Fated To Love You Forever

Chapter Sixty Two


Katherine was feeling pretty confident after the bakery incident with Madison.

She was glad with how everything seemed to have gone, and even though she was already planning her next move, for now she decided to lay low and not do anything else so soon.

All she had to do for now actually was observe.

It was necessary for the threats to sink in. So she just stayed in her hotel, checking his things would play out.

Today though, she was busy scrolling through her phone, when she remembered that she needed more information on Damien’s whereabouts – She had to know if he was still in New York and what plans he had, or if he was not. Better still the only person she could call, and who could answer this questions was his secretary. She also decided to ask why he had canceled his flight, and she was going to ask a whole lot.

Katherine was past caring if the secretary would suspect anything, as she just needed to have the necessary information now.

Picking up her phone, she dialed the secretary’s number and luckily, she picked up quickly this time.

After Katherine had faked her cheery pleasantries, she slowly began to seep out information about Damien. She questioned the young lady about the flight and subtly asked about the canceled one. She listened carefully when the secretary began to reply, not wanting to miss anything she was saying.

“So he’s still in New York, then? Is that what you are saying?” Katherine asked when the secretary repeated the story about the canceled flight. She was feeling hopeful as a smile began to form on her face again.

“No, no. He is not here actually. He already left for London. There was a problem with the airport so he had to arrange his private jet, I’m sorry I didn’t say this earlier. He waited for a week, so the jet could be serviced.”

Katherine felt her blood run cold, and she asked slowly trying her possible best not to yell, “His private jet?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“You mean he used his private jet to come see that…Fuck!” She cursed muttering some apologies as she continued, “Sorry about what I was saying earlier. A-and what about the company?”

She was trying to comprehend what she’d just heard, and she couldn’t believe that Damien had left his business and most important affairs just to come to London.

He had freaking come to this city. He was here, literally and figuratively! Oh shit!

The secretary laughed a little, “You don’t need to worry so much, ma’am. He handed it over to one of the managers, and he’s very capable of taking everything till Mr Daniels gets back to New York. He will be back soon Ma’am and you will be reunited with him. If that’s what you’re worried about.”

If she heard what the lady had said, Katherine made no mention. All she was worried about, were a whole lot more.

Fuck it! So Damien was in London? When? Most especially where was he?

She was beyond stunned. How was Damien in London and she didn’t know about it? Her chest had already begun to heave in anger, as the secretary’s words continued to replay in her head.

After the secretary had told her the other day that Damien had canceled his flight, she had really been hoping that he had changed his mind about coming here, so she could carry out her plan into making Madison a forgotten specie, amongst other things but now he was here.

She had been making her own plans, and he had other ones the whole time.

He had even used his private jet?! What the actual fuck? Katherine simply couldn’t believe it. Damien only used his private jet on special occasions, and he actually didn’t like using it unless it was an emergency.

Did he consider visiting Madison an emergency? Katherine wondered yet again, rage filling up in her chest instantly as she tried to calm her heaving breaths. Trying not to yell in frustration, she quickly thanked the secretary for her time, and before the lady could say something in response she hung up.

Katherine tossed her phone to the bed in anger, and getting up, she began to pace around the room, her head swimming with thoughts.

Damien had just proved that this bitch was important to him. If she was not, then what other reason would make him fly all the way to London?

The issue of him not even informing her of anything was another issue in its own. Sure, they still had their fights and stuffs but then wasn’t she his girlfriend? She had the right to know of his whereabouts come what may. He didn’t even bother to tell her he was no longer in New York.

She was more than infuriated, and the fact that she had to get all this information from his secretary and not him, made her more angry. Couples told each other things like this, but of course, not Damien. All he was doing was ignoring her calls and messages, and behaving like a stupid teen!

Gritting her teeth, Katherine turned back to her bed and picked up her phone which she’d tossed away some time again.

“Fuck this!” She yelled, flipping her hair away from her face as she turned the cell back on, and fuming she scrolled through her contacts and spotting his number she quickly dialed it.

As it began to ring, Katherine vowed within herself that if Damien didn’t pick her call this time, she would be raising hell and of course he wouldn’t expect what would happen next.

She swore she would get information on his location in London. Whatever hotel he was staying in, she would drive down there and confront him, in front of everyone there.

She wouldn’t give a fuck if he was disgraced or embarrassed, and she would tell him her mind, after all it was all be fault. Maybe after that he would start picking up when she called, and replying her texts too.

She was so busy cursing that she didn’t realize he had picked up, and immediately she saw it, her anger tripled.

“How dare you?” She yelled, her voice loud and laced with anger as she continued, “What do you even take me for? I’ve been calling you non-stop for the past few days and not once did you bother to pick up or at least leave a message. I don’t even know what the fuck has come over you. How dare you think you can treat me like that, and because I want to speak to you? No one treats me like that, do you understand? No one!”

She scoffed, shaking her head when he said nothing. “Do you even care about my feelings? Because you act like you don’t give two fucks about it. You just keep hurting and hurting me, and you never bother to give any explanation! Who are you? I don’t recognize this… this person you’re becoming. Ans I know it’s all because of that bitch, I’m sure of it. You never used to treat me like that, but ever since that maiden slut came into the picture you’ve become a completely different person. All because of that low-life!”

She paused to catch her breath, getting more and more infuriated by the silence on the other end, even though he was listening to her words.

“Oh… now you have nothing to say? You are not going to keep silent now, Damien. Answer me! I said answer me! Or is it that you can’t explain yourself now?” She asked inhaling sharply, “You know what you are, Damien? A fucking coward! You hear me? A fucking coward!”

After she was done yelling, there was still not a word from him, and she felt like crashing the phone on the floor just so she’d hear some thing.

Pulling the phone away from her ear, she looked at the screen to make sure the call was still connected, and it still was.

Slowly bringing the phone to her ear, she asked quietly, trying her best to calm down a bit, “Damien…w-why are you so silent?”

The fact that he hadn’t said anything whatsoever shook her to the core, and she had a very bad feeling that she wouldn’t like his response whenever he eventually spoke and just like she’d predicted, she got the shock of her life when he spoke finally.

After a few seconds she heard him clear his throat, and then he said, “Katherine, I think we need to take a break. Be away from each other for some time.”

Katherine felt like he had just slapped her, and she let out a sharp audible gasp at his words.

Her hands had already begun to shake, and the phone was shaking in her hold, “A break?” She all but yelled, her voice more high pitched than normal, “If I heard you right, you want us to take a break? Oh you must be joking!”


“…to take a break? Oh you must be joking,” He heard Katherine say after a few seconds, of him dropping his well thought news..

Damien laughed bitterly, “No, it’s not a joke. I meant everything I just said, take it or leave it.”

When he had picked the phone some minutes earlier, he had anticipated the screaming and yelling from her so it didn’t come as much of a surprise to him.

She kept on going non-stop, touching on the topics he knew she would, and she wouldn’t stop mentioning that he had hurt her. That he didn’t care about her feelings, amongst other things, and he just kept silent.

He was past being surprised about her behavior. Everything just had to be about her. It was always him that hurt her.Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

She obviously pictured herself as someone who wasn’t capable of hurting someone else, with her words and actions. She frankly believed she was some kind of saint, and never capable of saying sorry when she was wrong.

He could count the times she’d hurt him with her words, more with her actions but never once had she owned up to it, and now as she spoke, the only thing Damien felt was disgust.

Now again she was proving his point. She was a selfish, self entitled, and arrogant lady. Her favorite thing to do was point fingers and play the victim, and Damien had gotten enough of that. He was more than tired of her behavior.

He was tired of being around her, hearing her voice, as she always created scenarios about him and Madison in her head and she was so bitchy about every damn thing.

Damien was actually glad that she had called now. This display of hers had only strengthened the decision he had made some while ago, as a break from her was all he needed.

He had to clear his head, and she probably had to clear hers as well so it was for the best.

“What the fuck are you talking about? You are not serious right? You need space from me? What the hell?”

Damien shut his eyes tightly. He knew she would react this way, but he was simply too tired to start going over it again.

She wouldn’t understand maybe and honestly he just didn’t care anymore, but well he decided to try.

“Look, Katherine… a lot of things have been happening. Hell, a lot is happening in my life right now. I’m going through so much right now and my head is pretty full. I just… I need a break from everything. I have a lot of things to take care of right now and going back and forth with you is something I don’t really want at…”

“How dare you?” She yelled before he could finish, “There you go again, neglecting me. You’re always neglecting me! Do you even care about me? You’re trying to break up with me now instead of apologizing and trying to make it up to me.”

Damien sighed, “It’s always about you isn’t it, Katherine? That’s all you got from everything I just said?” He chuckled, “But of course, nothing matters to you but yourself. Frankly, I’d be surprised if you showed any interest in my wellbeing.” He said bitterly.

All these kept adding to the reasons why he needed to be away from her.

“You can’t break up with me, do you understand that?” Katherine hissed, her voice low, “I don’t care if the break is final or temporary, but there’s no freaking break. Moreover if my father gets wind of this, which he will because I’ll waste no time in telling him, you know what that means for you and your business right? So don’t you dare think of breaking up with me. If you even think about it, your business and basically your whole company will be in ruins. He is a valuable asset to your company so you wouldn’t even dare!” She threatened, her breathing ragged.

Damien only laughed again, “Do as you wish, Katherine. I truly do not care. So if telling your father is going to make you feel better, then by all means go ahead. It’s your life after all, and your decisions. You don’t need my permission at all.

Now, I need to rest, I’m tired.”

He wasn’t even surprised that she threatened him. He hadn’t put it past her.

In desperation, Katherine would do about anything and even when it was petty and stupid, he had outrightly expected it. He was done, and nothing would make him change his mind.

“I know!” He heard Katherine say all of a sudden and for a moment he was confused, not knowing what she was talking about but then she continued, “I know you’re in London, and I know you’re there to see that whore! It’s all because of her right? And you didn’t even bother to tell me you traveled out of New York.” She spat.

Damien froze at first, but then he recovered from his reverie and shook his head. Usually he would wonder how she got that information, but with Katherine it came to him as no surprise. After she had intercepted his letters, nothing she did surprised him anymore.

“I know the real reason why you’re in London.” She continued yelling now, “What did you think? That you were the only one who knows how to investigate? Well you are wrong! I’ve been carrying out my own investigation as well. And I’ve found out a lot of things. So don’t-”

“Huh? What the hell are you talking about?” Damien cut her off.

What did she mean by investigation, and just went was she up to? “Katherine…what are you talking about?” He asked again, but she didn’t answer his question directly.

Instead she continued to yell, “Fuck you! You hear me? How dare you neglect me and then threaten to break up with me? Do you know who I am…” She cursed on and on, screaming so loudly that it began to anger him.

Clenching his fists, and forcing his lips shut, Damien decided that he wasn’t going to argue anymore with her. The last thing he wanted to do was start a screaming contest between both of them and inhaling deeply, he spoke up, “This break will do us both a lot of good. That I know.”

After he said that, without waiting for her response, he hung up and tossed his phone across the bed.

He got on the bed, trying to get into a comfortable position and when he was okay, he switched off his bedside lamp and lay awake in the darkness, as all the events of the day began replaying in his head.

After a few minutes, Damien let out an exhausted sigh and pulling the duvet higher to his chest, he yawned slightly.

Shutting his eyes he drifted off to sleep, not sparing any thoughts about Katherine whatsoever. She didn’t deserve it at all.

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