Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas


Friday 24rd December, 2021.


One moment I was listening to my Dad tell battle stories while my eyelids drooped and my mates huddled around me near the fireplace. The next thing I knew, Noah was gently shaking me awake.

“Star, Star,” he whispered fiercely.

The first thing I felt was uncomfortable. The blanket was soaked.

“Did you wet the bed?” I whispered really quietly to Noah so as not to alert the others.

“Yeah, he did, every night until age nine,” said Zaya.

“It’s actually you, Luna,” said Noah softly.

I glanced over at my twin asleep with Holly on the couch, and Mom and Dad asleep on the loveseat. I looked down at the carpet I was lying on. It was wet too and the fire in the hearth was out.

“I wet the bed?” I mumbled, confused.

“No, Baby, your water,” said Zaya, cupping my face.

“We have to go right now, ok, Brille, brille, petite étoile!” Said Jonah. “I want my heirs born on my pack lands ok! I won’t take no for an answer as caveman as it might sound!”

I giggled, recognising the nickname. Jonah had given me a French nursery rhyme book. He had also hung up posters of the French alphabet and numbers in the nursery.

“Let’s go, belle! Vite!” Said Jonah.

Jonah and Noah tried to pick me up but I resisted and they did not want to apply any pressure so they let me sit back down on the carpet.

“Princess,” cooed Eli, feeling my forehead. “Come on, Princess!”

“We talked about this, remember, Baby,” said Zaya. “Viper Moon Alphas have to be born in Viper Moon. We’re not trying to be assholes. It’s a big deal in Viper Moon. Someone could challenge our pups for the Alpha Lineage! You don’t want that for them! They’d f*****g lose because my pups would kick their a*s in the challenge fight but still don’t set up the pups for a hard time, Baby,” pleaded Zaya.

“Princess? Guys, it’s not her really. She’s like drunk or something,” said Eli.

“She doesn’t seem to be having contractions, she’s sort of enjoying herself,” observed Noah.

I sighed, flopping onto the carpet, looking at my huge belly in confusion.

“No, that’s just the effect I have on people. I make them giddy, that’s all. Come on, Baby!” Encouraged Zaya.

They all tried to pick me up but I kept pushing their hands away. I wasn’t worried. I was relaxing and they were disturbing me. On some level, I thought about what Zaya had said about our pups being challenged. That began to worry me but it soon flew out of my mind.

“What’s wrong with her?!” Said Jonah, sounding panicked now.

“Nothing. She’s just Fae,” said Holly serenely.

My mates almost jumped out of their skins in shock as Holly came ambling over, also heavily pregnant, but she and Mom would probably give birth closer to their actual due dates. The more babies, the sooner they came.

“Holly, I know I’ve been a douche at times but please please don’t wake Star’s parents or her twin!” Begged Jonah.

“Why not?” Asked Holly, surprised.

“They’ll want to keep her here. They won’t want her to snow globe home now and then the heirs will have the roughest time just like Dad. He was born just one pack over though his Mom was practically running towards our boarder to try to have him there. She had been visiting some friends and she just…” Jonah paused and made a gesture like a volcano erupting.

Holly raised an eyebrow at him.

“I know what to do,” said Holly.

“Thank you, Holly,” said Jonah.

“HESPER!” Called Holly, waking up everyone.

“What? What?! Oh, my baby!” Squealed Mom, scrambling over to me and kneeling with much difficulty.

“Thanks, Holly,” said Jonah darkly.

“You’re welcome,” said Holly brightly. “Hesper, Hannah Star has Fae Fever!”

“Oh, my poor little girl,” said Mom, feeling my ears.

“Her temperature was normal. I felt her forehead,” said Eli, confused.

“You have to feel the ears,” said Holly matter-of-factly.

“Movie Star,” said my twin, Harper, coming over and kneeling beside me.

He felt my ears too and nodded at Dad who looked worried.

“This is your fault!” Said Dad, suddenly angry at the Quads.

Eli looked guilty.

“Fae Fever is what people of Fae descent sometimes get during times of high stress or pain to avoid them feeling the physical or emotional pain of it all,” said Holly.

“Oh,” said Dad. “So she’s not in pain.”

Mom shook her head.

“She’s in labour but she won’t feel it while her Fae Fever persists,” said Mom.

“This is great,” I slurred.

“Kinda,” agreed Zaya. “At least my Baby won’t be in pain when she has my babies!”

“Not necessarily,” said Mom. “It could wear off. She’ll probably be in less pain than others even without painkillers if her Fae Fever persists but that doesn’t mean I don’t want a pack doctor here with my daughter!”

“In Viper Moon Pack House, we have the best doctors staying on high alert for this. They’re in the House itself, we just have to…” began Jonah.

“Hesper is a Princess, Heath was a commander of the pack warriors and my Harper is an Alpha too, Jonah, they know Alphas should ideally be born where they hope to rule. They weren’t born yesterday!” Piped up Holly. “We’ll take her back to Viper Moon in a second, we just need to do one more thing first.”

“Oh,” said Jonah sheepishly.

“Don’t make me call the Fae Fever Police for you, Jonah!” Said Holly with a sly smile.

They put a special ointment on my ears. I felt them and gasped. They were extra pointy!

“My ears are so pointy, not medium pointy anymore!” I grumbled, not sure if anyone knew what I meant in my loopy state.

“They will round out a little back to their usual medium pointy soon, Sis,” Harper reassured me.

I gave him a suspicious look. I was in and out of it while my family and my mates helped me to take the snow globe back to Viper Moon. I awoke in a bright white room. I sat up so suddenly I made everyone jump. I looked around and recognised the infirmary in the Viper Moon Pack House. The pack doctors were here and I was getting drips.

“Her Fae Fever should be controlled somewhat. She should be a bit more coherent now,” said Mom to my mates.

“Mom!” I cried.

She came over and held my hand. I was definitely feeling it now.

“I know, I know, Honey!” Cooed Mom.

I gripped her hand.

“Painkillers!” I yelled at the doctors.

“They’re dripping,” said the nurse pointing to the IV line.

“Open it all the way!” I demanded.

I thought she would sass me but she actually opened the IV line all the way and let the fluids pour. I breathed deeply while I waited for that to work.

“You have to have to a C section,” said one of the doctors gently. “Multiples usually…

“Yes I know all that already!” I said, quickly grabbing the clipboard he was showing me and hastily signing my name to consent for the surgery. “Get these babies out of me!” I pleaded.

My mates surrounded the head of the bed, trying to comfort me. My Mom stroked my hair. Harper and my Dad kissed my forehead and left with Holly because the doctors wanted a little more space and I already had four mates, each of whom would rather eat glass than leave. Rightfully so. This was their doing. I glared at Eli who was holding my left hand. I huffed at Zaya who was holding my right.

“We love you,” said Eli, reminding me.

Hmph. I felt like my torso was about to split open.

“These drips don’t work. They’re fake. They’re placebos or something,” I said.

“Shh, they’re gonna work, I promise,” said Noah, gesturing for one of the doctors to come over.

I had to turn onto my side so they could numb my lower half with a special injection. When I turned back onto my back, I expected to feel a sharp pain but it was just a dull ache now. There was a lot of pressure but minimal pain. They covered my lower half with a curtain separating the room into two: the head of the bed with my support system and the medical team with my huge belly. I felt like pulling the curtain to see what was happening down there. I almost reached for it but Noah grabbed my hand and kissed it.

“You don’t need the whole tour ok, Luna,” said Noah. “None of us do. It’s hidden because it’s better for you psychologically.”

“It’s my body,” I said defiantly.

“Yes, and it’s your beautiful babies’ bodies too and you want everything to go well,” said Mom. “So no touching that curtain!” She said sternly.

They were right. I had so much anxiety about what was happening but I could not risk disturbing the surgery. The doctor must have given me more of something upon my mother’s request because a strange calm came over me then. I sighed. Zaya was stroking my hair, Noah and Jonah were now holding my hands and Eli was rubbing my shoulders. Mom was telling me about when I was born. Her delivery sounded so difficult. She did not have Dad with her when I came out.

“And even after all this time, I’m so grateful to have my Hannah back, my little Star,” said Mom.

I smiled at Mom. There was a long tense silence like we were all waiting for something.

“That’s them,” whispered Jonah, playing with my hair.

He could smell the pups.

“These little guys are eager!” I heard one of the doctors say.

“Everybody wants to be first-born,” said Jonah. “Understandable!”

I giggled. I could not swat him because he was behind my head. I pinched his hand.

“Hey!” he chuckled indignantly.

Even though the guys loved to tease Noah, they ended up secretly loving his name idea the most. They had admitted to it recently so I was ready with the names. The nurse brought each baby to me to spend some time on my chest before he had to go to the incubator. I could still feel the Fae Fever making me a little loopy along with the drugs but I knew I could tell my boys apart already. In birth order, they were…

“Caelum, Leo, Phoenix and Volans, the most random names ever,” teased Jonah, grinning proudly from ear to ear, as he grabbed Noah’s shoulders and gave him a shake.

The Quads were crowding around the incubators.

“Oh! I love it! How creative!” Said Mom.

“You get it?” Said Noah excitedly, looking at Mom.

“They’re all constellations because their Mommy is Star,” cooed Mom, pinching my cheek.

“Yeah! Constellations!” Said Noah, a huge smile on his face. “Star, your Mom is so cool!”

I was loopy but I was very pleased with myself. It was over and my babies were healthy. And they were born in Viper Moon. Everything was ok.

“Although I named her Hannah at first but never mind me,” Mom muttered.

“Mom,” I grumbled.

“I’m kidding,” she said. “I love it. I love the theme,” she said in earnest. “I love my grand babies!” She squealed.

“You look great for your age, Princess Hesper,” marvelled one of the doctors.

Mom giggled. We were not allowed to tell people she was actually a teenager because she had been frozen in time. I wondered if she had turned twenty yet though or if she was still nineteen. She was very secretive about her birthday and all things age-related.

“Caelum looks so responsible already,” I commented, looking at his serious little face.

Jonah beamed.

“It’s gas,” said Zaya.

Jonah shoved Zaya playfully.

“Leo is so active,” I said in amazement, watching my baby trying to squint at everything.

Noah grinned. “I think he’s trying to look at his surroundings,” said Noah.

“And Phoenix seems so content already,” I cooed as I watched him blink slowly.

“He’s falling asleep,” said Eli softly, looking into the incubator.

“Volans is in a secret contest with Leo for most active,” I giggled as Volans wiggled his feet and stared unblinkingly.

“He’s just feeling himself,” said Zaya. “One day old and confident!”

I had to lean forward a little to see my babies in their incubators but I could only move so much and no more. I had just had surgery. I would heal pretty fast but it was still quite difficult for me.

“Can these things be moved closer to my wife?” Asked Eli.

“Yes, Alpha!” Said the nurse, assisting him.

“They’re our sons, Eli,” teased Jonah. “Things?”

“I meant the incubators!” Said Eli indignantly.

“He knows what you meant, Eli,” I reassured him. “He’s just feeling mischievous because he’s happy!” I said in an accusatory tone.

Jonah swaggered over to me.

“Is that how I am, my paradis sur terre?” Asked Jonah, caressing my cheek.

I nodded.

“That is how you are,” I said.

“If ma cherie says so, then it is so,” said Jonah, bending down to press his lips to mine.

“Your cherie says you have bad breath,” said Zaya.

I chuckled but it hurt to laugh. I g*****d.

“Stop making jokes,” said Eli, and Zaya actually stopped.

Noah massaged my shoulders. My Dad and my twin came in with Holly. Holly squealed in excitement at the sight of the babies.

“What are my nephews called?” She squeaked.

Noah listed off the names.

“Let me guess who is who,” she said.

“You’re not gonna call them Lord or Alpha right?” Teased Harper, tickling Holly’s sides.

She giggled. I laughed too but then I felt a searing pain. Ouch.

“Stop making jokes!” Implored Zaya.

“Oh,” said Harper, coming over to me. He stroked my hair.

“Hey, twin,” he said.

I grinned.

“Hey, twin,” I said.

“You did amazing,” said Harper, kissing my forehead.

“She’s a little warrior,” said Dad.

Dad kissed my cheek.

“This one looks like Eli,” said Dad, pointing out Phoenix.

“They’re identical, Dad,” said Harper.

“Nah, they all look different,” said Dad. “That little one on the end. See his face. That’s Zaya.”

“Little?” Said Zaya. “From little acorns mighty oaks grow!” Proclaimed Zaya.

I laughed and my tummy hurt.

“I thought you said no jokes,” said Harper to Zaya.

“It’s not really a joke. He’s just naturally ridiculous,” said Noah.

I wanted to laugh again but I held it in for my abdomen’s sake.

“How do you feel, Mom?” Said Dad.

I smiled at him calling me ‘Mom.’Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Kinda nervous,” I admitted.

“You will do wonderfully,” he said, holding my hand.

“You have the biggest heart, Star!” Said Harper.

Mom was seeing if Holly was guessing which name corresponded to which mini Quad correctly. Mom had a little cue card she had just written to help herself remember.

“She got all right!” Squealed Mom.

“What do I win?” Said Holly.

“A lifetime supply of epidural,” I said, wanting to laugh but forcing myself not to.

“I’ll need it soon enough,” said Holly, coming over to me and holding my hand.

“You’ll be fine,” I said, smiling.

“We’re not babysitting all these kids, you know,” announced Dad.

“Heath,” said Mom, swatting his chest.

“In fact we’re dropping off the new little twins with Big Sis and Big Bro. We’ll alternate the days,” said Dad.

“Heath!” Said Mom indignantly, pinching his arm.

My parents, Harper and Holly left to go get all the Christmas presents from under the tree in Ice Moon and snow globe back to Viper Moon with them so we could exchange gifts in Viper Moon tomorrow or perhaps today. I was not too sure.

“Were my babies born on Christmas morning or Christmas Eve?” I asked.

“11:11pm on Christmas Eve,” said the nurse.

“Oh, that’s the best time. Wishing time,” I said.

“Did you get your Christmas wish?” Asked the nurse.

“Yes,” I said.

“Even though you won’t have Christmas in Ice Moon, ma cherie?” Wondered Jonah, touching my cheek.

“I’m sorry, Baby,” said Zaya, kissing my nose.

Eli stroked my hair.

“I promise we will next year, Princess,” said Eli.

“No arguments beforehand or questions asked too, Luna!” Said Noah, kissing my hand.

“That wasn’t my wish,” I said, yawning. “I just wanted all my close loved ones together on the day and we will be. My parents, my twin, my sister-in-law, my little siblings and little nephews although they’re not born yet but they’ll be there! And most importantly, my Jonah, my Noah, my Eli, my Zaya, my Caelum, my Leo, my Phoenix and my little Volans,” I said, smiling sleepily.

“Volans isn’t little though. They’re identical,” said Zaya.

“Shh, she’s falling asleep,” I heard Eli say.

“She needs her rest,” said Noah.

“Especially after you wet the bed the last time she tried to sleep and woke her,” said Jonah.

I was too sleepy to laugh. Their voices were very far away.

“Hey, it’s Christmas,” I heard Noah say. “It’s midnight!”

“She’s already asleep,” said Jonah.

“I wanted to wish her Merry Christmas first,” said Noah.

“In the morning,” said Zaya kindly. “I might let you wish her Merry Christmas first!”

The doctors and nurses had cleaned me up and bandaged me earlier. They had said my surgical scar was already beginning to heal but that my mates needed to let me sleep alone tonight so no-one disturbed my stitches. The babies were in their incubators and my mates were all in recliners they had pulled into the infirmary from other rooms in the house. The analgesia was still in effect and I was thankful for it and my warm, dry bed.

“In case you can hear me,” whispered Noah in my ear. “Merry Christmas, Luna, I love you! Goodnight MQ’s!” Said Noah, to the mini Quads.

“I love you, Baby,” said Zaya quietly. “Goodnight, rascals!”

“I love you, Princess,” said Eli softly. “Goodnight, kiddos!”

“She can’t hear you guys. She’s out like a light,” grumbled Jonah.

There was silence. Then just before I completely drifted off I heard Jonah speak very quietly. He was very close to my ear. His breath tickled me a little.

“Je t’aime, mon ciel étoilé! Bonne nuit, mon armour! Bonne nuit, mes fils!”

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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