Dangerous Lycan: Claim Betrayed Luna’s Second Chance Mate


Ryan chants somehow began to make me feel weak and in that instant, Kieran appeared from behind and knocked him off. I couldn’t see the whole thing as I tried to keep my eyes open but from time to time, they would just fall close. But before I would open it again, I saw Ryan on the ground while the book was still open.

“Kieran,” I called out weakly.

“You don’t just listen do you?” Kieran said rushing towards me.

“I needed to help out.”

“Well, look how good you are handling it.”

He walked to me as he tried to take the chains off but I groaned as he tried to force it out.

“I think there is a key with one of those men.”

Kieran looked at the men that laid on the ground. They still moved their limbs but they didn’t have the strength in them. Somehow, I had drained them out.

“What happened to them?” He asked.

“I don’t know. I think I did something to them.”

“What did you do to them?” He bent over one of the men as he searched for the keys.

“I can’t explain it. Did you kill him? I mean Ryan,” I asked as I watched him lying on the ground.

“No, I don’t think he is. I mean that hit would have taken a lot of men out. But Ryan is a strong one. He is only knocked out. I called for backup. They would be here soon. I was supposed to wait but seeing you here made me change my plans. You don’t just listen do you?”

“I’m sorry,” I said weakly.

“Just save it. I think I found the key,” he announced.

I heard the clings of the keys jamming against each other. And the thought of being out of heir gave me a sense of relief but not for long as I sight Ryan moving. Before he could speak, he pressed a button that brought that screeching noise again in my head. I couldn’t warn Kieran just in time. But he turned to face Ryan too late that Ryan threw him off to a different direction.

“Kieran!” I yelled.Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I guess your boyfriend isn’t coming to save you now.”

He took up the book and continued the chanting. Kieran attacked Ryan again. He was able to say the last word before he dropped the book.

“You are too late. Her powers are all out now. It’s time to take them,” Ryan said as they tussled trying to overpower each other.

Kieran stopped as soon as he heard those words. Its like he knew what was going to happen and so he dived to an opposite direction taking cover in the ground. I didn’t quite understand it just yet. I thought he had abandoned me.

“Weakling,” Ryan chuckled. He reached out for the leather bag that laid on the floor and retrieved a knife. It was finely crafted.

“This is going to hurt a lot,” he said approaching me. I knew that he was going to run it through my chest and so I shut my eyes. And just then, I felt the power again, it was like it was growing gradually. It was a lot more intensified than the first time that I had felt it. I couldn’t control this surge of energy that gushed out of me. I just couldn’t understand it. All I knew was that I unleashed a great deal of power. I have never felt so strong like I could do anything.

The chain became like a thin rope holding me and I cut it off. But Even with all of this, Ryan still forged ahead. He pointed the knife at me. And so I showed him my hands in an attempt to block his attack but instead something else happened. It happened like a flash. I drew power from him. I watched him drain. I tried to stop what was happening but I just couldn’t. I saw his face being squeezed out of the surface if the earth. It’s like he was screaming at a different frequency because I couldn’t hear him. I only saw his mouth open. It wouldn’t stop until I had taken every bit of his essence_ his wolf being embedded inside. Just like I had taken the one from his men. But this was much stronger. I watched life being sucked out of Ryan and I didn’t feel sorry about it.

I took every bit of what made him strong. What made him an Alpha and what kept him alive. He fell to the ground and never rose again. But it didn’t end there. This power overwhelmed me. I felt like I could do everything and anything. I looked up to the moon and as I did, the moon essence began to fall in me. The surge was beyond what my body could hold. I would be a goddess and finally be at where I should truly be. My eyes began to emit light and this light around me took me off the ground. But something was off, the environment got a lot darker as I continued to shine. And just then, I felt a great deal of pain on my head and it went all dark.

By the time I opened my eyes again I was left with just a fragment of the headache. And my eyes hurt as I tried to open them.

“What happened?” I asked as I looked around. I was on a bed.

“You are in a hospital,” Kieran said. He sat close.

“How did I get here?”

“I brought you here. Can you remember anything that happened?”

“Not really. Oh God my head hurts. Where is Ryan? Did your men capture him?”

“No, you killed him and the other men. Somehow, you managed to drain the essence of this werewolves. You took their powers and their will to live. I have never seen a power like that.”

I lost the words to speak. I had killed Ryan? Was that even possible?

“Turns out that he was right after all. You are the chosen one,” Kieran added.

“Oh God, what did I do?”

“Ryan unleashed this powers in your after he completed the chant. My guess is that he already knew this but you somehow overpowered him and drained him just as you drained the rest. I had predicted that this would happen and taken so I dived to safety away from your reach. The moon made you very powerful.”

“I’m so happy I didn’t hurt you. I don’t know what I would have done if I did.”

“Well, I can’t say the same for the rest. You asked how you got here?”


“That’s because I knocked you out. Seeing you unleash such powers, I knew that you couldn’t control it. And you would not stop until you were done draining every being of their lives even the blood moon.”

“What?” I gasped.

“Yes Clara, you possess such powers in you. I guess it has just been buried deep down. Waiting for the right moment.”

“This is not the right moment. It can’t be, Ryan made this happen.”

“Every happens for a reason. Maybe it was his destiny to do this. We never really follow the prophecy anymore so we don’t know.”

I exhaled forcefully, “So what happened next?”

“I noticed that the moon was losing its light and its strength. Being the Lycan King, I could feel it. And I knew that if you took all the moons essence, your body would not be able to hold it. You would lose your flesh and the world of the werewolves would be at risks. And so I had to take you down.”

“Oh my goodness Kieran, I’m so sorry about all of this.”

“You shouldn’t be.”

“How come I can’t remember any of this?”

“I don’t know. The doctor says it might be because of the medication you were on before it happened. But with time, it would all come back to you.”

“This is all so strange and new to me. How can this be happening to me?”

“It was meant to happen you don’t have to bother yourself about that anymore.”

“Why? This would take a while to get used to.”

“The thing is, we have bigger problems now.”

“What’s wrong?” I adjusted.

“With what happened with the moon and Ryan, news have gotten far. Everyone knows about you. I mean you are the chosen one. People are beginning to remember the old prophecy. They are beginning to believe in it again. Ryan’s intentions were misinterpreted by some of his people. They think that he was doing the right trying to kill you. They don’t think that someone should possess that much power.”

He paused for while as he left the chair.

“And so they have developed a group like a fellowship of Ryan followers. It is only a matter of time before they begin to put their intentions into action. Luckily, the knife that Ryan wanted to use to fulfil his selfish desires was destroyed as well. But that would not stop them. This is not a good sign.”

“This just got a lot worse than I imagined. I never should have left that room. For once, I should have listened to you.”

“Don’t beat yourself up. You just wanted to help. But That’s not all, a few minutes ago I got a message from the werewolf council.”

“Oh God, what do they want?” I gasped.

“Yeah, they want to have a meeting with you.”

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