Gina, And Her Triplet Alphas

Chapter 90


“Wake up, sunshine; it’s coronation day,” I heard Devon say.

I stretched tiredly on the bed before slowly opening my eyes to see that I was not in my room, but in Denver’s room, surrounded by all my triplet alphas.

Of course, I remember most of the things that transpired between Denver and me last night, but somewhere in my tipsy mind, I thought I had returned to my room.

“Good morning,” I said to them, my cheeks a little flushed due to embarrassment as I wondered what could be going through their mind.

“Hope you slept well, mate,” Denver asked with an irritating smirk hanging on his lips.

Biggest dickhead.

I would have gotten him last night if not for that stupid drink I took from his cup. Thinking of it now, I think he did it deliberately; he knew I would take the drink, and that was why he didn’t bother stopping me from taking it.

I am not going to lie; the make-out session was super nice. It was just the right thing that my body needed after all the stress I went through the day.

I kind of felt bad for leaving them hanging, especially Denver. I was truly impressed with how he was able to please me all. Even though he could have done so much more when he knew I was already tipsy from the drink.

“Yeah, thanks,” I answered.

Couldn’t tell whether it was after the alcohol effect or not, but the intense need to be touched and smooched by all three of them was so strong.

But I had to do my best to shut off the thought completely, but their scent wasn’t exactly helping.

I could tell that they all wanted me too, as they could hardly hide the fire in their eyes.

Devon casually comes to sit on the edge of the bed, bringing his eye level to the same as mine.

“Gina, you were very naughty last night,” he said, slowly rubbing my thighs.

Despite the thick layers of duvet that prevented his hand from touching my skin. I could still feel the sparks, it made my stomach rumble.

“I had blue balls all through the night, and God, it was f*****g painful,” he said, slowly lifting his eyes to gaze into mine.

You guys started it, I said calmly, taking my eyes away from his.

So, I guess that was your payback,” he questions, slowly moving his hand until it stopped at my core.

My eyes lingered on his hand for a while, a million thoughts of what fingers should be doing rushing through my mind.

“You should probably go and get dressed, your stylist and make-up artiste should be here any moment from now,” Denver said.

I couldn’t agree more, but I was a little skeptical to stand up in their presence as my eyes roamed the bed, looking for my panties.

Don’t bother, you are not going to see what you are looking for, it’s safe with me, Denver said, and my eyes instinctively went to his.

I adjusted my dress and slowly came down from the bed.

But as soon as my feet touched the ground, Derrick quickly pulled me to himself, kissing his spot and everything else his lips came into contact with.

I tried pushing him off me, but his hold was strong around me. I wasn’t fighting him off because I didn’t want him; I feared not going late to my coronation.

“Let her go, Derrick, just a few hours more, and she will be all ours, to f**k, suck and do as we please,” Devon said to his brother.

His words sent chills and cravings down my spine, and honestly, at that moment, I was getting a little scared of what these three had in mind after our coronation.

A little freak in me was curious to find out, though.

Derrick finally lets me go, and as I made to move past him, Denver slowly halted right in front of me, a dirty smile hanging on his side l*p.

“My brothers and I want you to have this at the back of your mind; we are no longer going to be slow and nice with you after the little stunt you pulled last night. We are going to make sure you lose your voice from all our screaming all of our names,” he mumbled into my ear.

Despite just being threatened by my mates, I found myself enjoying his hot peppermint-flavored breath against my skin.

They noticed this, and I could feel their faces darken with l**t, I knew I had to get hold of myself, or else we might not make it to our coronation.

I opened my eyes that instant to push him off me.

“Feisty,” I heard one of them say, I could pick who it was and didn’t bother finding out as I walked out of Denver’s room.


It was almost past midday by the time I arrived in the hall where the coronation was to take place.

Even though it took a village to get me ready for the event, the celebrity stylist that was contacted to get me dressed for the coronation was in no rush, as he made it a point of duty to make sure I was looking my very best.

I was wearing a long fishtailed white strapless dress. The dress was so perfectly made that it highlighted my curves, thereby giving me a perfect mermaid look.

My hair was nicely wrapped, with just two nicely curled strands of hair dangling on both sides of my face.

My make-up was nicely done, with very little product, giving me the perfect nude look.

The hall was fully packed by the time I arrived; many guests had traveled from far and wide to attend the crowning ceremony.

Unlike before, when the omegas were made to have a separate celebration, A few of them that arrived early were allowed into the hall, and the others were given a comfortable place outside the hall.

I was asked to sit inside the car until I was called upon. The Alpha King, His Luna, and my triplet mates have long gone inside the hall to kick-start the ceremony.

From what I have heard, the king had already handed over the throne to his sons.

I haven’t seen any of my mates since I left Denver’s room this morning, and somehow I was missing them.

Somehow my heart was beginning to pick up its pace as the thought of seeing all three of them waiting for me at the end of the hall made my heart almost pop out of its resting nest.

It was not up to ten minutes after I arrived when I was called upon. The crowd outside went agog with excitement the moment I stepped out of the car. It took a lot from the guards to ensure that I wasn’t mopped up by the over-excited omegas.

I smiled and waved at them as I moved closer to the entrance of the hall.

I arrived at the entrance of the hall just in time to witness everyone in the hall standing up to welcome me in.

I nervously started walking down the aisle to meet my three handsome mates draped in all-black tuxedos who were waiting for me.

I could almost swear that I would miss my stop at one point because of the three pairs of sexy eyes that were focused on me.

My eyes instinctively went to my parents, who were beautifully dressed and seated among the pack elders.

Their eyes lit up with genuine happiness as they watched me slowly walk down the street in all my glory.

It’s incredible how fast life changes. Not so long ago, I walked down this very aisle as a maid, unsure of what the next day had in store for her.

Today, I am walking the same aisle as the soon-to-be Luna.

As soon as I arrived at the front of the hall, there was loud applause from the gathering.

The pack seer stood up to ask me if I was ready and understood the importance of becoming the triplet’s mate and Luna of the pack.

“Yes, I do,” I answered, and there was another round of applause.

“As the Luna of this pack, you will share a b***d pact with every member of this pack, making a solemn promise that you will carry out all your duties as Luna. To be a strong support system to your mates and work with them for the betterment of this pack. If you agree to this, please say I do,”

“Yes, I do,” I answered.

“By which name shall you be known?”

“Luna Regina,” I answered, and I could see my mother smile through my side eye.

“And your wolf’s name?”


“Nice name,” my wolf whispered in my head, and I smiled.

“I will now invite the sitting Luna to come and hand over her position,” the pack seer said.

The moment Luna Miranda raised herself to her feet, the whole congregation stood up cheerily.

She gracefully walked over to where I was standing with a beautiful smile hanging on her lips.

“You are so beautiful,” she said to me as soon as she was close enough.

“Please take good care of my boys and the pack, and like I have said before, I do not doubt that you will be a great Luna,” she said as she gracefully took off her crown to gently place it on my head.

There was loud applause from the crowd again as I was ushered to a seat by my mates’ side.

The seating arrangement was done in such a way that I was sitting between Derrick and Devon, with Denver directly opposite me.

The alpha king then stood up to address the crowd. He advised that everyone should cooperate with the new leadership of the pack, just the same way he did to him. He also let them know that even though he and his mate had officially stepped aside from the rulership of the pack, they would continue to support and assist the pack if the need ever arose.

When he was done, the crowd cheered as he took his seat.

My eyes unintentionally drifted to the aisle where I had just walked, and my heart skipped a little at whom I saw standing in the middle.

“It was Selene and my mother; they both had very beautiful smiles on their faces as they stood there waving and smiling at me.

Beads of goosebumps filled my skin, and realizing that no one else seemed to notice their presence other than me made the experience a little overwhelming.NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

“Are you alright?” Denver, who had his eyes fixed on me the entire time, asked with concern.

His question prompted his brothers to pay me closer attention, as they all exchanged looks within themselves.

“Yeah, thanks,” I answered, taking a moment to look at him and my other mates as a way of assuring them that I was fine.

But as I drifted my eyes back to check on Selene and my mother, they were nowhere in sight.

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