Arrogant Boss

Chapter 51

I kicked at his leg under the table. “I’m not sure why that movie didn’t get me. But I definitely cry to others.”

“Tell me.”

“The Lion King. Black Beauty.”

“So basically anything that’s animated and acted out with animals. I’m not sure that’s much better.”

“I guess,” I grinned. “But I did cry at Titanic and there’s not an animal in sight!”

He snorted. “That movie just made me mad. So much mismanagement, from start to finish. The captain was an idiot. Also, that door was absolutely big enough to fit both of them.”

“I know! Why do you think I was crying?”

Julian grinned at me, his eyes soft again in the way that made my stomach tighten. Dangerous, dangerous ground. I knew I should be guarding my heart but he made it more difficult with each passing day.

“My favorite holiday was when my dad and I went camping.”


“Yes. Why do you look so surprised?”

“I’m not sure… you just don’t strike me as the camping type.”

He laughed. “I’m not sure if I should be offended or flattered by that.”NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

“Um… flattered? I’ve never gone camping.”

He put his fork down. “You can’t be serious.”

“My family never did the whole outdoorsy thing. My parents were dentists!”

“That’s it.” He shook his head. “I’m going to take you camping one day.”

The idea felt absurd. “Really? You’re going to take me camping?”

“I have to introduce you to nature, clearly.” He glanced down at his smartwatch. “We’re meeting with the outside consultant in twenty minutes. Let’s pay and head back.”

We settled the bill and headed back out into the dry summer air. My dress was work-appropriate, with a three-quarter-sleeve and ending just above my knees, but it was considerably cooler than Julian’s grey suit. But if he was too hot, he sure didn’t complain.

As we turned the corner to the office, he leaned down to whisper in my ear. I’d grown very familiar with the scent of his aftershave by now, but it still managed to leave me a bit breathless. “What would you do if I put my arm around you right now?”

I glanced around, made sure no one saw, and then gave him a sugary sweet smile. “I’d key your Porsche the next time we go somewhere.”

Julian’s laughter made my stomach tighten even more.

The meeting we were heading to was with an outside hire, a consultant hired to bring new ideas to the table-the decision that had been so controversial in the press team. Rachel had found the graphic designer, and in her classic Rachel way, she hadn’t informed me or the others about who he was. But he’s great, she’d hurried to add. Stellar track record.

Julian would supervise the meeting-partly because he was interested in the creation of the new logo-and partly, he’d told me, because he wanted to be in as many work meetings with me as possible. I love watching you when you have to act all professional with me, he’d told me a few days earlier… right before he had tugged my panties down with his teeth.

Julian pressed the button for the eleventh floor and took my hand in his as the doors to the elevator closed. “This ought to be interesting.”

“It’s going to be absolute chaos.” I reached up and pressed a kiss to the sharp line of his jaw. “I have no doubt you’ll enjoy every moment.”

Julian’s smile was sly as he tugged me closer. “You know me so well already.”

The elevator gave a loud, cheery sound and slid to a stop. I took a step away from him.

“Oh, so cuddling with your boss in the elevator is considered too intimate?” He frowned. “I’ll have to make some changes.”

I couldn’t help grinning. “Just behave, Hunt.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Julian followed me through the wide corridor towards the meeting room. Animated discussion drifted towards us, with raised voices and awkward laughs.

Five heads turned and I instantly regretted that we hadn’t staggered our arrivals. This might seem suspicious.

But they all just smiled. Rachel put a hand on the shoulder of a fair-haired man. A very, very familiar man. Recognition flooded through me, along with acute shame.

“Mr. Davis, it’s my pleasure to introduce you to Julian Hunt.”

But Mr. Davis only looked at me, a smile growing on his face. No, no, no. This couldn’t be happening, and not here of all places.”Emily?”

“Ben,” I said weakly. “It’s been a long time.”

He rose gracefully and rounded the table. “I didn’t know you now worked at Hunt Industries.”

“I do, yes.” I extended a hand-act professional, Ben-but he gave me a hug. I patted him awkwardly on the back once and shot a sideways glance at Julian. He was staring at the back of Ben’s head, disapproval written on every line of his body.

I extricated myself. “Ben, this is Julian Hunt. He is the founder and CEO of Hunt Industries and will join us today.”

Ben extended a hand. “Mr. Hunt, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Julian raised an eyebrow and shook Ben’s hand with slow, heavy strokes. “Likewise, I’m sure.”

“Have you had Em working for you long?”

I couldn’t help it-I physically cringed. Ben was digging his own grave deeper with every passing moment and doing his very best to pull me down with him.

Not to mention the fact that six people in this room were listening to every word spoken, and with every word, the situation became more and more unprofessional.

“Ms. Giordano has been working as a press secretary at this company for nearly two months now.” Julian’s voice was ice. “She is excellent at her job.”

“I’m sure she is. ”

I cleared my throat. “Shall we have a seat, gentlemen?”

“Let’s.” Julian pulled out a chair for me-something he had never done before-and while he didn’t touch me, I imagined I could feel the proprietary hand he wanted to put around my waist all the same. I took a seat next to Rachel and opened my work tablet.

“Let’s begin.”

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