Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas

Chapter 46

Monday 21st September, 2020 (Continued)

Zaya’s POV

I spent the whole night pacing, thinking about Star. Eli did the same. I felt a bit loopy at some point during the night but, as an alpha, I’d never admit to that. I knew Jonah and Noah had been having trouble sleeping too. I had heard their voices throughout the night. They had been discussing Star and the curse. I knew that Jonah had mind-linked Harper a few times to ensure all was well with Star. He had said yes but he had not given any details.

Dawn came too soon. I really did not want to go to class but the thought of seeing Star was a great motivator. I was ready in a matter of minutes. My brothers were all just as eager. Damocles’ class was now being taught by a substitute teacher. My brothers and I sat in the same row as Jillian and Chet. Angelique came over to sit next to Jonah.

“Where’s Star?” I whispered to Jillian as the substitute teacher turned the lights off and put on an educational movie.

She shrugged her shoulders. “She never came back to the dorm last night,” said Jillian, a worried expression on her face.

My b***d ran cold. “Why not? Have you talked to her at all?” I asked quickly.

“I mind-linked her and she told me she had met her father!” Exclaimed Jillian.

What?! We all gasped.

“Her father? Her biological father? He’s alive?” I asked in rapid succession.

“Yeah, her biological father is alive and he came to see her and Harper. She said something about visiting her parents’ old pack,” said Jillian.

“Star left our pack lands?!” I asked.

Jillian nodded. “Most likely. That’s probably why she is out of range for mind-link,” said Jillian.

I was livid. Star had left the safety of her alphas’ pack lands without so much as a message or phone call. How could she do that without telling us?! We were her mates! I took a deep breath as I tried to calm myself and cool my temper. Jonah was staring at me with worried eyes. Noah looked tense. Eli paled a bit.

“We need to go after her!” Insisted Eli.

I nodded resolutely.

Angelique was eavesdropping.

“You little Cloud is missing, huh Zaya and Eli?” She asked snidely.

I glared at her.

“Harper’s not in class either!” Added Angelique with a sly smile.

“Harper is never in class,” said Noah blankly.

“They probably ran off somewhere together!” Said Angelique.

I remained quiet. Harper definitely could not be Star’s decoy anymore but it was not my place to start telling everyone they were twins. It felt as though they should be the ones to do that. I tried to focus on Star, trying to find her amidst thousands of voices. I couldn’t mind-link with her. She was either unconscious or too far away. I desperately hoped it was the latter.

“Let’s go,” I said when the teacher’s back was turned. I didn’t care too much about getting in trouble but I didn’t want to draw more attention to us than necessary.

Eli and I got up. We glanced back at Jonah. He had a pained expression on his face. I knew he had to keep up his charade.

I’ll catch up with you guys! Said Jonah over mind-link.

I’m going with them now, said Noah, rising to his feet.

Angie glanced up at us suspiciously.

“Ugh, puh-lease tell me you three are not going after Cloud?” Snickered Angie.

I ignored her. She honestly wasn’t even worth growling at.

Eli and I got into his car and sped off to the last place Star had been: Harper’s house.

Jessie’s POV

When I opened my eyes, I was momentarily puzzled by my surroundings. Jamie and I had slept over in the Coven House. This Coven had been Georgianna’s many years ago. I rubbed my eyes. The bedroom we had been offered looked so different in the light of day. The wooden chairs and table in the corner were unvarnished giving them a rustic appeal. The bedding was floral and so was the wallpaper, drapes and rugs. Something was wrong. I ripped the blanket off of me. Jamie was gone!

I burst out of the door and followed her scent. I found her in a dining room downstairs. I raised my eyebrows in surprise. There were about a dozen girls seated at a long table all dressed similarly in black velvet dresses and matching bows in their hair. They were all of different complexions, hair and eye colours, clearly unrelated though dressed alike. Understanding dawned on me. A school. This was a school. A small one contained in the coven house. These were pupils, here to learn magic from the Coven Mother. Yesterday, the Coven Mother, Nina Van Saint had welcomed us warmly. She had been more than willing to answer questions and to give us lodgings for the night. She had promised to take us to Georgianna’s tomb today. As far as I had known, she had been the only person in the Coven House last night.

Jamie smiled at me. I frowned at her. I went to sit next to her.

You scared me! I woke up in an unfamiliar place and you were gone! We should stick together! I complained, refusing to meet her eyes.

I stared sullenly at the empty plate on the table before me. Jamie kissed my cheek softly.

I’m sorry, my Alpha, she cooed.Ugh. It was so difficult to stay mad at her.

“Where did these rugrats come from?” I asked, nodding towards the girls.

They all looked to be between the ages of about eight and twelve.

“These are very special girls,” said Nina Van Saint. She was sitting near to Jamie and me, her cat-like green eyes regarding us with curiosity. She was a tall woman in her mid-thirties with jet black shoulder-length hair and olive skin. She was wearing a black velvet dress just like her students. She had a whispery voice that also seemed to echo on its own.

“Most witches inherit their full powers around age thirteen. They can do magic before that but their spells would be diluted. These girls have started training as witches early because they are magical prodigies, inheriting vast amounts of power at a young age,” explained Nina.

“That’s awesome but where is Georgianna’s tomb and when are you taking us there?” I said, getting back to the point.

Nina chuckled. “I promised to take you on the coming morn didn’t I?” She asked.

“Yes, you promised that yesterday so that favour would be due today,” I said.

Jamie elbowed me. Nina laughed heartily.

“What a spirited husband you have Jamie!” Exclaimed Nina.

“I’m practically possessed,” I said as pancakes, bacon and eggs appeared on our plates out of thin air. Our cups filled with tea and coffee of their own accord. Pitchers filled with syrup and cutlery and napkins appeared.

Nina laughed cheerfully. Jamie thanked Nina and then began pouring syrup onto her pancakes. I looked at both of them expectantly.

“After breakfast, we will go to the tomb,” said Nina.

“So you know exactly where it is?” I confirmed.

“Not exactly,” answered Nina.

I raised a brow.

“We believe she made herself a tomb in the woods behind our Coven House,” said Nina. “Georgianna and Alto first laid eyes on each other in that woods or so the story goes.”

“Mother Nina, is it true that Georgianna lived out in that woods?” Asked Jamie.

“It’s rumoured that she stayed there from time to time in a cottage near the heart of the woods,” said Nina, smiling.

Jamie nodded. I stared blankly at Nina. She struck me as someone with secrets for some reason. A memory of Eva flashed into my mind and a chill crept through me. Jamie could be quite trusting of those who did not deserve it.

“Who is the crone of this coven? Perhaps, she might accompany us for further protection,” I said authoritatively.

“Oh, Elspeth is sleeping. She’s over one hundred years old now,” commented Nina.

“Like this house,” I muttered under my breath. Jamie elbowed me again.

“Why do you have that Glamour on the house? The one that makes it look abandoned,” I said.

I was accustomed to witches being open about their witchcraft in Ambrosia. The Coven House back home was not hidden away or disguised. Jamie had already told me that this Coven House was hidden as a precaution after Georgianna was blamed for the Alpha’s death. His dying order protected Georgianna herself but the same could not be said for the other coven members and werewolves were known to retaliate swiftly and savagely. I wanted to hear Nina confirm this reason though.

“It’s a necessary evil, I’m afraid,” chuckled Nina. “After Mother Georgianna was blamed for the Alpha’s death years and years ago, her Coven became quite secretive. They feared for their lives,” explained Nina sadly.

“Understandably so,” agreed Jamie. “Werewolves can be so hot-tempered!” Exclaimed Jamie, shooting me a glare. I knew she was annoyed I had asked that question yet again.

My temper isn’t the only hot thing about me. Do you need reminding of how heated things can get? I said to Jamie privately as my hand found her knee under the table. I snaked my hand upwards, slowly caressing her thigh.

She glanced at me indignantly and I winked. She blushed a little, looking away.

“Shouldn’t we get a move on, Mother Nina. We wouldn’t want to have to spend another night here,” I said bluntly.

Jamie shot me another warning glance.

Nina smiled. “Yes, but the woods here are so beautiful at night. The girls and I often star-gaze in them, lying on the soft grass. There’s a lake there that reflects the sky beautifully as well!” Said Nina.

“Ok,” I said slowly. “I’m sorry but we don’t have the time for any leisurely pursuits. This visit is strictly business unfortunately,” I said sternly.

Jamie was half-way through her pancakes. I suddenly realised something. I could hear the scrape of a knife and fork on Jamie’s plate only. I had already finished my food. I glanced at the plates of all the girls and their Coven Mother, their pancakes perfectly untouched as though the food was a prop.

“Not hungry?” I asked Nina.

Nina laughed. “I’m a slow eater,” she said.

I grinned half-heartedly. Slow eating was not the same as no eating. What was going on here?

Jamie, the girls and Nina aren’t eating anything! I told her. I was thoroughly regretting eating that breakfast. Had something been wrong with it? Jamie abruptly stopped eating.

If it’s poison or something, I have an any-tidote on me in my emergency magic bag, she said.

You mean an antidote? I said.

No, an any-tidote, basically a potion that transforms itself into the antidote of any poison ingested, Jamie explained.

Thank goodness for my clever little witch.

“To the woods, Mother Nina, before darkness falls,” said Jamie in a serious tone.

“Very well,” said Nina, rising to her feet.

She led us out of the dining room and down a long hallway. I noticed the little girls were following us in two straight-lines, perfectly arranged into six pairs. Each pair held hands.

“Is the woods safe enough for the children to venture into?” I asked in concern.

“Yes, quite!” Exclaimed Nina.

We exited the Coven House. There was a huge backyard with tall green grass. In the distance, I spotted the edge of the woods. It was particularly still. No wind blew. I grasped Jamie’s hand tightly. She gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.

Georgianna here we come, she said to me.

Star’s POV

I blinked. The bright light hurt my eyes. I sat up slowly. I found myself in an unfamiliar bedroom yet again. I looked down. I was in an embroidered floral dress made of an airy sort of material. It was beautiful. I admired the pattern, tracing my fingers over the embroideries. They were clearly painstakingly hand-stitched. The material itself was a shimmery green. Harper! I looked around. Harper was staring at himself in the mirror of a nearby vanity. My father and Asriel were sitting at a table nearby. They had been waiting for Harper and I to regain consciousness.NôvelDrama.Org content.

Dad grinned at me. He seemed so proud.

“What is it?” I asked.

Dad shrugged but he had a mischievous look on his face. I went over to Harper who seemed to be in a daze as he regarded his own reflection. I followed his gaze and gasped when I spotted our reflections. Harper and I had both grown pointed ears. Fae ears. Our features seemed a little sharper, our noses straighter and our cheekbones higher. Our eyebrows were thick and perfectly arched, our eyelashes fanned out and curled upwards. Our skin remained a golden colour but it had an extra glow of health to it now. Our hair seemed shinier and longer than before. Harper’s wavy dark hair was now down to his mid-back and my dark curls reached my waist. Harper was wearing a green outfit too, a blazer and pants with a white ruffled shirt underneath. Asriel had changed out of his grunge rocker look into a similar outfit to Harper’s. Dad was still in his plain clothes.

“We’re…elves,” muttered Harper.

Asriel hissed so viciously I jumped.

“You’re Fae! How dare you?!” Yelled Rein.

Harper put his palms up defensively. “Ok, ok,” he said.

“Even I don’t have anything nice to say about elves,” said Erin softly.

“Yeah, elves and faeries have a difficult history. Kinda like vampires and werewolves,” said Dad.

I nodded.

“What happened, Dad? Who dressed us? Has the Queen seen us yet?” I asked.

I had so many questions.

“Your ladies-in-waiting dressed you,” said Dad.


“Are we in trouble for breaking in?” Asked Harper.

“The moment you entered, you got your Fae powers,” said Dad triumphantly. “I knew no one would trouble you after that! The Queen cannot deny you are the children of Hesper but no, she hasn’t seen you yet!”

“You must request an audience with her,” said Asriel.

“What if she denies our request?” I asked.

“She won’t. It’s just a formality. She’s got to be as curious about you as you are about her,” said Asriel reassuringly.

There was a knock on the door. I glanced around the room properly for the first time while Dad went to open the door. This bedroom was clearly for someone of royal birth with its lavish decorations. Every item was Fae-made and thus there was a great attention to detail. The bed had tiny carvings of pixies in the wood. It was a canopy bed and the white curtains around it sparkled. The tiles on the floor were white, silver and cold. The ceiling was high and bore a circular golden crest of sorts painted right in its centre. There was a lovely array of smells surrounding us as though we were in a perfume store. The Queen had clearly redecorated the Ice Moon Pack’s Castle with Fae stylings. I imagined there was a ballroom in this castle. Perhaps, a ball would be thrown in our honour! Or maybe we would be thrown in the dungeon. A voice snapped me back to reality.

“Her Majesty, Queen Rowena of the Winter Fae Kingdom, requests an audience with His Royal Highness, Prince Harper of the Ice Moon Pack and her Royal Highness, Princess Hannah,” announced a Fae man dressed in a top hat and suit with coat-tails. He had a large white moustache with curled ends, pale skin, white hair and amber eyes. His ears were much pointier than ours and his cheekbones and jawline could carve a roast. They were that sharp. I gasped. Her Majesty was summoning us?

“Thank you, we accept her request,” said Harper rather formally. He took my hand and I didn’t pull it away. He was my twin and we were in this together even if he had dated that devil spawn Angie in the past. The Fae man nodded, bowed and left the room.

“Let’s go meet Great Grandma,” said Harper in his normal manner again.

I grinned at him and nodded.

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