Chosen By The Moon

Chapter 0356

Chapter 0356

Chapter 0356

“Dylan has a point…” Lewis chimed in, letting go of my hand so that he could talk using them, he did that quite often. “Besides, there wouldn’t be anything you could do anyway, if he’s been forcibly marked, then he’s most likely going to…” he cut himself off looking at Vees defeated expression. “I’m really sorry, Vee.”

That’s it then… there was absolutely nothing we could do. I couldn’t help but let myself become a little forlorn, I mean, me and Carlos had actually been through quite a lot together, and for some strange reason, I was the one who got out, while he was suffering than ever.

I couldn’t help but allow guilt to consume me.

more now

“You know… I’ve only just come to terms with him actually being alive, in my mind he died years ago, I don’t know if I have it in me to grieve for him again.” She admitted, pulling Oliver’s side in to her own body, attempting to find comfort in his embrace.

“Carlos is stronger than we think, I mean he managed to survive years in the palace dungeons, he may come out of this…” Lewis was forever the optimist, but I was realistic, I’d already shot one man after he began to transform from the forced marking of his mate… no, it was inevitable…

Carlos was a dead man walking now, I knew that much.

“Stop giving her false hope.” I heard the words of Gilliard and sighed at them. He wasn’t wrong.

“I think we all need understand Carlos’s possible outcome. Gilliards right, false hope isn’t going to help anyone.” My shoulders shrugged and my gaze met that of my feet, I was more upset over the news than I should have been.


The quiet that came from everyone at my comment however seem to thunder in my ears. It was Vee that shattered the quiet as she made her statement known… rather loudly I might add. NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“Why are you all looking at her like that?!” I frowned at my fidgeting. feet and looked up seeing the three sets of Lycan eyes staring at me in both shock and wonderment.

“What did you just say?!” Lewis asked quickly turning my body abruptly to face him, his eyes darting from my own left orb to my right.

“I said Gilliard is right?!” My frown deepened as the three wolves. began a series of comical glances to and from each other then all attention landed back on me.

“Right about what?!” Gill was slow expressing his words, waiting with an eager appearance that had me more confused than ever.

“About Lewis’s statement giving out false hope…” My ears were once again met with quiet as the men all stared at me in bewilderment while Vee just looked extremely confused, even I will admit that my own confusion was growing by the second maybe I needed to explain. myself?. “I’m upset too, me and Carlos, we had bonded in the dungeon and after everything, but realistically he’s not going to survive the next full moon…”

“What do you mean Gilliards statement? He didn’t say anything?” Vee looked more befuddled than upset now as my own head darted from one person to the next. Huh? I had heard him with my own ears.

“Yes he did! I heard it.” I was not backing down, of course he said something, there’s no way I was crazy enough to be hearing things that weren’t said.

“No… I didn’t.” Oh great, were they trying to prank me or something? I finally met Gills eyes and raised my eyebrows at him, already bored of


his little joke, however my jaw ended up slack in shock as he spoke. once again, only his mouth didn’t move at all and his eyes had glazed over as if blocked off from the world around us. “I never said

anything… I just mind linked Lewis…”

Holy shit… holy shit. He was mind linking?

I swear his voice sounded as clear as day, it was as if his words were being physically vocalized. My eyes naturally widened quite comically I imagine as I stared at the alpha wolf in front of me. I could hear him… I really could both hear and understand his words, as if they had simply been spoken.

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