Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas

Chapter 110

Tuesday 29th September, 2020.


Harper was actually trying to do something nice for us but of course there was a catch. Only one of the four of us could win the magical solo date with Star. Star had promised we would each go on a solo date but obviously everyone wanted to win the magical one. Harper had made sentient magical snowmen. I nicknamed mine Frosty and Zaya called me a Basic b***h.

“What’s yours called then, Smart-a*s?” I snapped.

“Avalanche,” retorted Zaya.

I rolled my eyes. His snowman did look kind of angry and chaotic. He was bouncing about ready to make snowballs, psyching himself up like a boxer in his corner of the ring. I whispered my strategy to Frosty who listened intently. Noah was hugging his snowman. His had a paternal vibe to it and Eli’s looked gentle. Avalanche needed anger management classes. My Frosty was the most balanced.

“What’s your snowman called, Eli?” Asked Zaya.

“Subzero,” said Eli.

“That makes him sound like a night club,” I chuckled.

“What did you name yours?” I asked Noah.

“Michael,” said Noah, giving no further explanation.

We all stared at Noah. His smile remained placid. Holly was getting ready to give the order for us to begin. We separated as far apart as possible, each occupying one corner of the Frost Garden.

“Remember, stay close to the perimeter and I’ll stay behind you so we won’t lose points cause no one will be able to get behind us and toss snow at us!” I said to Frosty.

Frosty nodded.

“GO!” Yelled Holly.

Frosty and I veered to the left, approaching Eli’s corner. Frosty was making snowballs rapidly and passing them to me while he shielded me. I was throwing them as fast as he made them. I managed to get in a few hits from the side. Eli ducked behind Subzero who made a huge snowball the size of a bowling ball. Eli hurled that at me. Frosty blocked half of it but because it was so large the other half got me. I wondered if Harper would count that as a hit. I looked over and he and Holly were kissing and totally not paying attention.


Harper broke apart from Holly whose cheeks flushed.

“The snowmen will know. They’re honest. They can’t lie to me,” he said simply.

While I had been yelling at Harper, Zaya and Avalanche had come rushing at me and Frosty from the side. We retreated to Eli’s old corner.


I really wanted to win the magical date but I was glad that either way I would get some solo time with Star. My brothers and I loved each other but when the four of us were all with Star, there was a lot of compromising involved. I told Subzero to make huge snowballs to make it easier to hit the targets and it was working wonderfully. I hurled one at Zaya. Sorry, bro. He had been peeking out from behind Avalanche so the snowball hit him splat right in the face.

“Eli!” Roared Zaya.

I stifled my laughter as Zaya began throwing snowballs my way as fast as possible. His snowballs were small but there were tons of them like an insect swarm.

“Quality over Quantity, Subzero, keep making the huge snowballs!” I said.

Subzero made several basketball sized snowballs. I threw them at each brother in turn. I got Noah! I did not get Zaya this time. I half got Jonah again. Subzero and I high-fived.


Avalanche the angry snowman was a snowball making machine. He was producing them faster than I could throw them so I started throwing several at once. I lost track of who I hit and who I missed. I was just lost in the moment, raining snowballs down on my opponents.

Truth be told, I knew that magical or not, my solo date would be lit. Star and I had an effortless connection so I was not that bothered about it. I was getting what I wanted already, to keep Star forever. Everything else was just frills and bows and icing on top.

Star was cheering for all of us. She was so cute. She would make a great cheerleader. She should be cheerleader captain at Viper Moon now that Angie was gone. I wondered if she could to a backhand spring.


Michael and I moved strategically, keeping to the periphery of the garden while I threw snowballs from either side of him so the others would not know what side I would peek out from next. Michael was a bit tubbier than the others which was good for shielding. It was easy to hide behind him. I told Michael to start adding some of the snowballs to his body to get bigger and it worked like a charm. His snowy body easily absorbed the excess snow.

“Noah’s snowman is growing!” Eli yelled. “Is that cheating, Harper?”

Harper looked up from showing Holly something on her iPhone.

“No,” called Harper simply. “Sorry, Bro.”


Eli grumbled to himself. I took advantage of his distracted moment and clobbered him with two snowballs before I ducked behind Michael who was now twice as big as the others. Michael, the King Kong of Snowmen.

“TIME’S UP!” Squeaked Holly.

My brothers and I huddled around the blackboard.

“And the winner is…” said Harper dramatically while Toby and Asriel drummed on their laps.

“NOAH!” Squealed Holly, jumping up and down.

Michael span round and round in a celebratory fashion like a spinning top. As he did this, he shed all the excess snow thereby returning to his original size. The others clapped begrudgingly for me.Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“It was extremely close!” Said Harper. “Like you were just about two to five points apart each.”

Holly clapped. Toby and Asriel cheered. Erin congratulated everyone. Rein booed loudly.

“What made you decide to….wear the imps?” Asked Toby, looking at Asriel’s animated earrings.

Asriel grinned. “I unleashed the imps in the first place so it’s only right that I contain them now. Hesper was the one who cast the transformation spell for me though.”

“WAIT!” I yelled suddenly.

“What?” Said Star, alarmed.

“You won ok? You don’t have to rub it in,” grumbled Zaya.

“No, not that. I can hear them. How come? How can I hear Erin and Rein without the faerie dust?” I asked.

Everyone gasped.

“Toby can hear them,” said Holly.

“Asriel gave me faerie dust,” said Toby with a wry smile as though he regretted being able to hear the loud earrings.

“Maybe through the mate-bond or the marks?” Suggested Harper.

“Can you three hear them?” I asked my brothers.

They shook their heads. Star gasped.

“You were inside of me,” she said to me.

I flushed. I glanced at her twin Harper nervously.

“We all wer…” began Zaya but Harper gave him an indignant look and Eli shot him a warning glance.

“Your essence I mean,” said Star.

“That’s what they’re calling it now,” joked Toby.

Asriel pushed Toby playfully.

“The Astral travel,” said Harper.

“Ohhh,” I said. “We switched bodies.”

“It is possible for those blessed with the gift of astral travel to also absorb abilities from the bodies they have visited,” said Holly, nodding.

“So now I can hear Fae stuff?” I said, amazed.

“You can perceive Fae magic and enchantments,” specified Harper.

Zaya glared at me. I averted my eyes. What was his problem?

What’s up with your boy, Zaya? I asked Eli, the more reasonable of my two younger brothers.

He doesn’t like feeling like anyone but him has such a deep connection with Star. He gets jealous easily even though he knows we have to share, said Eli.

I sighed.

Relax, Noah! Zaya will get over it and himself, joked Jonah, immediately noticing I was upset because of Zaya’s reaction to my win.

“I am excited to spend some quality time with each and every one of my mates,” said Star, pulling Zaya in for a hug.

He cheered up slightly.

“I want to go on my date with Star first,” said Zaya, wrapping his arms around her tightly.

“Well, I suppose the magical date can be the grand finale,” said Harper. “And Noah, it looks like you got your wish already.”


“I’m confused,” I admitted.

“You wanted to be magic and you kind of are. You absorbed some of Star’s Fae magic,” he said with a shrug.

“Yay!” Cheered Holly, clapping.

I felt like Holly had had a few. I had seen the Queen pouring something from a flask into her and Holly’s teas earlier. The Queen had raved about whatever was in the flask and polite little Holly had not been able to refuse the Queen of the Winter Fae. After that, I could have sworn I saw her taking sips of Star’s Mom’s mimosa.

“I want to go on a magical date with His Highness,” whined Holly, pouting.

Harper grinned and kissed the tip of her nose. He danced with her in the snow, making her giggle.

“Do I get to decide on the particulars of the magical date?” I asked Harper.

Holly and Harper continued to tango.

“Yes!” Exclaimed Holly excitedly.

“No!” Said Harper indignantly.

That was helpful.

“I said yes!” Complained Holly, becoming distraught rather quickly.

She had definitely had a few. She burst into tears unexpectedly.

“Yes, yes, you do. You get to decide,” said Harper quickly, conjuring a handkerchief to wipe Holly’s tears.

Holly became cheerful immediately.

“I’m helping with the magical date,” she told me.

“Well, now I know I’m in good hands then,” I said, grinning.

“Let’s go inside and drink some nice water,” suggested Harper, steering Holly towards the castle.

“Yes! Water!” I heard her cry exuberantly.

Someone tapped me on my shoulder. Zaya. He frowned at me. I frowned at him.

“Congrats,” he mumbled.

I smiled.

“It should have been you or Eli,” I said, trying to cheer him up.

“Yeah, it should have,” he agreed immediately.


He shoved me playfully. I shoved him back and ruffled his hair. The four of us headed back to the castle arm in arm with Star walking just ahead of us. I glanced back and saw the four snowmen ambling away somewhere.

“Is it ok to leave the snowmen to their own devices like that?” Asked Jonah curiously.

“That’s Harper’s thing,” said Star. “He loves making sentient magical beings and then just leaving them. It’s a Fae thing. Fae magic is a bit chaotic and mischievous. A witch like Jamie would never do that. Sentient magical creatures left unchecked is a big no-no in witchcraft and wizardry.”

I knew the Fae were a bit tricky.

“Bye Michael! Thanks!” I called after my snowman.

“No problem, kid. Don’t mention it. It’s Francis actually,” he called back, making Star, my brothers and me all jump.

The other snowmen waved and yelled bye.

“They could talk this whole time,” I whispered.

“They had names the whole time,” added Eli, looking shocked.

“Why didn’t they say anything?” Said Zaya, looking at them in awe.

“Mine talked to me,” said Jonah with a shrug.

We all stared at our eldest brother.

“They’re headed into town for a post-game drink. He invited me but I didn’t want to impose,” explained Jonah.

We just continued to stare at him. Jonah frowned.

“You guys are just jealous your snowmen didn’t ask you to get post-game drinks with them,” said Jonah stiffly.

Harper came walking towards us from the castle.

“Where are you going, Twin?” Asked Star.

“Hey Twin, Holly’s napping. Just gonna grab a drink with Francis and the guys. Let her know if she wakes up,” he said, heading towards the snowmen.

“He’s making me wish I had said yes,” said Jonah. “Next time, I guess,” he added, leading the way back to the castle.

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