Arranged marriage : Married to an unknown man


Xavier Knight

Exiting my suite, I ran to the reception area to ask the staff if they saw my Ariana. I showed them a photo of Ariana which I have on my phone. I clicked photos of her without letting her know. They said that they didn’t see her going out of the hotel which made me more worried. I even asked the guards if by chance they saw her but they also denied. Then one of the hotel staff members informed me that he saw her entering the bar of the hotel. I refused to accept that because she always avoids the crowded area, she wouldn’t go there. But I decided to give in, what if she really was there?

I entered the bar which was huge and lighted up with neon lights. It was based on the silent disco theme, people there were dancing and drinking with their headphones on. I searched for her in the sitting area and even on the dance floor but she wasn’t there. I walked near the bar counter but couldn’t find her there. After a failed attempt of searching her, I made my way out of the bar but my steps halted when I saw her sitting in the utmost corner.

All my senses came alive when I looked at her. Without thinking twice I ran to her and kneeling I hugged the life out of her.

“Goodness Ariana you almost gave me a heart attack,” I mumbled, kissing her head repeatedly.

“Go away… I’m mad at you.” She pushed me away.

“I know you are…wait? Are you drunk?” I asked when I smelled alcohol in her breath.

“Drunk? I don’t take alcohol remember? I wanted to drink juice but the bartender said they don’t serve plain juice here. Then I searched the menu card & I came through a drink named tequila sunrise shot which contains orange juice so I ordered it but it tasted so bitter. But then I thought that my mood is bitter because of you that’s why my taste buds also got bitter. So I drank all the cute little glasses.” She blabbered.

“How many cute glasses have you had?” I asked in amusement. Cute glasses? Seriously? I was worried but her cuteness threw my worry away.

“Are eight glasses counted in ‘how many’?” She asked, giggling.

She drank eight shots of tequila sunrise shots? Though it contains less amount of tequila, still, it’s enough for a non-drinker to get drunk.C0ntent © 2024 (N/ô)velDrama.Org.

“Listen, Ari…”

“Why should I listen to you?” She snapped which made me look at her in surprise. Did she just snap? Wow! That’s new!

“Did you listen to me? No, you did not. I wanted to tell you that it wasn’t my fault. I’ll never make such a mistake even in my dream when I know how important this project is for you. I wanted to tell you that your PR employee Bianca swapped the folder when I bumped into her. She wanted revenge on me. I don’t know what problem Diana and Bianca have with me. They even pushed me which sprained my ankle. I wanted to tell you but what you did? You cursed and said… DON’T and then left.”

“What?!” I asked in shock.

“Yes, they even insulted me. And you know what Diana said? She said I’m not worth spending time with you. Is that true? Am I that bad?” She mumbled sadly. I sat beside her and embraced her in my arms.

“No Ari, you’re not bad at all. You’re the only woman with whom I want to spend my time. You’re worthy of everything.” I said.

These things are going on in my company and I was not aware of it? How dare they insult her? How the hell they dare push her? Ariana never lies. I would have a serious talk with them after I reach there. And if I get proof of Bianca swapping the folder, I’d fire her and even Diana for not concentrating on work and misbehaving with Ariana.

Thanks to drunk Ariana that she told me everything. Sober Ariana wouldn’t have told me that. She always saves others.

“I’m really sorry Ariana that you had to go through all that. Why didn’t you ever tell me anything? I would have taken some action.” I mumbled, stroking her hair. She pulled away and picked up her half-eaten burger.

“I don’t want to give you an answer.” She said, stuffing the burger in her mouth.

“Okay don’t answer but stop eating that, it’s unhealthy.” I snatched that greasy burger from her hand. But she snatched it back.

“I’ll do everything that you stop me from doing because I’m mad at you.” She scowled and took a big bite of the burger and finished it in another bite. I huffed and rubbed my face with my palms.

“Are you done?” I asked. She nodded her head in response. I stood up from the chair and helped her stand too.

“Let’s take you to the room.” I bent down to lift her in my arms but she stepped away.

“You can’t just pick me up anytime and walk like a king. I can walk.” She shrieked and started walking but stumbled on her steps. I immediately steadied her by snaking my arm around her waist.

She’s bossy when she’s drunk, bossy but cute. I like this side of her.

“See, I can walk.” She exclaimed proudly. I didn’t correct her, instead, I helped her walk to the suite.

Forcing her to sit on the bed-because she was denying-I stood in front of her.

“Where’s your phone? Why don’t you ever pick that up?” I asked.

“My phone is in my waist bag and I was ignoring you that’s why I didn’t pick up your call.” She stated, removing the bag from her waist.

“How many times should I remind you to always keep your phone with you and always pick it when someone’s calling.” I scolded her like I was scolding a kid. She guiltily looked down forming a wavey pout.

She’s my definition of cute.

My piglet…

She always saves herself from scolding by making these adorable faces.

“Now you sit right here. I’ll go get water for you. Don’t move, okay?” I ordered. She nodded her head and sat in a lotus pose then placing a pillow on her lap and she rested her elbows on the pillow. She cupped her face between her palms.

I brought water and extended my hand to give it to her. She shook her head vigorously.

“No, I want food. I’m hungry.”

“No you’re not, you just ate. Now drink this water.” I said sternly.

“No, I want food.” She’s is stubborn as hell.

“Okay fine, I’ll order food but first drink water.” She again denied it. I groaned and pressed glass on her lips but she refused to open her mouth.

“Ari, I’m helping you to reduce your hangover. Just drink it.” I said frustratingly.

“Nooooooo. Pizza.” She shrieked. I smacked the glass on the table not bothering if it’ll break.

“I’m trying to make you sober and you’re demanding some unhealthy food? You just ate a greasy burger. Now you want pizza?”

“Pizza.” Goodness, this woman.


“Alright, I’ll order it, but first drink water, change your clothes.” I slightly raised my voice but instantly regretted it because her eyes glistened up with tears.

Goodness women and tears. I was pretty sure those were fake tears. She just wants that fucking pizza.

“Why are you so stubborn?” I asked. Now she started crying and let me tell you, tears are nowhere to be seen, she was just making a crying sound.

“You scolded me.” She cried.

“I. Did. Not.” I gaped at her.

“Yes you did, call Sean here.” She started faking a cry.

“Are you listening to yourself? I’m standing right in front of you and you’re asking for Sean? Why?” I gaped at her.

“Call Sean, I want to talk to him. I’ll tell him that you scolded me.” She scowled.

“And what he’ll do?”

“He’s my brother, he’ll scold you.” She stated nonchalantly.

“And I’m your husband. And If your dear brother wants to live, he won’t dare do that besides he didn’t come to France. He canceled at the last moment” I lied. She narrowed her eyes and glared at me.

“Liar. He’s here, he informed me the moment he landed here in Lyon.”

Fucking Sean. Bloody traitor.

“Call him now. Now, now, now, now, now.” She screamed and starting throwing pillows at me.

I take my words back, she’s not cute when she’s drunk. She converts into a monster when she’s drunk. And I don’t like this side of her.

“Goodness, woman stop. Fine, I’m calling him, just calm down.” I snapped. It was the wrong idea to leave her alone.

She stopped screaming and flashed a cheeky grin.

I rolled my eyes and called Sean but he didn’t pick up the call.

“Your brother isn’t picking up the call. He must be sleeping. You should sleep too” I said to her and in no second a flying pillow came towards me hitting me in the face.

“You’re lying, you didn’t call him. You’re saving yourself from being scolded.” She scowled.

“Stop hitting me. What’s my fault if he’s not picking up the call?” I snapped.

I picked up all the pillows and placed them back on the bed and went out of the room. I immediately called Sean but damn he wasn’t picking up. I called again and again until he picked up.

“What on Earth you want to talk which can’t wait till morning? I’m in the middle of something.” Sean growled the moment he picked up the call.

“And I’ll chop off that middle part of yours and you’ll never be in middle ever again if you don’t come in my suite right now.” I snapped at him.

“Why do you want me to come to your suite? Don’t you have your wife to entertain?” He groaned. She’s the reason you fool.

“Just fucking come now,” I growled.

“This better be important.” Saying that he cut the call. I waited for him in the living room not wanting to face that monster sitting in bed.

The doorbell of my suite rang after five minutes indicating the arrival of Sean. I opened the door to face scowling Sean.

“You better not dying of cancer.” He growled.

“I’m not but…” Before I could say anything a high-pitched cry came from behind.

“Sean.” Again fake cry.

“What did you do to her? Why is she crying?” Sean immediately ran towards her and gripped her shoulders.

“Why are you crying, Ariana? Did this fucker said anything to you?”

She gasped out loud and pulled away from his grip. I stifled my laugh. Now, this fucker will get the scolding.

“What did you just say? Sean, you used a bad word!” She narrowed her eyes at him by putting her hands on her waist.

Cute… No, not cute. She’s a monster.. monster, monster.

Sean’s face was worth watching for. I secretly opened my phone camera and started recording everything. I’ll send it to Daniel and will save this moment for life to tease him.

“S.. s.. sorry Ariana, it just came out of my mouth because I can’t see u cry. Please forgive me.” He pleaded because he knew he won’t be forgiven easily.

“No, you are not sorry because you didn’t hold your ears.” She stated. I laughed but closed my mouth when they both send me a deathly glare.

“Okay, here I’m holding my ears. Sorry Ariana, I won’t curse again.. in front of you.” He said last words under his breath but I heard him.

He really fond of her that’s why he easily gave in. That’s rare in the case of Sean. She changed the three of us for good.

“Okay, I forgive you.” She smiled brightly.

“Now, will you please tell me why you were crying.?” He asked. Her eyes again moistened up and she made a crying face. Here we go again. She’s such a drama queen. Guess, Daniel got a competition. How is she even doing this?

“He scolded me.” She said, pointing a finger at me.

“I did not.” I slightly raised my voice.

“See? He is raising his voice again. Sean, scold him and tell him not to do it again.” She pouted and that fucker looked at me in amusement. Before he could say anything, I spoke.

“Ariana, he will scold me but only when you’ll go to your room. Right, Sean?” I gave him a warning look.

“Y.. yeah Ariana I’ll scold him. You just go and take a rest, okay?” He said to her.

“Okay.” She smiled at him and after glaring at me, she left.

Thank goodness… I sighed in relief.

“How much did she drink?” He asked.

“8 tequila sunrise shot,” I mumbled.

“Goodness, she’s a cute drinker.” He laughed. I shot him a glare.

“You didn’t see the monster behind that cute face” I grumbled. He just laughed and patted my back.

“Now, what did you do to her? Why was she behaving like that?” He asked after he stopped laughing.

“I didn’t do anything, I was just trying to reduce her hangover and just refused to order pizza for her then she started throwing tantrums and asked for you so that you can scold me,” I replied in frustration.

“You called me for this matter? You’re her husband, you could’ve handled it by yourself. Just because of you I had to come leaving a woman on my bed and fuck now after watching that adorable face of Ariana I can’t continue what I was doing. You’re such a cockblocker.” He groaned and left the suite.

I shook my head and headed towards the bedroom. Hope she is asleep.

When I reached the room she wasn’t there, the bathroom door was open so I stepped inside and found her lying in the empty bathtub. She had changed her clothes. I sighed and went near her. A smile formed on my lips when I saw her sleeping in the bathtub with a pout on her face.

No one can say that this cute woman is hiding a monster inside her. Cute monster..

I picked her up in bridal style and walked back to the room.

“I’m mad at you Xavier. You didn’t listen to me.” She mumbled sleepily. She was hurting because of me.

“I know my piglet, I know. And I’ll make it up to you.” I whispered, placing her on the bed. After covering her up with a duvet I kissed her forehead and sat there, watching her sleep.

She really made me worried. I thought I lost her which turned me into a mess. I can’t afford to lose her. I can’t see her going away from me. She’s making me feel what I haven’t felt for anyone. With every passing day, my feelings are intensifying towards her.

I kept on making mistakes after mistakes. I don’t know how many times I’ll apologize. I’m such a fool, instead of getting mad at her, I should appreciate her efforts. She’s so perfect. She is pro in handling every situation. And she’s forgiving, I know she’ll forgive me when she’ll wake up in the morning. And I don’t deserve that. I don’t deserve her but I can’t leave her and can’t let her leave me. I’m addicted to her now, her fragrance, her eyes, her smile, her laughter, her pout, her glares, her kisses, I’m addicted to everything. In a short period she became my happiness, she became my world.

I got up from the bed and changed my clothes then I slipped beside her and scooped her towards me making her stick to me. I kissed her cheek and whispered..

“I’m really sorry for what I did.”

“Good night my world”

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