Dear Contract Wife, You Are Mine

Chapter 21

Maybelline Walter POV

“Grrrrr! Grrrrr!” Came the blaring sound of my alarm that jolted me out of my deep sleep, and I tossed on the bed tiredly. I was so tired that I wanted nothing at that moment more than to stay glued to the bed all day and sleep my ass off, but I had to get off the bed and make breakfast since Adelie was gone for a while.

It was supposed to be a beautiful Monday morning, but nothing felt beautiful. Not when I had to wake up so early.

I couldn’t help the smile that laced up my lips as I rubbed my hand on my stomach after I sat up on the bed.

“Good morning morning, sweetheart. Did you sleep well?” I whispered to the little one as I smiled heartily before I left the bed to go to the bathroom.

It was past 6am by the time I was done with everything, so I left for the kitchen to make breakfast.

However, the aroma that welcomed me as I arrived at the living room had me asking myself who could be in the kitchen. Giving in to my curiosity, I went into the kitchen, and alas! It was Miguel.

“Miguel?” I called surprisingly, and he turned to face me with a sweet smile displayed on his face.

“Good morning, sister-in-law. Did you sleep well?” He asked, and I nodded.

“When did you come back home yesterday?” I asked him as I leaned against the counter. He had been busy with work lately that we barely see each other these days. He even goes to work on weekends. Isn’t that crazy? Being a doctor was the last thing I would ever wish for myself. Yes, it’s cute, but have you thought about the shitty stress that comes with it? I’m sure you wouldn’t ever think of becoming one if you know what they go through.

“I came back late. You were already asleep, so I didn’t bother to wake you up. How was your night, by the way?” He asked as he went back to what he was doing before I came inside.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“It was fine. I will take it from here,” I went to take over the cooking.

“No, it’s fine. I’m almost done. And besides, I don’t want to get scolded this morning. You know how crazy my brother can be,” he whispered the last part as if he was scared of someone hearing him.

Just then, the kitchen door opened and Miles walked inside. He was fully ready for work.

“I checked inside your room earlier but you were not there. Good morning, wife,” Miles smiled at me, and I nodded.

“Hmm. Good morning,” I replied to him.

“Why don’t you wait outside? I’m sure breakfast is almost ready,” he said to me.

“You shouldn’t make your brother cook in the house when I’m here. I’m a woman, and…”

“And who says it’s a woman’s duty alone to cook in the house?” He cut me off as he crossed his arms on his chest, and I bit my lip.


“Come on, you should go get dressed. We are leaving for the office as soon as we are done having breakfast,” he held my shoulder and turned me to face the door.

“Off you go,” he pushed me slightly toward the door, and I sighed before I finally left the kitchen.

“He is so sweet,” I found myself gushing and my cheeks flushing as I headed back to my room.

“Fuck! I think I’m going crazy,” I cursed as soon as I walked inside my room.

“Shit!” I cursed again as I sat on the edge of the bed and touched my chest. My heart was fluttering and thumping hard against my chest. It felt like I was about to lose my mind.

“Don’t you think you’ve already fallen for him?” My subconscious mind asked me, and this time, I didn’t deny it. I think I was starting to develop feelings for Miles unknowingly.

“Daddy is so sweet,” I whispered as I rubbed my stomach gently.

As the realization struck me that I had to prepare for work, I quickly stood up from the bed and went to pick out some corporate dress from my closet. It took me less than forty minutes before I was fully ready for work.

“Perfect,” I mumbled after I checked out my reflection in the mirror. Furthermore, I left to join Miles at the dining table.

“Where is Miguel?” I asked surprisingly when I walked into the dining room and found Miles seated alone and waiting for me.

“He left for work already,” he replied to me as he opened his plate of food, and I pulled a puzzled look.

“Work? Why so early?” I mumbled after I checked my wristwatch for the time.

“He got a call that there was an emergency at the hospital, so he needed to leave in a hurry,” he replied to me as he stood up and came to help me with my plate of food.

“Oh,” I just mouthed, not knowing what to say. One of the reasons why I won’t ever dream of becoming a doctor. They are going to mess with your head. Have I talked about the psychopathic patients that would frustrate your life close to suicide? Well, my mental health is very important to me.

“Thank you,” I muttered after he was done serving me.

We both ate silently, and I peeked glances at him at every given chance. Everything about him screamed perfection. His etiquette when he was eating. Just everything.

My heart missed a beat and I quickly turned my face away when he raised his head and our eyes met.

“Get a grip on yourself, May,” I said to myself and cleared my throat silently.

“Do you want to go on a date with me after work today?” He asked out of the blue moon, and I choked on my food.

“Are you ok?” He asked worriedly as he handed me a glass of water.

“Thank you,” I managed to utter amid gagging. I drank all the content of the glass in one go.

“Are you ok now? Do you need me to get you more water?” He asked, but I shook my head.

“I’m fine,”

“So, what do you say?” He asked as he looked at me, and I bit my bottom lip. Many thoughts linger in my mind. Was he having the same feelings as me? Was he in love with me too? I asked myself.

“Don’t keep your hope high, May. He is just being nice to you because you are his wife. His contracted wife. Don’t read meaning to that,” I quickly dismissed the thoughts because no way Miles could ever be in love with me. He is a wealthy and handsome young man who would have different calibers of women lining up and waiting to get his attention, and I was sure most of those women were from wealthy home, and I would be the last person he would ever settle for.

“I’m waiting for an answer,” he uttered, and I bit my bottom lip.

“You need to get rid of this feeling you are having for him as soon as possible,” furthermore, my subconscious mind reminded me, and I knew to keep my distance from him before it was too late.

“I prefer to come home when we are done there,” I replied to him, and I could swear I saw disappointment flash through his face, but it only lasted for split seconds before his usual smile appeared again.

“Alright. Let’s come home then,”

After we were done having breakfast, we left for work.

We soon arrived at the company and we headed straight to his office. He was a different person now. He wasn’t the same Miles I knew at home. I recognized the look on his face. It was that grumpy look he always had on back when I was still working as his secretary.

“Did I do something wrong?” I asked myself because I didn’t know what could’ve made him frown all of a sudden since he was smiling back at home, but I tried not to ask him anything.

We finally got to my former office, and I was stunned to see a young lady seated behind the desk.

She stood up and bowed as soon as we walked inside, but the moment she saw me, she had this funny look on her face. She looked at me with pure disgust as if I’d met her somewhere before.

“Why is she looking at me like that?” I blinked my eyes as I thought to myself…

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