Chapter 18

Nina’s POV

My first birthday with Daisy was a bit different from those of the previous years. First, neither Damien nor Amar was the first person to wish me a happy birthday.

Then, Daisy insisted that we celebrate it in a big way, despite my protest. After much argument, I gave in but with a condition. Our guests were to be limited to my office colleagues, that was my condition.

I knew celebrating my birthday in a big way will lead to something I would no longer be able to control. I guessed that was my fear and reason for keeping a low profile. Papparazis would be in attendance and virtually all information about my private life would be gathered and disseminated to the world before the next day.

I loved my privacy but I couldn’t imagine what would happen if news got to the world that Nina Gomez was a single mother who got pregnant out of wedlock for an Indian. Such news can ruin my reputation, the reputation I have been building for years, to prove my father wrong….. that I am worthwhile. I can’t risk letting my information out, I might not be able to bear the pain that will come with it.

Daisy and Nadia were the first to wish me a happy birthday. I was overwhelmed. Daisy was with her big belly and Nadia with her forever smile. I was moved to tears by their wishes. No doubt, I loved them both. Daisy means alot to me, same with Nadia.

It was past 7am that Damien called to wish me a happy birthday. I rolled my eyes like he would see him doing that. If he was 2 hours early, he would have been the first as always.

Seeing his name on the screen made me realize just how much I’ve missed my boy. I was hoping to do a video call with him later that day. I wanted to see my handsome baby.

“Hello, Mr Amar’s junior”, I rolled my eyes again.

“Mom, I’m really sorry”, he apologized with a loud voice.

“Is that the first thing to say?”

“Happy birthday, mom. I love you.”

I smiled widely. “I love you too, baby and I miss you badly. I wish you were here.”

“Mom, I miss you too. But you wanted me to be here so here I am”, I could hear a chuckle near him.

“I didn’t force you, did I?” Damien and I used to talk about visiting India someday, after his graduation from highschool. So when the plans changed, I thought he was going to be glad about it.

“Partially”, he answered with a chuckle. I smiled too. I heard him talking to someone and laughter followed.

“Who are you with, Damien?” I asked.

“Dad”, he replied. “He sends his regards.”

“Hmm! Like father, like son. Your dad also forgot my birthday this year and I’m sure it’s because you are there with him. It’s so unlike him.”

Amar was always the second person to wish me a happy birthday, after Damien. They were the two most important men in my life, so I expected that and I appreciated them for always making my birthday wonderful.

The few years Amar and I stopped talking was when he stopped calling to wish me happy birthday.

“He didn’t. He was the one that reminded me of your birthday, mom. I lost track of time because of the time difference between China and the US. I’m not used to it yet.” Damien defended his father.

“Really? What’s the time over there?”

“It’s 9pm.”

“9pm? It’s just 7am here. Where are you going by this time, Damien?” I demanded?

The next voice I heard was that of Amar. I realized we haven’t really talked on the phone since Damien left. I missed hearing his voice, no doubt as I felt a sensation that was not new to me, not new to my body system but obviously new to the fact that I still haven’t stopped loving him.

“What the hell is wrong with this kid?” His voice boomed into the phone. “He wouldn’t let me speak to my woman”, my heart began to pound at the statement.

That was the name he gave me but I couldn’t even remember the last time he called me that. I was already used to the “my dear”, he calls me ever since he gave birth to his first child.

Before his child’s birth, when I was still hoping for some sort of stupid reunion between us, he called me “my woman” and “my happiness is India”.

“He loves me”, I replied.

“He loves me more”, he contradicted me.

I laughed. “You can’t compete with me, Amar. Damien loves me more and more.”

“Forever more, uhm?”

“I love you both, mom. Equally”, Damien shouted into the phone.

“You see?” I tried to imagine the way he would be peeking at me.

“He’s still a kid. He doesn’t know he loves me more. Besides, I’m sure he is saying this because you are near him.”

“Oh, Nina”, my heart fluttered at that instant. When was the last time Amar called me by my name?

“Damien is 21. He is no longer a kid. He had sex with a girl yesterday and she is already puking around.”

“What the hell!”

“Don’t worry, you will be a grandmother soon.” They both laughed.

“Is this what you have been teaching him?”

“He is his father’s son.”

“Father’s son, indeed”, he chuckled lightly. “You haven’t wished me a happy birthday, Amar”, I reminded him.

“I’m sorry, darling. Happy birthday dear. My boy and I lost track of time. I haven’t gotten used to the fact that I am now in China too, and not India.”

“I felt bad when I didn’t see you guys’s call.” I pouted.

“We are sorry. If I was in India, I would have called at 12am.”

“You never called 12am, Amar.”

“I have. It’ll be 10am in India by then. Maybe you’ve forgotten.”

“Mom, we need to go. I’m crashing at dad’s place tonight”, Damien interrupted my conversation with his father. I was sure he had grabbed the phone from his father.

“Where are you two coming from?” I couldn’t hide my curiosity.

“From a party”, he replied.

“A party? Oh, Damien! Your dad is a bad influence.” I heard them laughing loud at my remark.

“We needed to clear our head, mom Nina, so we went to check out some pretty asses.” Damien said.

“Perverts”, I retorted and they laughed again while I chuckled. I was happy Damien was finally enjoying his stay with his father.

“I’ll call you later after the party”, I told him.

“That will be tomorrow morning, mom.”


Damien chuckled and said something to his father who also laughed.

“We love you, mom. Bye”, Damien said and disconnected the call before I could get over what he said or even respond.

“We?” I asked myself. I found myself smiling but I was quick to caution myself. I wonder why I always feel like a teenager whenever Amar is involved. Is this not an obsession? I asked myself inwardly as I went downstairs to meet Daisy and Nadia decorating the living room with balloons.

I wondered where Daisy got the energy from. She had been so excited about the birthday that I couldn’t even call her lazy anymore.

“Mom”, she squealed excitedly and came over to hug me.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Someone is really excited about something.” I said.

“Mom, it’s your birthday.”

“Obviously”, I grinned and patted her stomach. “Be careful with my baby. This is the seventh month.”

“The baby is also excited, mom”, she uttered.

“Really? Is she kicking?” She nodded.

I squatted and put my ears to her stomach. I felt the baby’s presence. “Oh My God! It kicked.”

Daisy giggled excitedly.

I stood upright. “I need to go to the office to grab a few things”, I told her and Nadia.

“On your birthday?” They both chorused. I smiled and shook my head. “The party is later tonight, I just need to grab a few things. I’ll be back in a jiffy.”

“But you told me you won’t go to the office again for the rest of the year”, Daisy said.

“Yeah. More reasons why I need to go. Stella isn’t around, I would have asked her to help out. There are some important documents I’ll be using while I work from home”, I explained.

“Alright, mom. Don’t stay too long at the office.”

“Ok, dear”, I waved at the two of them and quickly walked out of the house before they would convince me not to go.

Richard was already in the car as I got in. I like his punctuality and cleanliness. I had the intention of surprising him and Nadia that night, they have been faithful and loyal to me. Their kind was rare and I see them as a part of my family, my home.

“Richard, the party is by 7pm and we will be done before 10pm”, I told him. “If you have a girlfriend, you can come with her, she is more than welcome.”

A smile spread across his face. “Yes, ma’am. Thank you and God bless.”

I smiled back in response. I really couldn’t count the number of times Richard tells me God bless. He was truly a good man because God keeps answering his prayers, except one.

I was so lost in thoughts that I didn’t notice we were already in the parking lot of the office building.

“Ma’am”, Richard called, jerking me back to life. “We are here.”

“Thank you, Richard”, I told him as I got out. ” I’ll be right back.”

“Ok, ma’am.”

I was not with my handbag and it was so unlike me. I was just with my phone which was firmly in between my right hand, as I walked into the complex.

“There you are”, Sinclair bemoaned as I almost bumped into him.

“Here comes my greatest nightmare”, I said Inwardly.

“Nina, how have you been?” He quickly pulled me in an embrace. The hug felt awkward and he finally released me as I put on a fake smile.

“You’ve been unfair to me, Nina”, he complained.

“I’m really sorry, Sinclair. Can we talk about this some other time? My driver is waiting outside for me. I just need to pick up a document in the office.”

The smile on his face was replaced with hurt, but I didn’t care.

“Alright, I’ll call you then. I hope you will pick my call.”

“Great. Thank you”, I said and ran off.

Sinclair was the guy I went on a date with after Amar’s wife gave birth to his first child, Yashmi. We also had sex that was nothing to write home about. Instead of making me forget my sorrows, it made me crave for Amar’s touches more. Since that night, I had always avoided Sinclair.

A few minutes later when I got out of the elevator, on my way out of the building, I heaved a sigh of relief when I didn’t see Sinclair again.

I got into the car with the envelope I went to pick and instructed Richard. “Let’s go home.”

When we got home, Nadia and Daisy were already baking the cake and when I extended a helping hand, they pushed me out of the kitchen.

I smiled to myself. Even though I ain’t happy with my first love, every other aspect of my life is doing great. The people I call family are great people. My son is a great boy turning into a great man. And I have always been a great woman. With a great personality. I am a great author, I thought.

What more could I ask for?

That day was my 39th birthday

I know all hope for a wonderful, sensual and passionate love life is lost. I am unlucky in that aspect.

But maybe….. just maybe in my next life, I will be lucky enough to keep my man, I thought.

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