Billionaire Ascendancy


Chapter 59

She decided to use Such opportunity in asking her why she couldn’t go there but her explanation turns her off completely.

“Lisa actually called me and asked me to come for the donation. Whether my blood will match with his own but I don’t think so and besides I’m currently out of the city. I won’t be back till tomorrow”.NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

She couldn’t help but smirk at her over the phone even though she didn’t let it show. Raven was stunned by her lies and words.

This was someone that Lisa actually told her she was Actually at the Maxwell group company trying to bring in false news to them. *But can’t you leave wherever you are right now to save him? He really needs the blood transfusion Jenny and I’m afraid that if it wasn’t provided he could die”. Raven urge her about it again..

“I know you really cared about him but I can’t help. Do let me know if anything happened to him”.


Now this was the chance Jenny had been waiting for. Even though her plan wasn’t going in the way she wanted, she was glad that it turned out to be this way. She wanted him to die badly. She’s just waiting for the goodness of his death being announced to her. Jenny gives her father a call concerning Stefan’s health. As she wants to know if he’s making any movement so she could stop him from making such. “Hello father, have you heard of the condition of Stefan? I heard here was shot and was taken to the hospital. They’re even demanding blood which I can’t give. And right now I seem to be the wicked one since Lisa wants me to pay him back for the help he gave to me some months ago”. Jenny awaits his grandfather’s response on what she said. Hoping he wouldn’t advise her to donate the blood for him.

“I hope you’re aware that he’s your cousin Jenny? Please before it’s too late why don’t you go donate the blood they need for him. I’m sure yours will match with his own”. Jenny heart skipped over Kendrick words. “I’m sorry grandpa but I can’t do this as much as I really want to do this. Stefan should endure whatever pains he’s passing through right now because he deserves it. Of course he made a Great mistake for Going to rescue raven in the first place because he shouldn’t have interfered in any business she has with Ava”.

Jenny smiled over her words on realizing that she would be able to change his thoughts over what she Said. “I understand Jenny but you should overlook everything he has done. Stefan is My grandson and I won’t allow anything bad to happen to him”. The conversation came to an end with him as she bit her lips and decided to pay him a visit to the hospital. Probably two hours later so it wouldn’t look like she has been lying all those whiles. And waiting perfectly until it was 6pm. Jenny made her way towards the hospital he was admitted to.

And if she got Such chance to kill him, she wouldn’t hesitate to press his neck until he gives up. Jenny didn’t let her attention known to the doctor as she didn’t bother asking them of Stefan ward in order to avoid suspicion from them. She sneaked into the hospital slowly without anyone questioning her and started looking for Stefan ward. She wouldn’t know for sure of the particular ward he was in until maybe she could detect him from the door hole. Finding it hard to locate her ward, she gives Raven a call, asking her about Stefan ward but unfortunately, raven was too smart to call out Stefan ward number to her without knowing her attention. Raven could only tell her to meet any of the doctors and ask them about him so they could direct it to her.

Jenny was about to give up on her plans at the moment when she saw Lisa coming out of Stefan ward. Ohhh finally! She muttered to herself and took a step forward to the ward door and opened it. Lisa was the only one she sees right now with Stefan who seems to be dead on the bed. Jenny could see the startled look on Lisa’s eyes as she smiled at her. “Are you startled to see me? Did you really think I wasn’t going to come and see my cousin?” Jenny questions her with a serious look as Lisa scoffs. “All the best you can. I’m just pondering why you couldn’t come that moment I called you. Anyway, your help isn’t needed again so you can just take a look at him, just like you’ve wanted to do and know whether he’s still breathing or dead.. so you can go afterwards”. Jenny feels so insulted with Lisa’s words as she drags her ear. “I don’t understand your deal Lisa. Mind the way you talk to me because I’m not your mate okay. I’m I not expecting to see my cousin again? You will be shocked to see that the person you’re devoting your life to will forget you Later once everything turns out differently.

Do you really like Stefan that much that you’re doing all of this just for him to get your attention? Instantly, Lisa removes Jenny gripped from her ears and drags hers the way she did on her own as Jenny begins to scream.

“how does it feel now Jenny? I’m sure you know I’m a human being like you? Expect to be treated in the same way you treat people. If you treat people with care, they will also treat you with it as well”. Jenny couldn’t help but bite her lips in anger. “Trust me Lisa. This isn’t the end. I don’t want to make a big scene with you here at the hospital. Which is the reason why I’m letting you go. Just see this as an opportunity to free you but I promise to make you regret it Once you get out of here. I’m sure you won’t be here forever, are you?” Jenny whispered in her ears but was surprised to see her laughing. “A lot of people have threatened me with such words Jenny but since you’re Kendrick’s granddaughter then I expect so much from you.. please keep according to your words Jenny”. Lisa Shrugged at her with an alluring smile as she held her hand together in Angers. On watching him from where she was standing, she could see that he wasn’t recovering and this was her chance to press him but the wicked Lisa wouldn’t let her. She just needs to find a way in keeping her out of the ward for a second.

“Can you go get me some water? Jenny Shrugged at her as Lisa scoffed for a while before giving her one of the Bottle water which she had brought earlier and giving it to her. “It’s not cold please I need a cold one”. She managed to put ‘Please’ in her statement in order to get her. Lisa went ahead to bring the last one which was cold for her but Jenny also rejected it. “Do you mind buying me a warm little cold water outside?” Jenny shrugged at her with a polite voice for a while as she volunteered to go and help her in buying it but Remembering the words Raven had shrugged at her, she quickly gave her back the money. “I’m sorry Jenny but I just realized that I need to watch over him. I can’t leave Him alone here”..

Lisa pouted out like a twelve year old whose life has been devoted to serve his master and stay by his side forever. And Jenny was forced to burst into laughter even though Lisa words that pained her reached her bone. “Why are you increasing my hate for you Lisa? I hope you’re aware that you’re sounding like a twelve years old teenage girl who knows nothing. Your matter has really tired me Lisa. I can’t lie. Now, not to waste my time on you, can you just go outside. I need some privacy alone to talk to him”. And again, Lisa burst into laughter when her conversation wasn’t really hilarious. “I really don’t know whatever you’re planning to do right now but I’m sorry to disappoint you that it wouldn’t work. It can’t work okay? Not on me nor him. Maybe I could give you that privacy which you wanted by drifting away from you so you could talk to him”. Jenny hasn’t been More annoyed than this. Lisa was just spoiling her plans by being so smart. “You remember what I told you right? Going out to buy bottled water for you and going outside to give you that privacy which you needed is the same thing and I’ve told you already that my motive was to stay by his side. Sometimes I ponder if you do hear well”. Jenny chose not to answer her but walk away since her plans couldn’t succeed.


Ava on the other hand got home to prepare herself and went back to the hospital again just to spend the night there. She carried food along with her in case he woke up anytime. So she could eat. Apart from that, she was kind enough to also have brought some for Lisa. Lisa was stunned to find him back. “I wasn’t really expecting to see you back again Ava but I guess you’re doing all of those things because you feel guilty over what you’ve done. Lisa shrugged at her as she felt like struggling her to death but she wouldn’t answer her.. she knew Lisa was just looking for what she will say which she needs to ignore. “I’m a good person Lisa . don’t see me as a bad okay? Just think about the good deed I have done for lots of people. And now if you don’t mind, I brought you some food to eat. Maybe you should go home and take a rest. I will keep an eye on him throughout the night”. Ava shrugged at Lisa who Found her words to be funny. She doesn’t just know why everyone keeps telling her to leave him. What are they planning? What if she leaves him and comes back the next morning just to find out that he was dead? Funny enough, she starts to believe that they have plans together which wouldn’t work because she wouldn’t Let it happen. “Thanks for the food but I’m satisfied. I have gone out to eat already”. She shrugged at her as Ava took a deep breath. “Alright!! If you say so!!” Ava concentrated on the food she was eating when she suddenly received a call from her friend ‘stella’ “Babe check the internet.. the post has been deleted already; don’t worry because I’m certain that everything will be forgotten in the next one month to come”. Stella advises her as she thanks her and ends the call. Lisa could see how quiet she was and how she had lost appetit over the food she was eating before. And without being told what happened, Lisa could feel that she was feeling guilty over what she had done. Because of the way she suddenly turned cold after receiving such a call from her friend, Lisa decided to advise her on what to do.

“At the end the post later got deleted isn’t it. At the end you ended up shooting the one you love all in the name of taking revenge which wasn’t necessary. You’ve hurt Raven so much Ava and I think you should go and apologize to her. I’m telling you this now as someone that wishes you the best in whatever you’re doing”. Ava gave Lisa a dangerous gaze the moment she uttered such words which seemed like a mockery to her. “Please Lisa, if you don’t want to face me tonight can you just mind your business? please let me have some peace by keeping your mouth shut and out of my business”. Ava warns her as she apologizes to her. “That will be my pleasure Ava. Let’s just mind our business and besides, I just can’t wait to get out of here”.



“Stefan, please wake up. You need to be strong, okay. You can’t leave me alone. Remember your promise to me. Remember your promise to my grandfather.. please wake up and fulfill such a promise”. I gasped as I woke up from the nightmares I was having, with my heart panting so heavily and My Face sweating profusely. I glared around myself and found out that I was in a hospital. So all those while I have been having a dream? A dream that had no ending until Raven appeared to me and told me to wake up. I looked around and Found Lisa, who was sleeping on a mat with someone that looks like Ava. I searched around, hoping I could find Raven but she didn’t come and that was when I realized that we weren’t together any more. I couldn’t help but ponder why I was here. I removed the drip which seems to be fixed in my body and sat down over the edge of the bed. Not quite long, Lisa woke up and was startled to see me awoke. “ohhh my Gosh Stefan!!!” She screamed excitedly and went to hug me. Making me ponder about why she was acting this way. “Why do you seem so excited Lisa? Haven’t you been seeing me? I questioned her, not understanding what was happening. “ohhhh no sir, please don’t tell me you have a memory lost over what happened. Can’t you remember anything? She shrugged at me as I nodded my head at her. “what actually happened to me and what I’m I doing here?” I question her as she gives me a disappointed look. At that moment, Ava wakes up and rushes to hug me in excitement. “Ohhh thank God you’re finally awoke if not I wouldn’t have imagined what will happen to me” . At that moment, everything came rushing back to me and that was when I realized what she meant by the words she just uttered and I had to push her away from me. “Why are you here? What are you doing here? I question her with a disguised look as her happy countenance changes immediately. “I…. I…. th…. thought I should come and spend the night here just to see how you’re doing”. She Sutter as I shake my head at her in disappointment.

It would have been Much better if I wasn’t disappointed in her but I’m really disappointed and had hoped I didn’t have to see her. “I think I should go since you don’t want me here”. She uttered sadly at me and I didn’t care to stop her. After all the time was going to 7am so she should better get Ready for work instead of being here with me when her presence isn’t needed. I wouldn’t want to punish her for what happened because she was someone closer to me. I would just forgive her for this mistake she made by chasing her out of my life. If she was someone different, I would have taken the matter to court but she was someone my grandfather knows and I wouldn’t want to give grandpa the reason to hate me or any other person who wouldn’t be in approval of such decisions.

I turned over to Lisa and smiled at her. “How’s Raven doing? Is she fine? It’s not like I care about her or have any plans of being with her later in the future. I don’t just want to see her get hurt. I just want to fulfill Alexander Black promise by doing my best to protect her even though we’re far away from each other. “She’s fine sir. I’m happy to see that you finally regained your memories”. I could see the happiness in her eyes as she uttered those words. “Please give me Stefan Lisa.. instead of ‘sir’ maybe you can address me with that at work”. I shrugged at her as she hugged me one More time and started crying as we disengaged from the hug. “I thought you weren’t going to make it but at the same time I was hundred percent sure you could after Raven finally donated blood to you which made my mind calm. It wasn’t easy though because we found lots of people that could donate blood to you including Jenny and grandpa but they all said it was impossible until Raven shows up and she agrees to donate her blood for you after its match together”. Just by looking at her, I could see how stressed she was over everything. She really did a Great job looking after me. “Thank you so much Lisa. I can’t ever forget about everything you’ve done for me today”. What happened grandpa? What did he say when you called him? I wanted to know how they reacted after the incidents that happened to me but with Lisa’s explanation, I could see that grandpa didn’t care about me but that isn’t my concern because I really don’t need his cares or fake love around me.

And I guess Jenny wished I was dead so she could take over the company. But I’m just grateful to God that nothing happened to me and I was able to pass through all those plans of the Enemies. “I don’t know but I think you need to be careful around Jenny. She came here asking me to give her some privacy just so that she could have a conversation with you. Just be on a watch for her because she’s capable of doing anything. Just to get everything she wants”. And just as we were talking, her phone rang out and it was Jenny calling her. “Pick up the call and let’s hear what she has to say”.

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