Fated Mate

Twenty Four

“How are you feeling?” Maria brought Lee a cup of tea.Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

Lee was sitting on the couch trying to watch TV but it was a waste of time. She felt sleepy but she didn’t want to go back to bed. She had been confined in it for days, and had grown tired of it.

“Groggy. Thanks.” She sipped at the tea, hoping it would make her feel better.

“You want something to eat?”

The thought of food made her queasy. The painkillers were making her sick. Keeping food down became a task she never looked forward to.

“No thanks. I think I’m going to stop taking these meds,” she said, sipping some more of her tea.

“You can’t do that they are supposed to help you.”

“The only thing they are doing is making me sleep through the day. The time I spend not sleeping, my head is over the toilet, and I can’t even eat without gagging. I can’t take this anymore,” Lee whined.

“Okay, okay when Ann comes back we’ll go get you checked out.”

“No. They’ll just give me more meds.” Lee wasn’t a fan of hospitals. It always depressed her seeing all those sick people. She wasn’t a fan of blood and wounds. They always made her queasy. One visit a year was all she could stand.

Maria was silent, it was evident she was wrestling with Lee’s decision. “Okay, but you are going to be in more pain.”

Lee looked at her arm. “I think I can handle it.”

Ann walked into the door, with a stack of mail in her hands and some textbooks. “How’s our patient doing?”

“She is going to stop taking her meds,” Maria offered before Lee could say anything.

She put the books and the mail down on the table and sat next to Lee. “Thank God. I was getting tired of the puking and the fifteen hour pass outs. We can finally get our bathroom back…and our sister, I missed you.”

“Nice save.” Lee chuckled.

“I brought you some of your assignments, and some books to read. Finals in two weeks. I’m glad we’ll all be done with school at the same time.”

School, Lee had forgotten about the finals, with all that had happened she couldn’t concentrate on other things.

“Ann, how’s Steve?”

Ann gave her a questioning look. After Steve had hospital security keep them away from him, Ann didn’t see any reason to keep caring and she was more irritated that Lee still did.

“I sold my car today as scrap metal. Sad that the car is dead but good that we now have extra money, not that we really need it, but extra cash never hurt anyone.” Ann changed the subject.

“Ann, please,” Lee begged.

“He’ll live.”

“Ann, please, I know you know something.”

Ann gave up, folded the letter she was reading and leaned back in the seat. “Billy said that he’d be discharged tomorrow. His friends are going to pick him up.”

“Billy? How does he know?” Lee found it strange that he bothered to check on Steve considering his friend put him there.

“Ash paid for the medical bills-yours and his. Then they paid him off to stay away from you, and not go to the cops, personally I don’t know why.”

“What do you mean?” Lee was even more confused.

“When the two of you were wheeled into the ER, the doctor asked if it was a domestic dispute. Since I didn’t want to tell him what really happened I said yes.”


“That’s not the best part,” Maria interjected, “she followed the cops to his room and watched as they interrogated him about your bruises.”

“He was about to tell them about Ash!” Ann interrupted.

Maria continued, “You blackmailed him.” She turned to Lee. “She told him she’d give a sworn statement about your abuse if he said anything.”

“What other choice did I have?”

“Then she told him if he keeps his mouth shut, she’d have you drop the charges.”

“I did what I needed to protect my family!”

Lee was shocked. She couldn’t believe all this happened when she was out. “How did you explain his injuries?”

“Self-defense, you had enough of his abuse,” Ann laughed.

Maria snorted. “She cried for effect. Ann you should have been an actress!”

Ann beamed proudly. “The best part is, he’ll never come near you ever again.”

“Thanks.” That’s all Lee could say. It always surprised Lee, the extent Ann would go to protect her and Maria but she understood her. They only had each other.

Lee leaned her head on the back of the couch when a wave of nausea hit her. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply. She was definitely throwing those meds out.

“Lee,” Ann spoke softly and cautiously. Lee wasn’t going to like it. “The guys asked about you, they’re worried. They want to see you, if that’s okay?”

“That’s cool with me.”

“Ash is coming too.”

Lee was quiet, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to see him, but she needed to talk to him. She was curious about his eyes and how it was possible for them to move in super speed. She had told Maria and Ann about what happened but left those two parts out, she didn’t think it was necessary, at least not until she found out for sure.

Lee was worried about her sisters being around Joe and Billy but she didn’t want to ruin their relationships with an alien story. After all they’ve been through they deserved some happiness in their lives. She didn’t have a choice in the matter-weighing her friends’ happiness against their safety-she had to see him.

“Lee, he’s been trying to come see you since you left the hospital but you always said no. He calls but you won’t pick up the phone. He defended you, you should give him a break!”

Lee furrowed her brows in shock. “Defended? I don’t think that’s the right word for what he did.”

“Okay fine, he acted out one of my best dreams. I wish I’d seen it.”

“That’s not funny.”

“Lee, Steve was hurting you. Ash might have gone over the top, but his heart was in the right place.”

“When are they coming?” Lee gave Ann what she wanted. She was feeling too sick to keep arguing about it.

“Tonight. We are going to stay a while before we leave…you’ll be alone with Ash.”

Lee groaned. She hadn’t heard a word Ann said. Her head was spinning and the taste in her mouth was bitter.

“He just wants to talk to you!” Ann insisted reading into Lee’s reaction.

Maria moved closer to Lee. She took the cup out of her hand, and placed her hand into hers. “Ann, I don’t think she’s groaning because of that. Honey, are you okay?”

Lee shot up off the couch and ran to the bathroom. Maria was behind her. She was on her knees puking her guts out. When Lee lifted her head, they were both there, worried. Ann handed her a glass of water and helped her up.

“I think I’ll throw those meds out right now,” Ann was serious.

“I’ll help you back to the couch.” Maria had her hands on Lee’s waist.

“Let me brush my teeth first.”

Ann helped Lee to the sink and Maria took the glass from her and handed her, her toothbrush, and they stood and watched her.

“You know you don’t have to wait for me?” Lee leaned against the sink to support herself. She felt better but exhausted.

“I’m holding the glass,” Ann said.

“I’m holding you,” Maria said. Lee nodded, grateful to the both of them. Having them around made her feel better.

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