Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas

Chapter 63

Wednesday 23rd September, 2020 (Continued)

Zaya’s POV

How could my Baby do this to me? Mere hours after we had been our most intimate so far, she refused to come back to our pack lands. She called our pack lands the Viper Moon pack lands like she would not be its Luna. My heart was throbbing like someone had stomped on it. I did not even notice the lurch in my stomach as we hurtled through a void and appeared back in the study of the home of Luna Chasity and the Alpha Triplets.

We popped right in on a dedicate scene. Luna Chasity was sitting on the surface of the desk her legs wrapped around the waist of one of her alphas who stood before her as they kissed each other with abandon. They were fully clothed thankfully as I was sure the alpha in question was about to be outraged. I could not help but feel envious. Alex, Felix and Calix grew up with their Chasity. She had already been residing with them. What could be luckier than that?

The Alpha sensed our presence instantly and broke away from his Luna. He growled instinctively at us. Chasity swatted his chest playfully.

“Felix!” Chastised Chasity.

“Ugh, Baby, what?!” G*****d Felix.

“Don’t be rude to our guests,” said Chasity.

“Our guests are rude! They dropped in uninvited!” Said Felix.

“They’re returning our snow globe, Baby,” cooed Chasity, nuzzling him.

Felix’s face lit up because of this simple interaction. I boiled with jealousy. I sighed. My Baby didn’t want me the way I thought she had.

“Who pissed in your coffee?” Muttered Felix, eyeing my gloomy expression. “And what are you doing coming back at this hour? You couldn’t wait for the sun to come up?”

There was not much difference time-zone wise between the northern packs so he had a point. They had probably not been expecting us at this hour. I remained silent though. Chasity gasped suddenly.

“Where’s your Luna? Where’s Star?” Asked Chasity, her face falling, pity pooling in her big brown eyes for us.

“s**t! What happened?” Asked Felix, his tone completely changed and his demeanour softened. He was looking horror-stricken on our behalf that we were returning without a Luna.

“Don’t tell me she’s…” began Chasity, clutching Felix’s shirt.

“f**k,” breathed Felix, looking away from us, seeming quite upset.

“She’s not dead,” I said blankly.

“Oh! Thank goodness!” Exclaimed Chasity.

“Phew,” said Felix dramatically. “I almost apologised to you there for getting mad when you barged in. That was a close one!” Chuckled Felix.

Laughter from behind us made us turn around. Alex and Calix were in the doorway.

“Let’s go to bed, Luna,” purred Alex.

“Come on, Goddess, it’s beddy bye time,” said Calix sweetly.

“No,” pouted Chasity. “I want to hear what happened. Why is Star not going back with you? I wanted to meet her.”

Chasity began to sulk and Felix glared at us as though this was our fault. Chasity was certainly one to throw a tantrum. Her Alphas definitely spoiled her. I wouldn’t mind spoiling and pampering Star is I could ever break this f*****g curse and do so completely without worry.

“You’re cranky,” teased Calix. “Your bedtime was hours ago!”

“I don’t have a bed time!” Said Chasity indignantly.

“We’re older than you!” Said Alex.

“By exactly three years! Big deal. You three were still wetting the bed when I was born,” said Chasity.

The Triplets all made dramatic noises, impressed by Chasity’s dissing of them. I snorted with laughter. These four were kind of cheering me up. They were certainly entertaining.

“Spill the details. I promised my besties I would let them know too! They were so taken by your story!” Said Chasity with a faraway dreamy look on her face.

“Your besties?” Inquired Noah.

“Mona and Lola,” said Calix.

“No, it’s Tila and Mila!” Said Felix.

“It’s Mia and Tia!” Corrected Alex.

Chasity rolled her eyes and refused to say who was right until pressed.

“It’s Mina and Tina,” she said.This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“I was the closest,” said Felix.

“I was close too!” Said Calix.

“Stop being childish you two though I was the closest but it’s not important,” commented Alex.

“Stop your nonsense so I can hear what happened!” Whined Chasity.

“Stop aggravating my wife,” said Felix indignantly to his two brothers.

Calix chuckled and Alex rolled his eyes.

“Our wife,” added Calix.

“My wife wants to know what happened! We leant you the snow globe because we thought something dire went on. I think we deserve an explanation,” said Felix, back to his demanding self.

“Star didn’t want to come back with us ok!” I snapped.

“Who’re you talking to? It couldn’t be me,” said Felix, taken aback by my tone.

Alex smirked and Calix snickered.

“Give him a break, Felix,” said Alex decidedly. “You know how painful it is when your mate is reluctant to be with you.”

Felix scowled but remained quiet.

“How would you know that though? Chasity is your childhood best friend,” I said. “You were raised together.”

Calix snorted with laughter, literally doubling over. Alex and Felix looked uncomfortable. Chasity seemed mildly amused.

“No, Honey Bunches of Oats,” said Chasity sassily to me.

The nickname made Eli and her alphas all laugh except Felix who looked livid as soon as he heard the “honey” part. He pulled Chasity closer to him and puffed out his chest a little.

“We had a lot to work through. They were such bullies to me growing up honestly,” revealed Chasity.

Felix squirmed uncomfortably and practically crushed Chasity to him, against his chest.

“Felix,” came Chasity’s voice muffled by his shirt.

“I’m holding you, Baby,” Felix said.

“You’re suffocating me,” complained Chasity.

“People who are suffocating can’t talk,” chuckled Felix.

“Ow!” Exclaimed Felix, releasing Chasity and stepping back a little but quickly snatching her again so she would not fall off her seat on the desk.

“You bit my n****e!” Said Felix, his tone accusatory.

“A love bite to thank you for holding me,” said Chasity in a innocent tone.

“Chasity would never do such a thing,” said Alex. “You probably imagined that.”

“She just admitted to it,” Felix said incredulously.

“A love bite is not real bite,” said Calix dismissively.

Felix rubbed his n****e through his shirt. Chasity looked slightly guilty. She began to massage Felix’s chest and he smirked at her.

“The story?” Prompted Calix. “We have kids you know, guys. We don’t get enough sleep as it is.”

“And yet you want girl triplets, Calix,” retorted Chasity.

“Yes, my Goddess, the world deserves as many versions of you as possible,” said Calix theatrically.

“Star and her twin reclaimed their mother’s long lost pack basically and she didn’t want to leave without telling him and then her father insisted that she didn’t leave at all,” Eli explained.

“Chasity’s Dad was a snake for the majority of the early days of our relationship,” said Calix matter-of-factly.

“He was untrustworthy?” I deduced, happy to have a group of people I could relate to.

Felix snorted with laughter.

“No, he was an actual snake, as in with scales and slithering about. It’s not a metaphor. It was magic. We broke the spell though,” explained Calix.

I stared at him dumbfounded.

“So, here’s your snow globe,” I said, getting back to the point.

Chasity took it in her hands.

“Know what I’m gonna do?” Said Chasity.

“What?” Asked Noah, clearly intrigued.

Jonah was being awfully quiet.

Chasity smiled mischievously.

“I’m gonna take the snow globe to Star’s pack lands and have a girl chat with her, Luna to Luna. We have some stuff in common,” said Chasity.

“Chasity, I would be forever grateful honestly,” I said, hope rising up in me.

“Yeah, I know,” said Chasity with a little hair flip.

Noah chuckled.

“That would be awesome, Chasity. Thank you…for everything,” said Eli.

“Thank you so much, Chasity,” said Noah.

“Thanks, Chasity, we really owe you won,” said Jonah, smiling a little for the first time since our confrontation with Star.

“Thank you, Felix, Alex, and Calix for letting us borrow your snow globe, track through your house like we own the place and talk to our precious Luna,” said Felix, folding his arms.

“Thanks, man,” I said quickly.

“There’s no need to say thank you to me,” said Alex. “I’ll accept some Fae items instead when you make up with Star.”

Chasity burst out laughing.

“But you’re scared of magic?” Said Calix.

“I am apprehensive of witchcraft at times, not Fae magic. Faeries are much less scary compared to witches,” said Alex.

“So you’re scared of cousin Jessie’s wife then?” Asked Calix.

Guilt sliced through me. s**t! We’d been helped by both Jessie and his Alpha Triplet cousins and we had endangered him to the max. The triplets clearly did not know about that yet. Jessie probably wasn’t readily telling people. He and Jamie wanted to figure it out. If Felix knew, he’d want to fight us, I knew that for sure. Probably Alex too. I was not sure about Calix, he seemed so harmless. I felt guilty keeping it from them but if I told them that would be long conversation and possibly confrontation.

“Thank you Alex and Calix too. You can still get your Fae items, additionally, Alex,” I promised. It was the least I could do. I was sure Asriel could get a talking watch or something for Alex though he might not be able to perceive it without faerie dust. Perhaps, we could get him a bag of dust too. I glanced at my brothers who were fidgeting nervously too at the mention of Jessie. It felt like we had screwed them over, Jessie and the triplets. All four alphas had tried to help us. I could not let Jessie down. My eyes went to Chasity who smiled. And now, the triplets’ Luna was going to help us reconcile with Star. They were good people.

“We have to go now, ok, guys,” I said quickly as I searched in Noah’s bag for the snow globe that went from the Ice Moon Pack lands to Berryndale. There was a loud wailing sound. One of the baby triplets had woken up. Within moments, all three were now awake and crying. That reminded me. Jessie had kids. Twins. My stomach churned.

“Let’s go,” I whispered to Eli as the triplets and Chasity scurried off to the nursery.

“Bye guys! Good luck!” Called Chasity.

“Thanks,” I said softly.

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