Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas

Chapter 29

Sunday 20th September, 2020

Star’s POV

I slowly opened my eyes. Noah had come to see me last night and he was still here, asleep, his cheek resting on my tummy. I was in my nightgown and underwear again. He had probably gotten up at some point during the night and redressed me.

I smoothed his hair. It always felt so silky. He looked so content. I smiled at him. I couldn’t believe I’d practically thrown myself at him last night.

The news that I was probably unofficially adopted had stirred up so many emotions in me: despair as I was mourning the loss of my parents again, betrayal as my grandmother had lied to me, confusion over whether this could be a good thing or not and hope, hope that my real family wanted me. Even though I was not supposed to go looking for them, I felt that they might want me. I needed to be wanted in that moment and Noah was there and very willing to show me how much he wanted me. I had certainly rushed things.

I had to add guilt to the emotions. I should only go this far with Zaya and Eli. I cared deeply for Noah so a part of me was soaring but I felt relieved we hadn’t gone all the way. Things with the Quads were still messy especially with Noah and well, Jonah was in a league of his own. Things with him were a whole natural disaster cleanup effort not a simple mess.

I kept thinking about Zaya and Eli. Why hadn’t they come to check on me? Were they so pissed with me that they didn’t even wanna see me? I also thought about Harper. Now I wished I hadn’t kicked him out. I didn’t control myself with Noah at all. Had we messed up the plan to fool the curse? What if I had let him mark and mate me? I couldn’t trust myself around him, not when I was a wreck emotionally. Maybe I should be thankful it hadn’t been Zaya or Eli, I would’ve probably gone all the way and ruined the plan.

Noah’s stirring snapped me out of my thoughts.

“Luna?” He murmured groggily.

He looked up at me, his hair ruffled. He looked so handsome. My heart leapt a little.

“I’m surprised the head girl didn’t bust me!” I said, just to have something to say. I felt a bit shy. The head girl had gotten girls in big trouble before for sleepovers in the dorms. Only private suites allowed for sleepovers hence the word private. Night-time company was strictly forbidden in the dorms.

“She’d never do that?” Said Noah, yawning.

Yes, she would!

“She’d be stupid to get her future alpha in trouble,” he said absentmindedly.

Oh. He was probably right. If she had picked up his smell, there was no way she would want to upset the Quads.

Noah was staring at me expectantly.

“Yeah?” I said.

He cupped my face in his hands causing a rush of warmth to flood through me.

“Star,” he said softly. “I know you were…going through a lot last night and probably wanted a distraction but I’m still really happy you let me stay.”

My heart warmed. Noah.

“Ok,” I mumbled. I kissed the tip of his nose and he grinned.

“I love you, Star,” he whispered, his green eyes gazing into mine.

My wolf practically howled.

“Don’t ever doubt that,” he added softly. “You don’t have to say anything back. Just take your time.”

I felt sad thinking about how we had to pretend not to care about each other later at the talent show.

Noah got up and stretched. He was getting ready to leave. The same panic from last night gripped me.

“Don’t, please!” I said.

He looked at me with concern. “Don’t what, Luna?” He asked.

“Don’t go,” I said softly, feeling a bit embarrassed to ask that.

He immediately crawled back into bed without further question. He pulled me onto his chest and massaged my back like he had done before. I sighed. The panicked feeling was dissipating slowly.

“Do you need any extra special attention?” He asked hopefully.

I giggled.

“Not right now,” I mumbled, burying my face in his shirt. My cheeks were burning.

Noah hugged me to him tightly which really helped the panic to fade.

There was a knock at the door. Harper? I got up cautiously and went to the door.

I recognised their scent immediately and flung the door open. Zaya and Eli! I flung myself at them. They chuckled, both embracing me. The panicked feeling didn’t stand a chance. Zaya and Eli did not seem surprised to see Noah though Noah looked quite guilty. I ended up in bed with all three of them trying to cuddle me. My wolf was wagging her tail. I knew she was about to bother me. She wanted Jonah to complete her almost perfect mood. I told her to relax and be grateful.

“We knew you were lying!” Said Zaya to Noah.

“Going to bed, guys!” Scoffed Eli, mocking Noah.

I was sandwiched between Zaya and Eli. Noah was now in the corner and he looked unhappy about it.

“I wanted some alone time,” Noah mumbled.

“You got it!” Said Zaya, annoyed.

“I can smell how much you got,” muttered Eli.

I knew he meant the smell of how wet I was. My whole face flushed and I hid in Zaya’s shirt. Zaya and Eli smelt so good. They were already dressed and ready to go to the talent show early.

“Are you ok, Princess?” Asked Eli suddenly, sensing something was wrong.

“What’s wrong, Baby?” Asked Zaya sternly, making me look at him.

I knew they were sensing my panicked feelings even though they had cooled. They must have come because of that.

“Did you guys come to check on me?” I asked.

“Yeah, I felt a strange pain in my chest, and I got worried,” Zaya said.

“I felt it in my tummy,” said Eli.

“That’s your stomach growling,” said Zaya.

“No! I ate!” Said Eli.

I giggled at them. I kissed Zaya slowly. Warmth coursed through me. Then I kissed Eli. He kissed me gently at first then nipped me a little, making me squeal. Heat stirred to life in my lower belly as Zaya and Eli began caressing me, their hands roaming my body. My core moistened itself further. This was exactly what I had been pondering on. I was in danger of going too far with them. I felt so needy and I couldn’t resist them when I felt this way.

“Zaya, Eli,” I said softly.

“Yes, Baby,” cooed Zaya.

“Talk to me, Princess,” purred Eli.

“You guys know too?” I asked, referencing the news that I was probably adopted.

“Know what?” Asked Zaya, confused.

I looked at Noah who looked even more guilty.

“They don’t know. Only Jonah and I were there and we didn’t tell them yet. I wanted to get to you and tell you first,” said Noah.

“What don’t we know, Noah?” Asked Zaya looking at Noah.

Zaya seemed a bit exasperated.

Eli sighed and looked at Noah.

Noah fidgeted uncomfortably.

“Well…last night…Angie revealed to Jonah and me that Star was taken in by Angie’s aunt and uncle. Star wasn’t their biological daughter. That’s supposedly why Angie doesn’t treat Star very well. Angie’s mother swore her to secrecy but she was drunk last night when she told us. Star’s not supposed to go looking for her real family according to Angie’s Mom but she didn’t say why,” said Noah, looking away from Zaya and Eli.

There was some tension among the three of them and I knew this too was my doing. I sighed. I felt overwhelmed. Zaya pulled me onto his chest while Eli massaged my back.

“Baby, how are you taking all of this?” Asked Zaya.

“Um, I don’t know. I need to talk to my grandmother,” I said.

“Sure, Princess, Zaya and I will take you to her now, if you want,” said Eli.

“The fundraiser talent show though?” Said Noah. “We have to be there as future alphas.”

“We also have to care for our Luna as future alphas,” snapped Eli.

“Noah cared for her last night,” said Zaya offhandedly, making me hide in Eli’s shirt. “Let Noah and Jonah go to the fundraiser. You and I will take Star to her grandmother’s house. We’ve been there before,” said Zaya.

Eli nodded.

“You have?” Asked Noah, surprised.

The younger two nodded. Noah looked annoyed. They were all very snippy and jealous of late.

“You’ve both met her grandmother?” Asked Noah.

The younger two nodded again. Noah sniffed, folding his arms.

“When was this?” He asked curtly.

“Her birthday morning when you and Jonah were trying to toss her out of Chet’s cabin without communicating with either me or Zaya or poor Star as to why,” snapped Eli.

Noah looked apologetic. His annoyance at not meeting my grandmother yet faded. How could I have introduced him anyway? Noah and Jonah had never claimed me publicly though a few would have realised based on my interactions with Zaya and Eli that I might be fated to the Quads. My grandmother knew too. I was about to say something Zaya and Eli wouldn’t like.

“I want to go to the talent show too,” I said softly.

“Why?” Asked Zaya feigning innocence though I knew immediately from his demeanour he was suspicious.

“She wants to see Harper perform,” said Noah, folding his arms again and looking away.

I was livid. I stood up.

“DON’T you dare be angry at me!” I snarled. “I’ve had enough!”

“Do not speak to me like that Luna! I am your Alpha no matter how many times Harper serenades you,” Noah said softly but his tone was cold.

I burst into tears. It was all too much. Noah’s face softened. Zaya’s whole demeanour changed. Eli snatched me back onto the bed. The three of them dragged me back under the covers, kissing my cheeks and forehead and rubbing my temples and shoulders. Our interactions got heated. I was still in that thin sheer nightgown so I felt every touch and k**s as the three turned their attentions lower, their hands and mouths roaming my body. I was so wet down there because of them. A m**n escaped my lips. I could feel the same pressure from last night, back again in my lower tummy and it was growing hotter and hotter. It kept building. My nightgown had gotten hiked up and my underwear and tummy were exposed. Zaya’s warm lips were trailing gentle k****s across my torso sucking my skin at random places while Eli kissed my thighs. Noah’s lips came crashing against mine urgently leaving me breathless. I whimpered as Eli put his palm between my quivering thighs, rubbing my most sacred spot through the fabric of my underwear. I whimpered, breaking the k**s with Noah who began kissing my neck, unperturbed. Zaya squeezed my thighs parting them further while Eli rubbed my core gently through the soaked fabric. I was shivering. Noah teased my earlobe between his teeth, his hot breath on my ear.

“Guys,” I whimpered.

They all chuckled.

“What is it, Baby?” Asked Zaya.

“Do you want to come, Princess?” Asked Eli.

I nodded mutely.

“What did Noah do to you last night, Baby?” Asked Zaya as he pulled my underwear off.

I blushed deeply covering my face. Eli gently removed my hands so they could see my flushed face.

“Tell us, Princess,” said Eli, his voice raspy.

Noah was smirking.

“Um,” I said.

“You don’t like us anymore, Princess?” Asked Eli.

“She doesn’t care about us anymore, Eli,” said Zaya.

“I do!” I squeaked.

Zaya and Eli flipped me over suddenly. Heat flooded my lower body and my stomach clenched.

“You’re not being a very good girl anymore, Baby,” growled Zaya in my ear.

Why did his growl make me so excited? I could feel Zaya’s hands on bare butt cheeks, squeezing them. I g*****d.

“I’m so sorry, little Princess, but we’re gonna have to teach you a lesson!” Purred Eli in my other ear.

Noah was sitting up on the bed. I could feel his eyes on my bare behind. I hadn’t done anything that bad. They were all my mates including Noah though I knew Zaya and Eli were a bit peeved about the sleepover and all the extra special attention Noah had given me and gotten from me. I also knew Zaya was still pent up with rage over Harper.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“But I didn’t do anything wrong! Right, Noah?” I said softly.

“Begin,” said Noah to Zaya and Eli.

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