His Nanny Mate (Moana and Edrick Morgan)

Chapter 139

Chapter 139

#Chapter 139: Sweet Tooth


I fell asleep beside Moana that night with a bit of a smile on my face. Even though the event started out

on a bad note with the paparazzi, it was a lot of fun to enjoy the comedy show with Moana. Even just

that short time of the event made the entire event worth it, despite the fact that I was forced to mingle

with people who I utterly hated. Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

To call myself one of those people always made me sick. I hated how they acted, I hated their views on

the world, and I hated their horrible attitudes. I never felt as though those people could ever even come

close to being my friends, which was why it was almost laughable when Moana told me that she was

worried she would ruin my image. Those people were already looking for any little thing they could find

to ruin anyone’s image. If it wasn’t Moana, it would have been something else. Even if they knew that

Moana was not only a werewolf, but that she was my fated mate and that there was something else

that was exceedingly special about her, they still would have found something to nitpick. Moana always

held herself with so much grace, and she was so beautiful — especially in the hair and makeup that

Tyrus did for her, although she still would have been stunning in a paper bag — that the other women

would have hated her anyway. But I didn’t care; I was just happy to have spent the night with Moana,

and ever since I found out that she was my mate, I couldn’t get enough of her.

When we went to bed that night, I couldn’t deny the fact that I felt as though I had made the right choice

in announcing my “relationship” with Moana. And maybe, if she really was my mate, it wouldn’t have to

be fake forever.

However, that night, I had strange dreams about Moana.

I kept dreaming about that Alpha tooth that Moana had shown me. In my dreams, it always seemed to

be there, but something was special about it. It wasn’t just any ordinary tooth.

At one point, the dreams started to get a little intense. I dreamed that Moana had some special powers

that I couldn’t quite explain, but there was something else…

She was in danger. Someone was hunting her, but I didn’t know why. All I knew was that I felt a sense

of panic, and I needed to protect her.

I awoke suddenly with a start, breathing heavily with my forehead coated in sweat from the intense

dreams. When I looked over at Moana in the darkness, I was relieved to find that she was still sleeping

soundly and peacefully. Her chest was rising and falling gently, and her red hair was splayed out

around her on her pillow like an orange halo. Of course she was safe… It was just a dream, after all.

But I still couldn’t quite shake that feeling of dread in my stomach, and I knew that even with Moana by

my side, I wouldn’t be able to sleep now.

My eyes wandered then over to my top dresser drawer. Since Moana had been staying in my room

most nights, I had given her that drawer to put some of her things in; and one of those things was the

box that contained the tooth. I wasn’t exactly sure why she kept it in here instead of keeping it in her

own room, but I got the sense that she felt uncomfortable being away from it for some reason. It was as

if she needed to keep it close to feel at ease.

Those strange dreams made me too curious; I needed to take a look at the tooth. I took one last glance

over at Moana, who had now rolled onto her side, before I quietly got up and tiptoed across the room.

When I silently opened the top drawer, there it was: the wooden box that held the tooth. I picked it up

gingerly and opened it. As I gently picked the tooth up and held it up to the moonlight, my eyes

widened at what I saw.

I knew before that there was something odd about the tooth when Moana first showed it to me, but I

hadn’t looked at it in the moonlight that time. And, tonight was a full moon. As I held it up to the light, it

began to glow ever so slightly. It glowed a soft golden color.

A slight gasp escaped my throat. I quickly put the tooth back in the box and stuck it back in the drawer,

my eyes still wide in disbelief.

I had only heard stories about a tooth like this; a golden tooth that could only be seen in the moonlight.

But those were just fairy tales for little kids… Or were they?

If I thought I wouldn’t get any sleep before, I certainly wasn’t going to get any sleep now. I needed to do

some research of my own, because if Moana was truly in possession of a tooth like this, then that could

only mean one thing.

She was the Golden Wolf.

All of the signs pointed to it: her strange abilities, her overpowering scent, her wolf not emerging until

she was much older. And now, the tooth.

But I was still skeptical. I never even thought that the Golden Wolf was real; everyone always thought

that it was nothing but a legend. Maybe I was just seeing things, I thought to myself. Either way, I

needed to do some research, and so I quickly put my robe on and quietly left the room to head to my


Once I was in my office, the first thing I did was turn on my computer and begin to search for

information on the Golden Wolf. Of course, there wasn’t much available other than the legend of the

Golden Wolf that every mother told her children. But there were some sources pointing to the existence

of a very old book that contained information on the Golden Wolf. I found mention of the book on some

obscure online mythology forums; people seemed to talk about it like it was some sort of Holy Grail of

information. The legend was that it was written by the very man who claimed to have seen the Golden

Wolf, right before he was executed. Some said that it was nothing but the ramblings of a mad man, but

many other people insisted that this book held a lot of useful information. It was so rare that there were

no copies available online. In fact, there weren’t even any pictures available of it.

Maybe it was a stretch. It was very possible that the book was also a myth in and of itself, and that it

didn’t actually exist. But it was my only link to learning more about the Golden Wolf, and I knew I had to

try — because if Moana really was the Golden Wolf, then my dreams were right.

If Moana really was the Golden Wolf, then she was in grave danger. And it was my job as her fated

mate to protect her.

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