Falling In Love

Chapter:1The boy with the car

Chapter:1The boy with the car

I'm sitting Shotgun in a sleek sports car.The street of los Angeles blur past.Over the roar of the engine,

I hear My heart pounding in my chest.I glanced in the side view mirror at the cop cars right on my tail

and caught a glimpse of myself.

"Is this really me?Gulp! Yeah,that's me,alright...I barely even recognize myself." a voice calls out my

name, Ellie!Ellie!Ellieee!!!

I turn to the car's Driver,his piercing eyes locked with mine.

He said ,"I'm gonna have to do something a little risky.Do you trust me?"

"I trust you?! I barely even know you.",I said.the speedometer ticks past 100 miles an hour.The driver

takes my hand.

"It’s now or never, Ellie. Do you trust me?"He said.

"I…." I tried to answer but I just keep thinking one thing over and over…this is not how I expected my

eighteenth birthday to go.

Earlier that day…. Alarm -beeeeeep beeeeeep beeeeeep! I turned off my alarm and bolt straight up in


"Today's the day... I'm finally 18th!!"

I throw on my usual outfit,checking myself out in the mirror.

"I look pretty cute."

I look down at the name of Saint Gobain College printed across the sweater I've had since I was


"I still can't believe it. This summer I'll be attending my dream school!"

I head downstairs, full of a feeling that my whole life is about to be different…..

I find my dad in the kitchen,cooking over the stove.

"There’s my birthday girl. What do you want for breakfast?"

"I'll have an belgian waffle."

"Thought you might say that. Order up, one Ellie special."

"Yumm!! How do you know me so well?"

"You're my daughter. It’s my job."

"That's your job? Somehow I Don't think your boss would agree."

"Shh..that's our Secret. So any plans for your big day?"

"Same as last year. Stuffing cake in my face with Kenny and Paul.Then back home for board games

with you."

"Don’t think I'll take it easy on you,just Because it’s your birthday. "

"You mean you were actually trying when I wiped the floor with you last time?"

Dad laughs,then reaches into his pocket. He slides over a small box tied with a ribbon.

I unwrap my birthday gift"Ooh..nice job on the wrapping, Dad."

"I watched a how-to video,you know. Ellie,every morning I eat breakfast at this table with you...and

every morning I'm amazed at how you’ve grown into such a responsible, driven,remarkable young

woman. And I think about how proud your mom would be of you."

I open the box and find..A charming bracelet.

"Wow. It’s just like the one--"

"Yeah the one your mom used to wear."

My eyes getting wet, I latch the bracelet to my wrist.

"Dad,it’s beautiful. It'll always remind me of her. And mom would be proud of you too."

"That's a relief! I don’t exactly know what's cool for teenagers these days."

"Honestly, dad, me neither. "

"Now finish up your breakfast. Don't Wanna miss the bus and be tardy on your birthday. "

"Actually, I was kiiiida thinking… "

"Go on,spit it out. I can see those gears of yours turning. Remember last year on my birthday, we

talked about driving lessons? And you said maybe next year--"

"Ellie,sweetie, I know I said we would talk about it. But it’s just too dangerous driving with a bunch of

teenagers zooming all over the road. You don’t wanna know how many bad accidents I've seen."

"But dad…don't you trust me? I'm an adult now. "

"I do trust you Ellie. It's the world I don’t trust. Besides, soon, You'll be off at college in a big city. No

point having a car there, right?"

"....Right" he leans down and kisses the top of your head before walking off.

"Love you, Ellie."

"Love you too,dad…"

Soon, I'm on my way to school, the only senior on a bus full of noisy freshmen and sophomores. I try to

study, burying my face in a romantic story book.by the way I like to read about love stories. I've always

wanted to be in this kind of cheesy story. It's my dream to be able to write some. I've always been a shy

kind of kid. So books were my first everything for me. It gives me hope to believe in Fairytale. But the

rickety bus bounces so much, I can't even read.

" ugh, just a few more weeks."

As the bus stops at a red light, I hear a deep rumble, as a sleek, Blue car pulls up in the next lane.

"Whoa, look at the car!" I was daydreaming about it. I sigh, gazing absently at the gleaming ride.

"Sure it would-be nice to go to school like that instead. " as if he can feel my staring, the boy behind the

wheel meets my gaze… just for a moment. Then the traffic light turns green, and the car rockets off,

engine roaring…

I shuffle off the bus outside our prestigious Mystic Vista Prep School. My senior classmates, parking

their cars in the parking lot, high-fiving and hugging each other. But none of them greet me. I hardly

recognise any of them and suddenly I've never felt so alone.

"Did I completely miss out on high school? "

that's when I notice it...the Blue car from earlier, parked in the lot." Weird never seen that car here


"Ellie, hey,Ellie!!c'mon,Paul there she is!" that's Kenny, my best friend and her boyfriend Paul catch up

and walk by my side.

"Congrats on the big dieciocho! What's the first thing you wanna do now that you’re officially an adult?

",Paul said.

" Hmmm, I guess I've always wanted to vote,buy a lotto ticket and get a tattoo."

"Hold up. Since when have you wanted a tattoo? ",said Paul.

"I dunno I just want to do the things I've never been allowed to do before. "

Kenny laughs and swipes five bucks from Paul.

"He bet me you’d say something like 'serve on a jury' or 'get a full-time job'. Well? How's it feel being

eighteen?", Kenny asked.

"I'm being stupid but… I just thought I'd wake up this morning and I'd suddenly be excited. Someone

worth noticing. Someone different. "

"You're different! You're an adult now! You get to decide what you’re all about." said Kenny.

"In that case,I'm all about… being the best I can be. Finally falling in love. And getting the hell out of


"Well, can't blame you. Love is pretty great.", said Paul. Paul gives kenny a peck on the cheek.

"Yeah, Buuuut it’s not everything! Sometimes you’ve to put yourself first," said Kenny.

"That's what I've done my whole life. Put my studies first. Put my future first. I want someone else to

love me,to share their thoughts with me and I want to feel loved by someone special first of all."

"You'll, I know it. I've seen the future, and in it your significant other is a snack. ", said Kenny.

"I love you guys."

"Well, we hate you for leaving early. Can't your fancy honors program can't wait 'till after our last

summer here?",Kenny asked.

"Well my acceptance at Saint Gobain is still conditional on keeping my grades up until graduation. It's

not official yet."

"Neither is you being valedictorian, but I'm sure you’re already on the third draft of your graduation

speech. ", Said Paul.

" No….fourth!!"

"Atleast, We still have prom to look forward to.", said Kenny. "You’ve got that right. Hear me out...

orange tux.", said Paul. "You do, babe."said Kenny.

"I dunno. I think I'd just be a third wheel."

"You can't bail on prom! It's the Classic high school experience!!! Not to mention it’s the perfect

opportunity for your first kiss." Said Kenny.


"Oh please, Paul knows.", Said Kenny.

"Still,I'll probably be too busy with studying to go to prom. I can't have it both ways."

"Sure, you can! You can totally have it all.Just look at Lola.", said Kenny.Kenny point's out the model

tall blonde surrounded by sycophants.

"Ohhh, You're so funny,Josh." said Lola.

"Ah, my name is Tim….Never mind,I can be Josh now.",said the boy she was talking to.

"It’s so unfair. She's barely behind me in the class rankings,is on every sports team, and in every club!

She never even misses a party!!!!"

"Been doing some social media 'research' I see!?" said Kenny.

Across the parking lot Lola shoots me a glare that still somehow manages to look dazzling. You can't

look away!!!

Crash!Distracted,I run right into somebody's back and go sprawling to the sidewalk, spilling all my

books. Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

"Oofff!!!!" I find my face an inch away from a pair of black boots. I slowly look up and see….It's him!!!!

The boy with the car! The stranger looks down at me with a cocked eyebrow. He'd been talking with

Brent, the richest kid in the school.

"That was so embarrassing that I'm so embarrassed for you.Wow,is this what humiliation feels

like???,asked Brent.

I feel my face flush hot with shame… until the stranger offers me a hand.

"You know, there are easier ways to get my attention.", said the stranger.

I take his hand."I, ahh...thanks."

He easily pulls me to my feet

"I'm really sorry about running into you.It won't happen again."

"It won’t?! Too bad.I was hoping it will happen again.", said the stranger.

"I just got distracted, and then I didn’t--um--sorry,but who are you?I didn’t see you here before."

"You cut right to the chase,Don't you? The name's Lan."

"I haven’t seen you around, Lan.do you go here?"

"Not exactly, though right now, I kinda wish I did."

"Lan You're very kind. I dabble in charity too. But could you please focus on me? We'll do the exchange

at my house party tonight. The hottest girls, kegs,a Dj… you’d be stupid to miss it.", said Brent.

"Stupid, huh…Is she going? Asked Lan to Brent.

"M-Me?" "Her?" shocked response by Brent.

Lan nods to my advanced textbooks.

"You seem smart, And I wouldn’t wanna be stupid now,would I? So if You're going…. "

"I- I mean… party??Tonight??? I'm not inv--"

"Of course she is invited!!! This is my good friend...erm..Her name's… " confused reply by Brent.

"It’s Ellie."

"So, I'll see you at Brent's party tonight then,Ellie??"

"You’d better,Maybe. I mean that's not really my scene… "

"Mine neither. Too bad. Alright, Brent,we'll do it tonight but I'm not sticking around. "

They shake hands and part ways. Then with one last look at me, Lan gets in his car and takes off.

"Wow!! I know you have plans with your dad, Ellie, but you must have an iron will to blow off a guy that

absurdly hot!,said Kenny." Ken, I'm standing right here…",Paul said.

"I can't go. I've never been to a party in my entire life!!!"

" Remember five minutes ago when you were lamenting all your missed high school experiences??

Asked Kenny.

"That's the kind of say when major life changes are coming! But you don't mean it!!!"

"So you didn’t mean all those times you’ve said you’ve never really lived?or that you dad keep you on

such a tight leash???" angry response by Kenny.

"Ellie wants to get her feet wet,not dive right into the deep end. And a Brent Vandermeer party doesn’t

come with a life jacket.", said Paul.

"Paul, what I've told you about extended metaphors??Don't you want to help Ellie make the best of

what's left of high school?",said Kenny.

"Of course, I do. So? We're doing this together?? ",asked Paul.

"Yeah..yeah!!!we're going to a party!!!"

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