Emery: A Prince's Adventure

Chapter 39

Chapter 39


Today is the day. The day where she'll be judged.

I, stand still as I watch the crowd, mostly citizens as they join us on this day. The day where we'll say

the truth and leave everything to the judge where he shall be the one to state Hannah's punishment.

''There are a lot of people here,'' Evelyn says.

''You're right. The whole country knows about this. I'm pretty sure they've chosen our side yet some

rebellions might be supporting her,'' I mutter under my breath as I keep on eyeing the crowd as Emma

stands still beside me, her fingers entwined with mine.

''We don't need to know that now,'' She replies.

''It's starting,'' Evelyn gestures for us to sit.

Our royal lawyer has been dealing issues in this family for years, he is one of our trustworthy man. We

all sit at the assigned seats, facing the judge and within seconds, I am already turning to look at

Hannah, seeing her staring straight at the judge as she caresses her stomach.

All of a sudden, we are interrupted by the sound of the door opening before we can even start. Evelyn

and I turn to look at the door, seeing Cole and Daniel entering as their eyes wander around the room.

Without me realising, Cole has already looked my way as he walks towards his side—with Hannah.

Daniel follows behind him, his eyes won't leave Hannah's figure. I can't believe that this is what we've

come to.

We were laughing, enjoying and even cherishing the moment of our lives. That seemed like only a few

months ago but now things have changed. We've became adults before we get to realise it.

''All rise. Honourable judge is preceding into the court room,'' An officer says, as a sign for us to stand

up; before turning to look at the judge, entering.

''Please be seated,'' He says, as we sit.

''Shall we begin?'' I hear someone ask but everything seems like a blur; my whole mind can't even

comprehend what the hell is happening right now.

The judge begins by reading the case number and stating who is present in the court room other than

the gallery and observers, ''This is the case number 84C01-0703-JD-00569, in the matter of Hannah

Johansson. Present in the courtroom are the defendant and her attorney, the deputy prosecutor and

the probation officer.''

I glance one more time at her, seeing her eyes are red and slightly swollen; as if she has been crying.

Both of her hands are shaking but she hides it very well, not seen if I don't pay close attention. As for

herself, she looks tired, hopeless and just, miserable.

It pains me to see her this way but it's her fault.


This wouldn't have happened if she didn't attempt.

''This is going to be long,'' Evelyn mutters beside me, making me turn to look at her; seeing that she's

not looking at Hannah at all. Both of her eyes show no sympathy—maybe because she haven't spent

as much time as I've spent with her.

''All are innocent until proven guilty. You have the option to plead not guilty, guilty or no contest. No

contest means the trial will continue without your supporting evidence which can still find you guilty. I

advise you not to plead no contest. You also have the right to obtain counsel,'' The judge says, while

the rest of us are quietly in our spot; not uttering anything.

I look at Emma, seeing that she is currently looking down at her hands as she stays still next to our

lawyer. If only I can be next to her, in order to comfort, I would but like I said, she's strong enough. She


''In the matter of Maria Higgins and Hannah Johansson, please come forward,'' He starts, looking up at

Maria—one of our maids who saw the whole incident.

She was walking through the halls until she heard raising voices; luckily, she stayed long enough to see

Hannah push Emma down the stairs which she claims to be a witness. Both of Hannah and Maria walk

towards their stands, causing everyone to look at them.

The judge looks down at the paper, ''Maria Higgins, please raise your right hand. Do you solemnly

swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?'' He asks, eyeing Maria; so does the rest of the people


An officer places Maria's hand on the bible, ''I do.''

''This is absurd,'' Evelyn whispers beside me, ''Why do we need to take this into the courtroom? It's

enough evident that the future queen could have been killed but Hannah still managed to make a case

in order to defend herself? How does this even work?'' She frowns.

''There are certain unexplained things,'' I reply.

''Oh, like the baby she's carrying.'' She crosses her arms, leaning back onto the seat before keeping

quiet for a few seconds, ''We've got the test result and the father,'' She continues, making me look at

her; listening.

''I know about that, Evelyn,'' I sigh, deeply.

''The court doesn't. They can make it all up,'' She says. ''So, I did us a favour. You and Emma can get

away from all this pathetic mess when this is all over,'' She adds.

''You may begin,'' The judge says to Maria.

''It was on the tenth of June, Her Highness had arrived from Melbourne, Australia where she went with

Princess Evelyn and Sir Andrea. From all I heard in the palace when they were gone, they went to

investigate about the current child that Ms. Johansson is carrying as she claimed Prince Emery to be

the father,'' She says, looking at our direction; whatever she will say, as long as she states the truth—

there will be no blame.

''I saw them. I heard voices but it sounded more like an argument yet I didn't bother to intervene. All I

could say is that, I saw Hannah pushed Princess Emma out of the room but she had pushed too far

which caused her to fall down the stairs, resulting the miscarriage,'' She continues to say and I take a

few seconds to glance at Emma; trying to see how she's cooping.

''Thank you, Ms. Higgins. You may step down,'' The judge says and Maria slowly steps down from the

stand, walking back towards her seat.

''Hannah Nicole Johansson, please raise your right hand. Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth and

nothing but the truth?'' The judge asks, the same as Maria.

Within seconds, the officer has already made his way towards Hannah, placing her hand on the bible. I

eye her every movement and all I can see is her eyes looking back at me; probably showing pain.

''I do,'' She replies; her voice almost inaudible.

Everyone starts to whisper but their whispers are far from my range of hearing. They seem to talk

about the incident that happened; making me look back at her, seeing that she's currently looking at

her brother.

Cole's eyes show a large amount of sympathy. He loves his sister so much that it's a huge pain to see

her in this state; for a small cause and a plan, she ended up in jail. Maybe, all she attempted was to

hurt Emma, just to make her see that she is capable of doing things.

But, she ended up causing the miscarriage.

''According to Maria Higgins, you claimed that His Highness, Prince Emery is the father to your child. In

fact, there are also other witnesses agreed to your claim as they heard and was present including

Princess Evelyn and the queen herself,'' Our lawyer, Mr. James Gilbert starts to speak, as he looks

directly into her eyes.

''Your honour, Hannah Johansson has spread nothing but lies as soon as she landed in London. Other

than claiming the prince to be the father of her child, she ended up hurting the princess, our future

queen, in order for her to prove herself right,'' He continues.

''He is the father to my child!'' Hannah speaks.

''On what proof? You have solemnly sworn on the bible that you shall tell the truth and nothing but the

truth so I advise you to do as told,'' He points at her, making her look down at the ground as she


''In fact, the true father of the child is in here with us. I've asked him to come here all the way from

Melbourne to justify and to state the truth. Remember Daniel, Ms. Johansson?'' He asks, turning to look

at Daniel, who is currently sitting on the other side with Cole. Everyone starts to mutter words as they

look at him. ''This is not just an empty talk. I have proof, Your Honour.''

Mr. Gilbert makes his way towards Emma, opening his suitcase on the desk before taking out an

unknown file and within seconds, Evelyn's lips are already curving into a smile; making me realise

what's the content.

''This is the paternity test. The doctor is also present if this file does not contain enough proof to state

that the prince of Cambridge is definitely innocent,'' He says, proudly as he glances towards Hannah;

showing that he is already winning the case without a doubt.

''Objection, Your Honour!'' Her attorney stands.

Everyone turns to look at the attorney, seeing that he is currently looking at Hannah and back at

Emma. The main problem is that this case is being held, according to the law which means that if there

are certain proof that may show her innocent, it shall be that way.

''Ms. Hannah Johansson and Prince Emery used to be together when they were in college. It's no

doubt that they could've spent more time together when he went to Australia in order to settle his

degree,'' He states, leaving me sighing deeply; knowing where this will lead.

''Evidence, Your Honour.'' He adds, placing a file.

Within seconds, everyone begin to gasp at the pictures shown above. A picture of Hannah and I, with

my hands on her waist as she sits on top of me while I lay on my back on the bed; the picture is clearly

shown that it was taken by someone, outside of the apartment.

Actually, a picture does not describe it enough. There are, in fact, five different pictures. Through the

pictures, it is shown that Hannah and I were intimate. I look at Emma, seeing her turning to look at me,

her eyes widen in surprise as she points at the pictures above.

As for Evelyn, she starts to mutter curses.

''That could've been taken months before the prince was married to Her Highness, Princess Emma.

Yes, there's no objection in stating that the prince and the offender were indeed close but they ended it

all before he left Australia, as he was engaged to Princess Emma,'' James Gilbert speaks up, ''Forgive

me, Your Honour but I shall show you more proof that may justify his innocence.'' Within seconds, he is

already holding a familiar glass.

My eyebrows furrow as I remember the exact glass that I served to Hannah when she came. Then, I

left her in the living room as I was answering Evelyn's call. This is all coming into pieces—she indeed

drugged me.

Then, she made it seem like we slept together.

In order for her to cover up her pregnancy, stating that the father to the child that she is carrying is me

when it's not. She wanted me to take the blame, the guilt.

How did James Gilbert ended up with the same glass? Of course. I left Melbourne in a hurry that I did

not bother cleaning all the mess up; he must've went to my apartment in order to look for more


''I went there with him,'' Evelyn whispers, ''I know that her attorney will do anything to make sure that

she seems innocent so I had planned it all with our lawyer,'' She says, smiling as she continues to look

up front.

''This is the same glass that was used on the night that Hannah Johansson came to see Prince Emery

in his apartment in Melbourne. According to the examinations of this glass, it seemed that there was his

DNA and few prints of drugs, enough to make him unconscious,'' He continues, this time, the crowd

grows louder.

''Silence!'' The judge says, frowning as he listens.

''And this is the other glass that was used by Ms. Johansson herself. His Highness had served water

and he was absent in the living room, answering a call from his sister, Princess Evelyn,'' He says, as he

places another file with a different content; content of drugs in the glass from weeks ago.

''But, it was weeks ago, how?'' I ask, slowly as I face Evelyn, making sure that she hears my question

very well. It seems almost impossible for her to track.

''I'm not stupid, Emery. I went to Melbourne before Emma even asked me to come with her. When

things were rough for you, I had no other choice,'' She replies. Both of her eyes are looking directly into

mine; as she states the truth—showing my innocence.

''Any more objections?'' The judge asks.

Her attorney turns to look at James before shaking his head and turning back to his seat. It's hard and

very impossible to win a case when the person is at fault. Yet, a lot of people have won cases that they

don't deserve but they just need a really good lawyer.

''Thank you, Your Honour.'' James bow slightly, ''May I continue to the case where it involves the

princess and the miscarriage? The attempted murder,'' He asks.

Hannah's eyes are bewildered with worry, showing how she will be judged and will be proven wrong.

Even though this is all unnecessary as we've given enough evidence but this is just a procedure,


''Ms. Higgins saw what happened and Her Highness was badly injured, causing the miscarriage of her

eighteen weeks pregnancy, this may seem like a small accident but it's not. In fact, it's not an accident From NôvelDrama.Org.

at all. As stated by Ms. Higgins, it seemed like they were arguing—even if they were, it's because Ms.

Johansson wanted to make sure that she gets what she wants,'' He clears his throat, everyone

listening to him, ''Hannah Johansson was proven to be entering Prince Emery's office when he was

absent. For what reason?''

''She's at fault. Trespassing,'' He states, clearly.

''Objection, Your Honour!''

The judge raises his hand, not letting her attorney to speak as he gestures for James to continue.

''Other than that, she was disrespecting the princess. We follow the law and we all know how we

respect and obey the royals so why would anyone, an Australian, even, being able to break the law?

Attempting murder is no different,''

''Proof that she attempted murder,'' He says.

Then, he places an USB on the desk.

''Security camera. Oh, sounds included,'' He smiles, gesturing for the clip to be played. I keep on

looking at Emma; wanting to make sure that this is not too much for her because this may be too


Within seconds, the clip is being played. Everyone's eyes widen in shock but they keep quiet, only

listening to the clip; making me feel my heartbeat raising. I haven't seen the clip myself nor how she fell

down the stairs, so how can I even see it now? I can never.

''This is the clip in Prince Emery's office,''

''Whatever fling you had with Emery when you were both in college, it's over. He doesn't like you and

I'm pretty sure he told you that but you're too scared of admitting the truth. How long do you think you

can get away with this? Clearly not for long,'' Emma said.

Just like that, Hannah was already grabbing onto Emma's wrist before staring directly into her eyes.

The way she looked at her in anger, despair and full amount of dissatisfaction showed how she was

capable of doing anything. From that simple gesture, it was proven.

''I will get what I want and you're not going to stand in the way because trust me, Emma, I'll put an end

to your happiness. You'll be gasping for help once you've realised that you've been messing with the

wrong person and I would be glad to see you hurt,'' Hannah replied.

''You wouldn't dare of hurting me,'' Emma muttered as she tried to take a few steps away from her but it

was all too damn late. She was hesitating, overthinking.

''Watch me,'' Hannah smiled before pushing her against the door which caused the door to open

roughly then, without Emma realising, she had already pushed her too far; causing her to trip down the


Then, the clip ended with Emma disappearing out of sight as Hannah stared at the same spot.

Everyone starts to mutter under their breaths, saying how this is all wrong and that she should be

punished. She should be sentenced to death but the baby isn't involved.

The courtroom ended up quiet, not a single sound.

''Thank you, Your Honour.'' Mr. Gilbert says, walking back towards his seat beside Emma; seeing that

she is currently breathing rapidly from behind but she tries to calm herself down by controlling it.

All of a sudden, the crowd starts to shout in anger.

''She deserves to die!'' Someone shouts and the whole crowd agrees with him. From the sudden

silence, it all turns to chaos—people are standing up and pointing fingers at Hannah, showing how they

despise her.

''Let her rot in jail!'' Another person shouts, loudly.

''Silence! Silence!'' The judge says, which causes everyone to calm down and sit back in their seats.

Within seconds, the courtroom is left quiet again.

My mind can't seem to process the whole scene that is currently happening in front of me, yes, Hannah

have been proven guilty; she will be receiving her punishment but she does not deserve to be treated

this way.

She is an Australian citizen, she has her own rights in her country which applies anywhere else. The

embassy will not be pleased to hear what she did but nor will they be pleased to hear how she is being


''Hannah Nicole Johansson, proven guilty is sentenced to death within nine months after the birth of her

child,'' The judge says, determining the punishment and everyone starts to shout loudly once more but

as soon as Evelyn and I stand up, the whole crowd stops.

I take my time to look at Cole and Daniel who is doing the same before giving them a sign to meet me

back at the palace; as ordered to the drivers, they will take them because there is just a lot to talk

about. Things.

Within seconds, I am already holding onto Emma's hand as we walk out of the courtroom with Evelyn

following behind. Just by holding onto her hand, I can feel her shake in fear and I know that she's

getting it back.

The flashbacks, they come with pain. She will always get the flashbacks again because she can never

fully heal from all the misery that she faced; maybe soon, but for now, there's no such thing as miracle

but hope.

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