Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas

Chapter 27

Saturday 19th September, 2020 (Continued)

Eli’s POV

Dad clapped me on the back. I nodded resolutely. I ate the snacks quickly so I wouldn’t miss too much of the party and would still make my Mom happy at the same time.

When I got back to the private suite at the Academy, I was shocked to find all three of my brothers back from the party already. They all looked up at me.

“I was gonna change here and come meet you guys at the party!” I said. “What happened? It’s barely eleven.”

Zaya looked like he was seething. He sat, rigid in the arm chair, with his arms folded.

Jonah and Noah looked forlorn.

“Where’ve you been?” Asked Zaya stiffly.

“I went to see Dad and Mom,” I said. “I just wanted to talk to them about everything that’s happening. What happened?” I asked again.

“Star has a fake boyfriend now to match Jonah’s fake girlfriend,” Zaya said, glaring at Jonah.

“Didn’t we know that already? Toby’s gay…” I began.

“Toby is in Italy. Star’s new fake boyfriend is Harper!” Snarled Zaya.

“Harper Jogie?!” I asked.

“Yes,” said Zaya.

Harper Jogie was a ladies’ man. He was in a band all the girls at school went crazy for and I was pretty sure that was his motivation not the music.

“He was all over Star,” said Zaya.

A growl escaped me.

“She’s doing this to piss off Jonah!” Zaya said. “Jonah overdoing it with Angie is gonna make Star wanna overdo with Harper,” said Zaya.

“What do you mean overdo it?” I said. My heart started to race.

“What was she doing with him?” I asked quickly.

“He was grinding all over her on the dance floor!” Snarled Zaya.

I took a deep breath.

“This decoy thing was a bad idea. On both ends! Neither Jonah nor Star should have one,” I said.

“I don’t like it either but the decoys definitely help make it look like there’s nothing going on between us and Star,” admitted Noah.

“So you’re fine handing Star over to Harper?!” Zaya snapped.

“Of course not!” Hissed Noah. “But I’ll do what it takes to keep her alive! Georgianna is extremely powerful. You saw Star fly across the room!”

The image flashed into my mind. I was trying to forget it.

“We need to keep Star safe,” I said softly. I sank into a chair with my head in my hands.

“You didn’t see them together. It was awful,” said Zaya.

I looked at my younger brother. His l*p quivered.

“I hope I never have to,” I said.

“You’ll have to tomorrow,” Jonah said.

“Tomorrow’s Sunday though,” I said.

“You forgot!” Zaya said.

“Forgot what?” I asked.

“Tomorrow is the Academy’s fundraiser. The talent show,” said Jonah.

f**k. We had to go to that as future alphas.

“I checked the list. Lover-boy is performing,” said Jonah dryly.

“So is Angie!” Said Zaya, glaring at Jonah.


“Well Jonah is in a band and he acts so it makes sense but what’s Angie gonna do?” I asked.

Being a b***h was not a talent.

“Criticise the audience one by one until her five minutes run out. She’s going for a world record,” said Zaya.

I snorted.

“She’s gonna dance,” said Jonah.

“Can she dance?” Asked Noah. “Like properly?”

“She’s a cheerleader so she and the others are gonna do a cheer I suppose. Well a cheer-dance. It’s a group thing,” muttered Jonah.

A small part of me felt sorry for Jonah. He would paying for this whole Angie situation with Star for a while. Noah seemed jittery. He got up suddenly.

“Well, I’m off to bed!” Said Noah.

“What?” I yelped.

“You’re the biggest night owl out of all of us,” said Zaya, eyeing Noah suspiciously.

“It’s been a long day,” said Noah.

Zaya sighed. “It has,” he said exasperatedly.

“Night,” said Noah.

I watched Noah head towards his room. Jonah sighed and went to his own room. I was thankful Angie wasn’t staying over tonight. I sat next to Zaya.

“What’s the real reason you went to see Mom and Dad?” He asked.

I smirked. He knew me so well. I could never keep anything from him.

Noah’s POV

I didn’t go to bed. I jumped out the window. I landed lightly on my feet and kept walking. I needed to talk to Star. She had a right to know! That was what I kept telling myself. Deep down, I knew the real reason for me going to her dorm was I hoped for a repeat of our last bit of alone time, especially after I’d seen her with Harper.

Thinking of Harper made me see red. I punched a wall, making a hole in the concrete. s**t! I glanced around. The hallways were dark and empty. Good. At least no one had seen that. Defacement of school property shouldn’t be on a future alpha’s school record. The school was an extension of our pack and I respected the school rules just as I respected pack laws. One of those rules was against co-ed sleepovers in dorms. Private suites were incredibly expensive and part of that luxury was there was no “lights out” time and no restrictions on sleepovers. I felt a bit more excited at the prospect of hanging out with Star after hours. My wolf wanted reassurance and to know that she’d break the rules for us.

I knocked on her door.

Star’s POV

Harper had insisted on walking me to my dorm. Once we got there, he had asked if he could run something by me. It was a song he was working on for the talent show tomorrow. He was performing a song with his band, Pariah, and he was going to do a solo performance afterwards. It was the solo song he was nervous about. He played it for me on his acoustic guitar. It was so beautiful. He had a deep voice with a bit of a raspy sound to it that still managed to sound sweet simultaneously. It was a song about searching for the one. I clapped when he ended the song.

“You like it?” He asked.

“No,” I said.

His face fell.

“I love it!” I said, emphasising the word.

He grinned.

“You’re really talented,” I said.

“You think so?” He asked.

“Yeah!” I exclaimed.

There was a knock on my door. I knew that smell! Noah. It was amazing how my wolf could tell her mates apart so easily. Strangely, my wolf wasn’t hostile towards Harper. I was expecting her to view him as a threat and hold some animosity towards him but she was quiet and peaceful around him. I on the other hand was freaking out right now.

Harper! I mind-linked, afraid to even speak.

Yeah? He answered, furrowing his brows, probably confused as to why I was mind-linking him from six inches away.

Noah is at the door. I can smell him, I said.

Harper was completely calm. He shrugged. He really was a rockstar. He had that vibe.

He usually visits you after hours? He asked curiously.

No actually! This is the first time! I said, surprised myself.

What do you want me to do? Harper asked.

What did I want him to do?

I’m really sorry but do you mind sneaking out? You don’t have to if you don’t want to but I don’t think it’s fair for you to have to argue with my mates all the time and they obviously won’t be reasonable…I said, looking at him apologetically.

Harper always managed to surprise me. I thought he would get pissed but I forgot the depth of his cool guy vibe.

Sure. Sneaking out of girls’ rooms always gives me such nostalgia. My third favourite past-time after music and sneaking into girls’ rooms in the first place! Said Harper in an easy-breezy tone. He was chuckling.

Thank you! I said.

I kissed his cheek, afraid to hug him in case that left too much of his smell fresh on me. I could blame it on the dancing at the party but I didn’t want to push my luck.

That’s a wrap, Movie Star! He exclaimed instead of just “bye”. So corny!

He leapt out of the window easily with his guitar in hand before I had mentally prepared myself. I knew he was a wolf but I still got worried about him! I ran to the window sill.

Harper! I whispered even in mind-link.

Yeah, he whispered back, chuckling in my mind.

I laughed out loud but then clamped my hands over my mouth.

Get home safe ok! I said.

Always. Safety first. Thanks Movie Star, Harper said.

I sighed. The knocking became a bit more persistent.

Luna? Came Noah’s voice in my mind. I’m really sorry if I’m waking you.

Oh! Perfect! I stripped off my clothes and pulled on a nightgown in record time and shut off my light though he probably saw the light on from under the door. I would say I was getting ready for bed so I could leave my makeup on and still be a little cute. I was pissed with Noah and Jonah but they were still my mates. I wanted to look nice.

Hey? Noah? I was just getting ready for bed! I’m coming!

I lit a random scented candle I had to help diffuse Harper’s scent. The bed?! Harper had sat on the blanket and used a particular pillow. He had a very expensive sort of smell like shopping in an overpriced department store that also printed money. It was hard to describe but it was very unique and I liked it. I ripped the blanket off the bed and took the pillow and threw them in my hamper. I put another blanket on the bed. I only had two pillows so the one left would have to suffice. I sprayed perfume on myself as an extra precaution. I opened the door cautiously, trying to hide how out of breath I was. Why did I have to hide the decoy he already knew about and we had all agreed to?

Noah’s face lit up as he saw me. I couldn’t help but smile. He was still in his clothes from the party. I suddenly realised in my haste I had put on a slightly see-through night gown. I hugged myself a little, glad that the room was dark, but Noah was an alpha so he could see everything regardless. I let him in and shut the door, locking it. He grabbed my hand, lacing his fingers with mine and walked me over to the bed. He pulled me onto the bed with him. My wolf was immediately excited.

Noah had me lying against his chest as he rubbed circles on my back with his hands. It was so soothing.C0ntent © 2024 (N/ô)velDrama.Org.

“You just came to see me?” I asked, thinking that was actually really sweet.

Noah sighed.

“I wish I could say yes. I definitely wanted to see you, Luna, but there’s more,” he said hesitantly.

I looked up at him. He cupped my face in his hands. He looked so sad.

“I’m sorry,” he said.

“For what?” I asked.

“For everything! For your life being difficult, even before you met me, for making it worse, for hurting you, for being hot and cold cause I couldn’t stay away, for agreeing to this stupid plan with Angie…she’s the worst decoy we could’ve picked! I’m no fan of Harper’s but you picked a much better decoy than us. At least he’s accommodating…” said Noah.

Noah saying something nice about Harper stirred up some guilt within me.

“In all fairness, my cousin doesn’t know she’s a decoy so she acts like a jealous girlfriend. Because as far as she knows she is one,” I said, still feeling a bit sorry for her.

“That’s just the thing?” Said Noah.

“What is?” I asked, confused.

“Your cousin,” said Noah apprehensively.

I furrowed my brows.

“She…she’s not…” said Noah.

“Not what?” I asked. “Not a decoy?!” I asked, my heart immediately starting to race as I began to panic.

Did they prefer her to me? Was I the decoy? Wait! That made no sense. Calm down, Star. I was actually their mate. My wolf was sure of that.

“Of course she’s a decoy, Luna,” murmured Noah. He seemed to sense what I was insecure about and brought my face to his, kissing me gently. He seemed to savour it. He nuzzled me slowly.

“You’re the one. You’re all I want, forever,” he said softly as though he were thinking aloud to himself.

I blushed a little.

“Thanks,” I said extremely awkwardly. Ugh, I could’ve chosen a much better reply than “thanks.”

Noah laughed, really laughed, wholeheartedly. He had a really nice laugh. I’d never seen him so open with me.

“It’s ok, Star,” he chuckled. “You’re welcome I guess.”

I giggled.

“I hope you don’t say “thanks” when I propose or say “I do” but I’m gonna take it to mean “yes” if you do,” joked Noah.

I smiled. He stroked my cheek.

“You’re so beautiful, Star. That’s the perfect name for you,” he said softly.

“It’s my last name though,” I said sheepishly.

He smirked. He continued caressing my cheeks and then he stroked my hair, playing with it. He inhaled my scent and kissed my ear and then down my neck until he put his lips on one of my marking spots and sucked the skin there, making me shiver. I m****d softly as he teased the spot with his teeth gently.

“Wait!” I yelped, pushing him away.

“I wasn’t gonna mark you yet, Luna. I know it’s not safe yet,” he said.

“I know,” I said. “What were you saying about Angie? She’s not what?” I asked, still a bit anxious.

Noah took a deep breath. He held me very tightly against his chest and began massaging circles over my back again with both of his hands.

“She’s not your cousin,” he said gently.

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