Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas

Chapter 102

Monday 28th September, 2020.

Harper (Present Day)

Once Dad let his guard down, there was a deluge of emotions. I sifted through the memories, steering clear of the deeply personal ones. I didn’t want or need to see how Star and I were conceived, I just wanted the moment when Dad fell in love with Mom. I wanted to know how deep their love ran. Fae magic was all about emotion and Dad had years of Fae magic fuel buried within him. So many suppressed emotions and regrets, what-ifs and should-have-beens.

Dad began seeing Mom in private, sneaking into her room, stealing moments with her. Through his eyes, I felt like I was meeting my birth mother for the first time and I had never met anyone quite so filled with life, with a fighting spirit, with zeal for life.

19 years ago

Heath (Past)

I could not believe I had promised Princess Hesper I would come to her room tonight. What had gotten into me? Night fell and I went to my own room. I was a high enough rank to have lodging in the castle. I tossed and turned, thinking about Hesper, waiting up for me excitedly and getting disappointed. I sighed. I had to go to her even if I just went to tell her nothing was going to happen between us. I snuck past the guard stationed outside her room. I had to appoint better guards to watch her. I ended up not even needing the open window to get in.

Hesper, I called out to her over mind-link.

The door swung open and she ushered me in, locking it behind us.

“I’m so glad you’re here!” She whispered. “I had thought you weren’t coming,” she admitted.

“Here I am,” I said still wondering how to tell her I was here to inform her that nothing more could happen between us.

“Hesper,” I began.

“I know I said a lot of…intense things,” she blurted out. “I…I’m not actually ready yet. Could you maybe just hold me? Sleep next to me? You make me feel really safe,” she whispered.

She was so vulnerable with me. It made no sense to deny her now. She had called it off herself.

“Let this be the only sleepover. We can’t meet after dark like this. You are betrothed to Holden,” I reminded her.

She winced at the sound of his name.

“Don’t say that name around me, please,” she said, shuddering.

She crawled under the covers and looked up at me expectantly. I got into her bed behind her, spooning her. Her silky fragrant tresses were in my face and her tight behind was cradled by my pelvis. She pulled my arm around her.

“You know you talk a big game,” I teased her, not able to resist calling her out.

She blushed.

“I have more bark than bite,” she mumbled.

I chuckled, sliding my leg over her waist.

“You can’t tell anyone about tonight or earlier today…none of it! Understood?!” I asked.

“Yes, Heath,” she said sweetly.

She wiggled about in my arms making sure she rubbed her behind against me until I was painfully stiff. She let out a satisfied little sigh. She was so vindictive.

“You’re kind of evil you know?” I said to her.

“I am not!” She said indignantly.

I chuckled, pulling her into me. My wolf purred contentedly. Our mate was safe in our arms.

“I can’t marry him, Heath,” she said suddenly.

“Shh, let’s not talk about that right now,” I pleaded soothingly.

I stroked her hair.

“Please, please, I’m begging you if you have even a scrap of feelings for me, take me away from this place. I’ll throw myself from the highest tower if they force me to marry him,” she whispered fiercely.

My wolf howled mournfully. He could not let that happen.

“That won’t happen ok,” I whispered.

“Promise?” She asked, turning to face me and cuddling up to my chest, her eyes wide and hopeful.

“I promise,” I said without thinking.

She smiled so brightly at this. I wanted nothing more to just press my lips to hers again and again. She clearly had the same idea as she leant forwards just then, kissing me softly. We broke apart.

“When my grandmother hears about all of this…how they want me to marry my cousin, she’ll be furious!” She told me. “They’re keeping us apart. They’re keeping me away from her so I can’t tell her the truth until it’s too late.”

“You mean the Winter Fae Queen?” I asked, fascinated.

“Yes, my grandmother,” said Hesper.

She traced patterns on my bare chest. I was wearing a V-neck shirt. She tangled her delicate fingers in the fabric playfully. She pressed a k**s to the exposed skin of my chest.

“Regarding earlier today…I wanted to say thank you for the way you…took care of me,” said Hesper, smiling, her cheeks flushing.

I could still hear her m***s when I closed my eyes. My wolf was begging me to claim our mate, to deflower her and mark her. To pour our seed into her. He wanted pups right away. He wasn’t rational. He was an animal.

“You’re welcome,” I said simply, not trusting myself to say anything else.

“Heath,” whispered Hesper.

“Yes, Hesper, you really need to sleep,” I mumbled.

“Sorry, I just wanted to say that…” she paused, taking a deep breath, “that I…I love you,” she admitted.

I stiffened. I remained silent.

“And you love me,” she informed me. “You’re crazy about me.”

And she was just crazy period.

“Ok, thanks for telling me,” I said.

She rolled her eyes at me and giggled.

“You just don’t know it yet,” she whispered against my chest.

Harper (Present Day)

I furrowed my brow. Magic always looked so simple in movies. The witch or wizard had an intention and poof it became a reality. I skipped over the memories of Mom. She was so different to Star despite their almost identical appearance. Young Mom was basically Star with different eyes. I could feel every cell in my body willing Mom to turn from stone to flesh. I heard Holly gasp. My eyes snapped open. I raised my eyebrows, shocked at what I was seeing. The statue of Mom was still made of stone by and large but the very tip of her littlest finger on right hand was no longer grey, it was olive and pink. She was becoming real. I glanced at Star who was deep in concentration. Holly had returned to meditating on the statue. I closed my eyes.

Heath (Past)

“Do you really not care if your mate marries someone else and is miserable with that person?” Asked Hesper, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears.

We were hidden from view in one of the castle’s many secret passageways. I sighed. I could hardly stop a royal wedding. Just trying to do so could get us both killed. I had heard of Holden and his father, the Alpha’s brother. They were both power-hungry and filled with bloodlust. They killed simply for their own amusement. I looked at my little mate. I could not do this. I could not allow myself to feel for her, to think about her with that monster for a husband. If I thought about it too deeply I would do something stupid, dangerous, irrational, reckless. I would mess up years of hard work and careful planning for a girl I had just met no matter how badly I wanted her.

“Please take me from this place,” she said softly, wrapping her arms around my waist.

My wolf was begging me to comfort our mate. We could feel the wetness of her tears on our shirt.

“Baby, shhh, don’t cry please,” I murmured.

She sniffled. Her small hands were clutching tiny fistfuls of fabric, pulling me to her. Her small body was trembling. Her lips found the base of my throat, the most sensitive and protected area on a wolf. She pressed k****s against my skin working her way upwards to my jaw. Her lips found mine and I obliged her a brief k**s. She studied my face.

“Do you not like kissing me?” She wondered aloud.

I sighed. I loved kissing her.

“Did I…taste bad yesterday?” She asked hesitantly.

I furrowed my brow for a moment. I realised what she meant. She was talking about her lower lips now. She had tasted so sweet. I could spend all day with my tongue buried in her entrance but what was the point of telling her that? It would only encourage her.

“Let’s go!” I said sternly.

“Please just answer the questions! And then I’ll go!” she said, her eyes imploring me.

I sighed.

“I get it. Ok, let’s go,” she mumbled, opening the wall.

We walked back to her chambers in heavy silence. I saw her into her room. My heart constricted painfully in my chest when I opened her bedroom door and he was there sitting at the little bedside breakfast table in one of the two ornately carved chairs.

“Who is this?” Was his first question.

“A pack warrior,” answered Hesper, her tone devoid of sweetness and more like what I had heard about her.

“Holden, the eldest nephew of Alpha Otto and therefore next in line,” said Holden, introducing himself like he was a third party.

I nodded gravely. He was handsome in a classic sort of way, more refined than rugged like me. I willed myself not to feel envious, not to wonder if she found him attractive, if she would k**s him and touch him when I left the room.

“And you are?” Prompted Holden, looking affronted by my silence and lack of introduction.

“A pack warrior!” Snapped Hesper.

“Pack warriors have names don’t they, Dear?” Asked Holden snidely.

“Well, I don’t bother to learn them or ask them,” snapped Hesper. “They’re too many to keep track of,” she said haughtily.

I was discerning enough to understand that she was protecting me by showing no interest in me and even some disdain, taking on a condescending attitude towards me in the presence of the clearly suspicious Holden.

“He must be high ranking to escort you alone. A squad leader,” said Holden.

“How many are in a squad again?” Asked Hesper, frowning, successfully distracting Holden this time.

He laughed airily. “We went over this yesterday! It varies,” he said, leaning back in his chair.

“You look beautiful,” added Holden, eyeing her figure in her dress.

“Thank you, cousin,” she said pointedly.

He frowned. He put his hand on her knee, bunching up the fabric there, to reveal the bare skin of her knee, smooth and soft. He stroked it lovingly, making her shiver in discomfort rather than arousal. My wolf was murderous. I was murderous.

“I will take my leave, Princess,” I said with a bow.

She waved me away dismissively. My heart throbbed even though I knew she was feigning disinterest. She had all but thrown herself at me before this. I wondered what if she were truly crazy, both in love with me and indifferent depending on her mood.

Holden was squeezing her knee. She yelped a little. He smirked and didn’t apologise for causing her pain with his rough hands. I felt sick. I was transfixed to the spot.

“Weren’t you leaving?” Holden asked, his silky laughter filled with malice.

I nodded and headed slowly to the door. I paused with my hand on the doorknob.

“Go!” Barked Hesper, faking outrage at me for lingering.

Holden chuckled.

I will take you away from here, away from him, I whispered over mind-link to Hesper who was so relieved I felt giddy on her behalf.

Sleep in my room tonight, pleaded Hesper.

No, I answered to which she telepathically gasped.

I could feel her sadness.

I won’t let you sleep tonight, I told her.

Her misery dissipated instantly.

See you tonight, she said.

In the hallway outside her room, I paused.

One more thing, I said.

Yes? She asked somewhat wary yet hopeful.

Two things actually. One, you should know that I absolutely love kissing you and two, nothing on earth tastes better to me than you.

I knew her cheeks were burning.

I went back to training but I could not focus. I was worried that Holden was putting his hands on Hesper. I kept mind-linking her to make sure she was all right.

Just checking in, I said, halfway through training.

Again? You mind-linked five minutes ago? She giggled.

No! It was fifteen minutes! I timed it! I admitted, feeling like the clingy one now.

Well, I’m ok. Holden is just going on and on about his plans for this pack. That’s all he cares about! She said, sighing.

He’s not…I began.

He’s not touching me. Don’t worry! She said.

Ok, I said.

“You’re a million miles away,” said my best friend, Marco, softly.

“Sorry, I just have a lot on my mind,” I admitted.

She’s the one, isn’t she? Asked Marco.

I don’t know what you’re talking about, I said, my heart racing.

Princess Hesper, she’s your mate, isn’t she? And she’s engaged. It all fits with what you asked me the other day. You asked me what I’d do if my mate, Mia, was promised to another. If it were me, I would take Mia and run for the hills, said Marco.

I can’t talk about this right now, I said.

I excused my squad members from practice early for which they were grateful. I could not let Hesper marry Holden. It would be easier to walk away if he was a decent man but he was unhinged, spiteful, dangerous. Hesper deserved better, much better, than him. She deserved better than me too.

Star (Present Day)

My current reality had this dream-like quality to it. Sitting next to my twin and his mate as we tried to change my mother from cold lifeless stone to living breathing flesh. Dad’s memories were sharp though. They seemed more authentic than the present. Everything was hazy. I felt drained but I had to give it my all. It was exactly as Solander had said, like trying to retrieve the raw ingredients of a baked cake. Dad’s mine was a maze but it was the key to reviving my mother. I just knew it. I looked at the statue in her likeness. It could have been a trick of the light but I swore there was a blush to her grey cheeks.

Heath (Past)

“What are we going to do?” Whispered Hesper.

She was sitting on her bed with her head in her hands. She had managed to keep postponing her impending nuptials, buying us time together, time to plan.

“Are you sure?” I asked her, my heart racing.

She had just delivered news that changed everything.

“I’m sure. I took so many tests,” she said.

“Does anyone else know?” I asked.

“Just the doctor,” she said.

“Can we trust him?” I asked.

“Yes, definitely,” she said, coming over to me.

She cupped my face in her hands.

“What now?” She asked.

“We do what you’ve been asking me to do from the very beginning,” I said simply.

She bit her l*p nervously.

“We get you and our baby out of here. We get you both to safety,” I said.Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

“And you!” Insisted Hesper.

“I’ll have to hold them off if they come after you and the baby,” I said.

Hesper shut her eyes tightly.

“Don’t make me raise this baby without you,” she pleaded, her voice cracking.

I caressed her cheeks, wiping her tears with my thumbs.

“You’re gonna be ok. The baby is gonna be ok. You know I would do anything for you. Hesper, I love you. I’m in love with you. I don’t want to live in a world without you. I will do everything in my power to get you and the baby out of here!” I promised.

“You’re coming with us!” She demanded fiercely.

“Of course I am but I need you to be prepared if things go south. If they do, don’t look back, get yourself to safety. The neighbouring Alphas respect me. They like me more than your father does, that’s for sure. They’ll safeguard you. They’ll hide you. I’m sure of it,” I told her.

Hesper sniffled.

“You wanna hear something wonderful?” She asked.

“Ok,” I said, smiling.

She took out a small ornate box. I recognised it. It was her music box.

“I put a spell on it to change the sound when I open it,” she said, smiling.

She opened the box. No music played. Just a galloping sound. What was that?

“Hesper?” I said. “Is this…”

“The heartbeat?” She asked, sniffling. “Yeah,” she said, tears streaming down her face again.

I held her tightly in my arms. I did not realise I was crying until she started drying my eyes.

“Notice anything?” She said.

I listened carefully. I gasped.

“It sounds like it’s multiplied…like…there are two! Two heartbeats!” I exclaimed excitedly.

She nodded eagerly.

“Twins,” she said softly.

I pressed my lips to her as tears streamed down both of our faces. I focused on the sound of my babies’ heartbeats and the sound of mate’s heartbeat, perfectly synchronised with mine. I was holding my entire world in my arms: my mate and our two children. I held on tightly.

Holly (Present Day)

I was not a wolf so I did not have the same keen hearing as Prince Harper and his twin. However, My Lord and I were linked.

Do you hear that? Asked Harper in my mind, his voice sounding thick like he was close to tears.

No! What? Show me, Your Highness! I insisted.

Holly! Chastised Harper.

Show me, Harper, I obliged him, saying his name.

He pulled me into his mind through our link, letting me see what he was seeing and hear what he was hearing. I heard something steady and rhythmic, like the beat of a drum. It was faint at first but as Harper focused on it, it became louder and louder. I recognised. A heartbeat. I was listening to a heartbeat. My eyes snapped open. I gazed at Hesper’s statue. There was a beating heart within it. Hesper was alive! Really, truly alive.

Heath stumbled towards the statue. In his haste, he tripped. He fell at her feet.

“Do you heart that? Does anyone else hear that?” He asked, his voice shaky.

I knew he meant her heartbeat. He looked up as colour appeared trailing upwards from her extremities. Her fingers and toes shifted from grey to olive. The colour spread up her arms, legs and torso. Her carved stone dress became soft fabric. Her hair swirled around her as it transformed from stone tendrils to silk tresses. Her face was filled in with colour. Her stone eyes blinked and when they opened again, they were real, filled with light and life. She looked down at the man at her feet and smiled.

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