Becoming the Richest Man Alive

Chapter 169

Chapter 169

Seeing that people started to gather around him, Casper got off his car to ask for directions.

He approached a middle-aged woman and asked politely, ‘Excuse me, can you tell me where People’s Community, No. 1 Apartment is?”

The woman’s expression, however, turned strange at the mention of the address.

He was bewildered. She appears to be trying hard to suppress a laugh. A sarcastic laugh, for that matter. But I can’t make out if she’s snickering at me or toward the family I’m looking for. This is weird.

Still trying hard to stifle a smile, the woman pointed her finger at the road. “Go along this road, turn left at the crossroads and then take a second right. Once you reach People’s Community, you can ask for more directions.”

Slowly, Casper realized that the elder woman was not the only one looking at him oddly.

A few other middle-aged men and women started to gather around him and they all shared the same, complicated expression with a mixture of suppressed laughter, sarcasm, sympathy, and even contempt.

Casper had never witnessed such a rich exhibition of facial expressions. Honestly, he was even more impressed by the fact that these were displayed on a group of people instead of just one person.

It looks like they are all familiar with Amelia’s family. I had no idea her family is so well-known in the community. Things may be worse than what I’d imagined.

Casper paused for a few more moments to digest the information.

He took a deep breath and was about to bid goodbye with the middle-aged woman when suddenly, she appeared as though she was hesitating to speak.

“Is something wrong?” Casper asked.

“May I ask why you are looking for that family?”

“I’m Amelia’s classmate. She hasn’t been to class for a few days, so I thought I’ll check up on her,” Casper explained.

“Frankly, I’ll advise you against it. The family is dead set on trading their daughter in exchange for money. They won’t waste any more money on sending her to the university.”

The comment from the woman seemed to have opened the floodgate for more people to voice their opinions. “The girl is kind and not at all like the rest of her horrible family, who are real bloodsuckers.”

“I’m telling you, they’ve definitely gone mad. They’ve borrowed money from literally everyone living within in the ten-mile radius.”

“That’s right. It’s not that we mind lending a hand to them in times of crisis. After all, we’ve been neighbors for the longest time. The problem is, they’ve never paid back any of the money they’ve borrowed!” her voice was full of distaste.

“I’m afraid they’re now fulltime con artists and will do anything for money. There’s no line that they won’t cross.”

“Other than the elder daughter and Harvey, they’re all dirtbags!”

“Who’s Harvey?” Casper asked curiously.

“Harvey is Amelia’s father. He passed away a few years ago due to some illness.”

“Because of that, the family was able to live luxuriously for a little while.”

“They are shameless bast*rds. They didn’t even leave a cent for the daughter despite the sizeable inheritance from her father,” cried another woman. It was not difficult for one to detect the indignation in her tone at the family’s unfair treatment of Amelia.

Casper finally understood why everyone had the same expression on their faces.

They’re all repulsed by Amelia’s family.

Casper shook his head. “I’m worried about my friend, so I’m still going to look for her,” he uttered before leaving in his car.

As Casper’s car slowly moved out of sight, the elder woman let out a long sigh. Neither she nor those standing next to her could understand how a sweet girl like Amelia was related to a family who had no morality whatsoever.

Meanwhile, after another twenty minutes of turning around in the alleyways, Casper finally arrived at the address given by Hilda.

Third Floor, Building 1, People’s Community.

It appeared to be a yard with a three-story house.

The design style of the house, however, clashed bluntly with the rest of the community buildings, causing it to stick out like a sore thumb.

The immediate surroundings of the house were deserted sandlot and withered crops.

It was as though the occupants in the stand-alone house attempted to distinguish themselves from the residents by alienating their residence from the other villagers.

Casper got off his car and walked toward the door.

His arrival had captured the attention of the mother and son who had been waiting in the house as they dashed to the door to greet him.

They were mentally prepared to meet with the wealthy Prince Charming, but instead, they were greeted by an unkempt Casper arriving in a Santana.

The glint of excitement and expectation in their eyes were immediately replaced with disappointment and disdain.

Well, that sucks a big one. He looks like a penniless hobo. Hilda pursed her lips.

Just as Hilda was sizing him up, Casper, too, was paying close attention to Hilda and Cody.

Cody was wearing the latest Adidas series from top to toe with a pair of limited-edition sneakers. His entire outfit would have cost thousands.

Nevertheless, Casper was taken aback by the unsightly appearance of Cody.

Not only was his oily face littered with zits and pimples, but he was also chubby.

Unlike Robin’s baby fat that people might find appealing, Cody was clearly overweight.

Casper was convinced that his pudgy figure was the direct result of unchecked diet. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

I can’t believe this. Not only do the siblings bear no resemblance to each other, but the way they are treated by the family is a world apart. They’re clearly spoiling Cody but treating Amelia as though she’s not part of the family. Could that be the reason why they are always out to get her and see her as an outcast?

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