Always Yours

Chapter 9

School was almost over for the weekend. A few more minutes left. I was itching to get home. My mom believed that I was staying with Alice. That we were going to have a girl’s night, watch movies, eat junk food. She even gave me money for snacks.

She knew nothing about the date. Still thought I cancelled. Don’t get me wrong the guilt was eating me up inside for lying but I was going through with it. My mom was too focused on work to notice.

The bell rang and I was straight out the door. Alice was waiting by our lockers with Tommy. She was giving me a lift home to get my things and then it was straight back to hers.

“Princess”. Tommy smirked.

I rolled my eyes. I hated him for what he did to Alice but in his own way he was alright, and he was always nice to me.

“So, have you decided what you’re wearing tonight?”. She slipped her arm through mine as we headed outside.

“Casual, probably jeans”. It was a football game and I wanted to be comfy.

“What about a dress? You could wear one of mine?”.

“To a football game?”. I frowned. “And it’s going to be cold later”. We were still getting over the storm. The rain had stopped but it wasn’t any warmer.

“You want to look hot right?”.

“No”. I wanted to be warm and comfortable.

Tommy laughed. “Aye he’s sure picked the right girl”.

I ignored his comment, and the glare Alice was giving him. “I’ll give you two a minute”. I went and stood by her car.

“You do know he was referring to Franko, don’t you?”.

“I thought as much”. I clipped my seatbelt into place as she started the car. “But I don’t care. I’m going on a date with Ben not Franko”.

“Can I bring Tommy tonight?”.

I shrugged. She was only coming so I wasn’t standing by myself. She could bring whoever she wanted. “Does Tommy even like football?”.

“Probably not but you need me, and he’s got some grovelling to do to get back on my good side”.

“Please tell me you know what you’re doing”.

“You don’t have to worry about me Aubrey. We like each other but we’ve decided to keep things casual”.


So, Tommy still wasn’t making her his girlfriend. That was only going to end in one way. Alice had been my best friend for years. The way she used to talk about love and finding the one. She didn’t do casual but for once I was keeping my mouth shut.

“As long as you’re happy”.

“I am and the sex is great”. She grinned.

Of course, because that was the most important part. I rolled my eyes as she pulled up outside my house.

“I thought your mom was working late?”.

“So, did I. I won’t be long”.

I made my way inside. My mom was in the kitchen cooking dinner. This has got to be the first time in forever that she has been home before me.

“Hey sweetheart”.

“Hey”. I wasn’t sure if I should question why she was home. I decided against it. I didn’t need another lecture. “Is it still okay for me to stay with Alice?”.

“Of course, you girls have fun and I’ll see you when I’m home from work tomorrow”.

I noticed the wine glass and the empty bottle of wine by the sink. “Mom is everything okay?”.

“Everything is fine Aubrey. Go, have fun. I love you”.

“I love you too”.

Something was wrong but I didn’t push to find out. I knew better than that. I collected the bag I had packed last night and left. The feeling in my stomach told me something had happened.

“Everything okay?”. Alice asked.

“Yeah”. I smiled.


I should be nervous, but I wasn’t.

“I love the leather jacket”. Alice grinned. “And the boots”.

She may think I couldn’t dress myself, but I could. My fashion sense may not be great, but I knew how to put together an outfit.

“Has the rain stopped?”.

“No but we need to head downstairs. Tommy should be here any second”. The sound of a horn blasted outside; Tommy was here.

As we made our way downstairs, I grabbed a hold of her elbow and stopped her from opening the front door. “it’s just Tommy, right?”. I was afraid the devil himself would be with him.

“Franko is sick so stop worrying. He isn’t going to ruin your date”.

“Would he do that?” I asked.

“Aubrey”. She sighed. “Stop thinking about Franko and think about Ben. Are you nervous?”. The horn blasted again.

Someone was a little impatient.

“Surprisingly no”. Maybe that was a sign that this date was pointless. Or maybe she was right. I had to get Franko out of my head. We made our way outside and walked to where he was parked.

Franko wasn’t with him, but Brian was. I smiled at him as I got in the back seat. Yeah, because this wasn’t awkward. Why was Brian here?

“You don’t mind if bear tags along do you Aubrey?”. Tommy asked.



I couldn’t hear myself think. The loudness of the music blasting in the car was giving me a headache. Thankfully the ride didn’t take long. As he pulled into the school parking lot, I pulled off my seatbelt.

“You girls go ahead. We’ll catch up”.

Alice slipped her arm through mine as we made our way round the back of the school. It was loud and filled with loads of people. The buzz surrounding us was amazing.

“Are you hungry?”. Alice asked.

I was too busy searching the field looking for Ben. I wanted him to know that I was here. Once I spotted him, I smiled and waved. Alice was right, he was handsome.


“Sorry, what?”.

“Do you want something to eat?”.

“No but could you get me a drink?”. I didn’t want to leave, and the game was about to start. I wasn’t a fan of it, but I didn’t want to miss it.

“Diet coke?”.

“Yes please”.

I had no idea what was going on. Truth be told I was bored. I tried to follow what was happening, but I didn’t understand how it worked. As much as I wanted to get riled up and be excited I couldn’t.

A diet coke was waved in front of my face. “Thank god I thought-…” The words caught in my throat when I released it wasn’t Alice.

I thought he was sick?

“Where’s Alice?”.

“Fuck if I know”.

I turned my head focusing back on the game. He wasn’t happy and when he wasn’t happy, he could be a right dick. I felt on edge, uneasy and maybe even a little uncomfortable.

“So, you won’t go on a date with me, but you’ll go on a date with him?”.

I swallowed the lump that appeared in the back of my throat.

“Tell me darling, how fucking bored are you right now?”.

“I’m not”.

A laugh fell from his lips. “You’re a real bad liar Aubrey. Leave with me, I’ll show you what a first date is supposed to be like”.

“No”. I could feel his eyes bore into the side of my head. I refused to look at him. He had some nerve showing up here in the first place. In that moment I was glad Ben was on the field.

“You’re never gonna give me a chance, are you?”.

“I told you before you don’t want to date me Franko and I won’t be one of those girls”. His reputation with girls itself was off-putting. I wouldn’t be fooled into thinking he cared about me.

I wouldn’t let his charm win me over.

“I like you Aubrey but fuck if I’m gonna keep wasting my time on ye”.From NôvelDrama.Org.

My stomach tightened as I turned to look at him. Maybe he was being genuine, but I was afraid to take the chance in case it was all a joke. “Franko I-…”.

“Forget it princess. You enjoy your date”.

I got the spark; he caused the butterflies in my stomach and yet I continuously turned him down. I chewed the inside of my cheek as I felt myself becoming upset.

Cards on the table I like being around him. I like how safe he makes me feel when I’m with him. I could potentially be turning down the love of my life and for what?

My parents?

“So, Tommy wants-… Hey what’s wrong?”. Alice grabbed my hand making me look at her. “You’re crying”.

“I’m fine”. I wiped my eyes. “But is it okay if we leave?”.

“What about Ben?”.

Oh, right.

“Head out front I’ll tell Ben you weren’t feeling good”.

“I like him Alice, but I’m scared”.

“Scared of Ben?”. She frowned.

“Franko, I like Franko”.

“Well, it’s about time you admitted it. If you’re quick, you’ll be able to catch him before he leaves”.

Yeah, I managed to catch him alright.

He was sucking face with some red head.

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