Arranged marriage : Married to an unknown man


Xavier Knight

“Xavier, son, how are you!” My mom lunged onto me the moment I entered the living room of Knight’s mansion.

“I’m good. How are you?” I asked, embracing her in my arms.

“Now that I have seen you, I’m more than fine.” She replied.

“Hey, dad.” I side hugged my father.

“Where’s your wife?” Dad asked.

“Yes Xavier, where is Ariana? How is she? I wanted to meet her too.” My mom asked.

“She…had some work,” I replied in low voice.

“Xavier, are you still upset with us?” Mom asked sadly.

Was I? Well, I was but not anymore. They are my parents and I love them to death but they shouldn’t have done that. They shouldn’t have blackmailed me into marriage. It’s my luck that Ariana didn’t turn out a bad woman, she’s the best woman I have ever met. My parents were so confident about her nature. But what if they had emotionally blackmailed me to marry some brat?

I wanted to bring Ariana with me to tell my parents about our developing feelings but it’s good that she wasn’t with me right now because I wanted some answers from my parents. I wanted to know what was the emergency that they had to take that step to marry me off. If they were that much eager to marry me to Ariana they should have asked me to meet her first.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’m not upset anymore.” I sighed silently.

“You don’t sound like that. Xavier tell me, Is everything okay between you two?” Mom asked hesitantly. Her hesitation proved that she knew that what they did was not right.

“Mom, Dad, before I tell you anything about me and Ariana, I want you to answer my questions,” I said. They both looked at each other then at me.

“We know you’re confused with our behavior. We didn’t give you time to think about marriage. That was our mistake but trust us, Xavier, we didn’t have time. It had to be done that way.” Dad replied, slumping his shoulders. That is what I wanted to know. Why it had to be done that way?

Before I could ask anything, my phone vibrated. It was Ariana. She must be waiting for me in the office.

I picked up the call but before I could speak an unknown voice spoke.

“Hello..” I frowned hearing the voice.

“Who’s this? Where’s the owner of the phone? I asked sternly.

“Sir, the owner of this phone has been rushed to the hospital. She met with an accident. Your number was on the emergency call list that’s why I called you. Please come to 24/7 health care hospital.”

“A.. acc.. accident?” My heart dropped in the pit of my stomach.

“I’m on my way.”

“What happened?” My parents asked.

“A.. Ariana is in hospital. I.. I have to go.” I stuttered. Fear gripped inside me.

“What?!” My parents got alarmed as well.

“You go. We’ll follow you.” Dad said.

I rushed to my car and ordered Finn to drive as fast as he could. When the car stopped in front of the hospital, I ran inside.

“Excuse me. A woman named Ariana has been admitted to this hospital a few minutes ago. It’s an accident case. What’s the room number.” I asked the receptionist in a hurry.

“She is in room number 130.” The receptionist replied, typing on her computer.

When I reached the floor I saw a female doctor coming out of room number 130. I immediately ran towards her.

“Excuse me, Doctor. How’s Ariana.” I asked in a hurry. I was impatient to know about her.

“Xavier? Hi? Do you know the patient? A friend?” Amanda, the doctor, who by chance is my friend, asked.

“Yes, Amanda I know her. What happened to her? Who brought her here? Is she okay? Can I meet her?” I asked. My heart was pumping blood furiously.

“She is okay. She’s lucky that she wasn’t hit by the car. She has some small wounds and cuts on her arms and legs but that will heal in no time.” I sighed in relief after hearing that.

“This couple brought her here,” Amanda said pointing towards a middle-aged couple.

“Hello, I was the one who called you. Here, these are her belongings.” The lady said and passed me her bag and phone.

“Thank you so much for bringing her here. Where did you find her?” I asked.

“We were heading back home from the supermarket, the moment I pulled my car out of the parking lot, this lady came running out of dark alley which is beside the supermarket. I pushed the break before my car would hit her but she dropped on the floor unconscious. I even tried to search for someone in that alley but I couldn’t anyone. We immediately brought her to the hospital.” The man said.

Dark alley? What was she doing there? And from whom she was running?

I thanked the couple again and gave them my card so that they could call me in case they needed any help. Then they left.

“Xavier, please call her family. There’s something I need to talk to them about her.” Amanda said.

“Tell me then. Is something wrong?” I asked.

“It’s personal Xavier, I can’t tell this thing to a friend. Please call her family.” She insisted.

“Tell everything to me.” I again said.

“Xavier why don’t you understand. I have to tell this to her family.” She argued.

“Goddammit, I’m not her friend. I’m her family, I’m her husband. So just tell me what you have to say.” I shouted in annoyance. Her eyes grew wide and her jaw hung low.

“Hu…husband? You’re.. married?” She asked in shock.

“It’s not the time to discuss this.” I snapped.

“Yeah right. Sorry. So…come with me inside.” Saying that she led me inside the room.

The moment I saw my Ari lying on the bed with IV tubes and a heart rate monitor attached to her body, my body trembled. I walked near her bed and ran my hand on her face. She looked so pale, so fragile, her always twinkling eyes were closed and her soft luscious lips were dry, her bright face lost the shine.

“Xavier, when she was rushed here, she was trembling and mumbling ‘please leave me, it hurts, I’m sorry’ repeatedly.” Amanda paused for a moment and looked at me.

“Her heart was racing, she was sweating in this cold weather and the situation was very bad. After checking her condition I concluded that she had a panic attack.”

“Panic attack?” I frowned.

“Yes. And when I was checking her body for any injury I saw something that I concluded the reason for her panic attack.”

“What did you find out?” I asked.

“Scars.” She mumbled.

“Scars?” I asked in surprise.

“You don’t know? You never saw them? You’re her husband. Right?” She asked in confusion.

“I am. We married recently and…”

“Oh, okay. Has she ever talked to you about this?” She asked.

“No, she never but I saw her having a nightmare, she was mumbling the same as you said before,” I replied while looking at Ariana’s face.

“Xavier, I don’t know what’s going between you two and I don’t want to know but let me clear you that… she was abused, her scars say that all, and this has traumatized her.” She replied softly. Abused?

“Can…can I see her scars?” I asked.

“Of course. You have all the right.” Saying that she pulled her shirt up from her belly and my heart stopped beating when I saw red marks on her lower abdomen. My hand trembled when I tried to touch those marks. My hand fisted automatically before it could touch her.

“She has some on her thighs and lower back,” Amanda exclaimed and a chill ran down my spine. More scars? That’s why she never wears clothes that show her skin?

“When will she be up?” I asked, swallowing a lump formed in my throat.

“I gave her a light sedative to make her sleep. She’ll be up in an hour or maybe early. I’ll leave you two alone now. I’ll be back.” Saying that Amanda left the room.

I extended my trembling hand again to feel those scars. My heart constricted the moment I felt her cold skin with my fingers.

“Ari, who did this to you? Why you never told me about this? Don’t you trust me enough to tell me about your fear, your insecurities? What are you hiding Ari, please tell me? I’ll listen to you and I promise I’ll punish every single person who hurt you.” I said, lacing my fingers with her.

My eyes were filled up with tears but I didn’t let them flow.

“Please Ari, wake up, look at me. Tell me what were you doing outside the office building when I told you to wait for me there? Why are you so stubborn? You always defy my orders. Why? What happened there that led to a panic attack?” I asked in a trembling voice.

“Wake up fast my piglet.” I kissed her hand which was laced with mine.

She’s still a mystery for me. I didn’t know how much she had gone through, how many times she had cried, how many times she had asked for help, how many time she was… abused. Who did this to her? It’s better not Andrew and if by chance I get to know that he’s the one, I would send him to his death bed. I’d not care if it’s Andrew or anyone else I’d not spare anyone who hurt my Ari.

I had never felt this before. Fear, that’s what I felt when I received the phone call. Fear of losing her. I can’t imagine my life without her. She has become more than an addiction to me. She’s someone who turned my world upside down. She changed me for good. She’s someone who I want to see happy and satisfied.

I couldn’t see her like this. I wanted to see her smile, her laughter, her bright face. I wanted to see her cute expressions. I couldn’t see her lying here almost…lifeless.

She had become my happiness, she’s in my every thought, her presence soothes my eyes, her laughter is a treat to my ears, she has become a reason for my smile, she had become my world, my everything, my love.

L.. Love? Did I say, love? Was I in love with her? Of course, I was. All these strange things happen when someone is in love and I loved Ari.

“God, Ari… You didn’t have to lay on a hospital bed to make me realize my love for you.”

I was so damn stupid. I was in love with her and I didn’t know about it?

“I love you, Ari. I love you so much.” I kissed her forehead, her eyes, and her cheeks.

“I never thought I would confess my love like this,” I mumbled, holding her hand tightly.

I sat there holding her hand. After a few minutes, my parents entered the room.

“What happened to my daughter?” My mom rushed towards the bed.

“I never thought that I’ll meet my daughter in a hospital bed.” Mom said sadly. Dad patted her back.

“Mom she’ll be okay. The doctor said she’s fine, she just has some bruises.” I said. I couldn’t tell them about the panic attack.

“I’m relieved that she’s okay.” Mom said, brushing Ariana’s hair. Her eyes were filled with worry. She was behaving like she knew Ariana very well.

“Mom, Dad, I’m going outside for a few minutes. Don’t leave the room until I come back.” Saying that I went outside the room and out of the hospital building into the front garden of the hospital.

I needed fresh air, my head was spinning because of unanswered questions that were striking the wall of my head. Mom and Dad know Ariana very well, that’s for sure, but how? I had never heard about her from them. And Ariana, what happened to her? Who did that to her? When did all this happen? And what the hell happened in that alley that triggered a panic attack? There were many questions but I didn’t have the answer to any of them.

I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. To calm myself down, I inhaled and exhaled several times. I called Daniel and Sean and informed them about Ariana’s accident.

I sat on a bench for a few seconds. Suddenly, my phone vibrated, phone screen indicated my Dad’s number. I picked up.

“Xavier come in the room now. Ariana is up and she’s screaming.”

Without thinking twice, I ran to the room and when I reached there I saw Ariana sitting on the floor in the corner of the room, screaming, while two male ward attendants trying to hold her.

“What the hell is happening here?” I shouted and rushed towards them.

“Xavier they are just trying to help,” Amanda said.

“They were manhandling her. Can’t you see she’s scared? Get out you two.” I shouted pushed the attendants away and kneeling I hugged my Ari but she cried and struggled to get out of my hold.

“It hurts”

“Don’t tie me”

“It hurts, go away.”

“Xavier help me. They’ll hurt me. They’ll hit me.”

“I want Xavier. Please call him.”

“Hey, shh.. I’m here, your Xavier is here. I have got you. No one’s gonna hurt you. I’m right here Ari.” I cooed, stroking her hair. She immediately stopped struggling and looked at me with teary eyes.

“You’re here?” Saying that she encircled her arms around my neck and hiding her face in my neck, she cried. And the tears I was trying to hold flowed down my face. My heart broke in million pieces watching her in a vulnerable state.

“Th.. Thank you for coming. Th.. they we.. were trying to h.. hit me.” She cried.

“No one will dare to hit you, my love. I’m here for you. I’ll always keep you safe.” I mumbled in a cracked voice, kissing her hair. She sobbed harder which made me tighten my hold to make her realize that I was with her.

I pulled away and wiped her tears with my hands. I saw blood on the back of her hand. She must have pulled the IV tube harshly which made that spot bleed.

“Why did you get up from bed? See, now your hand is bleeding.” I took hold of her trembling hand.

“I w.. was so sc.. scared. I.. I thought they’ll come again. They’ll hit me a.. again.” She sniffed.

“Who are they, Ari? Please tell me. I’ll punish them for hurting you.” I asked her but her tears again started to flow. I shushed her and didn’t ask the question again. She was not in the right state. I’ll ask afterward. For now her health, her stability is important.

I helped her stand, her legs trembled a little but I steadied her before she could fall.



Sean and Daniel entered the room and rushed towards us. Ariana looked at them with teary eyes and stretched her one hand towards them. Both of them immediately snaked their arms around us. We stood there for a minute comforting Ariana by embracing her between us.

Then I helped her to bed and helped her lay down.

“Please don’t leave me alone.” She mumbled in a weak voice, gripping my hand.

“I’m not going anywhere,” I whispered, kissing her forehead.

Amanda cleared her wound and again attached IV tubes to her hand. She then infused medicine in the IV bag. Ariana kept her eyes on me to make sure I was right there with her. I sat beside her to make her aware that I’ll not leave her. I’ll be always there with her.

Writer’s PoV

Amanda, the doctor, was amazed looking at the scene in front of her. First, she never knew her friend who was considered the most eligible bachelor is married. Since when? She didn’t know. Her heart also constricted looking at the woman who was Xavier’s wife. She seemed so vulnerable, so fragile, she must have gone through a lot. The scars she saw on her body proved that she was badly abused.

She was surprised to see that the woman who didn’t stop struggling and screaming when she tried to help her, she even didn’t calm down when Mr. And Mrs. Knight tried to console her but immediately calmed down the moment she heard Xavier’s voice, she stopped screaming the moment she felt his touch.

And did she see tears in Xavier’s eyes? The scene in front of her eyes indicated true love. She didn’t know for how long they both were married but she knew that they both love each other. She saw it with her own eyes.

Myla Knight was crying, hugging her husband who was holding her tightly. Myla and Rupert Knight couldn’t believe what they saw. Ariana, the girl they had tried to keep safe from any injury or other bad things was broken from inside. Something had happened to her which they weren’t aware of. Since the day her father died, they both tried their best to protect her but it felt like they failed. They failed to keep the promise they made to her father. They failed to protect her.

But one thing surprised them to the core, the way she reacted in the presence of their son. Both of them thought that Xavier was still not happy with the marriage. Xavier would never accept her as his wife. They thought they couldn’t ever make Ariana happy. They thought their son would never forgive them. Those thoughts were eating them from inside.

But what they saw warmed their heart. The trust Ariana has in Xavier, the way she was asking for Xavier like he was the only one who could help her, keep her safe, almost made them cry in happiness. Xavier also embraced her as she’s the most important person in his life. Their son’s tears proved that they hadn’t done anything wrong by marrying him to Ariana. They both have developed intense feelings towards each other.

They might have failed Peter by not being able to fully protect his daughter from the cruel world but they were sure that now Peter’s soul would rest in peace looking at his daughter who had got someone to protect her from the bad eyes of the world. Peter would be happy up there that his daughter who was alone had got her support, had got someone who’d love her more than he ever did.

Myla and Rupert decided to tell everything to Xavier so that he could understand why they forced him to marry Ariana. So that he could find out and punish whoever made Ariana so vulnerable. So that he could do something that they failed to do. Protect her.

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