Damian's rose

Chapter 43: 43) Beginning ?

Chapter 43: 43) Beginning ?

Authors pov

Rose stirred in her sleep and woke up with a groan. Damian's hold was so tight on her that she couldn't

even move a bit. She removed his hand from her waist and layed down on her stomach, snuggling in

the soft pillow.

She whimpered while moving as her body was too sore and her head was pounding due to the


Damian woke up from the movements beside him and saw her naked back facing him.

He smiled when last night's scene flashed in front of him, slowly he got on top of her and placed wet

kisses on her back and shoulders, Rose whimpered again when she felt heavy weight on her body.

She opened her eyes and realised Damian is on top of her...

She turned around in his hold and looked at him with a frown.

"What are you doing?"

Her voice came out raspy.

"What does it look like?"

He smirked and kissed her neck.

"Stop, I am sore..."

She whined when he gave her another hickey on her neck but he had no intention to stop.

She huffed and grabbed his hand, she swiftly rolled him on the bed getting on top of him.


He tried to say but she placed her hand on his mouth.

"No, nothing's gonna happen right now..."

She scolded him.

He removed her hand from his mouth and chuckled.

"Too sore?"

He mocked and she glared at him.

She didn't replied and tried to stand up but he held her hands and rolled her down on the bed again

hovering over her.

"I am sorry, I was too rough..."

He genuinely apologized and kissed her cheeks and she smiled.

She wanted to say that she like liked it but felt too shy to say that.

"Why do you always get jealous when I talk with other men..."

She asked curiously.

"Because you are mine.."

He replied in 'duh' tone and rested his face in her neck.

"Still you don't have to act so possessive everytime..."

She rested her hands on his back, sighing.

"I can't see you with any other man..."

He roamed his hands on her naked body taking the feel of her warmness.

"Don't you trust me, it's not like I will really do something with other man..."

She wanted to say this to him for a long time but never got the right chance. His possessiveness

always scared her, whenever he saw her with any other man he became crazy.

"I trust you, believe me I trust you more than myself but I don't trust my fate..."

His playful tone suddenly turned into serious one grabbing her attention. She caressed his hair and he

closed his eyes when her fingers gave him a soothing feel.


She hesitantly asked not sure if he is ready to share his past with her, she wanted to know what

happened with him when she was gone but 'are we even that close yet' thought always stopped her

from asking him anything.

"I have lost all the special people of my life, my cursed fate snatched everyone from me..." Please check at N/ôvel(D)rama.Org.

He sighed and rolled on his back, keeping his head on his arm and looking at the ceiling.

Rose understood that he must have faced alot, great power comes with great responsibilities and

sacrifices. Sometimes crown can became a curse instead of a good fortune.

She caressed his head and placed a soft kiss on his cheek which was very rare for him, no one has

ever treated him like that. People only look at him with fear and women only came to him for his money,

no one ever tried or dared to comfort him. No one ever felt important the need to see if the man behind

his powerful and ruthless facade is alright, if he is alone. He did need love, comfort and care which he

never got.

"You are not alone Damian, I'll be always there for you..."

She assured him, his deep blue orbs locked with her grey ones and his heart fluttered at her words.

Her eyes promised her, the promise of care, trust, comfort and love. It gave him the assurance that

she will be his forever.

"I was but I am not anymore, I know you will never leave me like others did..."

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer.


"Yes... Like my mother when I was 8 years old she died, like Roy who betrayed me, and like isa..."

He didn't complete his sentence, unsure if he should tell her about Isabella or not.

"And who?..."

She turned her head towards him and looked at his eyes.

"Nothing, it's nothing special..."

He shrugged it off and she nodded. He didn't wanted to tell her about issabella, what he would say

anyways that he was in love when he was 10 years old and that too with a 5 year old girl, Rose either

would have called him a stupid or a freak, atleast that's what he thought.

"You know you can share anything you want with me, I am not going to judge you or accuse you or

something like that... I'll always be there for you Damian..."

She said giving him an assuring smile.

"I know and even if you don't want to you'll still will be on my side rose..."

He said darkly making her scrunch her eyebrows at him.

"What do you mean?"

She asked confused...

"You are mine rose, you belong to me... Only me...

And now even if you want to leave me I won't let that happen, I will keep you with me with or without

your consent, angel... Trust me, you are that special to me..."

He finished with his evil smirk while caressing her cheek, instead of feeling relaxed by his touch, her

body shivered but this time not in pleasure it was fear. Her heart beat increased when she looked at his

eyes which was full of possessiveness and the words 'with or without consent' was not helping either,

she was confused that should she be happy that the man she likes is crazy about her or should she be

scared about his obsessive behaviour. Even if Damian was gentle but he still was a mafia boss and

evilness runs in his veins like blood, he has his other side too which people feared.

'Why do I feel like this possessiveness is going to become toxic'

She shook her thoughts aside and took a deep breath closing her eyes.

"Let's go, we need to take a shower..."

He said normally like he didn't talked like a possessed man before.

"You can go first, I need some time for myself..."

She said giving him an awkward smile, she was actually fine but she wanted to see how Damian will

react on it, she wanted to see if he has became too addicted to her because almost everyday they

shower together, he never sleeps without her even when they are angry on each other, he never lets

her go out of his sight and she was realising all these things now. So she just wanted to check if he

respects her privacy and decisions or not.

"For what, you can have your alone time later, showers are no fun without you..."

He stood up from the bed saying that.

She licked her lips nervously and tried to convince him again.

"No I am serious, I really want to shower alone..."

She told him thinking he will understand but he didn't.

"No, you are coming with me and that's it..."

He directly declined her and picked her up in bridal style.

'please don't tell me this is just the beginning...'

She thought looking at his aura, she could feel his possession even in his hold around her body, he

always holds her like she will vanish.



She asked amused.

"Yeah, we are going somewhere so I guess you would need new clothes, go with Lilly she will help


He replied buttoning up his shirt.


She asked while tying her shoe lace.

"You will know soon..."

He handed her his tie, she took it from him and helped him to wear it.

When she was done he grabbed her jaw and French kissed her.

He pulled out when she was out of breath.

"I have given my card to Lilly, spend as much as you want..."

He caressed her swollen lips smirking.

"You don't have to, I can pay for myself..."

She pulled away from him and picked up her gun from the drawer and placed it in her waistband.

"I wasn't asking..."

He replied and wore his coat.

"No Damian, I am serious about it okay, I am not using your money for my personal needs and I have

enough money, it's totally unnecessary."

She frowned and he clenched his jaw.

"I want to take care of you, Rose... I know you have enough money but it's not unnecessary..."

He said madly.


"No buts Rose, you will use my card and that's final, end of the discussion..."

Grabbing her waist he pulled her closer and made her look at him.

"And don't use your smart brain to do anything stupid, trust me I will fuck you so hard that you won't be

able to walk for days..."

His threatening words send chills to her spine and she clenched her thighs together when she felt

tingles in her core.

Rose knew this stubborn man won't listen to her so she just nodded, deciding she will think later on

what to do about it as her head felt like someone was hammering it due to the hangover.

She got out of his hold and walked towards the vanity table. She had alot of hickeys on her neck which

she tried to hide with her shirt but still some of them were visible so she decided to hide it with makeup.

When she was about to apply makeup on her neck Damian snatched it from her hands making her

frown at him.

"What the hell are you doing?"

He asked with the same frown.

"I am hiding it..."

She answered casually pointing towards the red and purple marks on her neck.

"No, I don't want you to do that..."

He threw the make-up in the dustbin and pinned her against the wall.

"Damian this is not..."


He placed his finger on his lips shutting her up.

"They look beautiful on you angel, don't hide them..."

He licked the hickey and brushed his nose on her neck.

"But I can't just show them off, your cousin's will tease the hell out of me..."

She said making him chuckle.

"Good, everyone will know whom you belong to..."

He gave her a smirk and she internally rolled her eyes.

"They already know that I belong to the evil mafia boss..."

She gave him a tight smile.

"So I am hiding them, you can't stop me mister..."

She got out of his hold...

"Really, let me see how..."

He challenged and she happily accepted.

She again opened the drawer but Damian snatched everything from her and threw them out of the


"Ohh my god Damian, how could you..."

She gasped looking at her makeup which was flying out of the window in front of her.

She turned around and glared at him but he stood there with a smirk.

"This is so unfair, why did you do that..."

She whined.

He laughed at her and picked her up bridal style, she struggled in his hold but he didn't let her go.

"You can't take me to the breakfast table like this, your cousin's are there..."

She clutched on his shirt tightly and stopped struggling when he was on the stairs.

"I don't give a fuck about it..."

He replied in his usual tone.

"And anyways you are walking too slow, why didn't you ask for help, you don't have to hide your

soreness from me..."

His lips turned upward in a mocking smirk and she glared at him but the red tint on her cheeks didn't go

unnoticed by him.

Yes, she was sore and was having difficulty while walking after last night's rough fucking, Damian didn't

let her sleep the whole night, he woke her up again and again in the night which resulted in soreness.

"It's all your fault..."

She accused.

"Yeah, happy to hear that..."

He chuckled and entered where everyone was having breakfast already. Rose quickly hid her face in

his chest looking at everyone's furrowed eyes.

Her face automatically turned red and she kept looking down when he placed her on the chair.

Rose glanced at Lilly and her expressions was the same as her's and jack was sitting there with a

victory smile on his face.

Olivia and jasmine were looking like zombies and anyone could tell that the hangover took a toll on


Charlie and Emily came with everyone's breakfast. Rose glanced at Charlie and noticed her weird way

of walking, she diverted her eyes towards Ashton who smirked looking at Charlie's condition. Rose

internally laughed thinking she is not the only one who got doomed yesterday.

"So girls, how are you all feeling after the adventurous night..."

Daniel mocked laughing at their condition, all the girls glared at him and everyone shouted in unison

"shut up " making him flinch at his place.

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