I Claim Your Love

Chapter 20: Beast Beloved

Chapter 20: Beast Beloved

Serenity was plastered across Callan's face; his heart thumped in accordance with his slow shallow

breaths. The pure innocence on his face could make anyone fall to his knees. His perfect hair balanced

above his forehead dancing to his breathing motions.

Einar stared at the beautiful man with content. It was the first time since ages that they were together

and regret that he cant touch him, hold him or accept him even when they are this close. Why was the

goddess so cruel to him? Callan was perfect in every way; he was strong, determined and always

thought about others well being and safety; qualities fit for a luna. With just one exception..

He was a man.

Einar would have readily accepted any girl as his mate. He never had high expectations from the

goddess. A royal blood or an omega, shifter from other clans, hell even a human he would have

accepted. But of all the pairs the luna made she linked him with a man. Why!?

Einar's thought process was interrupted when his eyes landed on Callan's injured arm. It was

supported by a beam of wood attached through his neck. It was bandaged but the stain of blood was

clearly visible.

The wolves live for their mate. It is they who make them complete and so it was necessary for every

wolf to keep their mates loved and protected; it was the first rule! But all Einar did in his entire life was

to treat the man poorly, make him feel unwanted. He was really ashamed of himself but he had no


He failed as a mate.

He sighed with frustration. The metal to his chest glowed. His beasts wanted out, to be close to their

mate. This internal battle between his beasts and him made Einar uneasy and a furious growl escaped

his lips.

Callan woke in a jiffy hearing the roar, his head spinned and he struggled to find his composure.

However it was his arm which was causing all the trouble. "Aw.." he groaned in pain.

"What happened?" Einar asked worriedly.

Callan could not believe what he saw. Was Einar really in the same space as he was! He couldn't even

remember when Einar spoke to him the last time. He blinked his eyes rapidly and concluded that it

must be a hallucination; the after effects of the medicine.

"Does your arm hurt?" Einar asked again.

He really is here! Callan thought. He was staggered at the surprise appearance of the going to be

Alpha. Not just that; Luna had been merciful today for the going to be alpha was talking to him!

"Just say something." Einar growled with exasperation.

"F-Fine" Callan cleared his throat. "I'm fine." he tried to sit up

"No!" Einar said in a jiffy "Don't do that.. You must rest." Einar put his hand on Callan's shoulder

motioning him to lie down.

Callan just stared at the man with utter disbelief. This must have been the only good words spoken by

Einar in years. But he found it difficult to believe him, there must have been a hidden motive behind his

visit he thought. After a long silence Callan looked at his arm and chuckled. "What does it matter; I am

soon going to be in a deep slumber anyway. A long long sleep."

Einar's blood boiled hearing his own mate say such a thing. Does he not know how much his heartbeat

means to him! His demon and his wolf will disappear if anything goes wrong with the man just like that.

Hence it was important for Callan to live. He grinded his teeth and said "Why are you being so

pessimistic? You will be just fine."

The anger in his face did not go unnoticed by Callan. But why was he angry in the first place? Even if

he had a bad day he should have the basic decency to control his emotions in front of an injured

patient. But again one could never forecast Einar's mood, he was furious one moment while happy just

right after. Callan calmly replied "I have faced injuries for my entire life. I have worked closely with

Aurora to realise the limits of any medication. As also; her face said it all."

Einar lowered his eyes hiding his pain. "So you know that.."

"I am dying.. Yes." Callan portrayed a brave smile and slowly nodded "I am weak and exhausted and

this hurts like hell! Never thought I would go this way but I don't have any regrets."

Einar's heart churned and he felt like his life was slipping away. He was never acceptable of Callan

getting injured in any way so how could he bear the trepidation of his mates life. Though he never

wanted him to be a part of his life but he could never imagine living without him being around.

Unknowingly his pain had soaked his eyes and droplets moved freely. "You wont go anywhere.. I wont

let you die!" he whispered a promise.

Seeing Einar so vulnerable was something new for Callan. He had always been arrogant, egoistic and

boisterous but seeing him care for someone was refreshing. What he could not believe though that that

someone would be a person like Callan whom he detested his entire life. When the first bead made its

way down to his cheeks Callan asked worriedly "A-Are you all right?"

Einar found it hard to believe the emotional state he was in right now. Surely the actions of his beasts

were justified but his ardour to his mate was questioning. Yes he was his mate, yes they were destined

to be together; but he never loved the guy. He always execrated Luna for pairing him with this man.

This wonderfully beautiful man. Then why was he crying?

Einar vigorously shook his head and kept his emotions at bay. He concluded that his emotions were not

his own but his beasts and that he just sympathized with the man and nothing else. He sighed and with

a straight-face he said "I want you to listen carefully. I am calling in the spirit and he would heal you but

you have to promise me something."

"What?" It was both curiosity and surprise for Callan. What possibly could the demon do in this


"After you are healed, you have to promise me that you would put this locket back on me. You know

what he could do right? Coerce him to wear the locket." Einar pointed to his chest where the locket

hanged through his neck.

Callan furrowed his eyes "But why would your beast listen to me?" Indeed why. He was no one

important. He never had any connections with the beasts. Moreover how was he supposed to convince

the monster when he himself was unsure of what was going around.

Einar raised a brow "Believe me; he will listen to you." if in the entire world the beast would listen to

someone it would only be you.

Why Einar thought that his beast would adhere to him was beyond his reasoning but what troubled him

more was why the son of Alpha was making such a hard decision. It was no secret that Einar was

unable to control his beasts and so the locket. Why risk letting them out just for saving a man; an

unimportant someone. The plan could backfire and the spirit would be released to this world. It was a

huge risk. Callan was confused "Why are you doing this?"

"You are pack. A part of the family. I am just being the responsible Alpha." Besides if anything happens

to you I would be dead too.

Callan's forest green eyes were captivating; it captured Einar in a trance and his features softened. He

looked at his mate with adoration, admiration and pure bliss. While Callan looked at him suspiciously

trying to decipher what was going through the troubled minds of Einar.

Einar gulped and sighed to avoid getting caught "You ready?"

Callan nodded hesitatingly.

Einar slowly undressed his locket and handed it over to his mate. He moved to the end of the room and

closed his eyes. His complete focus was now on his shedim spirit. His call for help did not go


Einar growled ferociously as a black mist appeared out of nowhere and engulfed him. His body was

lifted in the air while it shook like tremors rocked his flesh. After about a minute or so Einar stopped

trembling and was motionless on his spot with his eyes closed.

Callan was scared but was also curious. He gathered courage and sat up straight resting his back to

the wooden board of the bed.

"E-Einar. Y-You there?" Callan muttered in his weak shaky voice.

The mist surrounded Einar like a shadow; he raised his head and sucked in lots of air before slowly

opening his eyes and landing his feet to the ground. Callan noticed that Einar's veins in his entire body

popped up but were infused with the black mist as if dark blood flew through him. But what kept him

captivating were the eyes; two completely black globes were now staring at him.

Einar approached his mate cautiously. With every measured step of the beast, Callan's heartbeat just

accelerated. Upon realising this Einar smirked and sat on the nearby chair. Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

"You don't have to be scared of me." The voice was cold, deep and guttural.

Callan sighed and was out of his trance. "I-I'm sorry. I-Its just that." he expelled air from his mouth.

"Your e-eyes." he gulped "They are different. Not that I am complaining but I'm just not habitual to see

such stuff." he chuckled nervously.

The demon replied with a chuckle of his own and looked at the ceiling flaring his nose and taking deep

breaths. He brought his head to level his mate whose eyes were wide like saucers when he saw that

Einar's eyes had changed like a normal human being. The sclera completely white and the orbs dark

as the night.

"I hope you like them now."

Callan's mouth was hung open, mesmerised with what he just saw. Nobody had seen this side of the

beast ever "H-How did you do that?"

The demon smirked ."I can do anything for you my love."

Hearing Einar calling him love just made him uneasy and weird. It was too intimate.

"My name is Callan." he corrected Einar.

"I know my love."

Callan forgot to breathe. It was confusing. The fragment of memories he had of the beast were

horrifying and mostly violent. To see this side; the loving and caring part was completely opposite of

what he expected.

But why does he keep calling him 'My love!'

Callan was uncomfortable. "Could you please call me by my name."

"As you wish." Anything for you my love.

The next few moments were spend just in a staring contest mostly by Einar. Callan felt exposed to his

gaze and found it difficult to carry forward the conversation but Einar did not back down. He wanted to

amass every inch of the beauty and fill in those empty years which he stayed away from his mate.

Callan could not take it any more and he broke the silence "You do know why you were summoned

here right?"

Einar's smirk faltered and he leaned back in his chair "Yes I do. But first; they have to pay."

The demon's eyes were murderous. The aura around him grew darker and stronger. His fuming anger

caused shivering of the inanimate objects around them, they were raised from their platforms and all of

them started shattering one by one.

Callan realised that Einar was causing this frightening scenario. He immediately placed his uninjured

arm on Einar's thigh on instinct. Einar's features relaxed and he looked at his mate.

"Every person who is responsible for your misery WILL HAVE TO PAY."

Callan could not comprehend why the spirit was hell bent on killing those who were already dead. Of

course what he did not knew was the fact that Einar was not talking about the ferals but meant to

punish the entire pack for his sufferings.

Whatever it was; Callan knew one thing for sure that an angry spirit can never be good news. He had

to distract him from his devious plans "Don't you think healing me should be your first priority since I

may not have much time left."

Einar just roared his voice "I WONT LET ANYTHING HAPPEN TO YOU THIS TIME.."

Callan was clueless about the abrupt behaviour of the spirit. Why was he helping him and how could he

even help him? These questions boggled his mind but he kept them to himself and decided to go with

the flow.

Einar placed his hand on Callan's injured arm and a surge of energy flew through his entire body. The

black mist was transferring its glow to the body of Callan through his arm.

Soon after, the bandages were ripped open and the wooden appendage was thawed. Callan

experienced an anguish like no other. The sudden sting to his skin was tormenting his body. He

screamed of the agony, the mountain of pain he was going through right now. It was something he had

never faced in his life.

His skin was now forming tissues around the bitten area and filling the gap. After a gruesome amount

of time the skin had finally formed its alignment with the rest of its body.

Callan breathed heavily while his throat went dry. He placed his arm vertically, leveling his eye and

rotated it. It was a miracle! The once beyond repaired arm was good as new.

"Are you feeling fine?" the look of concern and worry almost melted Callan's heart.

Callan could not comprehend his feelings. "Y-Yes it just feels strange."

Callan remembered about the locket which Einar had lent him some time ago. He did say that Callan

should put the locket on Einar once the job was done. But how was he supposed to do that?

If he failed to accomplish the job only luna knows what chaos would the spirit unleash.

But was it even worth it? The spirit seemed to care and did not harm him a bit. He definitely was not

something what was talked about or what he heard through people. He was serene and calm and

looked at Callan with such adoration. Most importantly how could he forget that he now owed his life to

the spirit. It just showed that the spirit was capable of mercy. Maybe if Einar had a different approach to

deal with his beasts he may not have to use the locket. But again who was he to question the son of

the Alpha.

All these thoughts made him confused and sad.

Einar deduced that his mate was in a certain dilemma when he looked at him. He narrowed his eyes

"What are you thinking?"

"Just that I could not thank you for saving my life." Callan smiled meekly.

"There is more to it. Isn't it?"

Certainly there was. He had received his orders to punish the one who just saved his life! Callan

lowered his eyes trying to avert the gaze of the spirit. The guilt was eating him from within. How could

he cage the one who put him out of his misery. It was against his conscience to reciprocate the spirits

kindness with betrayal. He was feeling disgusted with himself.

Einar sensed the mental battle his mate was going through; he was not scared of him but it looked like

something was bothering him. "What is it? Just tell me please.." The demon pleaded

The helplessness in the spirit made Callan even more blameworthy. He deeply sighed before raising

his uninjured arm in front of his chest where the locket oscillated in a reserved motion.

Einar growled.

He did not wanted to be incarcerated again not when his mate was sitting just right in front of him. He

had waited a long time for this moment to happen. Had it not been for the damn locket he would have

swept away Callan to a deserted island all to himself. Away from these lowlifes.1

But then again he would not repeat his mistake. He looked at Callan calmly. "So this is what's bothering


Callan looked at him apologetically and nodded. "Einar wanted me to put this on your body once the

job was done."

"And what do you want?"

"I don't know" he whispered looking intently at Einar and shrugged. "You certainly don't seem the one

people hear stories about. Your...different."

Einar chuckled. "I am what they say in every respect. I am just different to.. YOU."

Callan was bemused by the way the spirit was behaving. It was utterly contrasting than what he saw

last time. The goodness in him made him feel bad for even proposing the spirit to be locked up again. "I

don't feel good about putting you in a cage again but this must be done."

The spirit was all smiles because he knew that he had won a battle of the many. He had done

something which neither the human nor the wolf achieved.

He had made a connection with his mate. Most importantly Callan cared for him.

"Then you must do it." Einar said firmly.

"But what about you? You may not be able to be out again."

"I don't wish to be out for these foolish people." he leaned forward to look into the eyes of Callan "But I

will always be there for the one I love."

Who is he talking about? is he talking about me? He smacked his head playfully and chuckled How

stupid of me! it is a known fact that Einar had found his Rosaline. So the spirit must've been talking

about his love for her obviously Callan thought. He looked at the demon and smiled in


Einar held Callan's hand and nodded, directing him to do his job. Callan took deep breaths and he

slowly put the metal around Einar's head.

"We will surely meet again; and this time no power will keep us apart. ABSOLUTELY NO ONE..!"

With that Einar leaned back. He opened his mouth and sucked in a lot of air in a jiffy while his arms

were raised to the sky. The mist which once surrounded him was now absorbed by his body. Einar

coughed and breathed heavily to calm himself. He rubbed his hand to his chest to sooth himself. Callan

smiled weakly at him and uttered "I'm really thankful for...."

"IT WAS ONE SIMPLE JOB!" Einar stood abruptly. He was furious and raised his voice at Callan's

confused features.

"But I did as you told."

"NO YOU DID NOT!" he breathed angrily "You were having second thoughts about wearing me the

locket. Do you have any idea what would happen if the spirit was let loose!?" Callan narrowed his eyes.


"B-But why would it do that?"

Because he wants to punish the people for you. Because he wants to punish me for keeping him away

from you.

Callan continued" Besides he was not beastly at all. He was friendly. He took care of my arm and did

not harm me a bit."

"Where have you knocked your senses Ashton tell me. Do you even realise the gravity of your fault or

are you so dumb to ignore the warnings as you always do."

Callan was speechless at the sudden outburst of Einar.

"Friendly you say.." Einar continued "Are you so foolish to believe anything what the spirit says or you

must be really desperate to make friends since you have NONE in the pack."1

With that Einar snorted and stormed out of the cottage in a rage.

It was an unscrupulous attack on Callan's dignity. A wound cut to the very core of his soul. It was not

his inability to make friends in the pack rather it was the voluntary distancing of the people which kept

him aloof from a companion. So how was he at fault? He swept a treacherous bead from his chin with

the back of his palm. Todays incident had confirmed Einar's image in his mind. An arrogant and

conceited fool whose egoistic mind will never cease to suppress anyone under his superiority.+

He hates Einar with the same vigour as Einar hates him.

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