Claiming His Resisting Mate

Chapter 56 – Finding A Way Back Home


I looked around to see darkness around me. I frowned slightly and ran around but I couldn’t find a way. The darkness covered the whole place and I couldn’t find a way out. What’s happening? Where am I standing? I looked at my hands, it was normal without any scars. I remembered that I had scars because of the beating. But how come there’s none. I felt light and looking down I could see my dress was white, a completely changed one from what I wore last time.

“What’s happening around?” I mumbled to myself. “Why can’t I find my way?” I looked around. “Azrael?” I yelled but there’s no response in return. “Can anyone hear me?” I screamed this time. But no, there’s no sound. It felt like except me there’s no life in this world.

“Why can’t I hear anything? Where am I?” I frowned as I could feel my heart beating faster. How come I ended up here ? Into this darkness?

“Azrael, can you hear me? Where are you?” I yelled only to see my voice echoing around. But my question was never answered. I fell on my knees as tears blurred my eyes.

“You know I love you. How can you do this to me? Please baby, please come back” when the familiar voice reached my ear I looked up. But there’s no one to see. I could only feel the voice reflecting around.

“Azrael,” I whispered. I know it’s his voice.

“You know I don’t like this. You can’t keep sleeping and make me suffer. You promised you won’t leave, you said you will stay with me. Tell me was that all fake? You were playing with me?” The voice echoed again.

My heart clenched. No, I never played with you. How could you think like that? I got up immediately and looked around. I couldn’t see anything but I could feel the voice echoing around my ear. It’s like someone is so close to me. I started to run in one direction but the faster I ran the longer the path was. It’s like there’s no destination, no end. All I could do was keep running.

“Azrael” I screamed hoping for him to hear me. “can you hear me?” I huffed and felt tired. Why can’t I find the end of this road? It’s like I could just walk forever but still couldn’t reach the end. The voice stopped ringing, falling into dead silence.

No, I have to find a way back. I couldn’t stay here longer. I looked around again. There must be a way. Every problem has its solution and I just need to find it. I need to look for the clues which can lead me back to my life. My eyes fell at the far corner where I could see a glimpse of small light. Like a candle light?

“What’s that?” I mumbled to myself. It’s like a ray of hope for me. Without thinking twice I ran towards it letting myself disappear into the darkness. “I don’t understand how we are going to do that? In this situation will it be easy?”

“We can’t take risks. John is already out of mind because of this”

“But how long can we stand the situation? If it continues then what kind of situation do you picture?”

I could hear the whispers around me and those voices sounded too familiar. My eyes were heavy and refusing to open. I clenched my jaw and forced myself harder. After the hard struggle I could finally move myself. The first thing I saw through my blurry version was the white ceiling. Then a few blurry faces come into view.

“Oh my god, oh my god. She is waking up” someone squealed. I blinked a few times to clear my vision. Tanea’s smiling face flashed in front of my eyes. “Ah! Finally you are up girly” she grinned.

“Wha-” I coughed even before I could form any words properly.

“Don’t strain yourself” a hand patted my chest. “Do you want to drink water?” Savannah asked with her eyes clouded with worry. Unable to form any words I slightly nodded my head confirming her.

She brought a glass of water immediately, “here” she helped me push my head up to drink the water. Feeling my dry throat getting wet I felt good. The coolness of water suddenly brought my throat alive.

“Thanks…” I said with a coarse tone.

“Are you feeling better?” Tanea asked.

“Yeah” I nodded.

“Reese, do you want to sit?” I nodded at Savannah who helped my body to sit on the bed while placing the soft pillow on my back. I felt pain in my body. God what’s that?

“Oh, careful. Your body still needs to heal properly. Those welts are still fresh in your body” Savannah said as she took my hand and placed it on the soft pillow. I could see the red marks on my skin and sighed.

“Don’t worry, it will get healed. Turner said though the ointment will take time to fully heal the marks but with a little patience your skin will be like before” Tanea said noticing my action.

“I am not caring about it” I shook my head. “It’s just these marks will remind me about the situation I was in. That man was really a beast”

“Well his animalistic action actually got him where he belong. His end was destined by his own karma and I must say, it was not a pleasant sight for anyone to see, especially for weak hearted people” Tanea shrugged carelessly.

“What? What happened to Kole?” I frowned at her.

“Do you think your mate will be kind enough to leave him after what he has done to you?” Savannah shook her head. “it was impossible for Kole to get away. And I guess Kole himself knew that. John was so raged that he lost all his mind. Though we weren’t there to witness but what I heard from Hardwick was really earth-shattering”

“What did he do?” I asked in confusion.

“Girly, your mate cut his body into pieces when he still has his breath to take and then burnt him. I couldn’t even imagine the pain that bastard felt at that moment. Such cruel action was extremely….” Tanea pursed her lips, stopping herself from saying more.

I gasped in shock. What did I just hear? Cut into pieces? Then burnt? Oh my god, I never thought Azrael would do this? I have never seen him to be this cruel. Though I was aware of his possessiveness and jealous side, I never thought his anger would take place with such cruelty.

“But…. that’s so exciting,” Tanea grinned, “can you imagine? John looks more heroic than Devak. Oh my god, doing such a thing for a mate it’s so satisfying in heart” she gave a dreamy look.

Savannah slapped her arm “whom you are dragging down? Don’t forget he is my brother”

Tanea rolled her eyes “please, he is my mate too. Besides, it’s true. Don’t you find John’s action more romantic? Taking revenge for his mate and hell burning that bastard”

“Beware you. If my brother hears you praising another man he will punish you for nothing” Savannah shook her head.

“He only knows that” Tanea mumbled to herself.

Savannah ignored her and turned to me, “do you want to eat something? You must be hungry because the last time you ate was the picnic day?”

“How long have I been sleeping?” I asked.

“3 days” she sighed, “these 3 days were such a hell. No one could sleep a wink because of worry. We all were hoping you wake up soon so that we could be free from the anxiety. And your mate was so miserable. I couldn’t even look at him”

Hearing her, my heart clenched with pain. I promised to myself I will never allow him to feel pain again. But in the end I did it again. I have caused him pain again and again even though I don’t have such intentions. I don’t know what I can do to make it up to him. I am becoming the reason for his worry and misery.

“Where is he?” I asked in low tone. I felt like my own voice was slipping away from me, refusing to give a hand to present my own thoughts.

“He was here a while ago before you woke up. He must be in the study with others” Savannah replied as she sat on the chair beside the bed. “Reese don’t blame yourself. We all know what the situation was. You can’t put everything on you because it was not your fault. The situation was out of our hands and we all tried our best to fight it” she smiled, “and you are the best fighter, do you know why? Because you proved how strong you are. Though Kole tortured you so much you still managed to fight him with courage and waited for your mate to arrive. Oh Reese, you don’t know how proud I am for you”

My eyes were already wet as I looked at her. She was encouraging me with her words and it felt so sweet. She was like a sister, making me understand about the things I am unaware of. I am truly glad I met Savannah again. Because whether we had any relation of blood or not we are sisters and we are family. I have spent my childhood with her. I could feel the pure sisterly love from her.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“Thank you Sav, I am glad that we met again. You are the only family left for me” I sobbed.

“Oh my god. We are sisters of course” she got up and hugged me lightly without putting any pressure on my body. “I will always be there for you okay? You don’t have to worry about anything. Whenever you need me, you can count on me”

“Hey, it’s not only you. Girly don’t forget I am here too” Tanea said, making us chuckle. I really don’t know what I would have done without these girls around. God has given me the chance and I am glad I was blessed with it.

“Reese, you are awake” another female voice joined us. I looked up to see Adriana standing at the door in shock. She quickly walked inside “am I dreaming?” She shook her head. “You are finally awake?”

I smiled, “nice to see you again Adriana”

She almost cried. She wiped her tears, “silky, it’s good you woke up or I would have beaten you”

I chuckled, “I am already beaten” I raised my hand to show the scars.

She shook her head “how are you feeling?”

“I am good”

“I will call John, he was waiting for you so desperately. I couldn’t endure his miserable figure anymore. Wait, I will just come” before I could say anything she already turned around and left the room.

My heart was beating so fast, excited yet nervous at the same time. I am finally going to meet him again.

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