Consumed (Blood Ties Book 9)

Consumed: Chapter 44

“I don’t know what to do.” London stared at the young woman wrapped in a bloody sheet in Tobais’ arms.

“She’s a Daughter, isn’t she?” Tobias muttered desperately. “So,” he lifted her like she was nothing, pushing her into London’s chest. “She’s all yours.”

“She’s not a goddamn sack of potatoes, for Christ’s sake,” I snapped, stepping close to brush her filthy hair from her face. “She’s a person.”

“Look, we just can’t…” Tobias licked his lips.

“Colt.” I called and glanced over my shoulder. “Can you please take her inside?”

One nod and my beautiful son moved forward, took her from Tobias, and carried her inside.

“Really, you two ought to be ashamed of yourselves.” I tutted as I turned around.

“What the hell did I do?” London muttered and pointed to Tobias. “He’s the one dropping and running.”

I just shook my head and slowly made my way inside, heading to the kitchen.

“Drink,” Colt’s careful command rang out. “You’re dehydrated.”

I stepped inside and rounded the counter. “Sweetheart, my name is Vivienne. This is Colt. We’re going to take care of you, okay?”

She was so small, naked, filthy. Her hair was matted and oily. God only knew what kind of injuries she had. We’d found one more like her. A Daughter from The Order sold to a cruel sonofabitch that was killed in the attack at the warehouse. But there was no doubt we’d find more of them.

I gently brushed her hair from her face, but stopped when she flinched. My heart hurt as I watched her take the opened bottle of water from Colt and sip it, licking her cracked lips.

“We’ll get you looked after, okay?” I lowered my hand. “I promise.”

Fear shimmered in her big eyes. She drank, consuming the entire bottle.

“Do you need a doctor?” I asked carefully.

DeLuca was fast becoming someone we could trust entirely, responding to our calls no matter the time. Most of the time now, he came with his stepsister, leaving her to help out at the monstrous mansion located on the outskirts of the city we’d somehow acquired from one of London’s friends.

It was a temporary fix to a growing issue. Where the hell do we put them and what do we do with them?

She shook her head. “No, no doctor.”

“What’s your name, honey?”

“Elena.” She swiped the back of her hand across her mouth as the familiar thud of London’s boots came from deeper in the house.

“Okay, Elena. I’m going to take you to a bathroom and get you some clean clothes while Colt here whips you up some eggs. Does that sound good?”

She nodded hard as her belly gave a howl. Jesus, she must be starving.

“Then we’ll take you to a place where you can rest and recover.”

She stiffened. “You’re selling me.”

“No.” I moved closer, cupping her cheek and lifted her gaze to mine. “I want you to hear me. You’ll never be sold again. Do you understand? Never again. That part of your life is over. There are others like you. Daughters like me and my sisters. Ones we rescued, just like you. When you’ve showered and had something to eat, we’ll take you to them and get you settled. But know this, we’re here to help you, to take care of you…” until we can figure out what to do.

“He’s dead,” she whispered. “The man who owned me. He’s dead and I’m glad.”

She was softening to us, not cowering like a beaten dog. She didn’t even pull away when I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close. She let herself be held and rested her head on my shoulder. I met Colt’s hard stare and whispered. “Me too, sweetheart. Me…too.”

I took her to the spare room we had set up and gathered some of the clothes we’d purchased for the others, then I found sweats and some jeans, as well as one of the packs Doc and his sister had brought us. It was small, but was filled with all the essentials as well as tampons and pads, band-aids and painkillers.

“Here.” I placed the stack on the bathroom vanity. “There’re fresh towels and plenty of hot water, so take all the time you need. I’ll be out here if you need anything.”

She gave a nod, but she was reeling. Her body was shaking so hard her teeth chattered.

“Everything is going to be okay now.” I murmured. “Just you wait and see.”

It was like a blow to my chest when I turned around, closed the door, and left her. I stood there, waiting until I heard the quiet, hard sobs, then I forced myself to leave, swiping away my own tears in the process.

The nursery was quiet and soft amber light spilled out from the cracked-open door. The door I’d closed barely an hour ago. I knew he was in there, watching over them like he always did. I pushed open the door and stepped inside, finding my protector standing over her crib.

I slid my hand in his, lowering my head to his chest as Colt slid his arm around me, pulling me tight against his side.

“She will never know that life,” he said carefully, watching her open-mouthed sleeping. “I promise you now.”

“I know.”

He turned to me. “Her world will be sunshine and daffodils and eating ice cream in all the flavors. Her world will be the hard decisions between pink or purple, or royal blue, for that matter. She will stay awake wondering how butterflies are made…and she will never hear the name Haelstrom Hale in her entire life.”

That ache in my chest grew bolder as I caressed his cheek and repeated. “I know.”

SHE LOOKED up through the side windows at the looming moon hanging heavy in the sky. I think she was expecting betrayal, after all…that’s all she’d had her entire life. But not this time. I glanced over my shoulder as she met my gaze. London flicked his eyes to the rear-view mirror and kept driving.

“There’re more Daughters out here,” I murmured. “They do all the cooking and the cleaning, but we have a team of men who patrol the grounds, just so you’re aware. I don’t want you to worry about them. They are loyal and trustworthy. They aren’t going to approach you unless your life is in danger, okay? So you have nothing to worry about.”

“Unless you call cleaning at three a.m. chaos,” London muttered.

I cut him a glare.© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“What?” He looked my way. “It’s true, they clean at three a.m. What kind of person does that?”

One who’s been controlled their entire life.

London slowed the four-wheel drive at the turn-off, stabbed the button, and rolled down the window, then waved at the guard sitting in his car hidden by the bank of trees. One flash of headlights from the guard acknowledged he knew we were coming.

We might’ve found them a temporary house to live in, we might’ve even supplied them with food and drink and all the entertainment we could. We might’ve even helped them feel safe, as safe as they’d allow themselves to feel. But the Daughters of The Order we’d rescued were far from healed.

A lot of them had suffered things beyond comprehension and if vacuuming carpets at three a.m. made them feel comforted in any kind of way, then I say let them vacuum.

Lights twinkled through the trees up ahead. Shadows cut across the drive, the flash of a gun and the careful pace told us instantly who it was. London braked, pulled up carefully, and there was Guild. His focus shifted to me and there was an instant smile. “Good to see you’re up and about. As bossy as ever, I hear.”

“A little too bossy,” London muttered under his breath.

“Oh don’t worry, Guild.” I glared at London. “I won’t be taking over from you.”

“Good to hear it,” he chuckled. “I doubt London could handle it if it was both of us.” His attention shifted to the back seat. “Hi there, I’m Guild. We’re going to get you settled right in. You’re going to love it and I’m pretty sure some of the others have just started a movie and have cooked enough popcorn to put a movie theater to shame. I’ll meet you up at the house.”

London gave a nod as Guild turned and headed for the glaring bright lights of the beautiful and expensive mansion. The place had been empty when we’d first stepped in. Cold and empty and strange. Now, it was vibrant and full. London drove the Explorer toward the house, parking out front.

“This place is real?” The small voice came from the back.

“As real as you can get it.” I yanked open the door and climbed out.

Guild was there in an instant, holding my hand, letting me lean on him. I’d be lost without the man…we all would.

“Here we are.” London opened her door.

She climbed out, clutching the bag with clothes and essentials against her chest like a shield. A lot of them did that, refusing to let anything go until they felt safe. She would eventually.

The sound of a vacuum started upstairs, even though it was almost morning. London cut me a look that said ‘I told you so.’ One I ignored as we led her up the stairs, following the heady scent of freshly made popcorn.

Her steps were careful as she followed Guild, climbing the steps to the front door.

She’d make it here.

She’d find solace and hopefully peace.

In the meantime, we’d protect them and care for them as much as possible. Because it wasn’t just those vile men from The Order we needed to worry about. It was the Sons. They were out there, hunting for them. It was only a matter of time before they found where they were and they’d come.

That thought chilled me to the bone.

She stopped at the front door, then looked over her shoulder to where I stood with London. Her mouth quivered giving us a sad, sorrowful smile.

“Thank you.” She mouthed as Guild opened the door.

Laughter and voices spilled out. The sound made my chest swell with pride. They might have a long road ahead for healing…but at least now they’d found the path. One which would lead them on a journey of self-discovery.

“I wish there was more we could do.” I murmured as Guild closed the door behind them. “We need to protect them somehow. We need to keep them safe.”

“What else can we do?” He gave a chuckle. “It’s not like we can marry them off.”

My breath caught, and I slowly turned to him.

The smirk on London’s lips fell away. “No.” He shook his head. “Wildcat, do not look at me with those eyes.”

“Why not?” I whispered, my mind racing. “It’s not like they’d be sold like they were at The Order. You have many powerful and rich friends. Men who could provide and protect.”

He turned to me. “I have dangerous friends, Vivienne. You really want to subject those women to a life like that?”

“You once said yourself it takes a monster to know another. That you were that monster. Look how you fought for me…how you saved me.”

“And almost cost you your goddamn life.”

I moved closer to him, leaning my body against his. “But it didn’t. Because I’m right here. Think about it. You have a lot of acquaintances.” I glanced at the house. “And we have a lot of Daughters to protect. All I’m asking for is an introduction. If it doesn’t work, then it doesn’t work.”

“You ask too much.” His tone was throaty and full of desire.

I pressed my body tighter against his. “Please…Daddy. Do this for me.”

“Jesus.” He looked away.

But I knew the battle was won. His body spoke for him.

“You’re going to be the death of me, you know that, right?”

“And what a beautiful death it is,” I whispered, looking up into his eyes.

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