“I have given your ungrateful brat more than what she has the rights to. What more do you want?” Jerol asks, almost losing his cool.

“Don’t you dare insult my daughter in my presence!” Mr Monzano barks.

“That is not an insult! If I was to insult her, believe me, Mr Senator, you would not want to hear it.” Jerol says, calmly, while I soothe his hand to calm him down.

“She is carrying your child! You have to swallow all the beef you have against her because if anything happens to my daughter, I will squeeze the life out of you. I am warning you, Jerol!”Hang on! Threats? He is threatening Jerol?

“First, you budge into my house, and then you dare to threaten me?”Jerol implores.

“That was just a by the way. Back to the main business. I want my daughter to be accorded with the respect, care and attention that she deserves in this house. She is not some cheap trash to be left to cook for herself in this condition.””With all due respect, Mr Monzano! I don’t think you have any right to tell me how to run my house. I do not know what your daughter told you, but we have enough servants her to tend to her needs. Anything beyond that, I am sorry, I have my wife who is also pregnant to take care of.” Jerol fires.

“I don’t care about your wife. You got my daughter pregnant and you must give her all the attention she needs.”Huh! This man is causing me dizziness with his nonsensical yelling, sha! Am I not a person that needs care too?

“And your daughter would be having all the attention she is begging for right now if only she…””Enough!” Ellie yells, cutting Jerol off. “That is enough, Jerol! I have apologized countless times for leaving. That is gone. Will you just stop bringing it back?” She sobs, leaning on to her daddy for solace.

“My daughter needed some space. I don’t see any offence in that.”Space?


Yet she ended up in another man’s arms and she had the nerves to come back after everything? Ooh, wait. Does the sweet defensive daddy know about his precious daughter’s despicable behavior? I guess no. That is why she cut Jerol off before he could say something she doesn’t want her father to know? Smart ass bitch!

“Again, like I said, Mr Monzano, I do not see any need for all these back-and-forth fusses. If you feel like your daughter is not well taken care of here, then take her with you. If the DNA results turn out positive, I promise to provide every single need that my child will need.” Jerol says.

“First, my daughter will not raise a child out of wedlock. I have an image to protect Jerol and what you are suggesting is not possible.” Mr Monzano scoffs.

“You might be forgetting two things, Mr Monzano. One, is that your daughter and I will never get married since I love someone else. We can only co-parent. And second, regarding the image you are talking about, I also have mine and that of my parents to protect and there is no way I will ruin my image to secure yours. It doesn’t work that way for me.” Jerol defends.

“Don’t let me do this the hard way, my son! You will not like it. I can’t see my daughter getting hurt, and I can not stand and watch people badmouthing her.” He warns.

“I am done reasoning with you. Do your worst, but be careful because I will not hesitate to take it all out on your precious daughter if you dare try your political tactics with me, Mr Monzano! Don’t forget that I have equal or even more power than you have.” Jerol warns.

“Is that a threat?” He queries, unbelievably.

“No. A promise!” Jerol affirms, sounding as serious as hell.

“Okay.” Mr Monzano says, nodding her head as if gauging Jerol’s capabilities.

“And the next time you walk into my house like this again, you will spend the night in a jail cell for trespassing.” Jerol warns.

“Don’t you worry. I don’t intend on coming back. Because if we ever meet again, you will be the one to look for me.” Mr Monzano warns, and turns to his daughter as he adds. “Let us go, my daughter!” He says, but Ellie jerks herself from his hold, leaving him perplexed.

“G… o? Where, Daddy?” She implores.

“Home my dear. It is clear you will not be safe here with these people. I will take care of you.” Her father pleads, but this impossible witch takes another step away from her father.

“No, Dad! I can’t. I am staying right here. I will be fine. Don’t worry about me.” She rants nonstop.

Mmh! Why is she acting like this? Why is she seemingly so insistent on staying back?

“Come on, Ellie! Don’t act so desperately to someone who does not need you.” Her father speaks.

“You are right Daddy. I am desperate to bring up my child in a complete family. You of all people saw how hard it was to raise me up all alone. I don’t want my child to go through any of that. My child will grow up with its father and mother together.” Ellie sobs.

Again, is it me and my paranoia, or is she just faking these tears. Hang on! So, supposing this is real, I mean, her disgusting theory about raising her so-called child in a complete family and all, what about me? What should I do? Leave my husband for her? Leave my home for her?

“I hope you are not thinking that I will leave my husband for you!” I implore, and she snaps at me, her sobs stopping abruptly.

“He is not your husband! Get that into your thick skill!” She yells.

“We are living under the same roof. We sleep in the same room, on the same bed, and under the same sheets. We love each other and we are having the first fruit of our love. What do you call that, huh? Wake up from your fantasies, Ellie, and take what my husband is offering if you don’t have any other motive here!” I spit, and she is digging my skin out with her devilish looks.

Why? Did I say something wrong? Something that angered her core? It’s true, right? If she has no any other motive here, she should be comfortable with what Jerol is offering, right?

“My dear? Let us just go. I will find a way to fix this for you.” Her father pleads.

I hope she listens to him and leaves us in peace, but what does this father of hers mean by he will fix this for her, huh?

“No Dad. I will stay here and fix this myself! Nobody humiliates me like this and walks scot-free!” Ellie affirms, her eyes glued on me.

I am not her target, am I?

“And you think I will let you stay here after what you just said?” Jerol speaks.

“You have no option, unless you want the world to know about all your secrets. From how you are a deadbeat in bed, to how I almost lost your child, to all those months you wallowed in depression, until how are now denying your own child its rights! Can you bear that?” She barks, and I stand in awe of her level of blackmail and insensitivity.

She would not dare go to that far, right? That is insane! Absurd! That is so uncouth for a person who claims to come from a respectable family.

I look at Jerol, and he is looking at her as if she is a total stranger to him. Maybe he didn’t see all these negative sides of her when they were dating. That is why he is astounded by her threats.

“You might have forgotten that I also have something against you. Are you sure you want your father to know about her precious daughter’s little secrets?” Jerol speaks, and Ellie narrows her eyes.

Right! That must have slipped from her mind. She is almost choking on the nothingness she is battling to push down her throat.

“Ellie?” Mr Monzano calls.

“Dad?” Ellie answers, her head hunched down like the shameless bitch that she is.

“What is he talking about?” Her father queries, sounding extremely curious.

“Umh… It’s nothing, Dad. He is just looking for excuses to evade his responsibilities.”What a liar! A confident liar.

“I know you, Ellie! You would be looking me straight in the face if this was a lie! What did you do?” Her father asks, urging her face to look at him. “Talk to me!” He adds when they are finally staring at each other.

“It… it’s nothing, Father.” She lies again, but not so boldly this time around.

“So, Ellie! I see that you don’t want your father to know about your little secret. So, shall we continue keeping the secrets to ourselves, or just ruin each other? I must warn you, in this whole scenario, I have nothing to lose at all, but you? You know what whatever I have against you will do to your reputation.” Jerol dares, and she drags her defeated self around to face us.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

“Until the DNA results are out. That is how much I ask you to host me here. If they come out negative, I will leave and never bother you again. If it’s positive, then I will accept whatever you will decide.” She affirms.

Wow! She swallowed her pride and arrogance and threats just like that? I did not know I could ever see her this humbled and scared. She conforms to a scared puppy.

But, I know bitches of her kind. They can never be trusted. What made her change so suddenly? Is she up to something?

“Okay. You heard your daughter, Mr Monzano! And, just to quench your curiosity, your daughter cheated on me with my elder brother! I am yet to find out when their love affair began, but as far as I know, they were fooling around all those months she was away. She can ascertain that herself. Or,” he turns to the statue in the name of Ellie, “am I lying?” He adds, daring her to lie.

“How dare you?!” She grumbles.

“What did you do, child?” She shuts her eyes to her father’s voice, not even daring to face him.

“Now, the next time you talk about someone else tarnishing your precious daughter’s reputation, be sure she hasn’t put the stains herself on her own reputation and dignity. It is only for the show of humanity that I am forcing myself to endure her presence in my house right now. Otherwise, she deserves absolutely nothing from me. Not even sympathy. So long, Mr Monzano.” Jerol says, and I guess that touched the old man’s heart.

He doesn’t say a word. Led by his bodyguards whom I found totally unnecessary, he strides out like a hurt father. He definitely did not expect that from his daughter.

“How dare you?” Ellie fumes.

“I only told your father, and I am sure he will not dare let the disgusting news of her daughter leave his lips. No big deal since you flaunted my secrets to him first, right?” He challenges the bitch.

“You better make sure you don’t tell anyone else.” She yaps.

“That will depend on how you will conduct yourself in the few days you will be here. Any mistake, and the nation will know what kind of an immoral disgusting cheap whore Senator Monzano has for a daughter!” The sooner this charade is over, the better.” Jerol says, and scoops me in his arms, walking upstairs and leaving the defeated bitch to ponder on her losses.

I am sure she is reevaluating her decision to return here. Ooh, she must be really regretting it.

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