Fated To Love You Forever

Chapter Fifty Nine

“So… did you like it?” Gina asked, smiling widely at Madison as they both packed in freshly baked bread into open cartons and moved them to where it would be taken for further transportation.

This was the first time they had been placed to work in the same station, and Madison was a tad bit elated. The only time she got to see her friend was during lunch breaks, or after work when they would walk home together, but now it was so much nicer working with her.

At least she had someone to talk to while simultaneously doing her job, and as usual Gina was lively and fun to be with.

Madison laughed at her friend’s expression, “Ah, don’t get ahead of yourself now.” She teased, “But I won’t lie yes it was simply delicious. I have never had better potato porridge in my life!” She exclaimed, quickly placing a hand over her mouth when she realized her voice was quite loud, and someone could overhear them.

Gina knowingly smirked with satisfaction, “See? I told you you’d love it. You’re welcome. But next time you’ll have to pay before I give you any of my special recipes. I might start to make money off this, who knows?” She joked, making Madison burst into laughter, and quickly regaining her composure, she slapped Gina’s arm lightly.

“Okay now I’m starting to think working with you is a bad idea. At this rate I’m going to get fired. I’ve barely done a thing.” Madison pouted and in response, Gina chuckled.

“We’ll go down together, then.”

Madison rolled her eyes jokingly, shaking her head and looking down to continue her work. She had filled all the crates available and then checked the bottom drawer to get some more, but there were none available.

Telling Gina where she was going, she wiped her hands on her apron and headed to the entrance of the bakery. The storage room was right beside it, and she would get what she needed there.

Madison had managed to find more crates and was about to return to her spot, when one of her colleagues called out her name.

She turned around in surprise to see a young woman she recognized. She recognized her but couldn’t remember her name, and as the woman walked towards her, Madison could see a pile of letters in her hand.

Sorting through them, she fished out one of the mail and handed it to Madison, a small smile on her face as they exchanged pleasantries and then she said, “This just came in for you, the postman just dropped it off.”

Madison frowned, confused at who would send her a letter in her workplace, but saying nothing she shook her head and collected the letter, “Oh…um, thank you.”

The lady waved it off, “It’s no problem at all. I’ll see you later then.” She smiled and walked into the bakery.

Madison stared down at the letter in her hand.

She put down the crates on the floor and tore the letter open, already feeling curious to know what was written in it.

She had a very strange feeling about this letter, and more so she wasn’t expecting any mail or package at all. Also she reminded herself again that she had never received a mail at her work place, so what was this? She wondered.

A familiar shade of red at the back of the paper made Madison freeze in fear, and she recalled the last time a similar letter had come for her.

Swallowing, she willed herself to continue, discarding her initial fears and finally tearing the letter open, she stared down at it, as a chill ran down her spine.

She was shocked at the words therein and written in red ink scrawled on the paper was the statement


Madison’s gasped in shock, reading the words all over again as a blatant realization dawned on her.

This was another threat letter.

She felt bile rise in her throat as her mind began to roam. This was a direct threat, stating clearly that her life was in danger, and once again it brought back the stark truth that she was steadily being watched.

For the letter to be delivered here, it meant that whoever this person was, he or she knew exactly where she worked and it only spelt one thing for her.

She knew what this meant for her. It meant that she wasn’t safe at all.

Not at her workplace. Not at home. Nowhere in particular was safe for her.

Her eyes moved back to the letter in front of her, chills running down her spine as she sniffed the red ink which was clearly blood.

Madison’s stomach churned in fear as she looked round the premises, checking to see if there was anyone who looked remotely suspicious but everyone she saw was working and her heart pounding furiously, she walked further out of the building, searching round.

When she sighted the lady who had handed her the letter, she rushed to her wheels turning in her head as she had a barrage of questions to ask.

The woman looked surprised when she approached and so she exclaimed, “What ever is the matter? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost.”

Madison swallowed, “T-the postman that delivered this letter, is he still here?”

“Um, he was on his way out of the bakery’s gate when I gave you the letter. Maybe if you go now you could still see…”

Madison didn’t let the lady finish, as she was no longer listening. Instead she had breezed out of the bakery’s door exit and toward the gates, intent on seeing the postman before he left.

Unfortunately she did not see anyone, and a sense of déjà vu overwhelming her, she felt helpless just like the last time this same thing had happened, although she had been at home back then.

Determined to try harder this time, she ran through the back of the building checking to see if she could find him but everywhere she checked, she couldn’t find anyone.

He was prolly gone, with his bicycle and… “Fuck!” Madison cursed, as she walked back to the entrance, her shoulders hunched as her tears blurred her vision.

A single tear rolled down her cheeks as she tried to hold herself together, but it was useless at the moment.

Whoever this person was, Madison couldn’t tell, but she was being used as a game in whatever was being planned. A pawn! And it was evident that whoever was behind this, clearly enjoyed torturing, and threatening her, also making her look like an idiot at the same time and she was so tired of it.

She was exhausted, fed up, angry, scared… and what else but she just couldn’t even place her emotions right.

All she wanted was a peaceful life, but she was getting the opposite.

She had a job now, a small home she was managing, and some few friends she could talk to, and she was content so what did this person want?

Why was all of this happening to her? Ever since she’d stepped in that damned New York City, her problems had began and Madison didn’t know what to make of this at all.

With the rate at which all this was happening, it wouldn’t come as a surprise to her that the stalker might as well be in her home too.

Anything could happen to her and no one would know. She couldn’t even walk freely in her own home, or sleep well anymore.

Overwhelmed with emotion, tears began to stream down her face, but Madison quickly wiped them off.

It wouldn’t do her any good to be caught crying like this at work, and if the manager got a wind of this, her job might be in jeopardy.

They had been warned severely not to bring personal issues to work, and so she had to keep well to herself.

Sorrowfully, Madison wiped her face, smoothing her hair backwards and tried her possible best to look presentable, before going back into the bakery. There was no use crying now at all because it wouldn’t even solve a thing.

When she got home today, she would decide what to do, but for now she had to get ahold of herself and get back to work.

As she headed back inside, the letter slipped from her fingers and to the floor. Afraid that someone would see the contents, she quickly bent to pick it up, and just as she raised her head up, she spotted an eerily black Jeep parked a short distance from the bakery.

Instantly she froze in shock. She hadn’t noticed the car the first time, probably because she was so disoriented, and busy searching for the post man but now the vehicle was as clear as day.

The windows of the car was tinted and as such she couldn’t see who was inside at all, but she had a feeling that whoever was watching her from that car had something to do with the letter she had just received.

There was something so disconcerting about the car that chilled her to the bone, and her hands shook as she stood, contemplating on what to do.

This made the letter fall from her hands once more, but quickly she snatched it back up.

Making up her mind, looking left and right and not caring that this could bode out badly for her, she quickly marched towards the Jeep.

Whoever was in there had something to do with the letters and the stalking, that she was more than certain about and she was more than determined to find out.



Katherine wanted to watch everything happen right in front of her. After all, since she had been in London for about three days nothing interesting had really happened, and so she wanted to have some fun today.

That was why she had ordered her driver to park in front of Madison’s workplace, while she had ordered her men to send the letter.

Even though she wanted the message to be delivered at night, she changed her mind and they had no choice but to obey without saying a word.

Just as expected when she arrived, the bakery was nothing special, and from where her car was parked, she could smell the sweat and humidity coming from the rundown factory building.

Somewhere that she would never step foot in, but once again because of the bitch Katherine was doing things she never would have dreamed of doing.

From where she was, she could spot the wide open bakery, and she could see the workers in the building. There were so many people clustered together, working and mixing their bodily fluids to whatever they were making and the sight made Katherine sick.

She was sure that there would be an overflow of diseases from the way they kept rubbing against each other, and it made her shake her head in disgust.

Overall she wasn’t surprised that Madison would work here, as this was the perfect job for someone of her status. Sweating all day from the heat in the ovens and baking tasteless goods, suited her so well and Katherine couldn’t help but sneer.

The whole place was stunningly disgusting, like the whole of this small town was, and it made her nauseous but still she didn’t leave all to immediately, still waiting patiently.NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

Her men had called and informed her that the threat letter had already been handed to the postman, who had been heavily rewarded earlier this morning.

They had ordered him to deliver it at her workplace instead of her home this time, as this would really serve as an hefty warning to Madison, and it was a silent message letting her know that she was being watched everywhere she went.

Hopefully she would get the logic, and meaning.

Katherine didn’t mind waiting at all, and just when she thought she might give up, her stay finally paid off.

She had see Madison holding the letter, then tearing it open and reading through it. The combined look of shock and fear that immediately came over Madison’s face made her burst into a round of laughter, and she giggled so hard that she could barely contain herself.

It was the exact reaction she had been hoping for, and seeing the bitch look helpless and scared gave her such a thrill.

That should put her in her place for a while, Katherine decided, still smirking.

When Madison rushed into the bakery and then back, Katherine again couldn’t help but giggle.

She noticed that she was probably searching for the postman, and excited Katherine clapped her hands repeatedly in joy, laughing when she saw a tear slide down Madison’s face.

Everything was going according to plan, just like how she wanted it to, and as she watched Madison sob, she was filled with so much satisfaction and she couldn’t stop grinning.

The smile immediately froze on her face though when Madison looked toward the car, her eyes jamming with Katherine’s and mortification coursed through her.

Holding her breath in shock, her fingers tightening on her purse when she realized she had been caught, Katherine began to think of what to do.

Should she continue staring and watch what would play out, or leave. For a few seconds she had no idea what to do, feeling lost until finally relief coursed through her when she remembered that the windows of the cars were tinted.

She exhaled, placing a hand over her chest.

How had she forgotten that the car windows were tinted. There was no way anyone could see her from outside, but the way her eyes had met Madison’s… it had felt so real and shaking her head, she started getting a little annoyed at herself for panicking so much.

Flipping her hair to the side, she watched as Madison bent to the floor to pick something up.

As she stood, she suddenly began to walk toward the car, and from the look in her eyes, Katherine knew that she had caught onto them as suspects.

Her heart jumped the second Madison’s pace quickened, as she began to race towards the car, and prodding she tapped her driver’s shoulder insistently and half yelled, “Start the car quickly!”

The driver nodded, quickly turning on the ignition and speeding out of the vicinity, without saying a thing or asking why.

When they had gone a safe distance away from the bakery, Katherine turned to the back to see if they were being followed, and she burst into another round of laughter when she saw Madison running after them and yelling for the car to stop.

It was not as if the dumb bitch could actually catch up if she kept on running, and shaking her head, Katherine wondered how one person could be so stupid.

Still laughing, she turned back and relaxed into her seat comfortably.

Realizing how smoothly her plan had gone, she fist bumped happily in the air, smirking. She had definitely instilled the right amount of fear into Madison this time and it was enough to creep her out for a long while.

More than enough to keep her looking over her shoulder, and also enough to keep her crying just like she had back then when she had read the letter.

Oh this was going to be so much fun.

Katherine had already vowed to make sure that Madison would always feel sorrowful, and since the stupid bitch had put herself in trouble by playing with fire after all, then she would definitely get burnt.

If she’d had the sense to stay far away from Damien none of this would have happened, and Katherine wouldn’t even be here in the first place, but well she had brought upon herself.

She had gotten so much in Damien’s head that he had no time for his own girlfriend anymore, and for this Katherine vowed to make her pay dearly.

Laughing once more, she turned around sitting well, and taking out her phone she began to scroll through, looking for something else to keep her busy.

This was just the beginning for Madison fucking Connor, and it could only get worse from here.

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