Chapter 9

“My queen are you okay!?” A guard rushed in and hurried to me with panic in his voice, he must have heard to sound of the breaking cup.

Sage rushed in almost immediately looking scared.

“I am so sorry my queen I totally forgot to take the cup away… The king will kill!” She panicked as he knelt down and picked the pieces of the cup.

“My queen you’re bleeding!” She yelled in shock and fear filled in her voice as she stared at my wound.

“I will quickly go get the aid box before the king notices it” the guard said and hurried out before I could say a word.

“My queen I am so sorry for my carelessness, I am ready to be punished just please forgive me” sage cried as I signed.

” There is nothing here, it’s just a small cut that doesn’t hurt much” I said frustrated by the so much care.

This kind of cut never freaked commoners like me out, we literally lick the blood off and it’s done but here they are panicking as if I fell from a high mountain.

The king walked in gently as he looked at my bleeding legs, I was about hiding it but their was no need again.From NôvelDrama.Org.

I could see the fear in sage’s eyes as she bowed on her knees, she is definitely gonna get punished and I won’t be able to help out.

“My queen here is the aid bo…” the guard froze on the sight of the king as he quickly bowed, he was equally in trouble because he was standing by my door.

I wished I could help but anger in the king’s eyes brought shivers down my spine as I could feel a huge lump on my throat Making me swallow hard.

“What happened to her” he started coldly

” It’s ju.. just a small cut, it doesn’t hurt at all, I mistakenly hit my legs on…”

” Shut up woman I didn’t ask you!” He yelled as I flinched in fear, why is he so angry for just a minor cut.

“Sage I assigned you to take care of her and this is the best you can do?, What made you leave the cup here!?” He shouted staring down at sage who was shaking in fear.

“I am so sorry my king, Prince Ray…”

” There is no need explain Sage, I assigned you to take care of my wife as the best maid in this palace and you started by giving her a wound?… You’re definitely getting punished” he said coldly and turned to the guard.

He had said the word “wife” with so much power as if he owned me and yeah he does, he own me and I gotta accept him just as his brother has advised.

“Brooke, I list expected this from you” the king said coldly looking at the silent brooke as his drifted back to sage and then me “guards!!” He called as three guard hurried in.

I expected sage and the guard to beg and cry but they didn’t, they just bowed quietly as if they where prepared to be punished, I am sure they are used to this already.

“Take them both to the stable, make sure they clean everything and make that place near” the king ordered as the guards took them away without them hesitating or trying to struggle out.

Cleaning the stable wasn’t an easy work!, It is a disgust one where you clean animal poop and all the mess they made expecially horses, I am sure the work will be tedious because of the number of horses in the castle.

Now I was left alone with the ladies man, just the both of us in my room just the thought of that sent shivers down my throat as I felt like I was choking with nervousness.

The way he stared down at me was so scary that I could just see myself moving from that spot I was.

He sat on the blue couch gently as he crossed his legs together.

“Ouch my ball… My ball!!” He yelled as I made to stand from the bed “never mind just kidding” he giggled.

How can someone giggle without Expression written on his face!, That was exactly what he did and by the way he got me scared by his little act. It won’t be good if the King dies or gets hurt in my room, zinnia wouldn’t skip to use it against me.

“Seems like you love me already” he said as I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

“You wish” I thought to myself as I kept staring at him with thoughts of how to get rid of him ran through my mind.

“Wait you don’t love me?” He said raising his brows, I didn’t know if he was getting angry or he was just messing around with me but one thing was sure, I was scared of what might happen next…King Archer is not to be joked with.

“I don’t love” I found myself saying as if I lost my mind for some seconds, on realizing what I said I quickly used my palms to shut my mouth scared of the king’s reaction.

“Oh wow, I must say I married a brave woman!” He said with a slight smile that didn’t reflect to his eyes “well, I don’t expect you to love me anyways, you are more than a wife to me Pearl, you are my dominant!… I married you to submit to me whenever I want and that’s just what you are to me” he said with full authority as I gulped the lump that grew in my throat.

“Why do you think I warned all my wives not to get pregnant?, That’s because babies won’t only make me responsible they will also take full right of what belongs to me, I will have to share you with them!!” That’s the dumbest thing I have ever heard in my life!, Like who says that about kids… Definitely King Archer does, he respects no one.

“But you Pearl!, You ruined everything by getting pregnant, you defiled my rules!” He yelled angrily as his veins popped out, I could see that he was trying hard not to stand up and strangle me or hurt me as he kept on standing and sitting back down “But, I ain’t angry any more, you have won and I don’t have a choice than to accept your defeat right?” He said relaxing back at the couch and gave a smile that didn’t reflect to his eyes.

I was shivering in fear sweating like I had ran a long race, I needed some air as this man wasn’t giving me space to breath and think straight!, He was scaring my lungs out of me.

“You might be wondering why I suddenly decided to let you have your baby… Right?” He said as I found myself nodding slowly.

Indeed I really wanted to know his reason for that, like why me?, None of his wives were allowed to get pregnant and that followed with a strict rule and knowing who he truly is made me want to know why he gave me a chance without hurting.

“As you can see, I respect my sick father’s wish a lot. He seemed to prefer you to all the women I got married to for some reasons and I think I know why” he paused as he ran his fingers through his hair and rubbed his palms together, he was suddenly talking to me calmly, he is getting me confused!.

“You know?… You’re the only woman that my dad genuinely picked for me, the rest of them are married to me because I found them lustfully attractive or maybe because of more power, like zinnia. I found her in a party and her body drew me to her… My father has patiently waiting for you to recover so we could get married and I am sure he made me sleep with you because he wanted a kid and he wanted it from you. So as a good son I decided to keep you, maybe that would make him recover quickly” he said as he signed, what a reason he gave.

At least I would escape from sex till maybe I give bath, would could be better than that!?.

“My father might see you as a perfect match for me” he scoffed “But I see you as none other but my young sexy dominant with the perfect body, nice bum and boobs, mouthwatering lips and to sum it all… Your red hair!!!, You are just all I want in a woman” he said gazing at my body lustfully, such a jerk, the way he looked at me made me feel dirty.

I thought Zinnia said the king hated red haired girls, I had believed her thinking that I have escaped from the king’s wants in a lady but here he is admiring literally everything in my body… I should never believe Zinnia.

“And if you think being pregnant will send you far from my bed” he clicked his tongue ” you’re very wrong, because I won’t fail to f**k you the way I want” My throat dried up from the sound of his voice.

Just when I thought I escaped again he was planning to do worst to me!.

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