Dangerous Lycan: Claim Betrayed Luna’s Second Chance Mate


The training room door slammed shut behind me with a satisfying thud. The ache in every muscle of my body increased as I headed back to my room. The days session had been brutal. I pushed myself further than ever before, testing the limits of my endurance and control over my energy. It was necessary, I knew, but right now, all I craved was a good night’s rest.

I stumbled towards the chambers I now shared with Kieran. I had opted to move out several times but Kieran had thought that it would only increase the suspicion of the people. Each step I took towards the room was a challenge against the weight in my limbs. My vision blurred as sweat rolled down my eyes.

Reaching the room, I flung the door open and practically collapsed onto the plush rug. Kieran wasn’t in yet so I knew I had a limited time to get comfortable before he arrived.

I shed my training gear, tossing it onto a nearby chair. The hot water from the bath was a temporary escape from the throbbing ache in my body. I sighed in relief as I sank into the tub allowing the warmth seeped into my muscles, loosening the knots of tension. The sweet smell of lavender and chamomile filled the room with a calming scent. But even the soothing aroma couldn’t erase the dull ache that I felt.

As soon as I felt comfortable enough in my skin, I dragged myself out of the bath wrapped myself in a thick towel, and walked barefoot to the bed. Collapsing onto the soft mattress, I buried my face in the cool fabric of the sheets. Sleep was all I could think about.

Just as I felt a little bit relaxed, the door creaked open. I didn’t need to move to know that it was Kieran. I had bided my time well.

“Clara?” He called out.

I opened my eyes, my eyelids heavy with exhaustion.

“Kieran? You are back already.”

He walked towards the bed.

“Are you alright? You sound like you’ve had the world on your shoulders all day.”

I sighed.

“Literally,” I grumbled.


“I’m just… exhausted,” I mumbled. “Today’s training was… intense.”

He knelt beside the bed.

“Maybe a little too intense. You pushed yourself very hard.”

I managed a weak smile. “I guess I did,” I admitted. “But I wanted to… I wanted to prove myself.”© 2024 Nôv/el/Dram/a.Org.

He reached out and tweaked my cheek.

“You already have. You’re stronger than you think, Clara,” he said in a low murmur.

I blushed. I knew he wouldn’t see the redness on my pale skin but it was there.

“You know what? There might actually be something I can do to help with the soreness.”

I looked up at him.


“A massage, “he explained, his gaze dropped to my shoulders, where my muscles strained under the weight of exhaustion. “It might help loosen up the tension.”

A massage? From Kieran? The thought sent a thrill through me. We had grown closer over the weeks, a silent bond forming between us. But the touch had always been absent. The idea of his hands on me, easing the ache in my body, was both enticing and felt a bit out of place.

“I… I don’t know,” I stammered, unsure of how to react.

“Of course, if you’re not comfortable…” he began to retract his hand.

I reached out, my fingers brushing against his.

“No,” I whispered, “I mean… yes. If you think it would help…”

“I think it will. Come on relax. I’ve got magic hands,” he chuckled. He left the bed and headed to a drawer retrieving a small bottle.

“Finest massage oil in town. With this my hands and this oil, you’ll be good as new,” he said.

“Oh please, you might be strong but you’ve got baby hands,” I scoffed.

“And who says baby hands can’t do the magic?”

He settled on the edge of the bed. Taking a deep breath, I scooted back, giving him space to work. With a gentle touch, he began at my shoulders, his fingers kneading my muscles.

The pain, which had been a dull ache before, became a strange sensation under his touch. It was both painful and oddly pleasant. I closed my eyes, focusing on the feel of his hands moving over my skin.

He worked his way down my back, his touch was firm yet sensitive, each stroke sending a wave of relaxation washing over me. The tension that had been holding my body hostage seemed to melt away with each press of his fingers.

Suddenly, he paused, with his hands still on my back as he pressed slowly. I still felt the tension but it wasn’t the same from the stress of the day. It was different like a shift in the atmosphere that had nothing to do with the massage.

He leaned in closer, his voice a low murmur in my ear. “You’re doing incredibly well today,” he whispered, his breath warm against my skin. “Strong and resilient, both physically and mentally.”

His words sent a blush creeping up my neck. I turned slightly, my gaze meeting his. His eyes were darkened with an emotion I couldn’t decipher, but they held me captive nonetheless.

He moved his hand slowly, brushing a stray strand of hair off my shoulder. His fingers lingered for a bit too long, the warmth of his touch thrilled me. Sending a rush of wetness in between my legs.

“You deserve a break,” he said, his voice husky. “From training, from everything.”

Before I could respond, we both jumped at the sharp knock on the door.

“Your Majesty,” a guard’s voice called out from the other side. “Urgent message from the border.”

Kieran cursed under his breath. He rose from the bed, his touch stayed on me for a moment before pulling away.

“Duty calls,” he sighed.

I nodded, “I understand, thank you for the massage,” I managed to say.

He gave me a small smile, “Get some rest, Clara,” he said, his voice softer than I had ever heard it. “We’ll continue this… later.”

As he left the room, closing the door behind him, I sank back into the pillows.

The massage, though unfinished, had left its mark not just on my sore muscles, but on my heart as well. The line between duty and desire had blurred, leaving me yearning for the continuation of his touch. I didn’t want him to stop. Could there be a time for a king without a duty? Even if I felt too tired to raise my body, sleep felt a bit distant at the moment. Gradually, I closed my eyes and it was like I could see him again. With his hands pressed against my body. It wasn’t just a feeling that I felt every day.

I didn’t know exactly what woke me up, the yellow sunlight streamed through the window but its ray wasn’t close to where my head lay. Maybe it could be the gentle aroma that rushed in through my nose. I couldn’t quite describe it. Wasn’t seething g I smelled very often after the food shortage. But I could tell the scent of mixtures of sweet berries and warm bread. It tickled my nose, pulling me from the clutches of sleep. I blinked open my eyes, a yawn escaping my lips.

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