Forbidden Love: My Daddy's Best Friend

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Wanting Fun

I spend the time with my dad, and I know I need to go see my mum and Ivy, but it’s drama.

“Look, Jasper will take you home, see your mum and Ivy for a bit. He will stay and then take you back to the hotel. Your mum is sorry for what she said princess, let her apologise.”

“She’s sorry for it, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t still believe it. I will for you Daddy.” I hug him and leave. Jasper following me out and I get on the back of his bike, my arms wrapping around him. We stay quiet all the way there, stopping outside the house I go to get off the bike and he stops me.

“Your dad barely comes home baby girl, he spends most of his time at the club. If you were here, he would be here more.”

“He should be here more for my mum and Ivy, not just me.” Does he not realise that?

“Baby girl look around you. Your mum despises the whole bike club recently, your dad can’t be himself with your mum there and Ivy? He loves her but they have fuck all in common, he tries to talk to her but

he feels lost without you.”

“What are you hinting at Jasper?”

“I’m just saying, your dad has missed you. He has no one here when you’re gone.”

“He has you.” I laugh and get off the bike.

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“It’s not his daughter though.”

“He has another daughter.” Why is he talking like Ivy isn’t his?

“I know, forget it come on.” He walks in and I follow, getting in my mum and Ivy are sitting talking and laughing.


sorry Harley, I had a bad day and shouldn’t have said those things. to you.” My mum smiles and hugs me.

“It’s fine Mum honestly, how is school Ivy?” I may as well make a


“Funny thing baby girl, she wasn’t exactly wrong with what she called you last night,” Jasper whispers in my ear and I elbow him in the stomach.

“Oops, I had a twitch.” I walk away from him and he stares at me, my mum looking confused. He’s an asshole.

“It’s great thanks, I thought you would be with Dad.” She says it like. she’s jealous, which I have to laugh at,

“Ivy, I’ve been gone years, and not even been back a week and you’re jealous because I spend time with dad?”

“Not jealous.” She snaps at me and I roll my eyes, maybe this isn’t a good job?

“Enough you two, Harley stop assuming things.” My mum speaks, and sticks up for Ivy, as always. I forgot how it used to be living here. Mum would stick up for Ivy even if she was wrong, and my dad would stick up for me, the difference is, if I was wrong he would make it known.

I spent less than an hour with them before deciding to go back to the

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hotel. Just to escape them, every now and then Ivy makes a snide

remark and I have to bite back calling her names. Stopping at the hotel I get off the bike and Jasper follows me.

“What are you doing? Crazy stalker ass!”

He chuckles at my words. “We need to talk, so shut up.” His words make me laugh but I don’t argue, I walk to my room with him right behind me. Stepping in I take off the jacket and hang it up, I will need it for tomorrow.

“Look, what I said to you at your mums, it was wrong of me.”

“You came all the way up here to say that? Wasted journey Jasper.” I laugh and grab a drink before sitting down.

“Do I not get offered one?” He looks at me amused.

“If you want a drink, pour yourself one. I mean, after all, it’s your money that’s paying for it.” I grin and he stands shocked. “You overpaid by the way, by thousands.” I wonder if he does it at other places?

“In my eyes, it was worth it. So remember that next time you’re dancing for pennies.” He sits with his drink and I look at him, wondering what he actually wants.

“Uncle Jasper, can you just say why you’re here, again?”

He looks at me and shrugs. “I don’t really know, I used the excuse to apologise.

“Which you have so you can leave now.” I sit looking at him waiting.

“And if I refuse?” My heart races at his words. “What if I have decided

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to have you is worth dying for, is worth losing my best friend over.”

I snicker. “Then you’re fucking crazy because there’s no way I’m worth dying for.” If he knew the truth he wouldn’t look at me the same. He would see me as someone used and likely be repulsed.

“To me, you’re worth it.” He leans over me, my body lying beneath his. Hell, he has given in, finally.

“Prove it.” My words barely even a whisper, his hand grips my waist and I feel his hard cock pressing against me from beneath his leather chaps. I almost cry out and beg him. “You say it, so prove it, fuck me.”

He captures my neck in his hand, leaning down to my ear.

“You don’t know what you’re asking for.”

“You think? I know what I’m asking for, I’m asking for you to use me, fuck me, and do what you want to me that gives you pleasure. I want all the sides, not just the good, even if it leaves me wondering will I survive this.” I’m panting, and now just as desperate as after that night at the club.

He shifts and jumps back, and there it is, his sane and rational part kicking in.

“Fuck off Jasper, run, go on.” I have had enough of him and his fucked. up mind.

“I’m sorry, we see each other when your dad needs us to and nothing more. I can’t do that, the fact you would be willing is just as fucked up.” He storms out slamming the door. I scream and stand up, I’ve had enough of him changing his mind.

Tonight I honestly thought he was giving in, so I plan to find someone

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to help me finish what he started. Getting showered and changed I leave the hotel and go to the club. I stand and drink, sometimes. dancing. I dance and watch the men close in on me, some I would be happy to fuck, others not so much.

They clearly have a wedding ring on or a line where it should be. I’m used to where I work. I’m used to subtle signs that tell me if I man is taken or not. I continue to drink more, and before I know it I’m past the point of being drunk, but I’m laughing and having fun.

The guy I have been dancing with for the last twenty minutes helps me to sit and brings me some water. I laugh at him.

“Shouldn’t this be vodka?” I’m sure it should be. Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

“Sure, sure, but I don’t fancy getting in a taxi with you if you aren’t. awake.” He laughs and I nod. I drink it and stand, my hand in his and I pull him outside.

“No taxis.” He looks around confused. Taking out my phone I hit the number.


“I need a taxi to… Wait a minute.” I turn to the guy. “Where are we?” Standing I laugh and he joins in.

“Club Rizo.” He points to the sign and we both laugh.

I put the phone back to my ear. “Taxi for club Rizo please, we’re waiting outside, we’re going to… Wait a minute.” I turn and look at


“Your place.” He speaks and I nod.


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“We’re going to my place, thanks.” I hang up and he laughs.

“You didn’t actually give them an address to go to.” I didn’t? No, I didn’t. Shit, am I that drunk? I laugh it off and pull him to me, kissing him.

“I don’t think your taxi is going to come, you sounded too drunk.” His words make me smile as my hand moves and strokes along his chest. inside his top. His hands grasp my ass and pull me closer.

“If it isn’t here in five then we can walk.” It’s only a short distance away. He nods and continues kissing me, and I wish the taxi would hurry the fuck up. I’m ready to strip him here, which isn’t good as people will watch. He groans, moving his hips so his cock rubs against. me, my hands pulling at his shirt.

“Harl!” I jump and look up, fuck.

“Why are you here?” I didn’t even hear his fucking bike.

“Because you called me, not the fucking taxi, get on the bike now.” I laugh and shake my head.

“No thanks, there’s no room for three on it.” I wink and he stands. waiting, I look at him like I don’t care, I’m not leaving my fun because

he said to.

“Fine, if you’re not on this bike within the next ten seconds, I call your daddy and tell him some guy is taking you home drunk and you won’t

come with me.

“Look, I’m off, forget it.” My date walks off and I scrawl at Jasper.

“Get on the bike, Harl!”


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“No.” I cross my arms refusing to listen.

“Harl, get on the fucking bike!” He shouts and I laugh.

“N.O. Means no, do you not realise what no means, or are you just not used to being told no?” I feel him grab me, my arms and legs wrapped around him as he sits on the bike.

“Shut the fuck up. You’re that drunk, you rang me and ordered a fucking taxi, and that guy was sober!”

He moves pulling the helmet on to me.

“No, he was drunk, like me.” I’m tired now.

“No, he was fucking sober and acting drunk, hence he walked down and got in a fucking car and drove off!”

“Okay, shh. I don’t care.” I don’t, I just want my bed. A short while later he stops and pulls me off the bike, I stand and look around confused.

“Don’t start, get the fuck in.” He pulls me into the house.

“Where am I?”

“At my place, I can’t exactly send you to the hotel drunk, can I?” He looks at me annoyed and I laugh.

“I got drunk thousands of times before and I went home alone, just let me go.”

“No, you’re staying here that way I can be sure you don’t choke on your own vomit, sit I will get you some water.”


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I laugh and he glares at me. “God if you were fucking mine!”

“Let me guess, my ass would be getting spanked. It wouldn’t work, I like it.”


“I do! Want to try it so I can prove it?”

“God, you’re so fucked. Here.” He hands me a glass of water and I laugh.

“This should be vodka.”

“Your whole body is fucking vodka, drink it, baby girl, don’t argue with me.” I nod and drink it, not arguing and somehow I fall asleep. I pass out on his chair while he is muttering about me being a wreck. He isn’t wrong though.

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