Hatred With Benefits

N I N E T Y - T W O

N I N E T Y - T W O


"Give me that!" Eva whines as she strides inside the living room, and I laugh as I dodge her attempt to

grab the plate from me.

"Emerson. Give it to me. " She insists and I shake my head, "I let you have the two other slices; I'm not

giving you the last one. "

She frowns. "I thought you don't love cakes. You wouldn't have bought it if I didn't insist. "

"But we did, and I'm having this one now. I'm not giving it to you, babe. " I state firmly and she drops

next to me, "You're so petty. "

"Not any lesser than you, Carson. " I tease her as she grabs the remote in front of her, and she shoves

her middle finger in my face.

Chuckling, I take my attention back to the plate and lift the fork to my mouth. I don't see it coming when

Eva suddenly grabs my jaw, turning my head to her and biting the cake out of my mouth.

She wipes the corner of my mouth with her forefinger, and slips it inside her mouth as she leans back

with a grin on her face, "I told you I'd get it. "

"That's cheating. " I say as I swallow the rest in my mouth, and she beams. "I did it anyway. "

"I'm taking your chocolate. " I tell her and she throws me a glare, "No, you won't. "

"Never be too sure, baby. " I chuckle as I take another bite in my mouth. I drop the plate to the table,

and turn my head toward her.

"What are you—" the rest of her words fall into silence when I grab the back of her head, and share the

cake with her. She moans and locks her hands around my neck, taking more than I offer before she

pulls away with another yet cheeky grin. "Why do you fight me when you eventually give in?"

"I'd ask you the same question. " I whisper and she smiles, her hand rubbing my neck before she slides

one down to my chin and meets my lips again. I drop my hands to her waist as I slowly lift her from her

seat, and move her over me, slipping my hand beneath the top she has on to her bare skin.

She pulls away for a split second to meet my eyes before she lowers her mouth to my neck, and a

sound leaves my throat at the touch of her lips to the skin. Teeth scraping against the flesh and leaving

another mark on her favourite spot.

"Emerson. " She detaches her mouth to moan and I smile as I rub my finger across her clad pussy, "I

might just get you pregnant one of these days. "

"What's wrong?" I furrow my brows when Eva pulls away from me, her whole expression changing.

"You said pregnant. " She repeats my words and I nod, "Yes, and what's wrong with that?"

"You meant that as a joke, didn't you?" She lifts a brow, and I lift my body off the couch to shift to her

side. "I did, and wait— what if I didn't mean it as a joke?"

Eva holds a serious expression as she speaks, "What do you mean by that?"

"That's exactly what I'm asking you. What if I didn't mean it as a joke? Like I actually want to get you

knocked up?" I question and she chuckles, "You're kidding?"

When I don't follow and give her no response, her smile fades, "You're not? Em? Pregnant? Like this?"

"Yes, what's wrong with that?" I lift my brow, and I watch her move off the couch, her voice loud as her

next words slip through her lips, "What do you mean what's wrong with that? I'm fucking nineteen. "

"You'll be twenty soon. " I remind her and she shakes her head, "Almost twenty and still in college. This

is definitely not the right time to think about getting me pregnant. "

"I was joking, babe, " I laugh, grabbing her hand to pull her back to me and she sighs as she falls on

my lap. Lowering my hand to her back, I add, "But what if it actually happens? What if I actually want to

get you pregnant? Don't you want that?"

"I don't know how to feel about it. " She confesses in a small voice, dropping her head.

I tip her chin to raise her gaze to mine. "Eva, you're my woman. You'll be the one to carry my babies. "

"I'm not so sure about that. " She mutters and I frown, "What do you mean?"

"Come on, Emerson. Let's be realistic. It's still a long journey. " She raises her shoulder, and I slide my

hand to her face, pushing her hair behind her ears before I cup her face with my hands, "No, it's not.

Why are you saying things like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like you don't want to be with me forever?" I say and she shakes her head, "That's not what I meant. I

just mean—"

"If I go down on my knees right now, and ask you to marry me; will you reject me?" I query and she

sighs again, "Emerson, I—"

"No, answer the question, Carson. Will you reject me?" I persist, and she wets her lips before she

answers, "Right now, maybe I won't. But later—"

"You will reject me if I ask you to marry me later?"

"No, I don't mean it like that. God, Emerson. We still have a long journey ahead of us, anything could

happen. You might not want to get married to me later on. " She says the words as if she doesn't have

me in the back of her palm. As if I'm not the same guy that's so fucking crazy over her. As if I never

promised always and forever with her. As if she doesn't know the extent to which I'd go just to keep her

like this.

"No. I've never felt that way and I'll never feel that way. And neither should you. I thought you wanted

me to spend the rest of your life with you? What changed?" I stroke her cheeks and she drops her

hand to my chest.

"Nothing. I'm just being realistic here, Emerson. There'll be more challenges and troubles, and we

might not be as lucky as we are at the moment. We might eventually break apart. I don't want to spend

these moments thinking we're endgame, when we might not be. You might get bored of me, and decide

you want to—" I stop her before she can finish.

"No. Don't say those things to me. We are endgame and I'll get married to you. You'll carry my kids and

you'll give me one beautiful family. How the hell could you possibly think I would get bored of you? Are

you saying that because you don't want what I want?" I ask her, ensuring she doesn't tear her gaze

from mine as she mumbles, "No. "

"Then why– baby, are you scared? Are you scared to become those things?" I narrow my eyes at her,

and when the uncertainty clears from her face to be replaced with an expression of fear, I know she is.

"Yes. I almost lost you once and there's no assurance that I won't again. We don't know what awaits us,

Emerson. " She says the words softly, and my chest drops at the thought that, that once occurrence

has her entire mindset changed about us.

"Forever awaits us, Eva. You won't lose me again. Ever. " I assure her with a smile.

"You said those words once. " She says and I drop my hands from her face with a frown, "I thought you

said you trust me?"

"I do. " She nods, and I grab her hands from my chest to lace my fingers through hers.

"Then why can't you trust me with this? I don't see myself spending another lasting minute with any

other woman that isn't you, Carson. Yes, troubles might come our way. I don't expect it to be all Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

sunshine and rainbows from now on, but what I'm saying is that I'll be by your side no matter what. " I

tell her, caressing her hands and when she opens her mouth, the words that fall aren't ones I fancy.

"What if you stop loving me? What if—"

"No what-ifs, Carson. I'm yours till the second I take my last breath, and so are you. Why'd you ever

think I'd stop loving you after everything? " I leave her hands to squeeze her sides and a small smile

lifts to her lips. "Okay. Okay, I believe you. "

"Say it. " I demand and she lifts a brow, "Uh?"

"Say the words, Eva. Say you're mine till forever. " I repeat and lift my hand to her mouth, "Say this, "

And her heart. "And this, " Then her chest. "And this. " To make the final stop between her legs. "And

this is mine till we take our last breath. "

"Emerson—" she laughs.

"Don't laugh. I'm serious. I want to hear the words. " I say in a serious tone and she chuckles, rubbing

herself against the hand that stays between her thighs as she says, "Okay, fine. They're yours. "

"Till?" I raise my brow, and she moves her hands to my head as she knocks her forehead against mine.

"Till we take our last breath. "

"Good, now move here so I can fuck you to seal that promise. " I blink at her and she says, "I still don't

want to be a mother right now. "

"Why not? It's easy, baby. You just have to give birth to the beautiful one and leave the rest to me. " I

say as I move us off the couch to lay her back against it, and she immediately locks her legs around my

waist, her hands finding their stay on my shoulders as I move over her.

"Including the breastfeeding?" She taunts me with a playful look on her face and I go along with it. "Do

you want me to grow titties so we can make things easier for you? I'll find a way. There's got to be

some scientific method for that. "

"Stop. God. " She laughs, her entire body shaking along with the sound and a smile climbs on my lips

at the sight of it. "I can't believe we're having this conservation. We're yet to finish college. "

"It's nice to have these types of conservations. I would have never known you were scared if I didn't

bring it up just now. " I plant my hands by her sides as I brush my lips over her forehead, down to the

line of her nose.

"I'm not scared. I'm just apprehensive, aren't you?" She says as she pushes me back on my shoulder.

"Scared of being a father?" When she glares at me, I laugh and say, "No, I'm not. I love kids. They're

adorable little creatures. "

"You don't exactly show your deepest love to Hanna. "

"Hanna isn't a kid, baby. She's sixteen. " I bury my face in her chest, and kiss her through her shirt. She

hums, pushing her chest forward as she says, "So you'll stop showing our children love once they're


"No, that's not what I meant. I mean— wait. " I lean away from her chest with an excited face.


"Do you realize what you just said?" I ask her and a look of confusion covers her beautiful face,

"Showing love?"

"No, you said our children. Ours, baby. So I did succeed in changing your mind. " I beam, revelling in

the way her cheeks redden after those words. "Shut up, Hell!" She tries to hide her face, but fails.

"I love it when you blush. " I confess when she meets my gaze, then lower my voice, "I love you. "

"I love you. " She smiles before she presses me down to her, "Will you give me your cock now? I'm

soaked. "

"I thought we were speaking about serious issues? How can you be soaked?" I arch my brows and she

says, "You were rubbing against me the entire time, and you're hard. "

"That's because I was staring at your face. Your face gets me hard. Especially when there are those

red tints. Yes, just like that. You're blushing again, babe. " I laugh and she looks away from me, "God,

shut up and move. "

"What will you give me in return?"

"Pleasure. You get to run your hands all over this sexy body. Don't you think that's reward enough?"

She answers as she drags my hands down her sides to where she badly needs me.

"No, babe. I need more than that. " I mumble, letting her hands fall from mine before I rub a finger

across her wetness and she moans lowly, "What do you want?"

"What can you give me?" I retort, slipping her panties to the side. "Should I— oh, fuck. " she cusses

when I glide my finger between her folds, gripping my arms tightly. "Should I pole dance for you?"

"Hmmm. "

"You're thinking about it. " She calls me out when my finger remains still and I say, "I still haven't gotten

over the last one you did. I swear it's like you grow even more perfect each time you do it. "

"Don't flatter me. " She hisses and I shake my head, "I'm not. I'm saying the truth, babe. "

"Then you get to see another if you fuck me hard enough. " She jerks her head to the space between

our bodies.

"Hard? I'd think you'll want slow after our conversation. "

"Let's leave the slow for after I give you that show. " She throws me a wink, and I look down between

her legs, moving my finger against her throbbing pussy. "You drive me insane, Eva Carson. "

"I know. And I love it. " She whispers, and I start to slide further down her body, only to stop midway

when Eva says, "You're really really handsome. "

"What?" She mouths when I lift my head to her.

"That just came out of nowhere. I wasn't expecting it. "

"Why? I tell you you're handsome all the time. " She says and I nod. "Yes, but not when I'm about to

stick my cock inside you. "

"You tell me I'm beautiful every time you move between my legs. " She reminds me of my favourite

tradition and I smirk, "Yes, and that's kind of my thing. Like a guy's thing; you're not supposed to say it

to me, baby. "

"I don't care. I'll compliment you in any way I want to. " She declares and I mouth, "Stubborn. "

"You love me. " She states as a matter of factly and I groan at the biggest truth. "Damn right I do. "

"So move, Em. I want my next words to be moans of your name. " And I move down, dragging her

panties down her legs to toss it across the room. I shift her legs from my waist to my shoulders,

spreading her thighs with my fingers separating her pussy lips as I latch my tongue on her juices, and

suck— hard enough to give her what she wants and make the next sounds that fall from her mouth,

nothing but moans and whimpers of my name as she grips my head tight.

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