Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas

Chapter 108

Tuesday 29th September, 2020.


I woke up with my little mate asleep on my chest. There was a knock on my door. I could not call out to them and wake Holly. I slowly and gently switched myself with a big pillow for her to cling to instead. I grinned at her as her arms tightened around the pillow in sleep. My silvery mark on her neck caught the light. It gleamed. She was all mine now.

I looked through the peephole. Only a crazy person would just throw open the door without figuring out who it could be first. I bet the Quads all just threw open doors for any and everyone even when my sister was sleeping and in need of protection. Except Eli. He had some sense.


“Dad,” I said, opening the door a crack.

“No! Holden!” Snapped Dad. “Of course it’s me!” He said, annoyed.

He was grumpy in the morning. It was definitely Dad.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, opening the door all the way.

My eyes widened as I took in the silvery mark on his neck. Mom had marked him.

“Did you mark Mom?” I asked.

He nodded, grinning.

“And she marked you?”

More nodding.

“So what’s the problem?” I asked.

Had he come here to tell me about his escapades with Mom? No thank you.

“I want to propose to your Mom,” he said simply.Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Really?” I said in hushed tones.

He nodded eagerly.

“I want your sister and me to help plan something…nice, fancy,” he said.

I grinned.

“Ok, no prob,” I said. “Where’s Star?” I asked.

“In her room still probably. You go wake her! She’ll think I’m spying,” he muttered.

I sighed. I marched across the hall and banged on her door unceremoniously.

“I could have done that,” hissed Dad. “I meant wake her quietly with some twin thing. Your Mom is a light sleeper!”

“Oh, s**t,” I said.

Dad ran down the hall and checked on Mom who was still asleep thankfully. The door was ripped open loudly by a disgruntled…not Eli. I stared at him.

“What…” he began to ask but I put my hand up for him to be quiet.

I peered at him.

“Zaya,” I decided.

“Yes,” barked Zaya. “What’s your problem?”

“Bring me my twin,” I said authoritatively to piss him off.

This was my pack and my castle not his. I was the King of this castle. He could take his attitude back to the Viper Moon Pack House. Zaya looked murderous but he composed himself with a deep breath. He went inside.

“Star, Baby,” I heard him saying.

“Sorry to wake you,” he said gently.

“What is it?” Murmured a sleepy Star from inside.

Star appeared at the door in her nightgown and fuzzy slippers.

“Get dressed!” I said excitedly.

“You’re in your boxers,” she pointed out.

I looked down. Oh yeah. Holly would say I was indecent.

“Dad needs help proposing to Mom!” I said excitedly.

Star squealed so loudly I was sure Holly and Mom down the hall would wake up. I grabbed her and covered her mouth.

“Shhh,” I said.

She giggled but it was muffled against my hand.

“Go get dressed!” I said.

I ran back to my room. Holly was still asleep. I left her a note. I wanted to do something racy like stick it into the waistband of her underwear but she was no longer wearing any. I smirked to myself. I made sure the blanket was covering her up properly. I kissed her forehead and just left the note under the phone she didn’t really know how to use yet. I met Star and Dad in the hallway. All the Quads were dressed and ready too.

“What are they doing?” I asked Star.

“We’re…” began Jonah (I think).

“I asked Star,” I told him.

“Bro, we wanna help bring the greatest and longest love story to a happy ending,” joked Eli, shoving me playfully.

I shoved him back. I looked at Jonah and Zaya. Ugh. I smiled at Noah. He was fun in a nerdy way.

“Ok,” I said. “If it’s ok with Dad?”

“Yeah,” shrugged Dad.

“Well then I’m bringing my mate,” I said.

“Where is she?” Asked Zaya.

“In Narnia,” I snapped. “Where do you think? She’s in my room. One sec.”

She would probably fit in better in Narnia actually. No iPhones to confuse her there but I was keeping her with me forever. Cue diabolical laughter.

“Holly!” I hissed, shaking her gently.

She g*****d. I planted k****s all over her face until she woke up giggling and tried to push me away.

“What is it, my Lor…” she began.

“No!” I g*****d.

She smiled.

“Hi Harper,” she said softly.

“Hi Holly,” I whispered back.

“May I use magic on you?” I asked.

She frowned. She nodded.

“I trust you,” she said softly.

I made her stand before me in all her naked glory. I pictured what I wanted. I focused on it. I blinked. Holly gasped. She was now in a sundress and boots. She giggled.

“See how your man has got you,” I said.

“What man?” She said, alarmed, looking around nervously.

“Never mind,” I chuckled.

I pulled her out into the hallway.

“I need to braid my hair,” she mumbled.

“No leave it down! It’s pretty!” I insisted. “Please,” I begged.

She smiled. She kissed my nose and left it down.

“Holly! You’re still here! I see the air contraption police haven’t made any arrests yet,” said Jonah, grinning.

What the f**k?

“Don’t talk to my woman,” I said to him.

He glared at me but fell silent. Holly poked my arm.

“I think his lordship jests! I see that now,” she said, smiling at Jonah.

I supposed that was Jonah’s weak attempt at humour.

“Let’s go,” said Dad.

We followed him to the courtyard where there was a carriage waiting.

“Um, isn’t there a car?” I said.

“Oh, yes, in the royal garage,” said a footman.

“There’s a royal garage?” I said quietly.

The footman nodded. He was Fae. He led us to the garage. I gasped. There was a vast array of vintage cars, sports cars and other luxury vehicles here.

“These are all in working condition?” I asked an attendant who was servicing one of the cars.

He nodded. “Yes, Your Highness,” he said.

“This has been here the whole time?” I asked.

“Yes, Your Highness,” he said.

“No one uses it?” I asked incredulously.

“The Queen and yourself seemed to prefer the carriage or…a dragon,” said the attendant, shrugging.

“Helena!” Squeaked Holly excitedly.

“We can’t take Helena, Baby,” I said apologetically, cupping her face. “It’s the Quads’ fault. If it was just you, me, Dad and Star, we could take Helena and Haven.”

“They’re dragons. They can more than fit four extra people. What if the Quads and I take Haven and you, Holly and Dad take Helena,” suggested Star.

“Five and three? We should split four and four,” said Dad.

The Quads looked at each other nervously. I grinned.

“Eli, come here!” Said Dad.

Jonah snickered at Eli.

“Dad!” I said, sighing deeply and making use of my actor skills. I was originally hired to play the role of Star’s…never mind. That was in the past. The point was that I was an actor. “We already know Eli so well. We also know Noah a bit better after our ordeal. We owe it to Star to try to bond with all of her mates, don’t you think?” I said, widening my eyes at Dad.

Dad chuckled.

“You and Star remind me of your Mom the way you look when you want something,” he laughed.


“I want to get to know Jonah,” I lied.

Dad nodded.

“Jonah, come with us. Star, you take Eli, Noah and…Zachary,” said Dad.

He knew his name was Zaya. He was just being an a*****e.

“Dad,” said Star through gritted teeth.

Dad burst into laughter. He was in a surprisingly good mood. He clapped Zaya on the back.

“I’m kidding with you, Isaiah,” said Dad, grinning.

Zaya grinned nervously. Star looked suspicious.

“Can’t I kid with my future son-in-law?” Asked Dad.

Zaya beamed.

“I guess,” said Star.

We went to the courtyard. I noticed Holly had my note even though it did not apply anymore because she was coming too. She smiled at the note and pocketed it.

“Dad, did you leave a note for Mom? So she’ll know you just stepped out for a bit and you’re thinking of her?” I asked.

Dad frowned. I took that as a ‘No.’ How was I related to this guy? Where was his sense of romance, of pizzazz? I sighed.

“Dad,” I grumbled, summoning a pen and paper. “Write something romantic!”

“I can make flowers grow in her room!” Exclaimed Star.

Dad wrote the note. I snatched it to check it over, knowing it would be crap.

Dear Hesper,

I took the kids and left.

Be back soon.

The Quads are also with us unfortunately.



I sighed deeply. It was shittier than I had imagined. Star looked at it and rolled her eyes.

“I took the kids and left,” quoted Star. “That sounds terrifying. That’s not how you start a love note. I breakup note sure but not a love note.”

Dad frowned.

“Dad, this is not romantic but I’ll fix it for you,” I said calmly.

Dad nodded. I took that as him bestowing me the liberty to write whatever the f**k I want. I enchanted the note so that new words would appear in the same handwriting. I showed my note to Star.

My Dearest Hesper,

Good morning, my Love! The kids and I have gone shopping with the Quads. I didn’t want to wake you. Also, how would I be able to surprise you if you came shopping with us? I love you.

Be back soon.

Yours forever,

Love Heath

Dad wanted to see the note. He made a face at it.

“It doesn’t sound like me,” he said.

“Ok, good,” I said, snapping my fingers and transporting the note to Mom’s bedside table. Star made flowers grow on the table. They picked up the note, cushioning it in their midst and their stems intertwined and lengthened, weaving together to form their own vase. I could see it all plainly in Star’s mind as she focused.

“Perfect!” Said Star.

We high-fived.

“Let’s go,” grumbled Dad.

“No thank you?” Asked Star.

“Thanks,” he muttered.

I helped my Princess, Holly, onto Helena’s back. Holly sat behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist. She yawned and snuggled into my neck.

“Sorry, I woke you, Baby,” I cooed.

“That is fine. I am excited to help his Lordship select the ring for the Her Highness’ engagement. They have had a prolonged courtship indeed,” she chuckled.

Jonah sat behind Holly to my chagrin and Dad was behind Jonah. I wanted Jonah and Dad to switch seats but I didn’t want Holly to find me overbearing. Jonah better keep his new funny bone to himself. I knew he was as attached to Star as I was to Holly but I got envious easily when it came to Holly.

“Holly, you know a Detective from the AC division has been asking for you?” Jonah joked.

“Jonah, this is your opportunity to get to know Dad, the father of your mate,” I snapped.

“Sir, how are you today?” Asked Jonah, looking back at Dad as we took flight.

“Good,” said Dad simply.

“Oh ok, that’s…good. What kind of ring do you think Hesper would like?” Asked Jonah.

I steered Helena towards the main town. There were shops there with both lupine and Fae jewellery.

“Um, gold,” said Dad.

“How about something custom made to reflect Fae and lupine engagement ring styles so she’ll know you thought about her as an individual so she’ll feel special?” Suggested Jonah.

That was a good idea. Mom was part Fae and part werewolf.

“Yeah, I think that could work,” mumbled Dad.

“Where is all this ingenuity when it comes to making Star feel special?” I asked pointedly.

“Ask Star and she’ll tell you. I make her feel extra special,” said Jonah.

His suggestive tone made me want to punch him but Holly was between us and we were miles high in the air. A scuffle at this altitude would not be particularly wise or regal of me.

“There!” Shouted Dad, pointing to the store he wanted to visit below.

I spotted the one he meant. Dad had eyesight like an Alpha. He fought like one too. I realised I didn’t know Jack s**t about Dad’s side of the family.

“Dad! I want to know about your parents! My paternal grandparents,” I said, as I steered Helena into a gradual dive.

She expertly circled back around to land as close to the place as possible. I was grateful for the wide streets of the town. She landed in a nearby grassy square. I should have park benches and playground stuff placed here. I pictured slides and swings, a merry-go-round, a seesaw, a sandbox. Dad’s deep voice broke me out of my town and country planning.

“I would like to know more about them myself,” joked Dad.

“Wait, what?” I asked as I patted Helena’s snout. “We’ll be back soon, Helena,” I said.

She nodded gracefully. A crowd had gathered to marvel at her. Some children were edging closer to her but their parents yanked them back.

“She’s friendly,” I told them “Be gentle and respectful. Ask her if you can pet her and she’ll nod or shake her head.”

Some of the parents let their kids frolic around Helena. She sniffed a little boy offering her a turnip. She shook her head ‘No’ regarding the turnip but allowed the boy to pat her snout. We walked towards the store. Dad was quiet.

“Aren’t you going to tell me what you mean?” I asked.

I spotted Haven diving swiftly and sharply to land in the same square as Helena. He was always showing off for her. If the dragons had flight music like an aeroplane, Helena’s would be a classical orchestra or Enya or something. Haven’s would be Heavy Metal.

“I don’t know my parents,” said Dad as we watched the other three Quads and Star slide off of Haven’s back.

Star let the parents and children know to not touch Haven even if he nodded his head. Haven tended to change his mind about interactions but Helena kept him somewhat calm these days. Star and the Quads reached us.

“So who raised you?” I asked, looking at Dad.

“Nuns,” he said.

I burst into laughter. Dad frowned.

“Oh sorry,” I said. “You’re being serious.”

Dad shrugged. “I grew up in an orphanage,” he said.

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