Fated To Love You Forever

Chapter Fifty Seven


Katherine tipped the third glass of tequila to her lips, swallowing the contents of the glass cup in one gulp.

She slammed the glass down on the table again, and slid it over to the bartender for another refill and he poured the drink all to obligingly. She had promised him a good tip, so he would definitely do as she ordered.

She needed this alcohol. It would drown her frustrations away, and make her stop thinking about a certain cranky bitch getting on her nerves amongst other things.

After she had found out where Madison lived and worked, she had finally decided to go into the city to lodge in a better hotel. She couldn’t keep staying in that mold looking hotel more like motel, and worse still the building reminded her so much of Madison’s dilapidated house.

Try as she may, she just couldn’t stop herself from feeling irritated at the dingy hotel, and so she had ordered her men to drive her into the city and now she was much more comfortable in the new hotel room.

After checking a map of the small town online, she had discovered the bar she was sitting in right now, and since it was a very popular one it hadn’t been all that hard to locate.

Katherine had come to the bar because she was fed up, and furious about everything that had been going on.

She actually felt a bit better when she moved to the four star hotel later on, but then when she remembered how Damien had lashed at her during their call some hours ago everything a hundred times worse.

How dare he? She wondered as she recounted the last few events leading to that dreaded conversation between the two of them.

After she had settled in the hotel, she had immediately booked a spa session. Once that was done, she felt clean and fresh once more and so she proceeded back to her room.

The first thing she checked once she had dressed up was her phone, in hopes of the one person she wanted to call her, Damien. But just like she’d expected there was nothing from him. No calls, no texts, absolutely nothing, and her phone just stared blankly back at her.

Katherine fueled with rage at his nonchalance, as anger burbled within her. It had been so many days since their fight and yes, she was still quite mad discovering that Damien had spoken to Madison, but then she at least expected him to be remorseful by calling and acknowledging her texts.

He should have called, he should have texted, he should have sent a message somehow but he didn’t! She had thought all these and more, as her fury increased in folds.

This was not the way her Damien behaved, and she still couldn’t believe how he seemed to be turning out these past few days. It was alarming.

After hours of waiting on him to call, she finally decided to call, and when he picked up, she wasted no time in pouring out her fury about everything.

But then what did he reply with? He had yelled at her and commanded her to shut up, and her ears reddened in anger as she recalled it all. At first it looked like she was dreaming, and she had taken the phone out of her ear checking whom she’d called, but his name stared right back at her.

Taking another shot of the sour tequila and pulling her hair away from her face, Katherine drowned herself in her thoughts and angry dealings. The music and noise in the bar could have caught anyone’s attention, and maybe distracted one from whatever worried them, but not her as she was too lost in her thoughts to notice.

Damien had yelled at her, and he had showed no interest in talking about the fact that they hadn’t spoken for days. On top of it all, the moment she had opened her mouth to say something in retaliation to his hurtful words, he had hung up on her!

She had felt like murdering someone when the line had gone dead, and furiously she had tossed her phone on the bed and begun to pace around her room.

That was when she had decided to go out drinking, in hopes that it would help clear her head but she was almost seven shots down and still, nothing was working.

All this was Madison’s fault! That bitch! It was so obvious.

Damien never threw tantrums. He never waited this long to come apologizing to her, but now he was acting all strange and it was all because of that bitch.

Katherine clenched her fists again as she remembered for the umpteenth time, the call history on Damien’s phone that showed he had spoken to Madison.

She was dying of curiosity and wondering what they had talked about. She could bet the bitch was trying her best to lure Damien back to her, and once again Katherine swore within herself that it would be over her dead before that happened.

Even as positive as she was in her plans, there was this nagging terrible feeling at the back of Katherine’s mind, that Madison was beginning to succeed in her plans.

Damien was coming to London to see her after all, and this said a lot. This was all the proof Katherine needed.

Oh but Madison was going to suffer a great deal. Yes! She make sure she inflicted so much fear and pain in that bitch, one that she would have no one to run to when Katherine was done. She would suffer until she couldn’t take it anymore, and maybe after that, she would learn never to cross Katherine’s path again.

Then, she would learn to mind her business and stay in her own lane.

A plan brewing in her head, Katherine put down her drink and slipped her phone out of her purse.

She quickly dialed the number of one of the men that worked for her, and brought it to her ear. Looking around first to make sure no one was around, she lowered her voice when he picked up.

“I want you to send something to the bitch again.” She spat, her fury beginning to brew anew.

“Yes ma’am. What exactly?” The man asked promptly.

“A letter. A very unique one like those ones we normally send.” Katherine finally replied after a while.

Yes! This was brilliant. She would send another chilling threat letter. Something to let that gold-digger know that she was still being watched. Something that would put her in a state of fear and make her feel unsafe, at the same time.

“Should we do it like the last time?” The man asked, interrupting her thoughts and Katherine smiled bitterly, “No! Not that one. Something like it, but much worse like I said earlier.”

“Okay ma’am. I’m all ears.”

If she could say one thing about the men she had hired, they were pretty efficient and the fact that they spoke her language and seemed to understand her was a bonus trait for her.

“Yes. Exactly like the last time, but scarier. Add the kind of things that would make her look over her shoulder in fear, and make sure you deliver it late in the evening as that’s the best time for it. Worse still in the night. Let’s say 10 or 11pm.”

“Yes ma’am. But the night delivery is going to cost much more money. How are we going to…”

Before he finished speaking, Katherine interrupted clicking her tongue, “Money is not a problem, and it will never be. Don’t ask silly questions like that.” She paused, noting that her voice was a little loud and lowered it instantly, looking to make sure no one was watching and then continued, “Just pay off the postman as usual, and double the money if need be. When we see you’ll tell me the expenses. I’ll pay it. Alright?”

“Got it. It will be done right away.”

As she was about to hang up, she remembered something, “And oh, one more thing.”

“Yes ma’am?”

“Make sure the words are written in blood. Just like before. Don’t forget, you make it more than scary.”

“As you like ma’am.” The man muttered and smiling to herself, she didn’t wait for him to say anything else as she hung up.

She placed her phone on the counter in front of her and took a sip of her refilled tequila drink.

She was suddenly in a better mood. Sending that letter should teach that bitch a lesson, and at least throw her off balance for a few days.

All she had to do now was wait and watch. Wait until Damien arrived in London, and then she would start the next phase.

Katherine suddenly sat up straighter. Damien!

He would be here soon, she knew that but still she needed more information about his main whereabouts and where he would be staying once he arrived.

She wanted to know this, as it was vital to her plans still and thinking quickly, she dialed his secretary’s number, grateful that she still had it, as it was coming in handy for her.

There was no answer after the first, second and third ring, and Katherine was beginning to get agitated and angry.

It was late at night and the dastardly secretary was probably asleep, but surely the phone kept ringing off the hook so shouldn’t that be enough to wake her? Katherine wondered, her stomach tightening with irritation.

Trying to calm herself down, Katherine dialed the number one more time, already determining that if the secretary didn’t pick then she would just have to try again tomorrow, but then just as she was about to pick up, the call went through.

“Hello?” The voice came through and thank goodness she was not there, because Katherine would have given her a dirty slap across her face.

Even now, she was just resisting the urge to snap at her, and faking an otherwise cheery voice she said, “Hello, Nina.”

“Miss Katherine.”

“Yes it’s me.” Katherine chimed in with a roll of her eyes.

“Um, wow, what a surprise. You calling by this time. Well is anything the matter Ma’am?”

Katherine faked a bitter laugh, and clearing her throat she began, “No, no. Nothing at all. I just need some information about something.”

“Oh sure, I’ll be glad to offer my help if I can.”

If she could? Oh she better had the answers to what was about to be asked, Katherine thought to herself.

“I know Damien is due in London this week as we’ve talked about it before…” She lied, wanting to ward off any suspicion as she finished, “I was wondering when exactly is he supposed to leave? I’m trying to call now and he’s not answering. Can you please help, as something came up urgent and I have to check his schedule to see if it fits.”

“Ohh.” The secretary finally said after some time, “Well unfortunately ma’am, the flight has been canceled already. Just recently too.”

Katherine didn’t care about the details, and her jaw dropped when she heard that the trip had been canceled. Why? When? She was both curious and elated, as she pondered on the reason why Damien would cancel his flight?

Surely there must be a very logical reason for it.

She wondered if he had changed his mind about London, and hence about Madison. A small smile creeped up her face and she contemplated asking his secretary why he canceled, but she stopped herself at the last second.

She couldn’t trust the loud mouthed lady, and also it would look too fishy.

So instead of asking again, she said before hanging up, “Oh okay. Thanks so much for the info, Nina. Later then and goodnight.”

Damien had lashed at her earlier, but if he really did cancel his flight, then it was more than a good improvement, Katherine thought, still smiling to herself.

She didn’t care that she must have wasted a fortune coming here, maybe her stress wasn’t worth it and she could finally go back.

For some insane reason rather she decided to stay a bit, and maybe…

“Hello beautiful.” A figure approaching her said, his voice cutting through her thoughts and Katherine looked up bemused.

She put her phone back into her purse, and faced him squarely, watching as he took the empty barstool next to her.

He proceeded to order two drinks, as he continued smirking at Katherine who in turn used the time to check him out.

She first looked down to check his shoes, and a smiled appeared on her lips when she saw that he had on quite an expensive sneaker collection.

She didn’t even care about his appearance, instead she wanted to know what was loaded in his pocket and he looked like a rich fellow, which was a plus for him in her books.

“I haven’t been able to take my eyes off you the whole night. You’re quite an… exquisite creature, if I do say so myself. I’ve been staring from afar for a while now.” The man said again even though she had barely given him a response, and she watched again as his eyes traveled from her face to the full swell of her breasts peeking out from her dress.

Katherine smiled. Flattery was obviously his strong point, and even though she said she wasn’t here for looks, she let her eyes roam through the stranger’s face and body.

She couldn’t deny the fact that he was good-looking, and clenching her thighs she could already feel desire burning through her.

Taking up the drink he had ordered for her, she sensually enveloped the straw between her lips, making sure to run her tongue over it and suck it clean while staring intently at him.

When she saw him swallow, she knew her small tactic was working and she hummed satisfactorily when she was done.

“I have a private lounge reserved a few blocks away. If the beautiful lady wishes, my driver could take us.” The man said again, still bold and confident. Well she liked his bluntness.

Katherine smiled. She could see the mutual desire in his eyes as he continued to rove his eyes through her body, in the short dress she was wearing and she was already considering his offer.

She did need a way to relax after the stress of traveling to London because of that bitch, and also it had been quite a while since she’d grace a man’s bed.

Damien hadn’t laid a finger on her for long, and since he was playing hard to get, she was going to let someone else warm her up.

It was not her fault, but his since he was failing to recognize what an asset she was and how many men fell at her feet daily. If only he did, then he definitely treat her better but oh well, it was his loss.

Smiling seductively, she picked her purse off the counter and tossed some money at the bartender.

When she was set, she let the man intertwine his arm in hers leading her out of the bar, all the while without uttering a single word.

She was going to have the time of her life tonight. Finally something to cool her drunk state, and ease her worries.


~ Madison smiled widely as she stared into the baby’s eyes and kissed the child’s cheek lightly.

As she continued to stroll down the street, something pulled her back. Shocked, she first secured the baby in her arm before looking back to see if her dress had caught on something.

Instead she saw a dark haired lady clutching on the hem of her dress and pulling her backwards.

“Give me the baby. Now!” The woman yelled, pointing toward the child and pulling Madison closer to her.

Madison shuddered in fear, trying to shake the lady off, “Leave me alone. I don’t know what you’re talking about. This is my baby.”

But the woman didn’t listen. She leaped to Madison, grabbing the baby with one hand and trying to push Madison away with the other but she wasn’t letting go and so she fought back harder but even then she was no match for the lady.

“NO!” She screamed in agony, tears streaming down her face as she held on for dear life.

The strange lady had already taken possession of the baby’s bottom half and was kicking hard on Madison’s fingers, to let go of the legs.

As the child’s legs slipped through Madison’s loosening grip, she let out a piercing scream, as darkness took over her. ~


Madison jerked from her bed with a small scream.

She had broken into a sweat and her heart was pounding furiously, and placing a hand on chest, she quickly checked her fingers.

There was no trace of bruises, and she exhaled slowly in relief.

Looking round, she recognized her small bedroom and for the first time she was extremely grateful that she was rather here than anywhere else at the moment.

It was just a dream.

Just a dream, Madison tried to calm herself, still placing soothing pats on her chest but then it had felt so real. She couldn’t describe the fear she had felt when the baby slipped out of her hands and tear dropped from her eyes which she quickly wiped it away.

Getting down on her knees, Madison placed both palms together and closed her eyes.

Still shaking, her lips began to move as she said a short prayer and when she was done, she felt much better.

Climbing back into the small bed, she shut her eyes, hoping for sleep to come again.Text property © Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org.

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