his own sorrow and lend a

comforting hand on Callan's shoulder. "The luna has plans for everyone my son. Besides we are here

and we love you immensely."


On the request of his father Callan unwilling marched his steps to Einar's place. The situation which

occurred back at the Alpha's place shouldn't have had arised in the first place. He knew Einar was right

but he knew he was not wrong either. Nonetheless he was binded by the laws and whatever the reason

maybe, inciting an Alpha was disrespectful. He could have been severely punished or even banished

by the pack. If he did not wished for matters to escalate he knew that he should apologise to Einar as

soon as possible.

He entered the large mahogany doors and climbed the stairways to reach Einar's room. He saw the

door open and stood parallel to it. He was about to knock when he heard Einar saying "Its the beasts. I

don't love my mate but they do." Callan's eyes narrowed as his hand was left hanging mid air in act of

knocking. He froze to his spot as his mouth lay open and he gazed at both of them intently.

Einar caught hold of the faint alluring scent of his mate and his feet turned his body on itself. He was

glued to the spot while his brain just stopped working. Every part of him paused while his thoughts

were put on a break. He slowly retreated his steps back and placed one hand on Garrick's shoulder.

With utter desperation he linked his best friend

What do we do? Say something Garrick.

Garrick himself was so astonished to see the person on the door that he forgot to breathe for a

moment. When his friend linked him, he stuttered but reluctantly forced his body to maintain a tough


"It is impolite to intrude Ashton. What reason brings you here?"

Callan unconsciously shifted his gaze from Einar to the voice of Garrick "Uh.. I-I needed to speak with

the Alpha."

Einar just gulped as his ability to form words vanished.

Do something Garrick. Make him go, I cannot face him now.

Garrick quaffed and cleared his throat. "Whatever it is Ashton, I know it can wait. We are in the middle

of something important, you can visit some other time."

By the looks of it, Callan knew that the friends were discussing something personal to them. But what

he heard kept replaying itself in his mind. He realized it was better to leave now and come back later as

he did not wanted to ire Einar more than he already was. He slowly lowered his eyes, nodded his head

and turned his back to leave.

Both the friends heaved a sigh of relief. "That was close. Do you think he heard something?" Garrick

asked curiously.

"I don't know Garrick. I don't know." Einar whispered in apprehension while his eyes were glued to the

entrance door.


Callan stepped out of his house in merriment. He wore knee long shoes, black trousers and his favorite

white shirt. The past few days had been emotionally draining for him. Viola was unwillingly sent to

foreign packs beyond the sea to have her chance of finding her true mate. She reluctantly left the pack

with a heavy heart leaving Callan emotionally devastated. He kept himself locked for a few days but

with some encouragement and love from his parents he was ready for a comeback.

Up until yesterday his mood had been slightly dull and dry but today his mood had been rather uplifted.

He walked his feet for a long time before stepping on a small path. The small path than widened into a

multicoloured sea shore where rocks big enough like boulders to small grains were present. Beyond

the rocks lay a beautifully still lake which mirrored the sky. Hovering above the sky was his companion-

the raven which flapped its wings in circulation of the water body as if inspecting the area.

At a casual distance near one such rock laid a lady with her back stick to the ground and legs crossed.

Her head laid on a small rock comfortable enough to support her shoulders while her hands were

crossed across her chest. From the high surface of the land she watched a buff muscular man inside

the lake waters trying his best to balance his position. The man jerked his head in Callan's position and

he waved at him cheerfully.

Callan than approached the lady and embraced her with a kiss on her forehead. "Am I late?" He asked

the lady.

"Rather we are here early." She pointed to the man who was making his way to the surface "This idiot

showed up at my door early before sunrise and spoiled my beauty sleep only to ask me what I wanted

to eat."

Callan chuckled. "What did you say?"

"I gave him a long list of options and here we are." Fayette arched her back and stretched her hands to

sway away the lazy bones. She than sat upright with her back supported by the rock.

Callan moved his head around before saying "But I don't see any food."

"Oh cause supposedly we were about to eat fish today which by the way was not even on the list." She

stretched her lips and rapidly blinked her eyes at Archer who had just appeared behind Callan.

"Hey! don't just blame me. Callan likes to eat fish too." Archer said with a raised brow before splashing

all his catch in the basket ahead of him.

Callan just shook his head and chuckled at the typical behaviour of Archer. "Let us worry about the

food later. How about we go ahead with the procedure."

Both the friends nodded in agreement and held each others hands before stepping their feet in water.

Fayette gave a coin each to the men and held one tightly in her palms. All the three friends held the

coin close to their mouth, brushed it with their lips and muttered something. After a while, each of them

took few steps back and threw the coins in the water at a faraway distance with all their might. They

smiled at each other and marched to return to their favored spot.

On their way back, Archer just stopped Callan by his shoulder and moved closer to his ear before

whispering. "The mutt is watching is."

Callan just smiled and whispered back "I know."

In fact Callan saw Garrick hiding behind a large tree when he was arriving at the lake. Garrick was

smoldered by Fayette and he grinned watching her every movement. Callan had known since long that

Garrick had been following her wherever she went so it was not surprising for him to see him here. He

pretended to not have seen him and went on his way.

Archer was not having it. He never liked any of the wolves from Callan's pack since they misbehaved

with his best friend. Therefore Garrick's presence was only annoying him at the moment. "This is

creeping me out. Is he following us? Is he on a secret mission or something? Is he here to watch you?"

Archer flared his nostrils. "Is he troubling you? If that is so let me handle him."

Callan suddenly jerked back and held Archer's hand. "No! He is not here for us."

"Then who? Me?" he scoffed "Is he out of his mind? Ill thrash him with just my punch." He raised his fist

and smacked it to the other hand palm.

Callan sighed "Get a hold of yourself. He is here neither for you nor me. He is here for his mate."

"Who?" Archer asked in his own trance but gasped when he saw Garrick's line of sight directed at

Fayette who sat near the boulder trying to make a fire. In that very instant while rubbing two stones

against each other, one of her fingers came in between the rocks and she hurt herself.

"Ahh.." The rocks fell down and she swayed her hand as blood started dripping from the injured finger.

Not caring of the consequences Garrick paced his feet from the hiding and reached the lady in no time.

He kneeled before her and took her injured hand in his own. He looked conflicted for a moment but

quickly put her injured finger in his mouth and licked all the blood.

Callan, Archer and especially Fayette were flabbergasted by the whole scenario. Fayette was so

caught up in the moment that she failed to register that she was injured. She quickly recollected herself

and prised her hand with force as if securing something precious to her. She stared at him with wide

eyes and opened her mouth to curse him when Callan and Archer showed up.

"Are you all right." Archer took her hand in his own to examine her. This gesture infuriated Garrick and

he growled.

"What is with you mutt." Archer spewed at Garrick before Callan elbowed him. Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

Garrick was ready with his nasty comeback but he held his breath when Fayette spoke. "How dare you

take my hand. Who gave you the right to touch me." She retorted to Garrick.

Garrick on the other hand was bewildered with the sudden outburst of the lady and he meekly replied.

"I-I was trying to help."

"And how did you help me exactly."

Callan just cleared his throat to gain Fayette's attention. He gestured her to look at her hands. When

her eyes fell on her palms she was astonished to see that the once injured and bloody finger was

completely healed. She frequently flickered her eyes between Garrick and her hand. She whispered

slowly as if talking to herself. "How is this possible!"

Garrick smiled at her and opened his mouth to explain when Callan interjected. "It is a wolf thing."

Garrick just narrowed his eyes at him and tried to defy him but Callan just made his eyes bigger and

shook his head slowly as if warning Garrick to not say anything. He than looked at a bewildered

Fayette and said. "I think Garrick should stay with us for a meal as a gesture for his deed. This is the

least we could do to return the favor. Don't you think Archer."

Archer's mouth lay hung open and with a distaste he replied "Hell no! This mutt...ow" he was elbowed

by an intently staring Callan. Archer than faked his smile and said. "W-Why not. Be our guest mutt."

Archer said through his gritted teeth.

"So it is settled than." Callan clasped his hand. "Archer why don't you help Fayette with the setup while

me and Garrick collect some extra wood."

Callan motioned the wolf to follow him. Garrick hesitatingly shadowed him for a distance before uttering

"I am not out here to have meal with you Ashton. I am here to stake my claim. I don't know if you

realise this but the girl is.."

"Your mate."

Garrick was taken aback "I was about to say that she is mine but you are not completely wrong." He

narrowed his eyes "How did you know? Are you putting your nose in our personal lives now Ashton?"

"Believe me; I have known for a long time now." Callan chuckled but Garrick did not seem to buy it. "I

have been reading the signs you know." Callan than jumped in front of Garrick as their steps halted and

he grimly looked at the wolf "But as a pack member and a good friend I would suggest you to refrain

yourself from telling her the truth."

Garrick loudly growled and grabbed Callan by his collar. "Are you suggesting that I stay away from my

own mate. What are your intentions Ashton?"

Callan sighed deeply "Calm yourself and please listen to me." He carefully removed Garrick's hands

from his neckline "Whatever be your claim, she is not affected by the bond as you are." Garrick was

dumbfounded for the moment as he knew that Callan was right. The bond only affected wolf and other

shifters. In some proportions it may influence other species but humans were always known to have

been immune by it. Nobody never knew why. This was the reason inter-speices mating especially with

humans had been prohibited in many packs..

Garrick thought for a few moments. He suddenly looked at Callan and asked him. "What should I do?"

Callan sighed "The only way left for you is to win her heart first. She is not accustomed to the traditions

and rituals of the wolves. Our lives are more constrained, filled with rules and regulations. While she is

more outgoing and does not likes to live by the rules. She will not willingly accept to be a part of the

pack. A part of you."

"What are you implying Ashton?"

Callan sighed and wet his lips probably finding a suitable way to make Garrick understand "I am not

against you. I am just saying that I have spend my entire childhood with her and I know her. She is a

free bird. She is a kind hearted girl and will stand for what is right even if her neck is on the line. You

cant just merely expect her to give away her life and mould into yours so easily."

"So you are saying that I should not pursue her?"

"No." Callan immediately shook his head "In fact I want to help you get her."

"You want to help me... Why?" Garrick raised a brow in suspicion.

"You are the one destined for her. I know no one will ever love her the way you would. You can bring

the world to her feet. I want her to be happy and you are the person who can do that. You are a good

man Garrick, what more could I ask for."

Those few words from Callan made him completely speechless. In his mind he always considered

Callan an enemy. He felt that Callan was responsible for him being an orphan, in fact he had never left

any chance to degrade him and curse him for the deed. Of course that should have had a rebound

effect from Callan which was quite alrite with Garrick. The irony being that Callan never reciprocated,

never even raised a brow and took everything that came his way like he deserved it. Hearing Callan

praise him and wanting his closest friend to mate him, took him by surprise. "I don't know what to say to


He chuckled at Garrick's bemused expressions. "Lets head back, they must be waiting."

Both of them made their way back to the lake side. The preparations for a roast were promptly made by

the friends and they cooked the fish with alacrity. Garrick's presence made the trio uncomfortable at

first but Callan made sure that he blends in perfectly well. Soon all of them gelled in and the cheerful

banter got a head start. Garrick's expressions were all over the place as he was at times beguiled, at

times angered and at times anxious over his mate's deportments. But he was relieved as this was the

first time since his visit to the human place to be near Fayette.

In his own haze he forgot that he was eyeing Fayette for a long time. She noticed this behavior and

asked him "Is something bothering you?"

Garrick gulped as he was caught in the act and quickly changed the focus from her "Not as such but I

was wondering what you three did back in the lake with the coin."

This did the trick as Fayette chuckled in surprise. "So you saw that!"

"Its a silly tradition of ours. As kids we heard rumors about this lake that when you offer a coin it will

make your one wish true. We used to come here every month with other kids and throw coins for fun.

But gradually we were the only fools left carrying the procedure to fulfil our wish." Archer replied with


"Hence we come here every once in a while and do our part. I know it sounds stupid.." Fayette added.

Garrick quickly replied "No it sounds fun actually." The grin on his face refused to leave him while

Callan and Archer took note of his amusement "Can I also try it?" He asked Fayette.

Fayette was surprised at the question and looked in the direction of her friends while Callan nodded

with a smile Archer just rolled his eyes and huffed. Archer gave his reluctant nod when Callan squinted

his eyes at him.

Garrick took a coin from Fayette. When their hands brushed each other a tingling spread throughout

his body. He quickly made his way to the water and entered knee length before throwing the coin at a

distance and making his wish. He returned to the three friends with a happy and content face and

unexpectedly sat near the open space besides Fayette.

Garrick continuously stared at Fayette with admiration when Callan cleared his throat and spoke "So

now when we have all asked for a wish, it is time for the reveal."

This caught everyone's attention and they looked at Callan. Archer swelled his chest and said with

pride "I wished to be the strongest bear in the whole world."

Callan lowered his eyes and spoke meekly "I wished for Viola to find her mate and be happy." Archer

kept his hand on the shoulder of Callan to give him comfort.

Fayette's eyes glowed when she spoke "I wished for the most loving and caring husband."

This intrigued Garrick and without any sieve he admiringly looked at Fayette. "I wished a mate for life."

Suddenly Callan was bemused when a white mystical aura surrounded Archer, Fayette and Garrick. It

glowed for a few moments before disappearing completely. Callan wondered if anyone else saw it.

Fayette found it strange and a bit disturbing as she was wary of Garrick eyeing her the entire day but

what took her by surprise were the last spoken words of him which she was completely sure were

attributed to her. She wondered what was wrong with the wolf. She opened her mouth to clear her

doubts but was halted in her motion when the raven suddenly cawed, hovering above them and sat on

Callan's shoulder in the next moment.

The bird squeaked and cawed which made Callan apprehensive and he jumped to his feet. He looked

at Garrick with a grim face and almost whispered in horror "Someone stabbed the Alpha. Einar is in



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