Fated Mate


“Earth to Lee, earth to Lee.” Maria was waving her hands in front of her. “Hey, where did you go?”

Lee was thinking of Ash again. She was hoping he was going to show up, but she wasn’t so sure. Maria had called Joe when she was in the bath, setting up a lunch date for the six of them. She wanted to invite Ash and didn’t want Lee within earshot in case he said no. She saw the lasting effect he had on Lee and knew she had to give them another chance with a proper first date with her and Ann in the room to make sure it stayed that way, proper. She was more convinced about her decision because of Lee’s constant dazed status.

Lee was pissed she hadn’t been consulted, but there wasn’t much she could do about it. She didn’t want to come off as desperate and needy, but there was no denying it, she wanted to see him again.

It had been three days, since she last saw or talked to him. Billy and Joe had the house phone number, so Ash really didn’t have any excuse not to call her, unless he just didn’t see why he should.

Why should he? I gave it up, hours after we met. What else would he want from me? Lee thought to herself.

She wished she hadn’t. She really wasn’t thinking of it, it just, popped into her mind. That’s the last time she was going with the flow. But she was glad they hooked up, or she would still be pining for Steve.

She sighed. Lee was never going to win in this game.

She walked to the hallway mirror to make sure she looked presentable.

Her body was covered with deep purple patches. She had made an effort to hide the bruises with make-up, but they were still very visible. So she had no other choice but to cover up. She wore a long sleeved white turtleneck and a pair of blue jeans. She combed her hair to the front, hoping it would cover the bruise on the right side of her chin­-the makeup wasn’t doing a great job at hiding it. She didn’t want to scare off Ash; he was already avoiding her.

I can’t believe I’m thinking of his feelings when he ditched me? Lee groused. He wasn’t thinking of my feelings then, and in the three days he hasn’t call. She went back to the kitchen to set the table, feeling more nervous than before.

When the doorbell rang, she got startled and dropped the cutlery on the floor. Ann came out of her room and headed straight for the door. Maria helped her pick them up and set them on the table.

Maria giggled. “Calm down Lee.”

“Hi, beautiful.” It was Billy. He hugged Ann and gave her a light kiss on the lips. She was blushing-something Lee hadn’t seen her do since she met her. Maria walked to Joe and gave him a tight hug.

Lee felt jealous. The four of them were already acting like couples. The midnight calls and giggles got to her the most.

Lee looked behind them, but didn’t see anyone. Then Joe closed the door. It felt like he had slammed it in her face. Ann and Maria’s faces dulled, the light that was there a few seconds ago was gone.NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

“He had to go out of town. He asked us to give you his apologizes.”

In other words he wasn’t interested in seeing me again. Lee thought with a pain that made her cringe.

Joe seemed remorseful but Lee could tell he was lying to her when he didn’t look her in the eye when he said it.

“It’s cool.” Lee gave him a weak smile. She didn’t want him to feel sorry for her.

She raised her hand and pushed her front hair that was in her eye back. Big mistake, Joe gasped which prompted Billy to look at Lee. The huge bruises on her chin and hand were visible. She quickly brushed her hair in front, then pulled her sleeves down and held the edges tight in her fists.

“She fell,” Ann quickly said. She had realized they were staring at her with horror on their faces.

Lee hated it when people stared at her, especially if it was out of pity, or shock like they were doing right now. “I’m a klutz,” Lee added, with a fake grin on her face. With that they walked to the kitchen and took their seats at the table.

“I almost forgot, Ash got you a gift for your birthday.” Joe pulled out a velvet box from his jacket pocket.

Ann snickered. “Another birthday present? She still hasn’t recovered from the last one.”

“Ann, don’t embarrass her,” Maria said, but her giggles only made Lee more uncomfortable.

Billy and Joe looked at each other confused. All Lee could do was hope they didn’t get curious enough to ask what Ann meant.

“Sorry, let me take those.” Lee took their jackets and draped them over her arm before she took the box with her fingers, making sure her bruised hand stayed covered. “He really didn’t have too.” The box slipped and fell open on the floor.

She bent down to pick it up but froze when she saw what was in it. “Wow.” It was a platinum chain with a diamond drop pendant. “Are you sure this is it?” Her voice was down to a whisper. Her eyes were stuck on the pendant, not daring to touch it.

“Yes it is. Would you like me to help you put it on?” Joe crouched down beside Lee.

“No. You should give it back. This is too expensive, and so not me.” She picked the box up with unsteady fingers and handed it to Joe. He didn’t take it. His eyes flashed to her hand before he stood up and took a step back.

“Are you out of your mind?” Ann couldn’t believe Lee was turning down a diamond-a woman’s best friend.

“Please accept it. If I take it back he’ll get you a bigger diamond.”

Lee really didn’t want that. She nodded her head and put their jackets in the closet by the door before she went to her room to keep it safe. There was no way she was ever going to wear that.

The afternoon dragged on, well at least for Lee. Ann, Billy, Maria and Joe seemed to be having a lot of fun. They talked and laughed the whole time. They tried countless times to include her in the conversation but it was futile. She felt like a fifth wheel. After a while, she excused herself, made some lame excuse and went out. She was feeling claustrophobic and needed some fresh air.

Lee walked around the street, circling their block a couple of times. She was driving herself insane wondering why Ash didn’t want to see her anymore and if the expensive necklace had some sort of hidden meaning in it.

Maybe Steve was right, all one has to do is look at me and see all the demons I am battling. Lee replayed that night over and over again, trying to figure out what she did wrong. But the only thing she got was how fantastic that night was.

Then she had that eerie feeling again. She stopped and looked around, searching for the eyes burning a hole in her back. She couldn’t spot anyone. People were walking around, minding their own business. She was being delusional again. She turned and headed back to the apartment, walking faster than before. Lee may be delusional, but that didn’t mean she shouldn’t feel safe.

When Lee got to the apartment, the guys were gone. Ann was pacing the living room in a rage and Maria was on the couch, quiet.

“What’s wrong? Where are the guys?” Lee put her purse in the closet by the door and joined Maria on the couch.

“Billy and Ann had a fight,” Maria answered.

“What, why?”

Maria looked at Lee. She didn’t have to say anything for her to know the cause of it.

“It’s because of me, isn’t it? Ann, I’m so sorry, but you didn’t have to say anything.”

She stopped and turned to Lee, her face red. Boy was she angry. “You have nothing to apologize for. How could he defend Ash for what he’s doing to you? He shouldn’t have said he was going to come if he knew he was going to chicken out!”

“But Joe said he was out of town…”

“Oh please, Maria, you can’t seriously tell me you believed that!”

“Ann, cool down. Its fine, I didn’t expect him to come anyway. If he had any intention of seeing me again he would have called me days ago.” Lee moved toward her with the phone in her hand. “Now call Billy and make up.”

“Hell no, he should call and apologize to me!” She stormed off and went to her room, banging her door shut.

Ann seemed happier with Billy around. Lee didn’t want that to end because of her.

“Maria, what’s the number?”

“Lee, I don’t think you want to do that, Ann is going to kill you.”

“Maria the number…”

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