His Lovely Obsession (English)

Chapter 36

Chapter 36


She just finished her shower but until now she can't seem to get over what Nick said. Looks like all he

does is cause her trouble since they met. She has to shake off thoughts of him and do more important

things like calling Derick. He has a lot of missed calls.

She was about to get her phone when it started ringing. She smiled when she saw his name on the


"Hello." she huskily answered.

She is guilty because she felt a little giddy when Nick said he likes and wants her. But she should not

dwell on that now because Derick is on the phone.

"Honey, why didn't you answer my calls?" he asked in a gruff voice.

"Sorry, I forgot my phone in the car."

She bit her bottom lip because she shouldn't have said that. Knowing Derick, he will ask many


I won't lie to him . I will tell him that I was out with Blake but I will omit some parts. She thought.


He knitted his brows. This is a good chance to test her honesty.

"Did you say you left it in your car? Why?" he asked.

He heard her released a sigh. He patiently waited for her to respond.

"Derick, I want to say something but I hope you won't get angry." she finally said.

He sat on the edge of his bed. "I am listening honey."

There was silence again for a few moments.

"I went out with my friend. He is the other owner of the bar where I used to sing."

He narrowed his eyes and gripped the phone. "Where did you go?" He doesn't sound angry but his

voice is a little arctic.

"We dined out."

"Then?" Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

"Err.. I went home."

"Why did he ask you out? And why did you go? Didn't you promise that you won't go out on dates with

other men?" This time he couldn't help sounding a bit pissed.

"T-That wasn't a date Derick. He's my friend. Besides we didn't get to talk much because I saw my

boss there and he wanted to speak to me." she explained.

"He used to woo you for crying out loud!" he rasped.

"I'm sorry. I swear that it won't happen again. And Derick? Can't we meet earlier than Friday? I want to

tell you something."

That made him stood up from the bed.

WHAT THE FUCK? And what the hell is that? He asked himself. Now he is starting to feel worried.

"Tell me now. What is it?" he asked while he tries to control his tone and voice.

He heard her sighed heavily. "HONEY!" he rasped.

"Derick, I will just tell you on Friday. Please.." she begged.

Should he dare see her before Friday? One part of his brain said that he should wait until Friday.

Don't let your emotions control you again Alcantara! He scolded himself.


"Derick?" She is worried that he hang up. The line became quiet.

"I'm here." he answered throatily.

"Can we meet tomorrow? I really miss you." she said sounding breathy.

She does miss him and his kisses. Their set up is really very difficult for her. He has the say when they

can meet. Maybe she should impose on what she wants this time.

"I can't honey. I have an out-of-town meeting until Thursday."

She groaned in frustration.

" Why do we only meet whenever you want to? It's so unfair! Like now I want be with you but I have to

wait until Friday! This set up is worse than I thought! I feel like I am the other woman!"

She heard him utter something inaudible.

"And you think this is not hard for me too honey? Just please bear with me. Give me a little more time

okay? It's all I ask. After that we can meet anytime you want. Even every day. Please honey.. "

She is on the verge of hanging up on him. "How long? Two weeks? Two months? Three?! How much

more time you want?!" she asked sounding impatient and irritated.

She is really getting annoyed. She has to be with Derick to experience the feeling she has when they

are together. His absence is making her more prone to Nick Alcantara's charm. Now she wants to

regret agreeing to this set up.

Should I make him angry? Maybe he will come and meet me just like last time. She thought.

She is thinking of pissing him by telling him she wants out so he will come even if it's very late already.

But he said he is out of town and she isn't bratty like Heather so she can't do that. She doesn't want

him to have problems at work just to indulge her whim.

"Honey?" he sounded worried and a little pissed too.

Then she realized that he's right. This is not easy for him too. She knows that he likes being with her

but he can't meet her this week because of his work.

"OKay. I'll meet you on Friday then. I guess we are both tired already so let's end this conversation

now. Take care. " she pushed the end button then turned off her cell phone.

She decided to just try to forget about Derick and Nick tonight. A deep slumber is what she needs.


Next morning, she got up on the wrong side of the bed. Unfortunately she didn't sleep her troubles

away regarding Derick. She has to wait until Friday to be with him. She is wishing that before that day,

she won't do anything childish out of her annoyance with him. She really wants to have physical

contact with him, not exactly sex though. She is longing for his presence and kisses and touch. She

just sighed as she got ready for work.

She tried to tone down her looks this morning. She tied her hair up in a pony tail and applied a very

light lipstick. She put on a black cardigan over her sleeveless top. She has cotton tapered black pants

and black-low-heeled pumps.

She was inside the elevator when two ladies entered the lift. Both smiled at her.

" She probably proposed to our boss." one of them said with a giggle when the door closed.

"Bah! I don't like that woman for him! Don't you see how she drools over him when they are together?

She always looks like she wants to have sex with him all the time if I may say!" the one with shorter

hair said with a pout.

The second girl playfully pinched her arm.

"You are just jealous! Stop dreaming that he will notice us! He is way out of our league! Maybe if you

buy a love potion, you might have a chance with him! " she joked.

"Well I just wished that I will be transferred to the PTEF (Pink Taco's Extreme Fantasy) floor so I can

see him often! I will ask Cherry what's been going on there! I was absent for two days so I want some

updates!" the short haired woman said with a heavy sigh.

The elevator stopped on the 6th floor. The two stepped out of the lift but she heard one of them say

before the door closed again, " Cathy said that there is a new female employee! You have to act fast

before she gets the boss first!"

Are they talking about me or is there a new employee aside from me? She asked herself with a frown.

She is sure that the boss they were talking about is Nick but who is the woman they were referring to?

Nick Alcantara has a long line of women who are willing to share his bed. She made the right decision

to avoid him.

Today she is wearing the bracelet from Derick though she is still a bit mad at him. She put it on to shoo

Nick away. She will say that it's from her boyfriend so he will finally get the picture. With a heavy sigh,

she got out of the lift.


"Good morning Stacey!" Cherry greeted her with her sunny smile.

She smiled at her too and greeted her back. She put her things on her table. Cherry walked to her. She

took her hand/

"WOW!!" she exclaimed as she looks at her bracelet. "How gorgeous! Look at all these small

diamonds!" she added.

"It's from my boyfriend." she said still smiling.

"Huh? You said you don't have a boyfriend." Cherry looks confused. She let go of her hand.

She heaved a sigh. "Sorry for lying. We had a fight a few days ago and decided to have a cool off. But

last night we talked and we are okay again. " she lied.

Cherry rolled her eyes and released a sigh too. "To be honest, I didn't believe you when you said you

don't have a man because you are too pretty! I want to meet your boyfriend Stacey. I am positive that

he is dishy!" she added giddily.


He was about to open the door which is ajar when he heard his secretary and Stacey talking.

"Your are very pretty so your boyfriend must be very rich and hunky! " Cherry said.

He heard Stacey laughed slightly.

"Cherry, I don't care about looks. I am not into drop dead gorgeous rich men. Most of them are

womanizers ."

"I don't agree! Not all men are like that! Besides, having you for a girlfriend will be more than enough

for any male! He is definitely crazy if he fools around with other women if you were his already!"

"Being pretty is not an assurance that you partner will stay faithful to you. There are too many

temptations out there. "

"Duh! You are too negative. But I am really curious Stacey, what if sir Nick woo you? Would you

consider saying yes to him? "

"That's out of the question Cherry. I already have a boyfriend."

"What if you weren't with someone?"

"I would rather say yes to my former boss who used to court me."

"Your ex-boss wooed you? Is he old? Is that why you resigned?" Cherry sounded very surprised.

Again, he heard Stacey released a small laugh.

"Don't be silly. That wasn't the reason why I quit. He is not old. He is actually nice-looking . And if I were

single, I would choose him over our boss because he is not a womanizer, unlike... you know.. " another

light laugh.

His eyes turned into slits . He pushed the door angrily. The two women turned and are now looking at

him. Cherry's face turned a little pale. She probably feels that he heard their conversation. He

transferred his eyes to Stacey. She looks cool and unworried as if she doesn't care if he overheard

them or not.

"Good morning sir." his secretary greeted him.

"Miss Mendez, tell the maintenance to move Miss Ledesma's desk to my office. " he told her but his

eyes are on Stacey.

"R-Right away sir. " Cherry murmured.

"Why sir? I feel comfortable working here." Stacey asked. Her forehead is creased.

He slowly ran his eyes from her face down her body.

You don't like me? Well we'll see how long you'll be able to resist me honey. He thought.

"Since you are going to work for me for a long time, we should build a good rapport. And I always look

after my interests so I want to watch you closely. " he said matter-of-factly.

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