Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas

Chapter 15

Friday 11th September, 2020

Eli’s Point Of View

That girl we’d been mean to at the party was here at Chet’s cabin. Chet was our oldest friend. He had just found his mate, Jillian, a scholarship student. That girl was also a scholarship student and best friend’s with Jillian. I found out her name was Star. Zaya had told me about how they’d “swum” together. She looked very pretty tonight. She smelled delicious. Floral and innocent with a hint of spicy seductiveness. I’d bottle that and sell it. She was an award winning fragrance just floating around.

I had been such a douchebag to her at the party. Some shots should break the ice nicely. I poured a shot of cafe patron and gestured to her wordlessly with the shot glass.

“I don’t think she drinks,” said Zaya.

She took the shot seemingly out of spite because Zaya had insinuated she wouldn’t. I liked that. She downed it. She coughed a bit.

“Whoa,” was her response.

I laughed. Zaya grinned at her.

“Why do people drink? It’s awful,” she said.

“Do another,” I said.

She complied. She was loosening up a little, getting buzzed.

“Another, please,” she said.

Whatever you want, Princess, I thought to myself. My eyes kept trailing over her legs. I wished I could wrap them around my waist. I could pick her up and dance with her. The two couples were already on the floor. I made her a third shot. She giggled after that one.

Lana the housekeeper came into the room pushing table on wheels with a huge cake on a platter. We sang Happy Birthday to Star. She cut the cake with Jillian. Midnight was almost upon us. I wondered, staring at her. Star.

Little Princess, are you mine? I asked myself, not able to take my eyes off of her

I would soon find out.

Jonah’s Point Of View

Star ran off literally one minute before midnight. f**k. I wanted to go look for her. I went outside. I could tell Zaya and Eli were catching on, especially Zaya. He never gave any of the she-wolves who swooned over him much of a chance. He enjoyed not being tied down. He was not a fan of PDA either. I’d never seen him so much as hold the hand of a girl he was seeing in front of us. Yet, with Star whom he barely knew, he spent about an hour just lazily floating around the lake, holding her. I had felt a bit jealous. I couldn’t act on the mate-bond the way Zaya could, not yet anyway.

Angie pulled me towards the jacuzzi and begged me to get in. I obliged. She locked lips with me. I felt guilty, like I was betraying Star but also using Angie. I needed her as bait for the curse though. I promised myself I wouldn’t let any harm come to her. I was the eldest of the future alphas so I had to safeguard everyone.

I sensed a pair of eyes on me while I kissed Angie. Then I smelled the most alluring aroma. I broke away from Angie and my eyes found Star, standing there completely nude. She had probably destroyed her clothes when she had shifted. It was after midnight now and she had come of age. I took in her curls and her curves, her big brown doe eyes, her full pink lips. I’d do anything to be close to her. I wanted to be the sheen of sweat coating her golden skin.


I locked eyes with her. She looked heartbroken. She’d seen me with Angie. It was the first time she’d seen me since turning eighteen and I was in a jacuzzi with another girl. fk. fk. f**k.

“Put some clothes on!” said Angie. “No one wants to see that.”

Angie wasn’t stupid. She could tell how attracted I was to Star so she’d say anything she could to discredit that.

She hugged herself covering her beautiful body.

“Star,” I said, my voice hoarse.

She ran away from me. s**t.

“Star!” I yelled, running after her.

This was a disaster. It was supposed to have gone down much more gently. She wasn’t even supposed to be at the cabin. We would have just seen each other on Monday. Noah and I would’ve told her we needed time and space to figure some stuff out.

“Where are you going?” Cried Angie, following me.

Ugh. This was going to get ugly.

Zaya’s Point Of View

I was on the landing, sitting on the window seat where I had seen Star earlier today. I was waiting up for her to come back after her first shift. I smelled her before I saw her. My mouth watered. f**k. She smelled so good. Her scent made me shiver in delight. I smiled at her as she came up the stairs in all her naked glory. I wanted to k**s every inch of her tender flesh while she writhed underneath me. I smiled at her but she actually ran away from me.

She shut the door to her room. I banged on the door.

“Star! Star! Come on! Just get dressed and come out ok! I’m waiting right here. Couldn’t you tell earlier? Didn’t you feel something…between us? Come out, Baby! Why’re you hiding?” I called at her door.

Jonah joined me suddenly.

“Star, it’s Jonah. Look, I’m sorry. Let’s talk,” called Jonah.


“Sorry?” I said, looking at Jonah with narrowed eyes. “What did you do to her?” I snarled.

I should have known.

“Nothing,” replied Jonah. “She saw me with Angie.”

He knew better than that. Ugh! I shoved him. He growled and tried to shove me back. Eli and Noah came and parted us. Chet showed up with Jillian. Angie came up the stairs.

“You guys are fighting over that loser? Seriously?” Asked Angie.

I growled at her. Jonah needed to get his girl under control. I wasn’t having it.

“Star, can we talk, honey?” said Jillian at the door, trying to coax Star out of her room.

“No, please, not right now,” Star said, her voice cracking.

My heart broke for her. It was my first time hearing her talk since the official mate-bond had taken effect. Her voice sounded so sweet but so broken. Noah disappeared and retuned with the master key. It was an invasion of Star’s privacy but I needed to get into that room too so I let him use it.

“Noah!” Said Chet indignantly. “Not cool, bro.”

Noah walked up to Star. Would he be able to calm her down?

“You should leave,” said Noah.

WHAT THE f**k?! Had I entered the twilight zone or something?

“WHAT?” I snarled, storming into the room and grabbing my beautiful mate before Noah threw her out a window or something. He was acting crazy! The contact with Star sent tingles through my whole body. I couldn’t wait to sleep next to her tonight. I put her behind me and faced Noah. Eli entered and stood protectively in front of Star too. Thank goodness Eli was acting right. Jonah came in and sided with Noah.

“She can go and we’ll talk about this later,” said Jonah.

Poor Star. This was so painful for her. I could feel it.

She gripped my elbow for comfort.

Don’t worry, Baby, I’ve got you, I thought.

“She’s our mate. She’s not going anywhere. Let your w***e leave,” said Eli.

Jonah growled.

Wow so he had it in him to defend Angie but not Star.

“I’ll go!” Star said. “It’s clear you guys don’t want me.”

Hearing my mate say that made me feel sick. Her little a*s wasn’t going anywhere ever. She was mine forever. End of story.

Eli’s Point Of View

When Star came back from her first shift, it was apparent that she was ours. Our mate. Our Luna. Finally! I could smell her moving through the house. I followed the delicious smell. I wondered how far she’d let us go tonight. I tried to clean up my dirty thoughts but it was to no avail.

I heard fighting. I ran upstairs, terrified Star could get hurt in the commotion. My brothers and I did fight from time to time but we had to cut that out. We had a mate now. She was pretty tiny. She would be afraid or worse yet, what if she were overly brave, and tried to part the fight and ended up injured.

When I got there, I was in for a shock. Jonah and Noah wanted Star gone from the cabin with immediate effect. Yeah f*****g right. I told Jonah to make his w**e leave. Star was our true fated Luna. Was he insane? She was perfect for us! Mates were designed to be our perfect matches. We would fit together exactly and satisfy each other with ease. We were made for each other, literally. I stood in front of her next to Zaya, my only sane brother at the moment. Now, she thought we didn’t want her. She said it was clear we didn’t want her.

“How exactly is that clear, Princess? I’ve just asked my brother to get rid of his w***e so you’ll stop crying!” I said, cupping her pretty little face in my huge hands, hoping the roughness of my calloused palms wasn’t chaffing her delicate skin too much. I used my thumbs to wipe her tears away.

Jonah and Noah had made my mate cry. I had made her cry at the party. s**t. She would reject us if I didn’t salvage this.

“Baby, relax, Elijah and I are not gonna let you walk out of here,” said Zaya, placing his hand on her lower back, drawing her closer to us. She stayed put. She seemed to be enjoying our touch and our warmth.

Noah and Jonah were looking at her hungrily. Noah shook his head, clearly trying to fight the need. Why were they torturing themselves? They obviously wanted her too.

“Inviting her here was a mistake,” said Noah.

Zaya shoved him. Jonah grabbed Zaya by his shirt. I shoved Jonah away from Zaya. It was two against two. I was glad I didn’t have to stand up to all three of them alone but I would have for Star. I’d do anything for Star.

“Noah, I thought we were ok,” my Princess said to Noah.

He really didn’t deserve her kindness.

“Star, I’m doing what’s best for you, trust me,” said Noah.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“And I get that Jonah wants to be with Angie,” she said. She started crying again. I couldn’t stand this.

“It’s not that,” said Jonah.

“Ugh! Would you and Noah just get the f**k out of here. You’re upsetting our mate. She’s not leaving tonight. Over my dead body!” I said.

You’re gonna make her have a breakdown! Please guys! I said over mind-link to just the four of us Quadruplets. I could tell they were listening and thinking it over.

Our elder two brothers glared Zaya and me. Angie pulled Jonah away. Star winced but Zaya held her. Noah kept his eyes on Star as he backed out of the room. He took one last look at her, drinking her in, before he closed the door.

The moment he was gone, Star burst into tears, sobbing openly. Oh no! Zaya and I held her tightly. We coaxed her into bed, under the covers. There would be no romance tonight that was for sure but at least we could comfort her. She refused to talk about how she felt but she welcomed our gentle caresses. We ran our fingers through her hair and kissed her tear-streaked cheeks and the marking spots on her neck. She had four perfect marking spots, two on either side. I could tell by the increased sensitivity there. She could bond to four mates. Fate. That was why it was this way. Fate knew what we would need. I massaged her back until she fell asleep. Zaya and I cuddled her and eventually we dozed off too.

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