Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas

Chapter 119

Saturday 3rd October, 2020 into Sunday 4th October, 2020.


I was excited for the pre-nuptial celebrations of Princess Hesper and Lord Heath until I discovered something troubling.

“What do you mean, Harper? Am I not invited to Lord Heath’s pre-nuptial celebration?” I asked, my eyes widening.

“No, Baby, the bachelor party is for bachelors. Well, technically the guys there don’t have to be single but it’s symbolic. Dad is celebrating his last night of being single with a couple friends and relatives: all guys,” explained Harper gently.

I was sitting on the edge of Harper’s bed. I clutched the sheets causing the colour to drain from my knuckles.

“Relax,” said Harper, grabbing my hands and smoothing out my fingers, letting their colour return.

“You’ll be with my Mom, Holly, at her party. The bachelorette party. Both parties will be happening at the same time,” said Harper, cupping my face and stroking my cheeks with his thumbs.

“Get it, Luna?” He asked.

Oh. I would not be able to attend both. I could not be in two places at once or could I?

“I want to be at the bachelor’s party with you,” I decided.

“No, Baby,” cooed Harper. “You need to have fun with the other girls and help my Mom celebrate. She would really want you there.”

I frowned.

“I will not let Princess Hesper be disappointed,” I promised.

Harper smiled.

“That’s my girl,” he purred, kissing me deeply.

He nuzzled me. I wrapped my arms around him and he held me tightly. Truth be told, I was terrified. I did not want my Prince to be at the celebration without me. I knew I should have faith in him but there would undoubtedly be courtesans there. I could not bear the thought of one trying to weasel her way into my Prince’s life or worse yet, his heart.


Mom and I got dressed together for her bachelorette party. We grinned at each other in the mirror. We really did look like twins sometimes. Mom was in a white sparkly mini dress though with a matching veil. I had a white flower crown on my head and my dress was a very light iridescent pink. Mom had wanted the colours we wore to be very pale pastels that almost looked white. She had showed me a painting of snow, one of her favourites, and the snow had so many brushstrokes of pastel paint mixed into the highlights. That was what she had in mind for all the colours so I explained that to Holly who relayed it to Mina and Tina who, in turn, planned a Winter Wonderland Bachelorette Party.

Someone knocked on the door of Mom’s bedroom. I opened it to reveal Dad.

“No strippers,” he said gruffly immediately without any greeting or introduction. “That goes for both of you,” said Dad sternly.

Mom swatted his chest playfully.

“Same goes for you and Harper then,” said Mom, adjusting her veil in the mirror. “Especially Harper! Don’t let some strange woman dance on my baby boy!”

“Don’t let some meathead near my daughter!” Retorted Dad.

“I would never dream of such a thing,” she said.

She pecked Dad and he smiled slightly.

“I did not really want a party but Harper…” he began.

“Try to have some fun,” cooed Mom.

“Where’s Holly? Keep a count of how many drinks she’s had. She’s a lightweight,” he added, bracing his palm against the doorway.

At that moment, Holly sauntered into the room, passing underneath Dad’s armpit. She was in an icy-blue dress. She had a crown of white flowers too.

“Aww, you look adorable,” I squealed.

“Thank you,” she said simply.

She just stood there.

“Well, I’ll let you girls be on your way,” said Dad. “Take it easy, Miss Holly!”

“I will,” she said obediently. Her demeanour was a little icy.

Mom and I looked at each other. Holly seemed a lot less excited than I remembered her being about this. I shrugged and ushered her and Mom to the courtyard where our party bus was waiting. A buff man in a sleeveless faux-fur white coat helped us climb the stairs onto the bus. We were greeted by an eruption of cheers from the girls on the bus. I spotted Mina and Tina in matching ice-blue sequin dresses. There was a girl with waist-length blonde curls standing between them, posing for a picture. Chasity!

“Chasity!” I squeaked, running to give her a hug.

“Star!” She squealed, hugging me back.

“I’m so happy you’re here!” I said.

“My Alphas tried everything they could think of to not let me come but I told them the bachelor party was next-door to the bachelorette party so they could run across and check on me whenever,” she said with a wink.

“Is that true?” I asked, unsure of the route of the Party Bus.

“No,” said Chasity in unison with Mina and Tina. The three of them burst into laughter.

The party bus was blasting upbeat music and two more sleeveless buff guys were serving champagne in frosty-looking glasses.

“This is my Mom!” I said to Chasity.

“Hi!” Said Mom, with a little wave. I noticed her glass of champagne was already empty but Tina quickly grabbed her another one.

Holly did not seem as interested in the champagne as usual. She was just swaying to the music.

“And this is Luna Chasity,” I said to Mom.

Chasity hugged my Mom.

“Congratulations,” I heard her yell above the pumping music.

The shrill screams of girls signified that one of the sleeveless studs was about to dance. I realised there were poles all along the centre aisle of the bus, three poles in total with the middle one being on a raised lit-up platform. The lights were dimmed and flashing coloured lights illuminated the stage. There was dry ice causing a mist to flow across the floor unless that was magic. Three guys took the poles at once as the bus took off. I raised my eyebrows. I did not recall okaying any of this with Mina and Tina but it all looked like something from a movie so I had to admire their flair for the dramatic.

The guys were in wintry ensembles: a yeti, an abominable snowman and a sexy ski instructor.

I glanced at the crowd of girls screaming and holding onto each other as they wobbled in their heels and fawned over the exotic male dancers. The snowman had a huge water-gun with him. I narrowly avoided being sprayed. His bare muscled chest was oiled and he was getting ready to drop his pants to the glee of the girls.

The guest list was longer than I had realised as I scanned everyone’s faces, doing a mental headcount: me and Mom of course, Holly, Mina, Tina, Chasity, Grandmother who seemed quite intrigued by the ski instructor, the Quads’ Mom who was dancing near the yeti, Jillian!

I screamed, launching myself at her.

“How are you feeling?” I asked, hugging her tightly.

“So much better,” she said, smiling. “Still taking it easy though.”

“I’m so glad you came on such short notice!” I said.

“These two organised some magical means of travel for just about everyone,” said Jillian, raising her glass to Mina and Tina.

They clinked glasses with Jillian. I continued my headcount, recognising some of Mom’s Fae and she-wolf friends. My adopted grandmother, Granny Hella, came onto the bus accompanied by Harper’s adopted Mom, Mia. I screamed and ran to hug them both.

“Star, you look so grown-up. So fancy!” Commented Granny Hella.

“Beautiful,” cooed Mia.

“Thank you,” I said as Mom came over to hug them both. She always spoke highly of Mia. She really appreciated what a good maternal figure she had been for Harper. I felt like Mom had issues with the family I had gone to. She did not seem pleased with the lack of stability, thinking Granny Hella too feeble to protect me from my adopted evil relatives, namely Angie and her Mom. I still thought that Granny Hella had done her best considering my adopted parents had died so suddenly.

I spotted Jamie. I meandered through the throng of excited girls to give her a hug. Her eyes trailed over the silvery marks on my neck. She smiled.

“I’m happy for you, Star,” she said.

“It’s because of you,” I pointed out. “Thank you!” I said in earnest.

“It’s also because of you,” she reminded me. “And you’re most welcome.”

Mom was hiding behind a strangely calm Holly from the snowman. He put his carrot nose on Holly. I expected her to run for the hills but she just smiled serenely.


“Star better not be getting a lap dance,” I snarled under my breath as I leant back on the couch.

Mina and Tina had rented out a huge Gentlemen’s Club for the Bachelor Party for Star’s Dad. My brothers and I were all sitting in the large VIP room with the other guests. Heath was nearby. He seemed to be in a good mood, sitting between Marco and Harper who were both his best men while the four of us would be his groomsmen. Toby and Asriel were in a corner laughing. Toby kept trying to take off Asriel’s earrings. I knew Erin and Rein would be serving Toby some sass. Our best friend, Chet, and our new friend, Alpha Jessie, were playing pool nearby.

In walked Heath’s warrior friends who had sheltered him when he had escaped with Harper all those years ago. They were from the next pack over, Winter Moon. Their Alphas came with them, none other than the Alpha Triplets. I recognised the former Alpha. He was the first from the group to come congratulate Heath. This was the Triplets’ Dad.

“Romeo, thanks for coming,” said Heath.

“You deserve some peace. I’m happy for you,” said former Alpha Romeo.

“How’s the family?” Asked Heath, lowering his voice.

“Adjusting,” said Romeo, also dropping his volume. “Ronnie is too attached to Calix, our youngest, so she threw a fit when the boys wanted to live separately with their Luna. Their request was normal enough though. My Ma and Pa didn’t crowd Ronnie and myself when we were raising the boys so why should we crowd our boys while they raise their boys.”

“Multiples terrify me,” said Heath, glancing at us.

Romeo burst into laughter. I realised Heath was joking. He had twins. I chuckled too.

Those triplets were at the bar on the opposite end of the VIP room. The eldest one, Alex, seemed tense. He was arguing with the bartender.

“How is that possible? There should be another club right next-door! The one the Bachelorette Party is at!” Said Alex.

“Alpha, there’s no club nearby. I’m sorry,” said the bartender, frowning.

Alex slammed his hand down on the bar counter.

“Alex, take it easy,” said Calix.

I found it surprisingly easy to tell them apart. Maybe, it was a multiples thing.

“She’s with the other girls. Let’s just call her rather than dropping in on her and ruining her night,” said Felix.

Felix? Reasonable?

“There’s dancers here,” hissed Alex.

“So?” Asked Calix.

The VIP room had a large L-shaped couch that faced a platform on which two girls danced, spinning around the two poles. However, this group of guys was surprisingly disinterested. Only a couple of Heath’s warrior friends were getting close to the stage and calling the girls over.

“That means there are dancers where Chasity is,” grumbled Alex.

I felt his pain. I could not even look at the girl spinning upside down without wondering if Star was looking at a male exotic dancer doing some weird trick.

Alex called Chasity. I had to eavesdrop. I went to the bar and fake-pondered over the menu as if I did not know what to drink. Bullshit. I always drank the same three drinks: patron cafe tequila, vodka or whiskey. No chasers. I was not as fancy as Jonah with his wines.

“Hello,” came Chasity’s voice on the other end.

I had to strain to hear her over the music.

“Luna, you lied to me,” said Alex bluntly.

“Alex, I love you,” cooed Chasity. “I’m safe with the girls. The location isn’t set. It’s a party bus and it’s driving around.”

Alex sighed deeply.

“Are their dancers there?” Asked Alex.

“Yes, three. They’re on a small stage not near me. Are there dancers where you are?” Asked Chasity.

“Yeah,” grumbled Alex. “But I’m at the bar.”

“Don’t stress her out,” warned Calix.

“She’s ok, Alex. Think about ironing and vacuuming. Find your happy place,” said Felix.

Alex glared at Felix.

“Alex, Hubby, please worry. Go congratulate Heath. I’ll leave early,” promised Chasity.

I could hear protests from Mina and Tina in the background of Chasity’s call.

“How will I pick you up if you’re on a moving bus?” Asked Alex worriedly.

“Mina and Tina will get the bus to drive down the street you’re on,” said Chasity.

Alex sighed in relief.

“See? Organised. Couldn’t you just o****m from that?” Asked Felix.

I almost choked on my vodka.

“Felix,” chuckled Calix. “Behave. You know this is Alex’s kryptonite.”

“What is?” I blurted out.

The triplets all looked at me.

“Oh! Hi, Zaya!” Said Calix brightly.

“Hey, sorry for sneaking up on you,” I chuckled awkwardly.

“That’s quite all right. Are we entertaining you?” Asked Felix snidely.

I was not afraid of him. He was bluffing. He was not actually annoyed.

“As a matter of fact, yeah,” I said happily. “Please, continue.”

Alex was focused on Chasity.

“What time will the bus drive down our street? And it has to park, ok,” said Alex

Felix’s sly expression faltered.

“Tell that bus driver he’s to make sure Chasity waits on the bus until I collect her! He’s not dropping her off on a lonely street unless he wants me to drop him in the ocean with a cement block for shoes on!” Grumbled Felix.

“Like midnight,” said Chasity uncertainly.

“Put the bus driver on the phone, Baby,” called Felix.

“Felix!” Whined Chasity.

“Baby, if you value his life, you’ll put him on the phone,” said Felix.

I heard Chasity snarl. I was shocked. Felix smirked instead of getting angry.

“Save that energy for me later,” said Felix suggestively. “Let me talk to the bus driver.”

“BUS DRIVER!” Yelled a voice so loudly it was crystal clear even in our club.

It sounded like Mina or Tina.

“Thank you, Tina,” said Felix gratefully.

Felix and Alex gave the bus driver explicit instructions while Calix and I did a round of shots.

“You’re not freaking out about Chasity?” I asked as the alcohol burnt its way down.

“You’re not freaking out about Star?” Asked Calix, laughing.

“Yes, internally,” I admitted.

Calix laughed.

“Most of my freak-outs are in here,” he informed me, putting his hand over his heart. “But I want her to have fun,” admitted Calix.

We did another two rounds of shots in quick succession.

“If I wasn’t an Alpha, I’d be a ‘private dancer’,” said Calix out of nowhere.

“‘Dancer for money,’” added Felix.

They laughed.

“It’s a song. They’re not serious. You’re too young to know that song though,” said Alex, putting his phone away and ordering more shots.

“You’re like what? Five years older than me?” I joked.

Alex grinned, clinking shot glasses with me.

“Let’s say congrats before we’re not able to,” instructed Alex, reminding me of Jonah who felt being minutes older meant he was decades ahead.


The girls on the poles were spinning upside down. Old me would have been so impressed. Marked-me was obsessing over what Star was doing.

Noah was eager for Alex, the eldest triplet, to come over to our couches. He reached us and hugged Heath, clapping him on the back and wishing him the best. His brothers did the same.

“Ask him your nerdy questions,” I encouraged softly, leaning into Noah.

“I’m too nervous,” admitted Noah.

“He’s an Alpha not a pretty girl. Do a shot then ask him,” I slurred.

Wow. I had done more shots than I’d realised.

“ALEX, come talk to my brother!” I yelled.

“I’m right here,” chuckled Alex.

I realised how close all the couches were. He was right there. Noah was drunker than I’d realised too but it was too late to stop him doing the extra shot. He marched over to Alex unnecessarily and almost fell onto his lap.

“I think neither Chasity nor Star would be expecting this type of competition,” said Felix slyly.

Alex rolled his eyes at Felix and helped Noah onto the couch. Even drunk, Noah was able to quote journals.

“I read in a peer-reviewed journal about your new expansion plans and I saw an interview where you said something interesting!” Said Noah excitedly.

Noah fumbled with his jacket. He whipped out a notebook.

“I have an Alpha book too!” Announced Noah.

Alex actually seemed thrilled. It was a match made in heaven.

“Where the f**k is Eli?” I asked, stumbling over to Harper.

“In the back getting a lap dance,” said Harper casually.

“WHAT?!” I roared.

“I’m kidding,” said Harper. “He went to the bathroom.”

“Oh,” I hiccoughed.

“It’s been a while,” said Harper, suddenly looking worried

“What’s wrong, son?” Asked Marco, ruffling his hair.

I had almost forgotten Marco had raised Harper as a favour to Heath. Harper had thought that was his Dad until a few weeks ago.

“You have two Dads,” I told Harper.

“I hope you have two livers,” retorted Harper.

“I mean it in a good way,” I said, in case he thought I was trying to tease him somehow.

“I mean it in a good way too,” he laughed, steadying me as he stood up.

“Who the f**k is this?” I asked as a guy I had literally never met tried to help Harper steady me.

“My super fan, Holloway,” said Harper, grinning.

I looked at the super fan. He was really short but in all fairness the poor guy was surrounded by Alphas so he was probably average height. He barely came up to my shoulder and was trying to help hold me up.

“Don’t strain yourself, Holloway,” I muttered.

He was so familiar. He had amber eyes, olive skin and dark ash brown hair. He was dressed so similar to Harper, it was almost as if he had stolen Harper’s clothes, down to the fact that the clothes were too big for him.

“He in the band?” I asked as the three of us headed to the bathroom in search of Eli.

“Holloway? No! My bandmates are over there with our new member,” said Harper, pointing to three guys who were drumming on the bar counter while the bartender poured them some shots.

“He’s the contest winner!” Announced Harper, slapping Holloway on the back so hard he almost fell over.

“What?” I asked as we neared the VIP bathroom’s door.

I had this crazy urge to make fun of Holloway but I did not know him well enough to tease him about anything.

“The Pariah Mania contest!” Said Harper brightly.

My mind filled with disses towards Pariah but Harper and I were on good terms now.

“Wow, awesome,” I said, hoping I did not sound totally fake.

“Yeah, the fan with the best story of why they should meet Pariah and come to this party won!” Exclaimed Harper, like he was telling the crowd to make some noise.

I heard a g***n.

“Eli!” I yelled, suddenly quite sober.

It was probably the adrenaline rush. I burst into the bathroom. I heard someone moaning in pain.

“ELI!” I shouted, panicked.

One of the stalls’ doors creaked open. I ran to it. Eli had pushed the door open with his arm from his position slumped against the wall on the floor.

“You’re just really drunk, thank goodness,” I said breathlessly as I kneeled down and grabbed Eli.

“I’ll be right back, Bro! Let me get you some water and the band’s cure for overdoing it. It works every time!” Promised Harper, patting Eli on the head.

“No, Holloway, stay with them, in case Jonah needs help with Eli,” I heard Harper say on his way out.

Eli’s hair was sticking to his sweaty forehead. I mind-linked Zaya since Noah was pretty drunk himself and busy fan-girl-ing over Alex. Zaya came rushing in. He pulled Eli to his feet.

“I got you,” murmured Zaya, holding up a grumpy sleepy Eli.

I washed my face in the sink to help clear my own fuzzy head. Holloway was reflected in the mirror behind me when I looked up.

“Can I help you?” I asked.

Holloway shook his head vigorously. I turned around quickly and Holloway jumped. I did not like strangers standing behind me. It was a wolf thing.

“Are you a werewolf?” I asked.

Holloway shook his head.

“What are you?” I asked.

“Rude much?” Asked Zaya, looking at me while he helped Eli wash his face.

Holloway backed away from me and almost bumped into Harper who had just returned. Holloway looked massively relieved to see Harper. Harper opened a bottled water, helping Eli to take some sips.

“See if you can hold this down. It’s just Gravol, a nausea tablet. It’ll make you a little sleepy but it’s mild. People use it for sea sickness,” explained Harper, helping Eli take the tiny round orange tablet.

“And this is the hangover cure!” Said Harper.

“He’s not hungover. He’s drunk,” I said bluntly.

“Give him time,” joked Harper.

Zaya snickered. Eli refused to open his mouth for the hangover cure. I didn’t blame him. The cure was a thick green liquid that smelled like a freshly mowed lawn that someone had just pissed on, good and bad at the same time. I turned my attention back to Holloway.

“What made you pick Holloway, Harper? As the contest winner?” I asked innocently.

“Oh, congratulations,” said Zaya, just noticing Holloway.

“Congra-tal-utations,” said Eli, held up by Harper and Zaya.

“Is there somewhere he could lie down? Not on the couches where Heath is? I don’t want him to look bad in front of your Dad. You know how he hero-worships him,” explained Zaya in hushed tones.

“Yeah, of course!” Said Harper.

Harper and Zaya half-carried Eli to a back room where there were more couches. The AC was up high here and it was extra cold because it was empty save for us.

“I didn’t pick Holloway myself unfortunately but I agree with my better half. She picked him. She organised the whole contest!” Said Harper proudly.

I grinned widely.

“Holly, Holly, Holly,” I said, looking Holloway dead in the eyes. “What would we do without her?” I asked theatrically.

“I’d be lost!” Said Harper seriously. Holloway blushed. Bingo!

Eli was put to lie down on the longest couch so he’d be comfortable. Zaya sat near his head and Harper sat near his feet, leaning back, closing his eyes. Holloway looked sad there wasn’t space next to Harper.

“Sit with me, Holloway,” I said excitedly, sitting opposite the others and patting the space next to me.

Holloway looked terrified.

“Holloway, sit down! Relax!” Encouraged Harper.

Holloway sat obediently. I tried to sniff Holloway without it being obvious. Holloway shrank away from me.

“What’s wrong? Is the AC too cold in here? Isn’t it awful when the AC is up so cold! Someone must have broken it!” I said angrily.

“What the f**k are you talking about? It’s cold cause there’s less body heat in this room,” shrugged Zaya.

“Holloway, fix the AC for me! Turn it down!” I pleaded.

Holloway got up hesitantly and approached the AC remote with extreme caution. His hands trembled holding the remote. I stared at him unwaveringly the whole time.

“IT’S TOO HOT!” Roared Eli, startling everyone.Contentt bel0ngs to N0ve/lDrâ/ma.O(r)g!

Zaya got up, taking the remote from a relieved Holloway and making the temperature colder than before.

“Eli’s overheated. He needs it cold,” said Zaya apologetically.

“That’s ok. Some people always get what they want,” I said, looking at Holloway. “They always find a way. Deception. Lies. Disguises. Magic,” I said softly.

“What did you snort? Chill out. You’re so ominous,” said Zaya, laughing.

Holloway gasped.

“What’s wrong?” Asked Harper, worried.

“Drugs,” whispered Holloway.

“No,” chuckled Zaya. “I’m joking.”

“I’m not,” I said seriously.

Holloway looked horrified.

“Harper, would you like to do drugs with me right now?” I asked pointedly.

Harper snorted with laughter.

“My sobriety coach has me on a short leash, sorry,” retorted Harper.

I could not tell if he was joking or not but Holloway looked like he would keel over if he saw Harper doing drugs. I was certain now.

One of Harper’s long-haired hippie bandmates stumbled back here.

“Holloway! My man! Let me play you my guitar solo on our new song!” Exclaimed the bandmate.

“Take good care of Holloway, River!” Said Harper. River winked.

Holloway reluctantly returned to the main room to listen to the guitar solo. Harper watched him go. I looked at Harper with raised eyebrows.

“Holl-oway?” I said pointedly.

“I know it’s her,” chuckled Harper.

I burst into laughter.

“Why didn’t you stop her?” I asked.

“It was too hilarious,” said Harper with a shrug. “And more importantly, it’ll build her confidence in herself, her magic and her ideas if I don’t seem to find her out. You can’t either! You’ve done enough,” he chuckled.

“I won’t say anything more,” I promised, nodding in understanding.

Star was not Holly-shy but watching my Luna grow in confidence was important to me too.

“Thanks, Bro,” said Harper earnestly.

“You’re welcome, Bro,” I said, smiling.

“Wait!” I exclaimed, worried.

“What?” Asked Harper, alarmed.

“Who’s the Holly with my Star at their party?” I asked, afraid for her, thinking the Holly-impersonator was not anything close to human.

I was right.

“One of my snowmen,” said Harper casually. “I spied on her when she was transforming him.”

I roared with laughter.

“He’s never looked better!” Complimented Harper.

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