For The Stars Have Sinned

Inside the cottage

I threw up almost everything I ate earlier. It lasted for a few minutes before my legs wobbled and I almost fell to my knees. Turning the faucet on, I rinsed my mouth with tap water and looked up. My dizziness decreased slightly and my vision’s clearer now that I was clear-headed.

I slowly walked back to bed. I sat on the side and sighed. My drowsiness suddenly disappeared and I knew that no matter how I turn the bed, I wouldn’t be able to sleep. That’s why I decided to leave the cottage and made my way to the beach.

The wind was cold blowing gently onto my bare face as I walked under the moonlight. There was a rail that kept the guests from falling on the cold waters so I didn’t have to worry about falling while staying in the area. Also, there were light poles surrounding the beach, hiding the tables prepared for the guest from the prying eyes.

I sat on the chair there and silently observed the dark and vast ocean. There were some flashing lights in the distance and I knew those were ships passing by.

Closing my eyes, I felt the wind hit my face. The breeze was kinda salty and cold. I opened my eyes and looked up at the stars and the moon proudly hanging in the night sky.

I raised my hand and enjoyed the surroundings. I didn’t know how many minutes I was there but I just heard fast footsteps and a sudden hug from someone behind that made me gasp in surprise.

“Why are you here? You’ve got me worried again, Rishel!”Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

My eyes widened slightly. “Tiden?”

He quickly removed his arms around me and spun me around. He grabbed both of my cheeks while he stared straight into my eyes. “Are you alright?”

I nodded. “Why are you so nervous? I’m not dying, you jerk! Stop acting like someone molested me!”

He cussed under his breath. “I came back to the cottage only to find out you weren’t there. I looked for you everywhere but I saw you alone in the dark! Do you think this is El Grande?” Tiden drew a breath and clenched his jaw. “Don’t ever do this again or I’ll tie you, Rishel.”

Tiden carried me to the cottage and I didn’t protest. I’m done watching the night sky and I just wanna rest. When we entered, Vine’s already inside as well as Nicole. She looked down on me who was still in Tiden’s arms. I’m not surprised by her haughty look.

“What is that girl doing here?” she asked. “She lost our bet.”

Tiden gave Nicole a glare. “If you hadn’t cheated, Rishel would have been the winner.”

The woman’s face crumpled. “She’s still a loser!”

Tiden didn’t listen and put me down on the bed. Suddenly, their manager, Maingey, entered the cottage. I sat up and looked at the woman. Her expression was dark.

“Maingey,” greeted Tiden. “What are you doing here? I thought you were going home to El Pardo?”

The two eyebrows of the female manager met. Her sharp gaze turned to me. “Is this the girl who competed with Nicole?” She smirked. “You lost, Miss. Why are you still hanging out with the boys? Don’t tell me you’ll renege the bet?”

I pursed my lips. Before I could speak, Tiden was already standing in front of me to block Maingey’s sharp gaze directed to me. “Rishel is my friend. Also, Nicole cheated so the bet is invalid.”

Maingey raised her eyebrows. “Cheating? Heh.” She laughed. “There is no agreement that the bet will be invalid if fraud occurs. She lost so she must honor her word.” Smirking, she squinted her eyes on me. “You didn’t only bet with Vine’s on the line, Miss Rishel, you must give a hundred million to Nicole!”

“That’s too much, Maingey. Nicole cheated. It’s enough to let it bypass, don’t cross the line,” June said.

My fist clenched. I know Maingey had a part in why I lost the contest. I want to confront her but my head hurts especially when I think of those jest and ridiculous looks of the guests earlier. If only being drunk would make me forget but it didn’t.

I looked up when the woman walked closer and stood beside Tiden whose still in front of me. The manager’s eyes narrowed as she looked down at me, ignoring June and folding her arms. “Next time, don’t steal what’s for Nicole, Miss Rishel. You’re not a member of Vine so don’t stand on stage. You know what you did could ruin the career of the whole band.”

“Maingey,” Tiden interrupted, stopping the woman from saying more.

Maingey’s sharp gaze turned to him. “And you! You shouldn’t let others take your bandmate’s place. What if someone captures a video? What if it spreads on social media? Remember that your career is still on the starting line. You’re not yet stable in the industry! Tiden Rude, think before you act!”

Tiden’s eyebrows met slightly. He clenched his fist. “Rishel is my friend. I will not let anyone of you shame her!” Drawing a breath, he looked away. “She will sleep here whether you like it or not.”

The woman’s face darkened. “Are you scolding me now? And what? You’ll let a girl sleep in your cottage?”

Tiden was about to answer when Levi spoke. “Let her stay tonight. Rishel is not feeling well. We know who’s the culprit. Let Tiden take care of her.”

Silence enveloped the entire cottage. After a while, Maingey smirked. “Sure, she can stay in your cottage, boys. But remember that she still owe a hundred million to Nicole. Miss Rishel, I believe you won’t renege in your bet. If you can’t fork that sum of money, I will let everyone know your shameful defeat.”

“Maingey!” Tiden warned. “Don’t cross the line.”

I raised my hand to stop Tiden and looked up to Maingey who was looking at me with her haughty eyes. Hah. What else can I expect from Nicole’s supportive manager?

“I won’t renege the bet.”

“Good!” Maingey said before walking out of the cottage.

Nicole glared at me before turning to Levi. “If you want her to stay, then come to my cottage.”

“No need,” said Levi then went to the bathroom.

Nicole closed her fist and glared at me again before hastily walking out of the cottage. I sighed and closed my eyes. I felt my head dizzy all of the sudden so I laid down on the bed.

Vine went to the living room while I was left in the bed space. Even though I closed my eyes, I still couldn’t sleep. I heard them playing music on the player and I decided to see what they’re watching as of the moment. I got up and walked to the living room.

“Rishel,” Tiden called and approached me. “Why are you still up? Go back and take a rest.”

I bit my lip. “I can’t sleep.”

“In that case, sit here with us. Let’s watch this famous movie,” said Ariel.


I looked at Ariel who was enjoying pop corn snack while watching the show on the big TV screen. I thought that man was absent earlier when Maingey showed up because he’s too silent earlier. Pursing my lips, I walked towards the sofa where the boys were sitting at and sat in between Levi and Ariel.

Tiden glanced at me and slightly frowned. He might not appreciate it when I sat meters away from him and chose to sit in between the other two. “Rishel, come here,” he said and patted the empty space beside him.

I shook my head and my head throbbed so I bit my lip to keep me from groaning in pain. “I’m fine sitting here,” I said before I leaned back and let my head fall on the headrest of the sofa.

In normal circumstance, I would be too shy to sit beside Levi but maybe it’s the effect of the alcohol that I grew courage to sit and stare blatantly at his face. Even in my drunken state, he’s still handsome in my eyes. Hah, Levi. You’re driving me crazy.

I’m not surprise when Levi glanced at my way and stared back into my eyes. My eyebrow raised when he leaned his face close to mine and his hot minty breath fanned my face. “Why are you staring at me with those greedy eyes, Rishel?” he whispered and smiled cruelly at me. “It makes my blood boil in excitement, my lady.”

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