Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas

Chapter 122

Sunday 28th February, 2021.


“I have to go to Ice Moon. I’ll use the snow globe to bring my relatives back here for the party,” I said to Jonah.

He was standing behind me while I sat at my vanity in the Viper Moon Pack House. He looked so dashingly handsome in his black tuxedo, black shirt and black tie. He had a green pocket fold peeking out of the pocket in his blazer. The shade matched perfectly with his eyes.

“They have a fixed portal now though, right ?” Asked Jonah.

Truth be told, I wanted to visit Haven and go for a quick joyride. I would do that sometimes. About once a week, I’d use my snow globe to hop over to the Ice Moon courtyard to see Haven and Helena.

“Umm, yeah,” I replied slowly.

Jonah folded his arms and fixed me with a sly smile. I looked at the accusatory stare his reflection was giving me. I sighed.

“Ok, you caught me. I just want to take Haven out for a ride quickly,” I confessed.

“Star, you’re already in your party clothes and you look radiant by the way. Do you really want to ride a dragon in a mini cocktail dress and stilettos?” Asked Jonah pointedly.

“As if that wouldn’t turn you on?” Joked Noah, walking in, wearing an identical outfit to his brother and looking just as heartbreakingly handsome.

“You go for your joyride if you want, Luna, just be really careful and come back in time for the start of the party. It’s really important,” murmured Noah, bending down to k**s my cheek.

I nodded obediently. I gave Jonah and Noah a quick k**s each. Zaya and Eli entered the room, both with their ties undone. They fixed me with puppy-dog eyes and pouty lips.

“Aww, come here,” I cooed, grabbing both of them by the scruff of their shirts. They chuckled. I quickly fixed their ties for them and then kissed each of them gently.

“Bye!” I yelled, taking out my snow globe before anyone else could delay me.

I felt the familiar lurch of my stomach as I magically hurtled through the void. Ice Moon was cold as ever. I swore loudly. I knew I had forgotten something. My coat! I was standing in the snow in my stilettos and sparkly mini dress. Winter here lasted six months. I hugged myself. I felt a puff of warm air and looked up, happy to see Haven.

“Haven!” I squealed.

He roared and did a quick run around the courtyard, clambering about in the snow. He came to a sudden halt and lowered his maw. I hugged his snout and petted his tough scales. Helena came towards me and I greeted her warmly too. I conjured a coat for myself and climbed onto Haven’s back.

“Hey!” Yelled a voice I’d know anywhere.

“Harper!” I shrieked, sliding off of Haven and tumbling right into my twin’s arms.

He laughed and hugged me.

“You always act like you haven’t seen me in years! You’ve been here every week, sometimes multiple times a week,” he chuckled.

I pouted and folded my arms.

“And I couldn’t be happier about that,” he added quickly, pinching my cheek.

“You weren’t thinking of going without me, were you?” He asked, narrowing his eyes playfully.

I tapped my chin.

“Maybe I was, maybe I wasn’t. Where’s Holly?” I asked.

“She’s still getting ready,” he answered. “So is Mom. They’ll be down in about fifteen minutes and then we’ll all head out to your en…to your Whole Day party,” said Harper, tripping over his words a little.

I looked at him strangely. Harper was always as smooth as can be. Was he hiding something from me? I pushed the thought from my mind.

“Fifteen minutes, huh,” I said with a glance at the dragons.

Harper grinned. Mere moments later, we were soaring through the endless expanse of pale blue sky and fluffy white clouds.

“It’s a tad warmer than I remember,” I yelled over the drag wind.

“Yeah,” bellowed Harper. “Come March, it might even stop snowing. Or early April maybe for the latest,” he added.

We steered Haven the Hellish and Helena the Heaven Born over the nearby town. Pack members looked up and pointed. Many of them waved. I grinned and waved back. We circled back and went to meet our parents and Holly. I jumped off of Haven’s back.

“Mom!” I squealed, running to her and throwing my arms around her.

She hugged me and kissed my forehead. Dad gave me a big bear hug and a k**s on the forehead too.

“I missed you guys,” I said.

“You were here last week,” said Mom and Dad in unison.


“Well, excuse me,” I said, my arms akimbo.

Mom chuckled. Dad ruffled my hair.

“Dad!” I squeaked, annoyed, fixing my hair.

“Where’s grandmother?” I asked.

“Right here,” said Grandmother, walking towards us.

I ran to hug her too. I hugged Holly who looked amazing in a figure-hugging mini dress. I’d never seen her look so glamorous.

“Bom chicha wow wow,” I said to Holly.

“I beg your pardon, Your Highness,” said Holly, her brow furrowing in confusion.

“I picked out the dress,” said Harper.

“Ah, that makes sense,” I said.

Asriel met us out in the courtyard. He and Toby were in a long-distance relationship until the end of senior year when Toby would be free to come live with Asriel in the castle. There was a fixed portal now from Viper Moon to Ice Moon and back so Asriel and Toby had been making use of that a lot. Toby visited Ice Moon more often than me and I was a Princess there.

“Hey Asriel!” I said, hugging him. “I missed you.”

Asriel hugged me back gently.

“How’s that possible? You’re always bloody here,” muttered Rein.

“I missed you too!” Squealed Erin. “Um, how is Zaya holding up?” Whispered the earring.

“He’s taking it one day at a time,” I said with a sombre expression.

“He’ll get over me eventually,” said Erin encouragingly.

“We can only hope,” snapped Rein sarcastically.

My whole family had these weird conspiratorial grins on their faces. They exchanged glances and then looked at me expectantly.

“Ok,” I said slowly, pulling out my snow globe.

We used my snow globe to take us right back to the Pack House. When we arrived the entire place was submerged in darkness. I peered through the pitch black of my surroundings, squinting a little. I could sense people all around me. I deciphered a few outlines as people ducked for cover.

“What’s going on?” I asked out loud, looking back at Harper who was holding Holly close to his side. They grinned at each other and then at me. Mom clapped her hands excitedly. Dad smiled. Grandmother nodded in the direction I should look and Asriel took out his phone and began to film me. I looked at where Grandmother had indicated. A candle flame flickered to life. Another one was lit magically. And another. And another until dozens of candles illuminated the huge room. My mates came out of their hiding places.

“Star, mon ciel étoilé, I know we got off to a rocky start but everything I did was for you and your wellbeing. However misguided some of it might have been, it was all for you, Star. You are my motivation. Everyday since we finally became one has been a dream come true for me. I know that sounds corny but it’s how I feel. You’re everything to me, Star, and I hope you’ll let me be your everything in return. I want to be there for you everyday forever. I love you and I’m in love with you,” said Jonah, walking slowly towards me.

When he reached me, he got down on one knee. Before I could say anything, Noah spoke.

“Star, I remember the very first day of senior year. I saw you and I just knew you were the one. I had never been happier and yet more terrified in my entire life. I vowed that I would do whatever it took to safeguard you. I know I pushed you away at first but I just wanted to keep you safe and I’ve spent the past few months pulling you closer,” explained Noah.

I nodded, spellbound. The past few months had been blissful.

“But it still isn’t close enough. I need all of you, Star, permanently. Say you’ll give yourself to me forever, Luna. I’ve already pledged myself to you forever,” whispered Noah. He got down on one knee next to Jonah.

I smiled.

“Star,” said Eli, coming towards me. “From the moment I found out you were mine, I was hooked. You were all I wanted and you’re all I’ll ever want. You were my Princess before I knew you were actually a Princess,” chuckled Eli. “I know it’s cheesy but I’m ready to live happily ever after with you and I hope you’re ready too. Tell me you’re ready,” said Eli, getting down on one knee with his brothers.

I sniffled a little. I was speechless.

“Star, Baby,” said Zaya. “That day at the lake is forever burnt into my brain. I guess that’s because you stole my heart that day and you haven’t given it back since…not that I even want it back but I am prepared to sue if you don’t give me your hand in marriage in return,” said Zaya, flashing me a dazzling grin as he joined his brothers, getting down on one knee.

Jonah produced a velvet box. He opened it to reveal a huge white gold ring with an ice blue diamond. The diamond was surrounded by opals. I gasped, surprised by the unusual ring. It seemed to be of Fae and wolf origin. I smiled. Jonah waggled his eyebrows at me. I giggled. I was still totally speechless. I realised everyone had come out of hiding now but the overhead lights remained off. I spotted Jillian and Chet looking at me expectantly. Asriel had made his way over to Toby who was mouthing “Say yes, they’re hot,” at me. My Mom was crying in my Dad’s arms and Holly was tearing up too in Harper’s arms. Granny Hella, Mia and Marco were there along with my Fae Grandmother who had arrived with us. I was so grateful to have all these people in my once lonely life. I felt so blessed now. I felt something drip onto my neck and realised tears were streaming down my cheeks. The Quads were looking at each other a little panicked. I had momentarily forgot how to speak.

“Hurry up and say yes, Movie Star, or Asriel and I are gonna have to edit this long pause out the video,” joked Harper.

My twin’s quip snapped me out of it. I chuckled. I nodded eagerly.

“Yes! Yes! Yes! And Yes!” I said breathlessly.NôvelDrama.Org content.

Everyone burst into applause. The Quads surrounded me. I felt Jonah slip the ring onto my wedding finger while Zaya captured my lips. I giggled as all four of them tried to be the next one to k**s me including Zaya who had just kissed me. I kissed Eli sweetly and then Noah and finally Jonah who nuzzled me and held me close afterwards. The lights were all turned on.

“CONGRATULATIONS!” Said everyone in unison.

There were a lot more people here than I had realised.

“What would you have done if I had said no?” I teased breathlessly, playfully=tpoking Jonah in the ribs.

“Called Madison Fong,” he said bluntly.

I shoved him playfully. He grabbed my hands and kissed them.

“You’re the only one for us, Star. You know that,” said Jonah, pulling me back into his arms.

Everyone surrounded us, congratulating us one by one.

“Are you happy, Baby?” Cooed Zaya, cupping my tear-streaked face.

I nodded, not trusting my voice fully yet. He kissed the tip of my nose. The Quads’ parents hugged me.

“Thank goodness, I’m ready for retirement,” joked their Mom.

I chuckled.

“Thank you for saying yes, Luna,” murmured Noah as he pulled me into a tight hug.

“Thank you for asking, Alpha,” I chuckled.

“I know it hasn’t always been easy, Princess,” cooed Eli, embracing me next.

I smiled up at him, stroking his cheek. “I know it hasn’t always been easy…” I said, pausing to brush my nose against his, “…but it’s always been worth it.”

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