Dangerous Lycan: Claim Betrayed Luna’s Second Chance Mate


The classroom buzzed with delight. I forgot all the chaos I had just come out from. The sound of children’s laughter was a change from the tense atmosphere of the palace. The stories, the finger-painting, even the occasional problem it was all a reminder of life’s simple joys, a world away from the darkness that threatened the kingdom.

Despite the worry at the edges of my mind, I pushed myself to remain at my best. I needed children to see the different shades of me. Not the way the people at the palace had come to see me. I needed them to see the real me. Today wasn’t about the fate of the kingdom, it was about sharing a few precious hours the children and I needed to give them my all.

By the end of the day, I was exhausted, my voice hoarse from storytelling and my hands stained a rainbow of colors. But for once in a long time, I felt accomplished and it warmed my heart. Maybe, just maybe, this job was what I needed right now the only little time that I would be normal amidst the chaos going on.

I walked out of the building, heading towards the car that waited for me.

“Hey John, hope I didn’t take too long. Thanks for waiting.” I said to the driver, a kind-faced man. He greeted me with a warm smile.

“Good day, Miss Clara. Not at all,” he said. “How was the first day?”

“It was… interesting,” I replied with a tired laugh. The exhaustion settled on my shoulders like a heavy load but deep down, I was satisfied with my day

“The kids are full of energy, that’s for sure,” I smiled.

Just as I was about to get into the backseat, a small figure came out from the school doors.

“Miss Clara!” he called out, waving a book in the air. “You forgot this!”

“Hold on a bit,” I said to the driver as I walked up to the kid.

He stopped in front of me with a bright smile.

“You left this back on your table. I thought you might need it,” he said.

I took the book, a worn copy of a fairy tale collection.

“What’s your name Kid,” I asked.

“My name is Tommy.”

“Thank you so much, Tommy,” I said, kneeling to his level. “I would’ve been lost without it.”

He grinned, revealing a gap-toothed smile. “Anytime, Miss Clara. See you tomorrow?”

“You bet,” I promised, ruffling his hair. As I watched him skip back towards the school. I smiled again as I watched him leave. I couldn’t wait to be back at the palace and tell Kieran all about my day.

The ride back to the palace was quiet, the familiar cityscape blurred past the window as I rested my head in it.

As we entered the palace gates, a strange sight greeted me. The usually dull and empty courtyard was bustling with activity. Guests adorned in elegant attire walked around, and laughter filled the air. Long tables with food and drink stretched across the courtyard. Just a few hours without me in the palace and everything and everyone was the opposite of how I left it. I didn’t know just how I should feel. But I was relieved that everyone was happy again. Even though I was a little worried that the celebration with a lot of food might affect the rationing. Maybe Kieran had somehow managed the food shortage problem, I thought.

I rushed inside and found Kieran in his study as I burst through the door.

“Kieran, what’s going on? Why is there a…”

My voice trailed off as I saw him. He was dressed in a ceremonial robe, a crown adorning his head. But it was his face that truly startled me. Gone was the worry he had worn in recent days. Instead, he had a radiant smile, a warmth I hadn’t seen in weeks.

“Clara, you’re back. Come, join the celebration.”

He took my hand and pulled me towards the door. “It’s… it’s our one-month anniversary.”Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

My mind reeled.

“One-month anniversary? Of what?”

“Come on think Clara.”

Then, a blush crept up my cheeks as I remembered.

“Our mating. The full moon, the bond we had forged?”

“Yeah, it might be forged but the people see it as real.”

“Okay, but this… this extravagant celebration? Does it not seem a bit too much considering the state of the kingdom? The people are starving, rationing their food supplies, and here we were, celebrating with a feast?”

“Don’t be a killjoy, Clara. This is worth celebrating.”

“Kieran, this… this doesn’t feel right. With the food shortage…”

He stopped abruptly, his smile fading slightly. “Clara,” he began in a gentle voice. “This is different. These are guests from neighboring kingdoms, allies we’ve contacted. They’ve brought food supplies as a gesture of goodwill.”

Relief washed over me as I heard those words.

“So, they hadn’t abandoned us after all. There is still hope. But… this feast?” I persisted, gesturing towards the courtyard. “It still seems too excessive.”

He chuckled, “It’s not just a feast, Clara. It’s the official announcement of our mating. The other kingdoms need to see that we are united and that the crown is strong. It’s a symbol of hope, a show of resilience.”

His words resonated within me. He was right. This wasn’t just about celebrating our bond, it was a political move, a message to the kingdom and our potential allies. But a little voice inside me still wasn’t convinced.

“But what about the rationing? We can’t just have a feast while the people…”

“The people will be fed, Clara,” he assured me, his hand reaching out to cup my cheek. “These supplies will help us replenish our stores, and the visiting delegations will bring additional resources. We’re taking a step towards recovery and rebuilding.”

He pulled me into a tight embrace. Maybe he was right. Maybe this celebration, this display of unity, was exactly what the kingdom needed right now.

A slow smile spread across my face it felt genuine this time. “Alright, Let’s celebrate then. For the good times, for the hope for the future,” I chuckled.

He grinned, the familiar spark of mischief returning to his eyes. “And for the chosen one and our queen,” he added, his voice dropping to a playful whisper. “Who seems to be thriving in her new role as a schoolteacher.”

I swatted him playfully on the arm, a laugh escaping my lips. The tension, the worries of the day, seemed to melt away in the warmth of his presence.

We joined the festivities hand in hand, greeted by cheers and warm smiles. The guests were a mix of human dignitaries and werewolves from other packs. Surprisingly, they welcomed me with curiosity and respect. For the first time in weeks, the palace felt alive with a different kind of energy. A good kind of energy.

As the night came, the courtyard still echoed with music and laughter. Even as I basked in it, a part of me couldn’t help but feel a pang of unease. The happiness, the celebration, it felt almost… fragile. Like a beautiful butterfly caught in a spider’s web, shimmering under the moonlight, unaware of the danger that lurked just beneath the surface.

The feeling wouldn’t leave me. This feeling that something terrible was about to strike. It was a feeling I had grown all too familiar with since becoming the queen and knowing the full capacity of my powers. Good things rarely came without a price, and the kingdom’s new hope felt like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.

The people cheered again and I turned towards them, towards Kieran. I saw the joy in their eyes. I should be feeling that too. At least, I should allow myself to feel that as well. So, I pushed those thoughts aside. I wanted to enjoy the warmth of Kieran’s hand in mine, the laughter filling the air, and the glimmer of hope in the eyes of the people. For this night, we allowed ourselves to hope, to celebrate, and to believe in better things. However, a part of me, the part that had learned about life the hard way remained very much alive, ready to face whatever darkness might come.

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