Her Dark Lycan

chapter 26

chapter 26

Venus woke up to a pair of warm soft lips on her neck, she tilted her head to the other side and

scrunched her nose, the pair of lips still didn't stop their sweet assault on her neck, gently nipping and

kissing her.

She peeked an eye open to see Dante hovering above her, his dark locks messy, as if it were the most

natural thing ever, venus ran her hands through his hair to set aside the stray locks that had fallen over

his forehead, he closed his eyes and relished in the feel of her soft touch.

"Good morning love," dante said, his voice deep and husky from sleep,

"Good morning," venus replier shyly, turning over as her face turned red from his heated gaze.

He chuckled above her and kissed her nape, getting out of bed and heading to the washroom to

freshen up and venus lay in the sheets cuddled, a big smile on her face.

After Dante, venus went and freshened up, wearing white shorts with a baby blue tee and some white

converse, she had to go to the pack orphanage today.

While making breakfast for dante she dropped a spoon and bent down to get it, only to receive a hard

squeeze and smack to her derrière, Venus jumped, fully ready to smack the culprit across the face but

Dante had already ran out of the kitchen, a sly smirk on his face.

Sophia and Venus later in the day head out to the orphanage, James had gone to another pack with

Gabriel for some work.

The pack care taker greeted them politely, she was a lovely woman in her 40s.

"Hello luna, my name is Greta I'm the caretaker of the packs orphanage, hello sophia," she said,

hugging sophia and giving venus a warm smile.

"Oh please call me Venus, and its lovely to meet you Greta," venus didn't want to be called upon as

luna, she wanted everyone to be at ease with her.

"As you say venus, come this way, the children are decorating the back yard fences and walls, we

thought we'd let them be creative on their own," greta said, picking up an adorable little girl of no more

than 2 and balancing her on he hip.

"How many kids are here," venus asked, giving the little girl a soft smile.

"About 47 now right greta?" Sophia asked, as she would come to the orphanage frequently, she was

familiar with the kids.

"Yes 45 actually, two pups got adopted yesterday," greta said, smiling widely as she gave the news to

sophia who shared an equally happy reaction.

The little girl in gretas arms extended her little chubby arms towards venus, her big green eyes wide in


"Pwetty," she said in a soft adorable voice as she pointed at Venus's hair.

"Why thank you baby, you're much too pretty," venus said, taking little poppy as greta told her name,

into her arms, as poppy played around with her hair.

With Poppy in her arms they went to the back yard to see many kids running around and playing,

giggles and laughter could be heard all across, there were 7 other caretakers along with Greta. Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

The oldest kids were of 14-16 while the youngest was Poppy herself, of 2 years.

Greta called out to all the kids and told them to assemble into a line and meet their luna, obediently

they did as they were told and collectively greeted venus.

She smiled widely at all of them as they all sat in a circle and introduced themselves.

The day went by with venus playing around and helping all the kids decorate, spending lunch time with

them and reading them stories.

"Luna, is the alpha actually really big and scary," John asked, being no more than 8 and a very curious

child with high intellect.

Venus giggled and shook her head,

"He's a very brave and good man, he comes off as scary so people don't mess with him, but really he's

not scary at all, unless you eat his food then he's really mean, much like the grinch then," she joked as

all the kids dissolved into gales of laughter at the thought of their big alpha being grumpy just cuz

someone took his food.

"Luna is it true he has many many scars on his body from all the battles he's fought," Angela asked, as

she blonde curls bounced with every little movement she made.

"No sweetheart, he does like a few scars but not that many,"

"How much do you love the alpha?" Lia asked, as the 15 year old giggled and so did everyone else, as

venus blushed at the question and greta gently reprimanded the kids to not ask such questions.

The afternoon passed with teasing and fun, just when they were about to leave venus noticed a little

boy of 6 years sitting in the corner alone, she hadn't seen him since she had come.

"Thats evan, he joined us a few months ago, he doesn't sit with the other kids and prefers to be alone,"

greta said from beside her, as if sensing Venus's confusion.

"And he-,"

"Yes he cant walk, needs crutches or a wheelchair, we've provided both so he can use which ever he's

comfortable with," greta finished, sighing.

Venus nodded and started making her way towards him, he was a very beautiful child, electric blue

eyes, jet black hair and tanned skin with light freckled on his nose.

"Hello there," venus said, crouching down in front of his seat and giving him a bright smile.

Young evan said nothing,

"Im venus, whats your name?"

His blue eyes regarded her cautiously,

"Evan," he replied lowly after a while.

Venus beamed at him and tried to start a conversation, asking his age and what his hobbies were, after

cajoling and giving him time he would quietly give one word answers but venus was not phased by

them, she considered it as a win that he even looked her way.

Bidding everyone goodbye and promising to come visit soon venus headed for the door, she was

meeting greta and was about to leave when she felt little arms wrap around her leg.

She looked down to see Poppy looking up at her with big green eyes, her lips formed into a sad pout,

venus almost passed out from how adorable the sight was.

Picking her up and giving her a kiss on the nose she said,

"I promise ill be back soon okay,"

"N-no go," poppy said, as her lower lip trembled and her eyes watered,

"Oh no no baby no don't cry please, hey I'll be back tomorrow okay, i promise," venus said, ready to do

anything so little poppy didn't cry.

She sniffled cutely and rubbed her eyes,


"I promise baby," venus said softly, giving her a kiss on the cheek as poppy her head on Venus's

shoulder and cuddled to her, venus stood there gently patting her back as her eyes now started to

water, she didn't want to leave these kids.

Dante standing across the pack orphanage saw the entire exchange, after Knox and him heard that

their mates came here, they finished off their work and decided to pick them up.

Seeing how poppy was clinging to his mate and how gently she was with the kids, dante now more

than ever wanted to start a family with her, he wanted to see her carry his pups and watch them grow

up under their care, dying to enter into parenthood with his mate.

Venus softly placed poppy into gretas arms, she had fallen asleep on her shoulder, as sophia and her

left the house and headed towards where their car should've been but found their mates instead.

"What are you guys doing here," sophia asked, as without a second to waste knox had her in his arms

and his lips on hers, gently rubbing her baby bump.

Venus blushed gorgeously as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and looked down at her


"You're shy already baby, cant wait for tonight," dante whispered to her huskily.

Tonight ?

What was tonight? Venus wondered wildly as it sunk in,

She looked up to see the smirk dante was giving her, putting two and two together she knew what

would happen tonight,

"Oh shi-"


Hello darlings

Im backkkk and happy New Years everyone i hope everyone is okay and wishing you all a lovely and

successful year ahead.

So here is another updateeee, how do you guys like it

Dont forget to show your love

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Peace out

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