Baby With The Billionaire

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Jade's POV

I took a second bite of the pizza that was in front of me. I never taught I'd ever been in this position, in

my boss's condo eating pizza with him watching.

Hell, I've never even taught about having sex with my boss either but it all started with one demand,

one which was hard to deny especially since I'm in debt.

The question that tickled my mind, though, was why would Kyle want to have a child out of wedlock.

After meeting his parents on a few occasions they don't seem to be the sort of couple who would want

their dear son to get a someone knocked up especially someone with my social status. So why does

having a baby so important to him?

"Why do you want a baby so bad?"

He looked at me for a couple of seconds then answered. "I don't want to get married but I want to have

a child, so that child can be my heir."

'Oh," I then took another bite of my pizza. "But why?"

He arched his eyebrows at me. "Why what?"

"Why don't you want to get married?"

He laughs then took a slice of pizza for himself then started to eat it. At first, I thought he wasn't going

to answer but he then said. "I have so many reasons not to want to get married. One, I'm a billionaire.

Two, no woman is going to love me, only my money. Three, marriage can be complicated."

I laughed at his silly reasons for not wanting a relationship. "First, not everybody cares or even knows

yours a billionaire. People won't know unless you flaunt it or they've seen you somewhere or in

something and that's not a valid reason why you wouldn't want to get married. Second, not all woman

are gold-diggers, if you look to find someone who will love you for you and not for the wealth you have.

Third, marriage is only complicated if you let it be."

He shakes his head. "What about you? Do you want to get married?"

"Well yes, eventually. When I find a man that loves me unconditionally and I love him the same way."

"Don't you think he'll mind?

"Mind what?"

"Mind that you have a child for your boss or rather a billionaire. He probably starts using you and the

child so he can get to me."

I laugh, "You know they're some good people in the world who are capable of being in love without

money even being mentioned."

"Come on, think it out. Do you think that a guy will someday see you in the street and walk up to you

and tell you that you're the most beautiful girl he's ever seen and he'd like to take you out on a date."

I smiled. "No, that's not exactly how I imagine it, close but not like that, we met in an elevator." He

laughs. "But of course I have to change it up now because I will be having a baby in probably nine

months so I have to put him or her in the picture. "

"And when you do put this child in the picture, how would you meet your 'soulmate'." He lifted his hands

and air quote soul mates.

"Well, to think of it, it would be good if we met at the park when I take the dog for a walk and bring my

little angel with me."

"Oh, I see. He's going walking his dogs, dog lovers and then you guys start dating but he realize that

you see the child's father too much, that's me of course. Then he says it either him or the baby. Who

would you choose, your only child or the man you love?"

"It won't go like that,"

"It might,"

"You're being cynical,"

"It's a reality. Now, who would you choose, the man you love or your precious child?"

"That's a dumb question."

"Just answer"

"I'd choose the child."

"Of course you would, now the man leaves because you didn't choose him and you are left alone."

"I think if I keep talking to you about marriage you're going to get me really upset and we're not going to

able to do when we came here for so, I'm going continue eating my pizza because I really want us to

have sex, I've being thinking about what you said and my senses are on the alert, especially one. I

think you know which one it is.

He smirks. "I can guess."

"Good. Now, Leave me to eat my pizza" I smirk and continued eating.

After a few moments of silence, he finally speaks. "Does your brother have a job? "

I looked up at him, "Well yes, kinda. He paints."

"You're brother is a painter. Interesting."

"He's a good kid who loves painting and that's what he wants to do so I'm not going to try and stand in

his way of what makes him happy." I sigh. "He sells his paintings and the money helps a little."

He looked up at me. "At least you're not forcing him."

"Never. One thing I've learned was to never force a person to do something that he or she wouldn't

want, they"ll become rebellious."

"Well, you wouldn't have any problem with that now, would we because your brother is already


"It's not that he's rebellious he just always seem to like the wrong types of girls, you know. The ones

who are taken."

He laughs. "Your brother like things that don't belong to him."

"Exactly. "

"What about you?" he asked.


He nods, "Do you like things that don't belong to you?"

"No, I was never a jealous girl. I want something I go to get my own. Never red eye."

"Red eye?"

"A Jamaican saying."

"You've been to Jamaica?"

"Nope but my parents did before my brother and I were born and they learned a lot of saying from


"It's a beautiful place." he smiles. "I went there three years ago on business. One of the best time of my

life." he laughs as he remembers the event. "They have the most wonderful people. I even tried to learn

a few words from their language, Patios."

I laughed, "What did you learn?"

"Wah gwann?"

I laughed even harder, "For real? I think most persons know that one."

"Well too bad, that's the only one I remembered."

"I figured." I smiled. He wasn't that bad after all, he knew when to have fun. At least I know something

about him, the real him; not the one in the magazines or at the office."

"What are you thinking about?" he noticed that I spaced out.

I lifted my head up and look in his beautiful set of eyes, "Nothing important." I lied because knowing

him is really important since he will be the father of my unborn child and will be having a very big part in

my life in the months to come. "Just thinking of what ingredients they used in this pizza, I want to make

one at home."

"You cook?"

"Yup, there is a lot of things you don't know about me."

He looked into my eyes. "That's true but I plan on finding out every single about the woman who is

going to conceive Mr. Kyle Dale Jr." NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

"You've already named the baby?"

"Yes, that's what makes a good parent, one who plans ahead."

"I see." I was beginning to see. Would he ever let me into any of the decision he'll be making towards

our child or will it just be him? He is my boss and his characteristics as a father will not change.

Demanding, Independent, Successful, Commanding. Will he be those to me, to our baby? I hope not

because he would find out that I'm not one to be controlled and I will not tolerate bull from him.


"We should probably take a shower first," he suggested.


He raised his brows. "Not what I was thinking but that's not a bad idea."

I smile. Why did I even asked? A shower wouldn't just be a shower. It would be so much more. I walked

over to the bathroom door but he was still at the entrance of the room. "Are you joining?"

"I'll be there in a few," he said with a smirk making me wonder what he had in store while I stayed in the


I walked into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror at myself. I was still wearing the clothes I went to work

in. My hair was in a bun. I didn't look sexy. I looked like a teacher. Teachers weren't to look attractive

and sexy, they were to look professional. I sigh and lifted my shirt. Only standing in the skirt and bra. I

looked down at my flat belly which will not be that way in the months to come. I smiled. I'll be carrying a

baby I there. I'll be a mother. I don't know if I should be excited or scared. Will I be a good mother?

I shake my head. Of course, I'll be, I love kids. I wanted to be a parent anyways just not like this.

I slowly took off the rest of my clothes hoping that he'll come in to see me undress. It never happened

so I just entered the shower alone. I turn on the tap and just let the hot water run on my body. After a

long day at work, this is what would relieve me from the stressful day especially since Mr. Dale didn't

make it an easy one.

I closed my eyes an enjoy the feeling. Calm and relaxation running through my veins until my waist was

touched by something or rather someone cold. I jumped and turn. "You frightened me!" I said as I hit

his shoulder.

He smiled. "Sorry".

I left my eyes to shift downwards and then I total regret it because I couldn't stop blushing at the sight

of his erection.

"Like what you see?"

"More like love."

"I like the sound of that"

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