Becoming strangers again (Lily and Ryan)

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

Chapter 29 RYAN I’m utterly astounded that that imbecile dared to raise his hand against Lily. Seriously, who does he think he is? What gives him the audacity to even consider such an action? Not a single hair on her head should be harmed, with or without my consent As I gazed out at the bustling streets, clutching a cup of scalding coffee, I struggled to quell the raging storm of anger again” I asked, trying to refocus. ger within me. “What’s his name “James Adams,” Angelo replied. “He’s Victoria Adams‘ son. Victoria is known as one of the top event planners in Canada. Stepping away from the window, I made my way over to the sofa and sank into its soft cushions. “So, what’s James up to these days?” “He’s a surgeon,” Angelo informed me, his eyes scanning the details recorded in the file grasped firmly within his hand. “Graduated from the University of Colombia, he made his return to Canadian soil three years back, following the passing of his father.” A sigh escaped me, mingled with a hint of frustration as I reflected on how much simpler things would have been if James had just stuck to his profession. His silly actions has dragged me into business, something that could have been avoided altogether. But Angelo wasn’t done yet. He cleared his throat. “Here’s where it gets interesting.” he continued, commanding my undivided attention once more “Victoria’s brother was once wedded to the woman who previously held ownership of the hospital now under Ms. Lily’s management.” The pieces began to fall into place. Their shared history hinted at a level of acquaintance beyond mere passing familiarity. “What’s with the violence if they know each other!? Angelo’s response was swift and incisive. Unless their sights are set on Lily’s hospital,” he suggested, his words carrying the weight of possibility, The sense of entitlement can blind one to the consequences of their actions. I nodded in agreement, acknowledging the truth in his words. “So, where does James currently practice his profession?” “He works as a surgeon at Central Hospital, Angelo replied, his voice steady as he provided the pertinent information. However, my attention seemed elsewhere, lost in the flow of my thoughts. Sensing my distraction, Angelo cleared his throat, breaking through the haze of my contemplation. “I’ve been thinking,” he began cautiously. “perhaps it’s best if you refrain from involving yourself in their affairs.” My brows furrowed in confusion as I redirected my focus towards him. “What do you mean by that!” I inquired, seeking clarification. “I mean, perhaps it’s not wise to seek retribution, he elaborated. “Your recent

prominence in the media hasn’t exactly been for positive reasons.” A frown creased my forehead as I locked eyes with him, determination flickering in the depths of my gaze. “I want him behind bars for assault, and 1 expect you to ensure it happens,” I asserted firmly. The mere thought of James laying a hand on Lily filled me with a righteous fury. If I hadn’t intervened when I did, the outcome could have been far worse. “And don’t do that again Confusion flickered across Angelo’s features as he mumbled, “Do what, sir!” I gritted my teeth, my tone steely. “Don’t presume to advise me on what I should or shouldn’t do, I articulated, my words laced with a palpable intensity. “Not unless 1 explicitly request it.” He nodded. “I apologize for crossing the line sir.” He pulled out his phone. “I will make the call to have him arrested.” He slowly retreated from the living room. “I want him in there for a week!” he close the door softly behind. Later in the day, I decided to handle business. Angelo as usual handled the steering as he is the only one who drives with calm and ease amongst my security. “Are you going to say what’s on your mind?” I snapped at him. He has been sparing me glances through the rear–view mirror occasionally, thinking I will not take notice of in. “Are you still upset over the way I spoke to you carlier?” He shook to his head. “I already got use to your method of communication.” He replied. “Have you seen the news?” he asked me. “What on earth are they blabbering about me now? I muttered exasperatedly, my fingers swiping through the news feed on my phone. With a deep Turrow etched between my brows, I delved into the articles, parsing through the words with intense concentration. While it’s admittedly a relief to stumble upon some positive coverage for once, the lingering unease gnawed at me, knowing that Lily is once again thrust into the unforgiving. glare of the spotlight. 11:36 AM Chapter 20 Angelo’s interruption sliced through the tension, pulling me away from the screen momentarily. “Your father called while you were in the shower, he relayed, his tone tinged with a hint of weariness. “He’s absolutely livid about the news.” It’s like clockwork with him, always finding some reason to be riled up. Perhaps that’s where I inherited my lack of anger management. “He also made it abundantly clear that you’ve been neglecting his calls and insisted that you should give him a ring.” The mere thought of entertaining that conversation sent a shiver down my spine. No way am I dialing his number now. He can stew in his anger until I return to New York. “And about those pictures, Angelo continued, his voice tinged with genuine concern, “do you have any inclination to address them?” Kaising my phone once

more, 1 fixated on the image displayed before me. “No, let it be,” I murmured to myself, a smirk tugging at the corners of my lips. Let the controversy brew. The more discord the couple have over our photos circulating online, the better my chances of rekindling things with Lily. After all, no woman desires a relationship devoid of peace of mind. Just as I contemplated the potential benefit of the scandal, my phone buzzed in my palm. Glancing down, my mood soured upon seeing Stephanie’s name flashing on the screen. Swiping to accept the call, I brought the device to my car with a heavy sigh. “What do you want?” I greeted her tersely, bracing myself for the impending confrontation. Stephanie’s scoff echoed through the line, “Is that any way to address your woman, Ryan?” she chided, her tone laced with irritation. When met with silence on my end, she scoffed once more. “What’s the deal with those pictures of you and Lily plastered everywhere!” Leaning back in my seat. I gazed out of the window, my thoughts drifting. “Surely you didn’t dial my number just to inquire about that,” I retorted, my voice tinged with indifference. She sighed heavily, her voice tinged with dejection. “When are you coming back, Ryan?” she whispered, her tone pleading. Tm sure you don’t have that much business over there, so why prolong your stay and drive me crazy with these pictures? Once again, I offered no response, feeling no obligation to justify my actions to her. “What’s going on, Ryan?” she pressed, her voice fraught with frustration and concern. “If you truly wanted to know, Stephanie, you wouldn’t have left without so much as a word, I retorted sharply, the sting of her sudden departure still fresh in my mind. She sighed again, the sound laden with resignation. “Is that what this is about? Are you trying to punish me for leaving?” “Punish you?” I scoffed incredulously, my laughter tinged with bitterness. “Don’t flatter yourself. Stephanie. I have things to attend to. With that, I ended the call abruptly, feeling no inclination to indulge her further Attempting to dial Lily’s number next, I found it still blocked, eliciting a surge of frustration. “Lily thinks I’m bluffing about the shrimp.” I muttered to myself. Angelo shot another glance at me through the rear–view mirror, his curiosity evident. “She still hasn’t unblocked you?” His words held a hint of amusement, and I could swear the smirk danced across his face. “But you’re blunting, right?” “I’m not,” I replied flatly, my tone devoid of any hint of jest His eyes widened in disbelief, a comical expression crossing his face. “Do you have a death wish?” he exclaimed, his shock palpable. “Refusing your injection after consuming something you’re highly allergic to is akin toThis is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

courting death.” “She’s testing my patience.” I muttered, more to myself than to Angelo, the frustration simmering just beneath the surface. “But I’ll show her just how resolute I can be Later that evening, ng, after wrapping up the day’s tasks, I indulged in a shower, preparing to call it a night when my phone broke the silence

. Glancing at the screen, I noted the unfamiliar number and briefly debated ignoring the call. However, on a whim, I decided to answer. “Ryan Williams, I greeted. “I sensed you were avoiding my call,” my father’s low yet authoritative voice filled my ears, a pang of regret gnawing at me for not heeding my instincts. “I haven’t been avoiding your calls; I’ve simply been occupied,” I replied, making a beeline for the bar to pour myself a drink, knowing I’d need it for this conversation. “Occupied with what exactly?” he countered sharply, his tone a mix of incredulity and concern. “You’ve been absent from the otice for two weeks, haven’t made any strides toward starting a family with Stephanie, who’s been here for over a week, and you’re not even considering marriage! How 11:36 AM Chapter 29 do you plan to safeguard your position at the office?” I’m attempting to do both, I argued, feeling the weight of his expectations pressing down on me. “Trying to do both of what?” his voice rose in frustration. “Marriage and starting a family. Though th e latter takes precedence over the former,” I explained, bracing myself for his reaction. “What does that even mean? his frustration was palpable, his words laced with disappointment. “It means I’m in the process of courting the woman who will eventually become the mother of my children.” Chapter 30

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